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Funny / Rocket Power

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  • Super Squid: Where Sammy made himself into The Ace and made his friends look like idiots. Perhaps the best part was in the Shore Shack level.
    "You've been caught in one of Ramondo's boring 60s flashbacks."
    • Also, "Never drink the milk from a coconut you found in the dark."
    Tito: (looking very confused) What? The ancient Hawaiians never said that!
    Reggie: "A coconut in the dark!" (As everyone else laughs)
    • After the above, Tito gives Sam equally odd advice, which is lampshaded by Ray:
    Ray: 'Some coconuts have thicker shells than others?' He should've put that in the game! Bet no one could translate that into English!
  • Tito is sick and Reggie and Otto, who has a skate competition, have to help Ray run the shack. Twister tries to convince Reggie to cover for Otto, leading to this:
    Twister: Cover for him, Reg, he is your brother.
    Reggie: Would you cover for your brother?
    (Cue Twister shutting up)
  • Tito and Raymundo can't put up a tent and Tito says this gem.
    "Why don't we throw Tent A into ocean B?"
  • The Great Sandcastle Race: Who ends up winning the sandcastle contest? A five-year-old-girl who was the only one who actually made a sandcastle.
    Mackenzie: (smugly, while leaving with the trophy) How does it feel to be beat by a five-year-old, lame-o's?
    • Everyone else had made fantastic sculptures (including a perpetual motion device), but it was a sandcastle contest, so they had to give her the prize.
    • "That's the spirit!"
  • The Ice Queens, when Otto is knocked over by a much larger opponent:
    "Why don't you pick on someone with your own steroid dosage?
  • When the kids go to a waterpark, and Twister finds a map with an arrow pointing to his location, saying "You Are Here":
    Twister: "Wow, how does it know!?"
    • Also in the same episode, Twister and Sam accidentally let out a bunch of penguins from their exhibit and they followed them (or rather Sam in his penguin-like poncho) to the water slide.
    • At the end, for their punishment, the kids are forced to move piles upon piles of squids in buckets.
    Twister: (to Sam) I'm never calling you Squid again!
  • In "Island of the Menehune", where the gang goes to Hawaii, Sam takes a small tiki statue from a Menehune temple and they start experiencing a string of misfortunes. When Otto and Reggie are trapped in a flooding cave after surfing the Banzai Pipeline, Sam freaks out and admits what he's done.
    Sam: I pulled a Bobby Brady, dude!
  • Lame-o the clown's "balloon animals"
    Lame-o: Hey, I bet you'd just love a balloon animal. One with four legs and does tricks.
    Sam: A seal?
    Lame-o: Doggie it is!
    • What makes this even funnier is the "doggie" is actually a balloon square.
    • In the same episode, there is the ride operator who keeps laughing like a maniac.
  • In the episode "Down The Drain":
    • Otto getting some massive air time...only to make a crash landing.
      Twister: Oh, the humanity, so much air, so much air!...whoa, too much air, TOO MUCH AIR!
    • Earlier, the kids drained the water out of the Stimpletons' pool, which they were tasked with keeping watch over while the Stimpletons were away. Unfortunately, they find out that instead of draining the pool into a storm drain, the hose redirected into the Rockets' basement, where all the pool water ends up. Otto has an Oh, Crap! moment while Reggie gets pissed off about it.
      Reggie: "You turned our basement into an aquarium!"
    • The kids decide to fix the flooded basement issue by simply sucking out all the water. Which only ends up creating a new problem: a lot of the stuff down there ends up in the pool too. Ray comes by to freeload off the pool, only to discover his belongings there and is left puzzled (as he doesn't know what happened). Merv comes home, sees him in the pool, and lets out a fit of Angrish. It's implied that Ray realizes what happened, because in the next shot...
      Merv and Ray: "REGGIE!!" (the kids gasp and run off together)
  • "You could take a SHORTCUT!"
  • The following:
    Tourist: What is this "fish taco"?
    Ray: Flounder with pico de gallo in a flour tortilla.
    Tourist: Oh. What's pico de gallo?
    Ray: (irritated) Hot salsa.
    Tourist: Is a fish taco shaped like a fish?
    Ray: SURE! WHATEVER! Now is that what you want!?
    Tourist: Oh, no! I'll have a cheeseburger!
    Tourist's daughter: Try living with him.
  • The episode wherein Tito says he stepped on a piece of lava. Of course, the kids look at him skeptically.
  • In "Double-O Twistervision", where the main cast produce and show a movie full of ad-libs, Special Effect Failure, and blatantly-read lines:
    Lars (playing the role of the Big Bad): TWO DORKS ENTER, ONE DORK LEAVES!! Sorry about the "dork" crack, Mr. Rocket.
  • In "Lost and Find", Twister and Sam run into Toga Man while helping Mackenzie find her parents. Mackenzie gets sick of Toga Man's singing, so she strips him of his toga and whips him with it.
    Toga Man: My toga! Please!
  • Any time Eddie tries to act tough using his Prince of the Netherworld persona.
  • In "Super McVarial 900", Otto practices the titular move over and over, despite Sam's computer simulation indicating that it's impossible, and despite his repeated failures refuses to accept that the move is simply beyond his skill level. During all of this, Merv and Violet are doing some work around the yard and Merv complains that the pool's water level is too high. As if on cue, Otto comes crashing into the pool, much to Merv's wrath. When Otto climbs out of the pool, Violet happily reports that the pool's water level has reduced to acceptable levels.
  • In "Typhoid Sam":
    • Otto basically sums up disease immunity:
      Otto: Wait a minute. You're telling me Sam's not sick 'cause he's always sick, and we're sick 'cause we're never sick? That's sick! (rim shot)
      Ray: He's delirious.
      Doctor: But right.
    • The remedies for Fiji Flu include pineapple soup and hot fruit punch.
  • In "Skate Wars", the kids arrive on the set of a skateboarding movie being filmed, and they notice an aquarium. They explain that the glass is in fact made of sugar so that the actors don't get hurt breaking through it. Sam proceeds to lick the glass.
  • "Safety Patrol Sam": Sam gets very rigid with the rules, handing out citations to his friends, the Stimpletons, and anyone else in his path. Ray and Tito don't see what the big deal is, especially when everyone else gasps in shock over Sam suddenly entering.
    Tito: [feigning surprise] It's Johnny Law! Let's beat it!
    [Ray and Tito start laughing]
    • Amid the kids' arguing, Tito just can't resist a TV reference: "Book 'em, Sammo."
