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Middle East

    United Arab Republic
Official Name: United Arab Republic, Union of Arab Syndicates (Syndicalists depose Sharaf), Federation of Arab Reoublics (Presidential Election), Greater Arab State (Hegazy proclaims the Greater Arab State), United Arab Kingdom (Monarchist)
Ruling Party: Arab Socialist Union – Nasserites
Ideology: Nasserismnote 
The UAR is a federal union between Egypt and Syria. The two nations united under the common principal of Arab socialism in the hopes of forming a larger federal republic with the other Arab nations. Recently, the union has come under threat of dissolution from both Egyptian and Syrian nationalists.
  • Allohistorical Allusion: The UAR was a real federation which lasted from 1958 and 1971. After the death of Gamal Nasser, disagreements between the Egyptians and Syrians, as the leadership and political power became increasingly more centralized to Egypt.
  • Bodyguard Betrayal: After Bashar al-Assad starts to rise in popularity in Syria, Hosni Mubarak will place al-Assad under house arrest. However, this turns out to be part of Assad's plans to dampen Egypts image in Syria. Assad will flee with the help of those guarding him, and Mubarak will be murdered by his own bodyguards.
  • Civil War: If the decision to crush Bashar al-Assad's rebellion in Syria is taken, the UAR fall into a state of civil war between Egypt and Syria.
  • Event Flag: Assad's declaration of Syria's independence kicks off the focus tree for the UAR. The government has a choice to crush the rebellion and save the union, or accept the country's fate, and dissolve the union.
  • The Federation: The UAR is a federal republic consisting of Egypt and Syria. Both have significant devolved powers, with a central government located in Cairo.
  • Spared by the Adaptation: The union was able to survive longer in Red World as a result of Hafez al-Assad's failure to united Syrians to his cause. However, at the beginning of the game, it would appear a rift in the union is inevitable.
  • We Hardly Knew You: The UAR enters crisis when Syria breaks away from the union. While the UAR can launch a military assault to bring Syria back into the fold, the Egyptians can simply accept Syrian independence and simply continue as Egypt. This brings an end to the UAR within the first year of gameplay.

Essam Sharaf
Role: Head of State
Party: Arab Socialist Union – Nasserites, Arab Socialist Union – Islamic Socialists (National Convention achieves majority for Islamic Socialist faction), Arab Socialist Union – Syndicalists (National Convention achieves majority for Syndicalist faction)
Ideology: Nasserismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show 

Ahmed el-Tayeb
Role: Head of State (el-Tayeb ousts Sharaf)
Party: Arab Socialist Union – Islamic Socialists
Ideology: Islamic Socialismnote 

Arab Trades Syndicates Assembly
Role: Head of State (Syndicalists remove Sharaf from power)
Party: Arab Socialist Union – Syndicalists
Ideology: Syndicalismnote 

Bashar al-Assad
Role: Head of State (UAR wins war, Assad is let go, Ba'ath Party wins Election against ASU), (Rleased by a National Bolshevik country)
Party: Arab Socialist Union - Assadists, Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party (Assad joins Ba'ath Party), Arab Socialist Union - National Progressive Unionists (Ba'athist Party wins election, Presidential Election - Assad elected)
Ideology: Ba'athismnote , Arab Socialismnote  (Assad left alive, Ba'ath Party wins election against ASU, Presidential Election - Assad elected)

See his entry in the Syria folder below.

Hamdeen Sabahi
Role: Head of State (Presidential Election - Sabahi elected), (Released by a Moderate Socialist country)
Party: Arab Socialist Union - National Progressive Unionists
Ideology: Arab Socialismnote 

Hassan al-Nouri
Role: Head of State (Presidential Election - al-Nouri elected)
Party: Arab Socialist Union - National Progressive Unionists
Ideology: Arab Socialismnote 

Hesham Qandil
Role: Head of State (Presidential Election - Qandil elected)
Party: Arab Socialist Union - National Progressive Unionists
Ideology: Arab Socialismnote 

Mahmoud Hegazy
Role: Head of State (Hegazy selected as Chief of Staff, Hegazy coups due to Assad being denied Election access after Ba'ath Party won)
Party: Military Clique
Ideology: Military Juntanote 

Flag of the Arab Kingdom of Syria 
Flag of the Syrian Socialist Republic 
Flag of the Syrian National State 
Official Name: Arab Republic of Syria, Fertile Crescent (House of al-Assad), Republic of Syria (Democratic), Syrian Federation (Federalists proclaim a Syrian Federation), Islamic Republic of Syria (Conservatives proclaim an Islamic Republic), Arab Kingdom of Syria (Monarchist), Islamic Kingdom of Syria (Mired Islamic Monarchy), Syrian Socialist Republic (Revolutionary Socialist), Syrian Confederation (Confederation of Syria proclaimed), Syrian Democratic Republic (Communist), Syrian National State (Fascist)
Ruling Party: Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party - Syria Region
Ideology: Ba'athismnote 
Following discontent with Egyptian centralization of power, al-Assad will lead a rebellion against the UAR. Syria can either emerge victorious in the resulting civil war, or Egypt can accept the union has dissolved, leaving Syria independent.
  • Middle Eastern Coalition: Can form a military coalition with its neighbours through various means, depending on the path chosen.
    • A Communist or Revolutionary Socialist government can "liberate" its neighbours and install a puppet regime under the same ideology.
    • The Democratic leaders will use diplomacy with its neighbours to form a military alliance with Palestine, Lebanon, and Turkey note .
  • Multiple Endings: Syria has one of the largest focus trees in game for a secondary power country, with all sorts of route it can take.
    • There are even multiple routes for the vast number of ideologies Syria can adopt.

Bashar al-Assad
King Bashar I 
Role: Head of State
Party: Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party - Syria Region, National Progressive Front - Communist Coalition (NPP Communist Coalition wins), National Progressive Front - Democratic Coalition (NPP Democratic Coalition wins), National Progressive Front - Right Coalition (Military consolidates power), House of al-Assad (Monarchist Path), National Alliance (SSNP cooperation) Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP Coalition), Syrian Social Revolutionary Party (SSNP turns leftist), Council of 20 (Corporate Fascists coup government)
Ideology: Neo-Ba'athismnote , Absolute Monarchynote  (Monarchist Path), Social Nationalismnote  (SSNP Coalition)
In-Game Biography: Click to Show 
The son of a prominent Syrian nationalist, Bashar al-Assad is working to succeed where his father failed by creating an independent Syria, then form a united Arab state under the ideology of Ba'athism. He uses Syrian discontent over Egyptian centralization of power in order to start a rebellion.Should his rebellion succeed in gaining Syrian independence, he finds himself needing to consolidate power within the newly free country. His clamor for power and strict secular policies gain him many enemies amongst the reactionary socialists, democrats and moderate islamists. He will need to either appeal to as many as possible in order to continue his reign.
  • The Alliance: If the legislature manages to get enough support, al-Assad will have to form a coalition called the National Progressive Front with one of three ideology bases. Players have a choice to form a government with the Communists, Progressives (democrats), or the Right (nationalists).
  • Authority in Name Only: If the SSNP begin to rise, they can choose to meet with Assad and assimilate him into their party. They agree to keep him as the de facto leader, while they continue to run things behind the scenes.
  • Commie Nazis: Ba'athism mixes militaristic Arab nationalism with communist economics, making is a National Bolshevik ideology in Red World. al-Assad aims to create a strong and united Pan-Arab state. While mostly averted in Red World due to Israel not forming, the Ba'athists are also staunchly anti-Zionist with accusations of antisemitism.
  • Conspicuously Public Assassination: If the far-right Syrian Social National Party (SSNP) gain support and influence in Syria, they have a choice to assassinate al-Assad in order to clear him as an obstacle for them to take power themselves.
  • Rightful King Returns: al-Assad can turn away from Ba'athism, and can instead establish a Syrian monarchy with himself as king.

Asma al-Assad
Role: Head of State (Asma succeeds Bashar), (Bashar assassinated), (SSNP win election)
Party: Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party - Syria Region, Syrian Social Nationalist Party (Bashar assassinated), Social Nationalist Party (SSNP wins election)
Ideology: Ba'athismnote , Social Nationalismnote 
The wife of Bashar al-Assad.
  • Event Flag: If the socialists gain too much support, discontent with Assad grows within the country, and Asma will be assassinated by an unknown suicide bomber. This will result in Assad falling into a deep depression, and even attempting suicide. Eventually, either the revolutionary socialists will take power, or Assad will emerge and proclaim the royal House of al-Assad.
  • Spousal Privilege: There are two examples of this concerning Asma, depending on the route taken in the focus tree.
    • First, if Assad maintains unlimited power, he can name Asma as his successor, with the rest of the Ba'athists honouring the request.
    • Second, if the SSNP assassinates Assad, Asma will be chosen by the Syrian Cabinet to take his place. However, she usually doesn't maintain power for very long, and is either forced to step down, or simply a figurehead for the SSNP leadership.

Maher al-Assad
King Maher I 
Role: Head of State (Maher coups Asma), (Queen Anisa passes away)
Party: Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party - Syria Region, House of al-Assad (Monarch)
Ideology: Ba'athismnote , Absolute Monarchynote  (Monarch)
The brother of Bashar al-Assad.

Hafez al-Assad Jr.
Role: Head of State (Hafez succeeds Bashar)
Party: Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party - Syria Region
Ideology: Ba'athismnote 
The son of Bashar al-Assad.

Fateh Jamous
Role: Head of State (Jamous elected as President)
Party: National Progressive Front – Communist Coalition
Ideology: Ba'athismnote 

Rami Makhlouf
Role: Head of State (Makhlouf elected as President)
Party: National Progressive Front – Democratic Coalition
Ideology: Ba'athismnote 

Anisa al-Assad
Queen Anisa I 
Role: Head of State (Right Coalition installs Anisa as a puppet), (Regency Council Election - Anisa al-Assad elected)
Party: National Progressive Front – Right Coalition, House of al-Assad (Monarch)
Ideology: Ba'athismnote , Absolute Monarchynote  (Monarch)
Mother of Bashar al-Assad.
  • Authority in Name Only: When the National Progressive Front forms with the Right, Bashar will be cast aside as leader, and a group of nationalist military leaders will form the de facto leadership in Syria. However, in order to keep the al-Assad's happy, they name Anisa as leader of the NPF-R. However, she holds no true power, and is simply a figure head.

Rifaat al-Assad
Role: Head of State (Rifaat coups Bashar)
Party: Rifaat Loyalists, Popular Will (Rifaat assassinated)
Ideology: Nationalism
The uncle of Bashar al-Assad and a veteran military officer. Rifaat has become discontent with his nephew's ideology and his taking near absolute power in Syria. Rifaat's popularity within the Syrian Army poses a potential threat to Bashar's leadership.
  • The Coup: The Syrian focus tree gives the option to overthrow Bashar al-Assad and Rifaat will take power instead.
  • Cincinnatus: Rifaat doesn't appear to strive for power himself, and if the democratic path is chosen in the focus tree, he will step aside to allow the Syrian Transitional Assembly to form a constitutional assembly and prepare free elections.
  • Family Drama: Rifaat is the uncle of Bashar, but does not support the Ba'athist ideology, nor does he support Bashar's taking power.

Cabinet of Syria
Role: Head of State (Rifaat assassinated), (Regency Council ended), (Bashar assassinated)
Party: Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party - Syria Region
Ideology: Neo-Ba'athismnote , Ba'athismnote  (Regency Council ended), (Bashar assassinated)

Mohammed Jihad al-Laham
Role: Head of State (Rifaat assassinated, Emergency Presidential Election - al-Laham elected)
Party: Popular Will Party - Leftist Faction
Ideology: Ultranationalismnote 

Mustafa Tlass
Role: Head of State (Rifaat assassinated, Emergency Presidential Election - Tlass elected)
Party: Popular Will Party - Military Faction, Ba'ath Remnants (SSNP wins election)
Ideology: Military Juntanote , Ba'athismnote 

Wael Nader al-Halqi
Role: Head of State (Rifaat assassinated, Emergency Presidential Election - al-Halqi elected)
Party: Popular Will Party - Rifaat Loyalists Faction
Ideology: Neo-Ba'athismnote 

Riyad Farib Hijab
Role: Head of State (Rifaat assassinated, Emergency Presidential Election - Hijab elected)
Party: Popular Will Party - Moderate Faction
Ideology: Nationalism

Suheil al-Hassan
Role: Head of State (Military coups Rifaat)
Party: Military Clique
Ideology: Military Juntanote 

Transitional Assembly
Role: Head of State (Constitutional Convention)
Ideology: Neo-Ba'athismnote 
In the democratic path of the focus tree, the Syrian Transitional Assembly is tasked with drafting a new constitution and transforming Syria to a democracy.
  • Cincinnatus: Once the transition to democracy is complete, the Transitional Assembly will step aside to make way for democratic elections.

Anas al-Abdah
Role: Head of State (Convention votes for a Republic, Presidential Election - al-Abdah Re-elected)
Party: Syrian Unionist Party
Ideology: Centrism
Anas al-Abdah is a populist, and wants to form a Syria based on cooperation regardless of ideology. He is genuinely devoted to the people of Syria, and wants to appease them as much as possible.
  • The Alliance: al-Abdah's Syrian Unionist Party is a big-tent organization consisting of Liberals, Centrists, and National Conservatives. The party's goal is to appeal to as much of the population as possible in order to form policies which will benefit the country as a whole, and create general national content.
  • Allohistorical Allusion: al-Abdah in reality is a political activist calling for the removal of Assad and replacing his regime with a democratic government. He is the current president of the Syrian Interim Governmentnote .
  • Enemy Mine: al-Abdah has united democrats of varying ideologies against the threat of leftist extremists, hardcore nationalists, religious fundamentalists, and Ba'athists.

Hassan Abdul-Azim
Role: Head of State (Presidential Election - Abdul-Azim elected)
Party: Federalists
Ideology: Social Liberalismnote 
Hassan Abdul-Azim is a reform minded politician seeking to transform Syria into a Liberal democracy. He is devoted to ending sectarian divide in the country by granting federal powers to the regional councils, and granting equal rights to all Syrians.
  • The Federation: One of the focuses provides the opportunity to form the Syrian Federation, with devolved powers to the regional governments.
  • Historical Hero Upgrade: Abdul-Azim is a Syrian political activist in our timeline. He is the founder of the National Coordination Committee for Democratic Change, who wishes to transition Syria to democracy through peaceful and diplomatic means. Abdul-Azim is also staunchly anti-sectarian, and wishes for a Syria where all are equal. In Red World, he can become President and make these dreams a reality.
  • The Republic: Instead of transforming Syria into a federation, the government of Abdul-Azim can form a liberal Republic of Syria, which still provides some federal powers to the regional governments, but less so than the Federation focus. Choosing to form a republic also changes the Liberal party name to the Republican Party of Syria.

Hadi al-Bahra
Role: Head of State (Federalists collapse)
Party: Republican Party of Syria
Ideology: Social Liberalismnote 

Ali Sadreddine Al-Bayanouni
Role: Head of State (Presidential Election - Al-Bayanouni elected)
Party: Progressive Islamic Coalition
Ideology: Islamic Democracynote 
A native of Aleppo, Ali Sadreddine Al-Bayanouni is a long time member of the Muslim Brotherhood. He is devoted to creating an Islamic Republic in Syria, albeit one still accepting and protective of ethnic and religious minorities.

Mired I
Role: Head of State (Convention votes for a Kingdom)
Party: Hashemite Dynasty
Ideology: Absolute Monarchynote 

Khawla Dunia
Role: Head of State (Asma assassinated, Socialist Revolution overthrows Bashar), (Socialist Revolution wins against Bashar Kingdom), (Socialist Revolution overthrows Syrian Cabinet)
Party: Arab Socialist Union, Syrian Democratic People's Party (Riad al-Turk offered Presidency), New Syrian Socialist Party (Riad al-Turk not offered Presidency)
Ideology: Democratic Confederalismnote 
Khawla Dunia is a former journalist, and was active in the Syrian branch of the Arab Socialist Union. Unhappy with the UAR's dissolution and al-Assad's rise to power, she has gathered fellow revolutionaries to her cause to form a socialist government in Syria.
  • Civil War: Her and her followers will eventually revolt against al-Assad to oust him from power and restore the revolutionary socialist government to Syria.
  • Historical Badass Upgrade: In our timeline, Dunia is a poet, journalist, and a humanitarian worker currently assisting Syrian refugees in Lebanon. In Red World, she will form a revolutionary socialist resistance against al-Assad.

Riad al-Turk
Role: Head of State (al-Turk offered Presidency)
Party: Democratic Front of Syria, Syrian Democratic People's Party (al-Turk offered Presidency)
Ideology: New Democracy, Luxemburgismnote  (al-Turk offered Presidency)

Regency Council
Role: Head of State (King Bashar dies in car crash)
Party: House of al-Assad
Ideology: Regencynote 

Siwar I
Role: Head of State (Regency Council Election - Siwar al-Assad elected)
Party: House of al-Assad
Ideology: Absolute Monarchynote 

Ribal I
Role: Head of State (Regency Council Election - Ribal al-Assad elected)
Party: House of al-Assad
Ideology: Absolute Monarchynote 

Hanin Nimir
Role: Head of State (Communist Revolution)
Party: Syrian Communist Party
Ideology: Marxismnote 

Ayman Asfari
Role: Head of State (Assad removed from office by Council of 20)
Party: Council of 20
Ideology: Corporatocracynote 

Ali Haidar
Role: Head of State (Asma steps aside)
Party: Syrian Social Nationalist Party
Ideology: Social Nationalismnote 

Official Name: Confederation of Palestine, Palestinean Arab Republic (National Bolshevik), Kingdom of Palestine (Monarchist), Palestinian Islamic State (Fascist)
Ruling Party: Party for Peace and Unity in Palestine
Ideology: Democratic Socialismnote 
The growing instability in the United States resulted in the cutting of foreign aid to Israel during the 1970s. Out of fear of growing tensions with its Arab neighbours, the government of Yitzhak Navon signed the Treaty of Jerusalem, forming an Israeli-Palestinian confederation. The situation within the Confederation are now relatively stable, with Arabs and Jews able to coexist. In recent years Palestinian leaders have gained significant support from both ethnic groups, with current head of state Bassam Al Salhi becoming the first elected Arab president in the 2003.
  • The Alliance: Palestine's government consists of an alliance of Palestinian and Israeli parties. Bassam Al Salhi's government consists of center-left to left-wing parties.
  • The Federation: The Confederation of Palestine is comprised of three districts: Israel, Palestine, and Jerusalem. All three have elected governors with veto power in the legislative process.

Bassam Al-Salhi
Role: Head of State
Party: Party for Peace and Unity in Palestine
Ideology: Democratic Socialismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show 

Official Name: Kingdom of Israel, National State of Israel (Fascist), State of Israel (Democratic), Socialist Republic of Israel (Revolutionary Socialist), People's Republic of Israel (Communist), Israeli People's Union (National Bolshevik)
Ruling Party: Rishon LeZion
Ideology: Absolute Monarchynote 
If Ethiopia's government turns Monarchist and decides to embrace Rastafarianism, Ethiopia will have the ability to declare war on Palestine and other Arabic states that previously composed the lands of the Babylonian Empire. If the Kingdom of Ethiopia defeats the Arabic states, they will have the ability to release the Kingdom of Israel (previously Palestine) as a puppeted state or play as it.

Yitzhak Yosef
Role: Head of State (Released by the Ethiopian Empire after conquering Palestine)
Party: Rishon LeZion
Ideology: Absolute Monarchynote 

Official Name: Republic of Jordan, Democratic Republic of Jordan (Revolutionary Socialist), Jordanian Socialist Republic (Communist), Arab Republic of Jordan (National Bolshevik), Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (Monarchist), Islamic Republic of Jordan (Fascist)
Ruling Party: National Current Party
Ideology: New Democracy

Saleh Ersheidatt
Role: Head of State
Party: National Current Party
Ideology: New Democracy
In-Game Biography: Click to Show 

Official Name: Lebanese Republic, Kingdom of Lebanon (Monarchist), Lebanese People's Republic (Revolutionary Socialist/Communist)
Ruling Party: Government of National Salvation
Ideology: Military Juntanote 

Émile Lahoud
Role: Head of State
Party: Government of National Salvation
Ideology: Military Juntanote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show 

Official Name: Republic of Cyprus, Cypriot State (Fascist), State of Cyprus (Monarchist/Communist), Democratic People's Republic of Cyprus (Revolutionary Socialist)
Ruling Party: Freedom Party
Ideology: Nationalism

  • Occupiers Out of Our Country: Between 1955 to 1959, the National Organisation of Cypriot Fighters, or EOKA note  fought against the United Kingdom to remove British influence from the island and to unify with Greece. While unification was never acheived, the London and Zürich Agreements nonetheless secured the independence of a non-partitioned Cyprus.

Eleni Theocharous
Role: Head of State
Party: Freedom Party
Ideology: Nationalism

Official Name: Republic of Turkey, Turkish Socialist Republic (Revolutionary Socialist), Turkish People's State (Communist), Turkish Social Union (National Bolshevik), Ottoman Empire (Monarchist)
Ruling Party: National Order Party
Ideology: Islamic Democracynote 

Aykut Edibali
Role: Head of State
Party: National Order Party
Ideology: Islamic Democracynote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show 

Official Name: Union of Kurdistan, Democratic Republic of Kurdistan (Communist/National Bolshevik), Republic of Kurdistan (Democratic), Kingdom of Kurdistan (Monarchist), Islamic State of Kurdistan (Fascist)
Ruling Party: Kurdistan Workers' Party - Confederalists
Ideology: Democratic Confederalismnote 

Asya Abdullah
Role: Head of State
Party: Kurdistan Workers' Party - Confederalists
Ideology: Democratic Confederalismnote 

Official Name: Republic of Iraq, Socialist Republic of Iraq (Revolutionary Socialist), People's Republic of Iraq (Communist), Hashemite Kingdom of Iraq (Monarchist), Islamic State of Iraq (Fascist)
Ruling Party: Ba'ath Party
Ideology: Saddamismnote 
A Nationalist State in the Middle East has gone largely unnoticed by the Eastern and Western World apart (apart from a successful invasion of Kuwait in 1991) and is led by Saddam Hussein. It has faced criticism for violating human rights but it is at least stable from terrorism.
  • Spared by the Adaptation: With the collapse of the United States, Iraq is able to invade Kuwait unopposed. Saddam Hussein maintains in his position as leader, and as a result of his hard stance against fundamentalists and opposition, the country is spared the horrific civil war which continues to rage today.
    • However, Hussein remains a ruthless, albeit less ruthless than Daesh, leader.

Saddam Hussein
Role: Head of State
Party: Ba'ath Party
Ideology: Saddamismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show 

Official Name: Democratic Islamic Republic of Iran, Popular Republic of Iran (Revolutionary Socialist), Democratic Republic of Iran (Communist), Republic of Iran (Nationalist), Imperial State of Iran (Monarchist), Islamic Republic of Iran (Fascist)
Ruling Party: National Front
Ideology: Religious-Nationalismnote 
Following years of suffering under the leadership of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, mass protests erupted across the country after the Shah went out of country for surgery. The government was quickly overthrown and replaced with a democratic government. Because of American support for the Shah, and their role in overthrowing the beloved Mohammad Mosaddegh, the new government adopted an anti-American stance. Iran was also in fear of the looming Soviet Union who was looking to expand its influence. Despite a seizable communist and Islamist presence in the country, Iran has successfully remained secular, and is regarded as a successful nation in the region.

Ebrahim Yazidi
Role: Head of State
Party: National Front
Ideology: Religious-Nationalismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show 

    Saudi Arabia
Official Name: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Arabian Islamic State (Fascist), Arabian State (Nationalist), Arabian Islamic Republic (National Bolshevik), Arabian Republic (Democratic), Arabian Socialist Republic (Revolutionary Socialist), Arabian People's Republic (Communist)
Ruling Party: House of Saud
Ideology: Dynastic Monarchynote 

Sultan Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud
Role: Head of State
Party: House of Saud
Ideology: Dynastic Monarchynote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show 

Official Name: State of Qatar, Republic of Qatar (Revolutionary Socialist/Communist)
Ruling Party: House of Thani
Ideology: Dynastic Monarchynote 

Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani
Role: Head of State
Party: House of Thani
Ideology: Dynastic Monarchynote 

    United Arab States
Official Name: United Arab States, United Arab Emirates (Monarchist)
Ruling Party: Popular Front for the Liberation of the Arabian Gulf
Ideology: Marxismnote 

Khaled Al Qasimi
Role: Head of State
Party: Popular Front for the Liberation of the Arabian Gulf
Ideology: Marxismnote 

Official Name: Sultanate of Oman, Islamic State of Oman (Fascist), Arab Republic of Oman (National Bolkshevik), Democratic Republic of Oman (Communist), Republic of Oman (Revolutionary Socialist)
Ruling Party: House of Al Said
Ideology: Absolute Monarchynote 

Qaboos bin Said
Role: Head of State
Party: House of Al Said
Ideology: Absolute Monarchynote 


    Republic of Yemen
Flag of the Islamic Emirate of Yemen 
Flag of the Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen 
Official Name: Republic of Yemen, Federal Republic of Yemen (Nationalist), Islamic Emirate of Yemen (Fascist), Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen (Monarchist), Kingdom of Yemen (Constitutional Monarchy), Great Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen (Greater Yemen proclaimed)
Ruling Party: Yemeni Congregation for Reform
Ideology: Islamic Democracynote 
Marred by destruction and division, Yemen is a scarred country. First brought together by the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen, the country split once again in the first years of the 21st century. With aid from Donald Rumsfeld's American Republic, the northern Yemen Arab Republic managed to defeat their southern rivals and reunite the country. Although ejected from Aden, the socialists remain in control of much of the eastern hinterlands, poised to strike back and regain power. With government authority becoming increasingly fragile, many wonder if Yemen will once more be torn apart.
  • Civil War: Yemen falls into a four-way civil war shortly into the game, between the ruling Al-Islah government, Ahmed Saleh's General People's Congress, the democratic Jasmine movement, and the remnants of the Yemeni Socialist Party.

Mohammed Qahtan
Role: Head of State
Party: Yemeni Congregation for Reform
Ideology: Islamic Democracynote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show 
The current president of the Republic of Yemen. With help from Donald Rumsfeld's government, he and his supporters managed to reunify Yemen and defeat the southern socialists during the first years of the 21st century. Qahtan now stands as the president of Yemen, but threats from the remaining socialists and the growing democratic Jasmine front threatens him and his government's current standing.
  • Ain't Too Proud to Beg: His government will beg Rumsfeld for American support again in the second Yemeni Civl War. Whether or not they will receive said support is a different matter entirely.

Abdullah Mohsen al-Akwa
Role: Head of State (Reformists win Convention, Leadership Election - al-Akwa elected), (First Democratic Election - al-Akwa Re-elected), (Second Democratic Election - al-Akwa Re-elected), (Third Democratic Election - al-Akwa Re-elected)
Party: Conservative Faction of Al-Islah
Ideology: Islamic Democracynote 

Ahmed Obeid bin Daghr
Role: Head of State (First Democratic Election - Daghr elected), (Second Democratic Election - Daghr elected), (Third Democratic Election - al-Akwa Re-elected)
Party: National Coalition
Ideology: Centrism

Tribal Council
Role: Head of State (Tribalists win Convention)
Party: Tribal Confederacy of Al-Islah
Ideology: Nationalism

Sadiq al-Ahmar
Role: Head of State (Tribalists elect al-Ahmar to be leader)
Party: Tribal Confederacy of Al-Islah
Ideology: Nationalism

Abdul Majeed al-Zindani
Role: Head of State (al-Zindani wins Convention)
Party: Salafi Movement of Al-Islah
Ideology: Islamic Fundamentalismnote 

Mammouhd al-Subahai
Role: Head of State (al-Zindani removed from office)
Party: Tribal Confederacy of Al-Islah
Ideology: Military Juntanote 

Muadh I
Role: Head of State (Coronation of Muadh I)
Party: House of Rassid
Ideology: Absolute Monarchynote 

Muhammed XIX
Role: Head of State (Muadh I dies)
Party: House of Rassid
Ideology: Absolute Monarchynote 

Mohammed Basindawa
Role: Head of State (Constitutional Monarchy General Election - Peace and Progress elected)
Party: Peace and Progress
Ideology: Centrism

Nadia Al-Sakkaf
Role: Head of State (Constitutional Monarchy General Election - Social Alliance elected)
Party: Social Alliance
Ideology: Labour Revisionismnote 

    Yemen Arab Republic
Flag of the Yemen Arab Republic (Revolutionary Socialist) 
Official Name: Yemen Arab Republic, Islamic Republic of Yemen (al-Houthi in power), Yemen Arab Republic (Revolutionary Socialist)
Ruling Party: General People's Congress
Ideology: Ultranationalismnote 

Ahmed Saleh
Role: Head of State (Houthis declare loyalty to Saleh)
Party: General People's Congress
Ideology: Ultranationalismnote 

Abdul-Malik al-Houthi
Role: Head of State (General People's Congress leaders arrested)
Party: Supreme Council
Ideology: Islamic Nationalismnote 

Abdulmalik Al-Mekhlafi
Role: Head of State (Sana'a Revolution)
Party: Nasserist Organization
Ideology: Nasserismnote 

    Yemeni Federation
Official Name: Federation of Yemeni States
Ruling Party: Yemeni National Front
Ideology: Paleosocialismnote 

Jasmine Council
Role: Head of State
Party: Yemeni National Front
Ideology: Paleosocialismnote 

Najeeb Qahtan al-Shaabi
Role: Head of State (Post-war Election - Yemeni National Front elected)
Party: Yemeni National Front
Ideology: Paleosocialismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show 

Tawakkol Karman
Role: Head of State (Post-war Election - Popular Revolution elected)
Party: Popular Revolution
Ideology: Social Liberalismnote 

Khaled Bahah
Role: Head of State (Post-war Election - National Coalition elected)
Party: National Coalition
Ideology: Islamic Liberalismnote 

    People's Democratic Republic of Yemen
YSP Flag 
Brotherhood Flag 
Presidential Standard 
Official Name: People's Democratic Republic of Yemen, Yemen Arab Republic
Ruling Party: Yemeni Socialist Party - Loyalists
Ideology: Leninismnote 

Ali Salem al Beidh
Role: Head of State (Loyalist victory of party conference)
Party: Yemeni Socialist Party - Loyalists
Ideology: Leninismnote 

Haidar Abu Bakr al-Attas
Role: Head of State (Moderate victory of party conference)
Party: Yemeni Socialist Party - Moderates
Ideology: People's Socialist Democracynote 
