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Nightmare Fuel / Mysticons

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Necrafa is alive!

Not a day has gone by when the Realm was safe.

  • When the Shadow mage, Tazma is introduced, she disguises herself as part of Zarya's shadow. Her shadow moves with her, but after a moment, it moves on its own.
  • Dreadbane making himself known after Queen Goodfey attacks him. His jaw snaps off. Even though he's an undead baron, it's unnerving that his mouth still moves before he cracks his dislodged jaw back into place.
  • The petrification scene of Darius and Queen Goodfey. The way their bodies just stop seems unnerving.
    • We later see a nightmare Arkayna has in Episode 2 when she dreams the same thing happening to her.
  • Episode 2 opens with Arkayna's nightmare of her mom turned to stone speaking to her "How can you protect the realm if you couldn't protect me?" followed by her face collapsing inward. The scene is very ominous, with Dreadbane killing the guards to get to the throne room, and none of the Mysticons come to Arkayna's aid. It gets scarier with Dreadbane No-Selling her attacks and breaking her staff before turning her to stone.
  • Tazma's curse on Zarya in episode 10. The way the dark veins grow on her is unsettling.
  • There's also Auntie Yaga, when someone gets on her bad side. She doesn't unleash a powerful frenzy of energy, she grows to giant size.
  • The Gumlumps. While one may seem harmless at first, it is shown that they can multiply… by eating off of magic, and Drake City is full of it. The minute they touch the Codex Pieces, they multiply by a ton, and they leave Malvaron weakened for the majority of the episode.
    • And then they touch the Mysticons. Everything about them is magic, so the Gumlumps are the only ones to take them down in seconds.
  • A minor one, possibly Played for Laughs, but in this universe, the demon Cthulhu is real.
    • And when Piper shows her Cthulhu Tentacle, she says it came from one. How many are there in the realm?
      • Even worse, when the Gumlumps steal its power, it doesn't multiply into two or three, but at least ten times.
  • The Mysticons infiltrate Dreadbane's lair. As if the place isn't chilling enough, try feeling the fear Arkayna (and Tazma in Episode 9 when she sees Necrafa's ghostly face appear from the portal.
  • Necrafa's Nightmare Face attack. Not only is it unnerving, but it can unleash sonic blasts that can blow anyone away. When she uses it against the Skeletal Army, it turns them into creatures that make the Flying Monkeys look nice.
  • The result of teleportation merges two people together.
  • Piper's alternate timeline opens up with an eerie-sounding announcement "Welcome to Drake City, the safest utopia in the realm". Before changing the timeline, Drake City was under martial law. Hearing it suddenly say it's a nice place makes it sound creepy.
  • Lance o'Lovely. He was once a backup singer for a banshee named Vesper but turned on her for his own fame. In Season 1, we saw him with the rest of the band. At the end of the episode, Vesper's voice is restored, and while it is a happy moment, she is the only remaining band member. And think about how Lance got his power. He claims that the other members left, but take his cruelty into account, and you'll realize he may have murdered them.
  • The Phantom Claw. It not only gives a feeling of heartburn, but from how it's depicted, it eats away at you slowly.
  • How does Tazma get even with Kymraw for double-crossing her? She takes control of her and the Road Rangers' eyes.
  • Episode 20, Arkayna going into Unstoppable Rage when she finds out Nova Terron separated her from her lost twin sister. Her eyes glow white, and not even the other Mysticons can stop her. At one point, she tries to kill Nova Terron.
  • Necrafa's mask fragment is basically a One Ring styled Artifact of Doom, but it doesn't need to be worn to corrupt and twist you. It eventually ends up corrupting Proxima and driving her to revenge for the Yank the Dog's Chain moment where she thought she had found her family.
  • Necrafa and her mask turn out to be servants of a greater evil, the one Captain Kaos made a Deal with the Devil with in order to escape the island he was marooned on by Zarya and Kitty, and Mallory, who has taken over from Proxima as the Big Bad, has unleashed it on Drake City! The people its red energy tentacles grab just vanish, and considering how Kaos said that it wanted souls...
  • The Spectral Hand is released from its prison, and it turns out to be a giant Eldritch Abomination that seemingly nothing can stop!
