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Quotes / It's What I Do

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"People talk too much about moral and immoral, right and wrong, good and evil. I do what I do, I k-k-kill. It is simply my nature, my raison d'etre."

"I did warn you not to trust me."
Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish, A Game of Thrones

"You will not understand this," she said, "and it is even right that you will not understand this, given your profession, but I will try to explain. This is what I do. Worlds are made to be pressed for their wine, cities taste of fruit when I bite them open. I cannot let go of my conquests."
Effigy Nights by Yoon Ha Lee.


If you asked Old Garrett why he stole, he'd answer "'cause I need to pay rent, and it's the only thing I'm good at, so shut up and let go of your wallet." New Garrett would (and indeed does) give the answer "Because it's what I do." No, Garrett, it's what you are currently doing.

"Hey, Yahtzee, why are you kicking New Garrett in the stomach?"
"Because it's what I'm currently doing!"

Jade: You lied to me! You used me!
Hsi Wu: Hint is in the word demon.

Rick Flag: Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you people?
Harley Quinn: We're bad guys, it's what we do.

Will Turner: You cheated!
Captain Jack Sparrow: Pirate.

Batman: The night's not over yet. There's more work to be done.
Catwoman: Of course there is. You do know how to kill the mood. Do you ever take the night off? Do you ever take the suit off?
Batman: Not on nights like this, Selina. It's what I do.
Catwoman: Fine! I guess I'll hit an art gallery or two while the big bad Bat's distracted.
Batman: You're not going to thank me?
Catwoman: Why? It's what you do.

Kin: You haven't told me why the Builders built.
The Computers: Humans are inquisitive. That is a fact of their humanity. The beings that built this universe did so because it was unthinkable that they should not. Creation is not something that gods do, it is something that they are.

"I wanted to kill Roy, because it's what I do. It's who I am. I spent six years in the darkness, and I looked into the eyes of the Devil, and I gave him my soul."
Sara Lance, Arrow, "Seeing Red"

Glitch: Ha ha! I managed to stop myself! I'm free at last! Again...
Game: Now can you get us out of here?
Glitch: Of course not!
Game: I knew it! We shouldn’t have trusted you.
Glitch: I'm a glitch, Game. Messing with you is my thing!

Mobius: You're really good at doing awful things, and then just getting away.
Loki: [bitterly] What can I say? I'm a mischievous scamp.
Loki, "Glorious Purpose"

Jean: "So where were you during the battle?"
Ahem: "Y'mean, why wasn't I in the fight with the two giant space demigod things? Ha! Ha! Ha!! You're funny!"

Shocker: Don't you mock me, boy!
Spider-Man: Hey, I mock. I'm a mocker. Also a puller, a tugger, a yanker...

Fan Long: If you do lose everything!
Johnny Cloud: That's what we do.

Charlotte: All you're worried about is your job, and you do it right. And that's all you do. You're just a professional bastard.
Calvert: In the words of a late friend of mine—it's what I do well.
