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Fanfic / Abby And Owen's Partnership

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Abby and Owen's Partnership is a series of fics set in a alternative continuity of the film Let Me In.

The main fics in this series are “Let Me In- Kenny's attack” and “A Years Journey”. The main story has 24 chapters, while the short story only has one.

Abby and Owen's Partnership’s series contains examples of:

  • Bittersweet Ending: The ending of Kenny's Attack, Owens suffered a mortal wound, forcing Abby to change him into a vampire sooner than she had wanted, and suffered enormously beforehand, Thomas is dead at Kennys hand but the story ends with Abby and Owen as a loving couple.
  • Cold-Blooded Torture: What Kenny subjects Owen to in the opening two chapters. He humiliates him, scourges him with his antenna and beats him to a pulp.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Quite a few, Jimmy is eaten alive by Abby, Kenny has his throat ripped out by Abby, Thomas is stabbed by Kenny before being brutally beaten and left to linger slowly
  • The Cutie: A lot of people assume this to be true of Owen due to his looks and shy nature but the truth is more complicated. While he is a very sweet, trusting and friendly boy he does have a dark side. For example, in one scene a nurse assumes hes playing innocently while hes actually fantasizing about brutally stabbing Kenny to death.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: The reason Kenny beats Owen half to death? He blamed him for being pretty and judging that to be the reason he has a crush on him.
  • Deliberate Values Dissonance: Since its the 80s there a few examples. Owen is horrified when someone suggests he might need some therapy thinking they're implying hes insane, his father drops some racial slurs when he mentions he wants to take up Judo to learn how to defend himself, its mentioned the school turned a blind eye to the bullying Owen endured.
  • Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: Owens paleness is emphasized repeatedly. Its not portrayed as a good thing, several characters think he looks sickly and his father mentions people often mistakenly think he has anemia.
  • Enter Stage Window: As Owens hospitalized and spends a large amount of the stories time in a fifth story room, Abby visits him quite a few times using this method. It alerts Owen that theres something deeply unnatural about Abby.
  • Eye Scream:
    • In the conclusion of the long story Owen defends himself by striking Kenny across the face with a broken metal toy. The resulting blow ends up ripping off his left eyelids
    • Owen due to his beating is described as having injured eyes, with one swollen completely shut and the other raw and bloodshot.
  • Feeling Their Age: Thomas, hes painfully aware he's only capable of serving as Abby's familiar for a few more years.
  • Glowing Eyes: In her vampiric form Abby has yellow eyes that are noted to be seemingly glowing at times.
  • Growing Up Sucks: Thomas is very bitter about having grown into an old man, while Abby has stayed the same age.
  • Must Be Invited: Like in the film Abbys cant enter private property without an invitation. It happens in the most horrifically unfortunate time when Kennys alone in an apartment with Owen
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Kenny subjects Owen to this at the beginning of the story. Its so bad he urinates blood in later chapters and his face is so injured hes described as barely looking human.
  • Nothing but Skin and Bones: Owen is an extremely scrawny boy. Other characters are disturbed by how emaciated his body is, Mr.Zoric mentions he cant recall any boy he knew growing up in the Soviet Union looking so skinny, a nurse who examines him is unsettled, and when his fathers sees him hes horrified at how underweight his son looks.
  • Pop-Cultural Osmosis Failure: Like in the movie Abby has a very limited range of knowledge of pop culture. This results in her being utterly confused when Owen begins speculating about her and her powers ie comparing her telepathy to Professor Xavier from the x men.
  • Pretty Boy: Quite a few characters note Owens beauty and hes described as being very fine featured. Owen himself absolutely hates his looks, thinks they make him look girly, and gets him mockery and attention from bullies.
  • The Quiet One: Owen, like in the film, due to his shyness. He tends to only speak in very short simple sentence with most people, and even with people hes comfortable with hes rather quiet. To the degree that after his beating some people initally assume he suffered brain damage.
  • The Renfield: Thomas to Abby. Its noted that it's starting to cause problems for Abby, as shes been reliant on him to hunt and bring her food for so long and shes barely paid any attention to advances in technology in the last several decades her own skills in hunting have atrophied.
  • The Resenter: Thomas to a degree. He resents Owen for the fact that he clearly has Abbys affection, not to mention shes romantically interested in him while she only saw him as a friend when they were children. Hes also jealous over Owens good looks while he was a self described plain, gangly child and has now aged into an old man.
  • Sleeps in the Nude: Due to how much pain hes in and how sensitive his skin is Owen decides to forego clothes while sleeping a few times in the hospital. He mentions he likes how it feels and might decide to sleep naked from then on. Embarrassingly for Owen, Abby decides to visit him on one of those nights.
  • Super-Strength: Abby's strength is such that she can shatter human bone like glass.
  • Teens Are Monsters: To an extent, Kennys brother Jimmy. Hes described as a thug and acts like one. However, as bad as he is, Kenny who is only 12/13 is much worse. His contributions to the plot are fairly minimum Abby bumps into him while they're both looking for Kenny, when she realizes he doesn't have any relevant information she kills him effortlessly.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Owen in the second short story, after hes been turned into a vampire by Abby. Its noted hes now one of the strongest beings on the planet and he can through a large man several meters into the air without any effort on his part.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: Played with. Owen is aware throughout the entirety of the story that theres something wrong with Abby. However, since shes his only source of companionship he doesnt really care and just guesses what Abby could be as a way to pass the time. He guesses that she might be a mutant, to Abbys bemusement and confusion.Its only when hes forced to take things more seriously ie seeing how sick Abby gets when she goes without blood, and the bodies that start piling up around Los Alamos that he starts to realise shes a vampire
