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Fanfic / Luz Noceda, Wielder of the Omnitrix

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Luz Noceda, Wielder of the Omnitrix is a crossover between The Owl House and Ben 10, where Luz takes up the Omnitrix again right in time to end up in the Boiling Isles.

  • Accidental Truth: When Lilith asks Belos what kind of heartless thing would ask someone to stand by while their sibling was executed, Eda makes a comment about how Belos likely killed his own family for his own twisted cause. Given what's revealed in canon about Belos, and Belos's reaction to that remark, Eda was more accurate than she knows.
  • Achievements in Ignorance: When talking to Amity about how unlocking new forms in the Omnitrix works, giving her an example of what she might do, Luz manages to accidentally re-unlock Heatblast without even meaning to.
  • Adaptational Badass:
    • Luz is the bearer of the Omnitrix here, making her much stronger than she was in canon. Even without the Omnitrix, she's had self-defense training that lets her take down the guard that tries to arrest her for talking to Eda with ease.
    • Hunter gets an Evil Knockoff of the Demonitrix implanted onto him, giving him the ability to transform into ten Demon Realm creatures.
    • Jacob was just a random Conspiracy Theorist in canon, who only really captured Vee by sheer luck. Here he's associated with the Forever Knights, and manages to use a gas grenade to capture the young Basilisk girl, knocking out Luz in the process (though he still caught her off guard) and would probably get stomped in a direct fight.
  • Adaptational Intelligence: Luz's previous hero work has made her somewhat more thoughtful than in canon. For instance, she notices that Lilith used a power glyph on Amity in their duel, but makes sure that she doesn't reveal it until she and Amity are alone to keep it from becoming public knowledge.
  • Adaptational Villainy: In canon Jacob was just a kook Conspiracy Theorist who delusionally thought that he was a hero defending humanity. Here, he's a member of the Forever Knights.
  • Adapted Out: Thanks to Luz being more certain about her future in this AU, she manages to bond with one of the Bat Queen's Palismen, a bat called Babs, instead of needing to carve her own, so Stringbean doesn't exist here.
  • Armor-Piercing Question:
    • In Chapter 16, Luz gets Gus and Willow to think by asking what real proof there is that Belos does speak with the Titan. Amity also does the same during the castle tour, and Kikimora quickly changes the subject after giving a token answer.
    • Luz gives Odalia several in Chapter 20. First she asks what the other incidents Odalia is supposedly concerned about besides the Abomination one and Grom when she's forcing Bump to expel them, then later she asks why neither Odalia or Alador are in the Emperor's Coven, and when Odalia says that Lilith took the only slot that year she asks why they didn't simply try the next year.
    • In Chapter 23, when Luz hears about how Hunter put on the Demonitrix despite it having driven insane, or even killed, every other witch who tried it, she asks if he volunteered to try it truly by himself, or if Belos manipulated him into it by guilt-tripping him via mentioning all the things that Belos has supposedly done for him. Hunter's silence at the question is all the answer that Luz needs.
  • Armor-Piercing Response:
    • When Zs'Skayr gets mad at Inner Luz for always referring to him as "Ghostfreak", she points out that he never once actually corrected her before now, even if he didn't respond to the name, prompting a Jaw Drop as he realizes that he can't argue her point.
    • When Luz makes her Armor-Piercing Question to Willow and Gus as to if there's actual proof that Belos really can speak for the Titan, Gus tries to reply with how powerful Belos is and how he's never been defeated, only for Luz to counter that that can easily be explained how he's had decades to practice every kind of magic, as well as Ability Mixing between different types, pointing out that Eda, who similarly practices whatever kind of magic she wants, is skilled enough that if Belos wasn't around, she'd easily outstrip Lilith and be the most powerful witch on the Isles. Gus and Willow are rendered speechless by this.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Luz is a kind and sweet girl much like in canon, but cross a certain line and she's done being merciful. For instance, when fighting against a Millgan working for Zs'Skayr, who had killed and eaten several NASA scientists, she brutally tears off its head as Ripjaws.
  • Big Bad Ensemble: While Belos is still the main villain of the Demon Realm's side of the story, the Highbreed and DNAliens are active and posing a threat on Earth as well.
  • Composite Character: Luz is crossed with Ben as the bearer of the Omnitrix with Plumber relatives, obviously.
  • Death of Personality: Although there's still a version of him out there, the copy of Zs'Skayr's personality is completely deleted from the Omnitrix thanks to Inner Luz, Amity, and Willow luring him into a massive light glyph, allowing Luz to regain Ghostfreak without having to deal with him.
  • Decomposite Character: Grandpa Max's traits seem to be split between Luz's father Manny and his brother Ray.
  • Evil Knockoff: The "Demonitrix" Belos has created is a magical knockoff of the Omnitrix Belos has created using a memory photo of when Luz first obtained the device. It's implanted onto Hunter, who is the only Emperor's Coven member to avoid being driven insane by it, as the DNA samples of the creatures within carries their own will. Luz lampshades that Azmuth would be infuriated to see such a knockoff, and makes sure to try and tell him about it at the first chance she gets when she learns that it's driven people mad, or even killed them.
  • Expy: Hunter's "Nethershade" form seems to be based on a dementor, complete with draining life force from foes.
  • I Know Your True Name: When Amity is skeptical about Charmcaster's name, Luz explains that the theory is that she believes that names have power so she goes by Charmcaster as a placeholder.
  • In Spite of a Nail: Despite the fact that Luz has cured the curse, separating the Owl Beast and Eda, Lilith is still able to capture Eda by using Luz as a hostage, as Eda's magic still hasn't fully recovered by the time of the fight.
  • Jaw Drop: Zs'Skayr's mouth goes agape when Inner Luz points out that he never corrected her on his real name all those times that she called him Ghostfreak, realizing that she has him there.
  • Logical Weakness:
    • Since Luz's Ghostfreak form has no mana, Hunter's Nethershade form is unable to harm her with his Life Drain powers.
    • Since the Abomitons are made with Abomination matter, they are naturally vulnerable to Abomination magic, something that gets pointed out after the initial demonstration. In addition, since it's still powered by magical energy, a Basilisk can easily drain it.
    • If Kevin was to absorb the properties of Amity's Abomination matter after she uses it to restrain him, he'd just be letting her puppet him around.
  • Oblivious to Love: Luz had a crush on Kevin when they first met as kids, but he was totally unaware until he was told about it years later.
  • Pass the Popcorn: When Eda and Lilith infiltrate the Blight Industries demonstration show where Luz will be under illusionary disguises, they've passed themselves off as vendors selling popcorn to the guests.
  • Relationship Upgrade: Luz and Amity officially get together at Grom after defeating Grometheus.
  • Sneeze Cut: In "Escaping Expulsion", when Luz and company surprise Bump, he cries out "Son of the Titan", and King is shown to sneeze.
  • Wham Episode: Chapter 18, besides officially introducing Vee and giving Luz a Basilisk form, has hints of the Highbreed invasion going on.
  • What If?: The core idea of the story is that Luz ended up with the Omnitrix when she was ten, which causes some changes with Luz’s adventures in the Demon Realm.
  • Why Didn't I Think of That?: After the Wailing Star passes, Amity points out that Luz could have used it to make Azmuth appear and unlock all her aliens. Luz smacks herself for not thinking of that, saying that she must be off her game.
