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Playing With / Going Fur a Swim

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Basic Trope: Pretty in Mink (or sometimes Fluffy Fashion Feathers) paired with swimwear means very luxurious Fanservice.
  • Straight: Alice, wearing a white fox coat, walks up to her boyfriend Bob, and does Sexy Coat Flashing to show her string bikini underneath.
  • Exaggerated: Alice owns a fur coat for every other swimsuit she has. The rest are paired with fur wraps for evening wear.
  • Downplayed: Alice is wearing jeans and winter boots, but she is wearing a bikini top under her fur jacket.
  • Justified:
    • The fur and the swimsuit were sold as a single online deal. Alice just thought it would be fun to try them both.
    • Alice is visiting a winter resort with a hot springs. The fur just makes sense after she gets out and dries off.
    • Bob is a magician, and Alice is his Lovely Assistant. She finds that a two piece, paired with a fur wrap, makes the best way to draw the audience's attention while Bob sets up his tricks.
    • Alice is a model, and she's showing off a fur made from a new breed of minks where the pelts are waterproof. She even poses while swimming with the coat.
    • Alice's pets like to go swimming, and she takes them to the beach, wrapped around her as a Live Mink Coat, since it's an exception to city ordinances about taking pets there.
  • Inverted: Alice wears long wool underwear under a beach towel.
  • Gender Inverted: Bob wears swim trunks under his Pimp Duds.
  • Subverted: Alice opens up her fur, but she's wearing lingerie under it.
  • Double Subverted: This lingerie also doubles as swimwear.
  • Parodied:
    • Alice wears a fur coat over her diving suit.
    • Alice is a princess in an equatorial kingdom, and her regalia includes a white ermine coat, a pink bikini, and a tiara with a pair of swim goggles attached.
    • Local ordinances won't allow Alice to be Naked in Mink at the beach, so she has to wear something.
    • Winter storms make the wildest waves, so Alice wears fur coats while surfing.
  • Zig Zagged: Bob hypnotizes Alice on a stage show at the beach. When she hears the word "surf", she will alternate between feeling too warm, and too chilly. So all night, while she has a one piece suit on, she keeps taking her fur on and off.
  • Averted: Alice just wears her fur with normal clothes.
  • Enforced: Alice's actress just lost a lot of weight, and asks the producer to write a scene where she surprises the audience with her new figure. She even wears an 80s style lynx coat that's a size too large, just to make her look bulkier until The Reveal.
  • Lampshaded: "I don't care if I can't swim in this. I just want to feel pretty and glamorous!"
  • Invoked: The local Eccentric Fashion Designer creates a fur lined wrap skirt to attach to the waist on a swimsuit, so the new trend is rich ladies wearing these at posh pool parties.
  • Exploited:
    • Alice refuses to wear this outfit for Bob right now, as it's a heat wave. This finally convinces him to get their home's air conditioning repaired.
    • Alice's company sells luxury swimwear, so often ads will have the models also wearing furs, with ads claiming the swimsuits feel as soft and luxurious as fur. Though Alice's company doesn't sell furs, this makes a great cross-promotion with a company that does.
  • Defied: Alice thinks this kind of outfit is disgusting. She was raised better than to wear skimpy clothing in that manner.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: "Clearly the appeal of this ensemble is its dichotomy. Note how the fur coat represents the winter, and the swimming outfit represents the summer. Therefore women who wear these are clearly dealing with a psychological yin and yang through..."
  • Implied: Alice wears a fur coat without showing what's underneath, but since she's at the beach, we can guess.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Bob sees Alice flashing her fur, and thinks she looks silly, like a floozy trying too hard to look glamorous. Alice reconsiders how she should dress from now on.
    • Alice falls off the boat and is unable or unwilling to remove the coat as it takes in water and drags her down.
  • Reconstructed:
    • Bob thought such an outfit was outdated, but Alice's brazen confidence in wearing it shows that even old stuff can be modern if done right.
    • Bob saves Alice, who makes sure to avoid wearing fur near oceans again.
  • Played For Laughs:
    • Alice flashes her fur to Bob, to show her bikini underneath, and she wears a snorkel while they make love.
    • When Bob asks why Alice will only wear a white fur with a swimsuit, Alice say's it's of course because it's before Labor Day.
    • Alice wears a 19th century style fur, to wear over her old-timey swimsuit.
    • Alice is half Inuit, and half Polynesian, and she gets smiles and laughs from her family when she says this outfit is to celebrate her heritage.
  • Played For Drama: Alice has had low self esteem all her life. She's convinced by her friends to just try wearing this for Bob, and when Bob is clearly turned on by her wearing this, she can barely hold back tears of joy.
  • Played For Horror: Bob is cheating on his wife with a woman dressed like this. It turns out she's a succubus.

Here's a nice mink to wear while you're Going Fur a Swim.
