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Quotes / Trilogy Creep

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A Trilogy in Four Parts

The fifth book in the increasingly inaccurately-named Hitchhiker's Trilogy.

The worst book in a trilogy is the fourth.

You either die a trilogy, or live long enough to see yourself become Batman & Robin.
YouTube comment, and Shout-Out to The Dark Knight

To be concluded... in Part 5/4

Despite the director tossing around the word “reboot” (a term that has come to mean “please just forget about the bad movies that have come before”), “Age of Extinction” is a direct sequel to the original trilogy.

"Assassin's Creed is not a series of individual games anymore. Assassin's Creed is a fucking line graph. The line went down a bit for AssCreed III, but now it's gone back up again, and maybe it'll keep going up in the next one — or maybe it'll take another plunge. What I do know is that this line graph is being drawn on what appears to be a very depressingly-long piece of paper, at the end of which stands Ubisoft (and I do not like the look of that stapler it's holding).'

"There used to be only three stupid Resident Evil movies, but Paul Anderson just had to make another! And we don't know where the point is!

"For Baen trilogies, three is an imaginary number."
David Weber, at the "Baen Traveling Road Show" panel, Libertycon 2017

"Things have changed. The market's tough. I'm sure you can understand why our beloved parent company, Warner Bros., has decided to make a sequel to the trilogy."
Agent Smith, The Matrix Resurrections

Issue #100 in a four-issue limited series.

"In science fiction, I can't count."
