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Video Game / AITale

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"Long ago, two races ruled over earth, HUMANS and MONSTERS. The monsters, were exterminated by VAMPIRES. The monsters escaped, and hid in the human world forever. They are waiting for the perfect moment to make a comeback. For two years I gained weight… To view the content in your browser please download Adobe Reader. Although Simon Redpath was not afraid of the unknown."

AITale, also known as AI Undertale and SHUT UP, is an Undertale game mod created by CiblesGD. The gameplay is the same as in the original game, but most of the dialogue and flavour text has been replaced by text generated by AI. This results in an extremely nonsensical plot and characters with very different personalities, spending most of the game talking about their extreme political beliefs and/or sex lives.

The mod has so far been followed by AIRune, the first two chapters of Deltarune given the AI treatment, along with an AI version of the Pacifist route of the fangame Undertale Yellow, internally called SHUT UP: HOUR 1.

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  • Abusive Parents:
    • Noelle's father reveals his true feelings about her, if you talk to him about her during the epilogue of the first chapter of AIRune once she's out of his hospital room:
      Kristen: She's sweetheart, isn't she?
      Kristen: No she's not I fucking hate her.
      Kristen: She's a bitch to me and my brother.
      Kristen: I'll hire someone to do it.
    • And Flowey, according to his dialogue in HOUR 1, isn't exactly a model parent either:
      Flowey: Golly, Merry Christmas.
      Flowey: I'm so jolly!
      Flowey: Jokes aside, I beat my kids!
  • Adaptational Jerkass: Many characters become prone to throwing insults out of nowhere.
    • One of Toriel/A Weapon's first lines is saying that Frisk is full of shit for being American.
    • Papyrus, one of the nicest characters in the original game, is now very openly racist and homophobic.
    • At one point in Hotland, Alphys suddenly calls you to tell you that you have zero brain cells.
    • When Asgore is first encountered before his fight, one of the first things he says is "YOU HAVE NO BRAIN".
    • In AIRune Chapter 2, Noelle says that she hates non-binary people right in front of Kris.
    • Martlet talks multiple times about how racist and homophobic she is.
  • Adaptational Name Change: Some characters have their names changed by the AI, though not all of them stick:
    • According to the opening monologue, either Frisk or Chara is named Simon Redpath.
    • Toriel becomes A Weapon.
    • Papyrus tells the human to call him Darius, and at one point calls himself Kinky Kim.
    • Grillby's is changed to Chicken Breasts.
    • Undyne becomes Pee, and Undyne the Undying becomes PeePee.
    • Asgore becomes Lucia Smith.
    • The Annoying Dog becomes Dracula.
    • Heats Flamesman becomes Stephan Pastis.
    • Burgerpants becomes Crazypants.
    • Mettaton becomes Alaska, and Mettaton EX becomes Alaska Public.
    • Noelle becomes iPhone 7 Plus.
    • Rudy insists his name is Kristen, but the name board in his hospital room calls him Karl "Carl" Larl
    • Lancer becomes Sparrows.
    • Mr. Elegance becomes Moonshine Whiskey.
    • The Knight becomes the Asshole.
    • Queen becomes Foster Jenkins.
    • Sweet becomes Chia and K_K is short for Myagkina.
    • Spamton becomes Spamton G. Tr0e Quotes.
    • Berdly changes his name to Brady.
    • According to Susie, her name is actually Pete, and later Berdly says that her real name is Taylor Swift. And again in Noelle's room, she says that her name is Baby Target.
    • Rouxls Kaard becomes Ross Brown.
  • Adaptational Species Change:
    • Froggits are apparently aliens, as they're called "space creatures".
    • According to Undyne in the Pacifist ending, the monsters are actually all human.
    • According to Ralsei's legend, Kris is a T-Rex and Susie is a car.
    • One save point calls Ralsei an unicorn.
    • Bloxer is described as a type of moth.
    • Queen is a human according to Ralsei.
    • Ceroba calls herself a human at one point, but also says that she's a moth another time.
  • Adaptational Villainy:
    • In HOUR 1, a record of a conversation between Asgore and Chujin is found in the Steamworks, where they talk about their plan to wipe out all LGBTQ people and racial minorities and force everyone into Christianity.
    • In the same game, the Honeydew Resort shopkeeper talks about how Dalv sexually assaulted her once.
  • Arc Words:
    • "Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign up, it unlocks many cool features!"
    • "Please enable JavaScript to watch this video."
    • "Krispy Kreme is making new donuts" in AIRune.
    • "Parent link thread parent" and various permutations of it show up moderately often across all three games.
    • "" and derivatives show up moderately often across all three games, usually in the middle of completely unrelated dialogue.
    • A lot of dialogue in HOUR 1 just consists of wishing Clover happy birthday, even though it's not their birthday.
  • Armoured Closet Gay:
    • Darius has a husband and a boyfriend and even outright says he's pan, but calls Sans homosexual in an insulting tone, tells Frisk that they're not pretty because they're not a woman immediately after calling them sexy, mentions that he's going to marry a girl and not a man because "men are gross", and during his date, he insists that he sleeps with women, not men.
    • Pee likewise first says she likes people with pronouns, specifically vaginas, and that she's moving to New Zealand (where gay marriage just so happens to have been legalized in 2013) for an election in favor of Hillary Clinton. Then, all of a sudden, she completely shifts gears and yells out that America should have a Christian government, is a Donald Trump supporter and claims she likes cute boys, only to immediately say that she doesn't like boys overall. Hence why she dates girls instead, but she doesn't like girls either, she just likes seeing them naked, but she definitely doesn't like them!
  • Artistic License – Religion: If you talk to Gerson during the Genocide route, he'll tell you about how dinosaurs used to rule the Earth... before Jesus killed them all, and gave birth to the first human.
    Gerson: Our species shouldn't exist. Dinosaurs deserved to live.
  • Bad Santa: One book in Hometown's librarby is about Santa summoning an avalanche to wipe out the U.S.
  • Beethoven Was an Alien Spy: One of the very first log entries written in True Lab gives us this gem of a line, revealing the true identity of the Royal Scientist:
    * I will change my name from Mike.
    * I've been considering changing it to Biscuit.
    * But my new name is...
  • Bizarre Alien Biology: According to the dancing mushroom in Temmie Village (Or, as it's known in the mod, Wdashville), his inner femininity recently began "hurting when he squeezed it."
  • Body in a Breadbox: The fridge in Lucia's home is described as being "full of frozen bodies."
  • Born as an Adult:
    • Darius says that he was just born, but he also says he's 35 years old.
    • Likewise, Alaska claims he was born last night.
  • Bread, Eggs, Breaded Eggs: At one point during her hangout, Undyne asks the player if they like ass, and says that she likes boys. She then adds "boys with a big ass".
  • Bring My Brown Pants: After Darius accidentally steps into his own invisible electricity maze (and gets electrocuted in the process), he loudly exclaims that he just wet himself.
  • Broken Record:
    • Instead of Alphys telling Frisk to use the jetpack, she just repeats "I'm crying" multiple times.
    • When Lucia Smith is first encountered in the throne room, he keeps repeating "dum dum dee dum" for most of the encounter. This is called back to in AIRune, where the entirety of his dialogue in Chapter 1 consists of "dum dee dum"-ing, and in HOUR 1, where he and Martlet communicate almost entirely in this way if Ceroba is killed in the Pacifist ending.
    • Before the fight with Mettaton NEO, he keeps repeating "my my my" over and over.
    • After Susie threatens to bite Kris' face off, she goes "nah nah nah" for several lines.
    • If you ask Seam about homophobia after talking to Jevil, they just say "eh" over and over.
    • If you talk to Susie before bringing the Card Kingdom to Ralsei's dark world, she asks Ralsei if he's going to E3 this year, which Ralsei repeats over and over.
    • After Queen captures the Lightners, she says "I Am Also A Cross Dresser" several times.
    • The conversation after the Spamton NEO fight ends with Susie and Ralsei repeating "Krispy Kreme is making new donuts".
    • When Flowey is first encountered in HOUR 1, almost every other line he says is "See that heart? No shit!". Additionally, multiple of his save point encounters have him just repeat "Howdy!" multiple times.
  • Card-Carrying Jerkass: Darius says that he's a terrible person and he loves it.
  • Cluster F-Bomb: After meeting up with Martlet in the Dunes in HOUR 1, she does this after confessing to getting drunk all the time. She does this so much that her text leaks out of her textbox.
  • Comedic Sociopathy: One of the first things Sans says to the player, is to casually state he beat up his grandma earlier. Much later on, during his date at the MTT Resort, he has this to say:
    Sans: i have a confession.
  • Creepy Crossdresser: Flowey mentions that he likes to dress like a femboy if you dodge his bullets in the opening.
  • Crossover Relatives: Berdly claims that Jacob Carter is his mom.
  • Cure Your Gays: When iPhone asks the player (controlling Susie at the moment) how they came out to their parents, both answers are "Conversion Therapy".
  • Death by Adaptation:
    • One Undernet post in Hotland abruptly states that Napstablook, of all characters, has died.
    • Rouxls Kaard claims that he died in 2015 during his fight.
    • In HOUR 1, Starlo's father Solomon claims to be dead and in the afterlife.
  • Dies Differently in Adaptation: In his Genocide Route monologue, Flowey says that Chara died yesterday because a tree fell on them.
  • Disabled in the Adaptation:
    • When Sans is first encountered, he claims to have no hands.
    • Mooch is apparently a part-time wheelchair user, as she's mentioned to be in one if you go to the Feisty Five's house when everyone is asleep.
  • Driven to Suicide: Apparently, Flowey, if his dialogue during HOUR 1 is to be trusted.
  • Easy Evangelism: As demonstrated in the Werewerewire battle:
    * You and Susie told Werewerewire about Christianity!
    * They are now religious!
  • Eldritch Location: During his date at the MTT Resort, Sans briefly considers inviting the player to the 'Gay Penis Abyss'. Apparently, it's full of asses, and absolutely nothing else.
  • Establishing Series Moment: The very first encounter the player has in the entire series is with Flowey - who, completely unlike in Undertale, instantly launches into a long rant about his ex-husband before calling the player gay and then going into far too much detail about his masturbatory habits and cross-dressing fetish.
  • Everyone Is Bi: Nearly every major character mentions having both male and female lovers at some point.
  • Extreme Omnivore: Frisk, and later on, the entire party in AIRune are entirely capable of consuming such bizarre healing items as individual fingers, speakers, scrapbooks, "kroger", clubs, money, conspiracy theories, undetermined 'Electronics' and canvas, with absolutely no negative side effects.
  • Florence Nightingale Effect: If you talk to iPhone's father during the epilogue of the first chapter of AIRune, he reveals he's not actually sick, and is simply pretending so he may continue his romance with the nurse.
  • Foreign Queasine: According to Crazypants, British people eat giant mutant squids they find while plumbing for dinner.
  • Full-Frontal Assault: At one point during his bossfight in the Genocide route, Sans threatens to flash the player.
  • Full-Name Basis: Almost every time someone refers to Kris, they call them by their full name. Their last name keeps changing, but most commonly it's Jenner or Kreme.
  • The Fundamentalist: At one point in HOUR 1, Starlo announces that he's forcing everyone to Christianity. Later on, it turns out that Lucia Smith is also planning to forcibly send all non-Christian Americans to church camps.
  • Gratuitous German: El Bailador gives a monologue in German when he is first encountered.
  • Groin Attack: During the Genocide route, Darius's last words consist entirely of him talking about how much he hates his father, and how he kicked him in the balls once.
  • He-Man Woman Hater: According to Flowey, God only smiles upon boys.
  • Historical Character's Fictional Relative:
    • Undyne is described as the son of Elon Musk.
    • Will Smith is Ralsei's dad.
  • Historical Domain Character: Donald Trump of all people is mentioned remarkably consistently by almost every character, though, for obvious reasons, fails to actually make a physical appearence.
  • I Have Many Names: Over the course of AIRune, Kris is referred to as:
    • Kris Aviance
    • Kris Jenner
    • Kris Davis
    • Kris Bryant
    • Krispy Treat
    • Kris Dunn
    • Kris Aquino
    • Kris Neri
    • Kris Petersen Beretert
    • Kris Nelson
    • Kris Barker
    • Kris Kendrick
    • Kris Suave
    • Kris Humphries
    • Krispy Kreme
    • Kris Korea
    • KrisFest 2018
    • Kris Jenkins
    • Kris Indigestion
    • Kris Koch
    • Kris Letang
    • Kris Kringle
    • Kris Damion
    • Kris Gibson
    • Kris Douthat
    • Kris Sophie
    • Kris III
    • Kris 666
    • Kris Kellen
    • Kris Trump
    • Kris Wilkes
    • Kris Thomas
    • Kris Noel
    • Kristopher Kolumbus
    • Kris Cartwright
    • Kris Lacey
    • Kriso Advanehima
    • Kris Boyson
    • Krisa Mayfield
    • Kris Carsten
    • Kris Keanu
    • Kris Canadian
    • Kris Grilling
    • Kris Wikinews
    • Krisheem Rajaee
    • Kris Kristofferson
    • Kris Tillerson
    • Kris Beckley
    • Kris Ericson Wood
    • Kris Deaththreat
    • Kris Kane
    • Kris Holiday
    • Kris Weed
    • Kris Torii
    • Kris Bastin
    • Kris Kirawdigasuvi
    • Kris Hurricane
    • Kris Winnie
    • Kris Russel
    • Kris Ransik
    • Kris The Killer
    • Kris Rancher
    • Kris Muller
    • Krissy McNeill
    • Kris Jeff
    • Krissy Wayne
    • Kris Delmhorst
    • And finally, Kris Smith. Which, would be their actual legal last name, as they share it with the AITale and AIRune's version of Asgore.
  • I Need a Freaking Drink: Instead of the base game's "But nobody came" dialogue upon killing all monsters in the area, the narrator simply remarks they need a beer.
  • Immediate Self-Contradiction:
    • If you lose to Papyrus twice, the third time you approach him will have him constantly flip-flop between saying that he's hungry and that he's not hungry. He finally settles on declaring that he's "hungry for justice".
    • This dialogue from Undyne:
      Undyne: I love cute boys! I just don't like boys! I just find boys annoying. That's why I date girls! But I don't like girls. I just like them naked. But I don't like girls! Fuhuhuhu!
    • RG01's love confession:
      RG01: I can't listen to books… So I'll write them instead! But I don't write books… I write books…
    • In HOUR 1, Dalv starts to talk about how he's not gay, only to suspect that he actually is and immediately comes out as gay, only to then suspect that he's a trans woman and a lesbian, all in one conversation.
  • Improbable Weapon User: One of the weapons the player can obtain during AIRune is a... pillow. While adequate as a weapon in itself, it also bumps Kris's defence stat slightly.
    • Additionally, one of the weapons that iPhone need to obtain to progress in the Snowgrave Route is an entire microwave. How exactly she's supposed to use it in combat stumps even the narrator, as evident in the flavour text.
      Might cause cancer idk?
    • The very final weapon the player obtains in the Genocide route of AITale is Tony Stark.
  • Jewish and Nerdy: Alphys, possibly, given her tendency to occasionally pepper her dialogue with some Gratuitous Yiddish:
    Alphys: OY VEY!!!
  • Left It In: As seen in this dialogue at the beginning of Chapter 2 of AIRune:
    Susie: Hmm, I'm a bit perverted.
    Susie: Edit this out.
  • Lemony Narrator: Not even the narrator was spared from the AI's text replacement, resulting in a narration that's not only both far more vulgar and crude than the base game's, but also far more blatantly opinionated.
    • Take for example, one of the pieces of flavour text during the first Berdly fight:
      Berdly's coaster car thing looks sick. Can't wait to ride that shit.
    • Or the description of him frozen after his Snowgrave route fight:
    • And the text for inspecting his body after the end of the route, for good measure:
      * (He doesn't seem to have the BALLS to do what I did.)
  • Lobotomy: One of the guests at Honeydew Resort tells Clover that they're getting one later, before cheerfully wishing them Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. They claim it's "very ethical."
  • Magical Profanity Filter: According to Flowey in HOUR 1, Lucia Smith is incapable of saying "fuck you" due to being a Boss Monster.
  • Making a Splash: According to Lancer, the Three Heroes are all waterbending masters.
  • Microwave the Dog: Near the end of the Genocide route, Flowey mentions that the very first time he saw a dog, he immediately shoved it into a microwave, then went to take a shower.
  • Named by the Adaptation: Clover's full name in the mod is Clover Schlover. Likewise Martlet is Martlet Shartlet.
  • New Jobs As The Plot Demands: Darius is a surgery technologist, but later says he works at a "nut company".
  • Non-Mammalian Mammaries: According to Brady, he used to have nipples until a doctor named Henry took them. He also laments that bras are uncomfortable because of his large breasts, and even claims that he breastfeeds at one point.
  • Noodle Incident:
    • One of the tapes in the True Lab has Asgore being woken up by Toriel, whereupon he asks her if it's the zombie apocalypse again.
    • When Starlo is preparing to play Two Girls One Cup with Clover in HOUR 1, Ace says that he hopes they won't kill anyone this time, or get cars involved.
  • Not Blood Siblings: In the Genocide Route, Flowey confesses that he had sex with Chara once.
  • Original Character: The AI adds several characters not mentioned in the original games, including:
    • The vampires who exterminated the monsters.
    • Flowey's ex-husband Jackie, Dr. Lin, who they left him for, and his current boyfriend Chris and wife.
    • Toriel/Weapon's three apparently living kids and parents.
    • Flowey's daughter, who the devil is after, and son, whose birthday is soon.
    • Sans' and Darius' parents, sister, and grandma who Sans beat up earlier.
    • Papyrus/Darius' multiple significant others.
    • Sans' crushes Aqua and Mike.
    • Frisk's mom and dad.
    • Dogaressa's ex-wife.
    • The Goblin Gang, who live in a cave near Snowdin and steal people's clothes.
    • Sans' friend Jenn.
    • Monster Kid's parents and girlfriend.
    • Napstablook's husband Andrew Bow.
    • Mettaton's boyfriend, wife, and ex-husband.
    • Alphys' husband Dan, her kids, and her depressed aunt.
    • RG01's mother.
    • Muffet's boyfriend.
    • Undyne's ex-girlfriend.
    • Chara's daughter.
    • Susie's ex-husband Kaitlyn Jenner.
    • Lancer's daughters.
    • Noelle's husband, wife Craig, child, and uncle.
    • Susie's grandma who lives in South Dakota.
    • Ralsei's sister whose surgery got cancelled.
    • Cap'n's girlfriend, and Sweet's "girlfriend".
    • Kris' ex.
    • Berdly's three British boyfriends, and his mother who is "a teacher of misery".
    • Queen's daughters.
    • Swatch's ex-boyfriend.
    • Spamton's wife, kids, mother, and ex-husband.
  • Our Goblins Are Different: According to a Rudinn Ranger, the Lightners are goblins. They're rather unusual goblins, given Kris is a dinosaur and Susie is a car.
  • Parental Incest: Undyne being Alphys' mother doesn't change their romantic relationship.
  • Photographic Memory: According to himself, Gerson remembers his entire life from the day he was born.
  • Politically Incorrect Hero: Most of the main characters are massively bigoted in some way.
  • Polyamory:
    • Darius has a girlfriend, a boyfriend, a wife, and a husband.
    • Sans mentions that he's in a relationship with two people.
    • Alaska has a boyfriend and a wife.
    • Alphys has a wife, who may or may not be Undyne, and she's been married to a man named Dan for 15 years.
    • Flowey has a boyfriend and a wife.
    • Ralsei claims that Half-Life 3 made him get into a polyamorous relationship.
    • Brady has three boyfriends.
    • iPhone 7 Plus has both a husband and a wife.
    • Decibat is "enjoying polyamory", according to flavour text during his battle.
  • Related Differently in the Adaptation: Napstablook is Mettaton's mother.
  • Related in the Adaptation:
    • According to Gerson, Alphys is Undyne's son.
    • When meeting Kris and Susie, Ralsei calls one of them his mum. In the second chapter, he tells Kris about his psycho mother, so he's likely talking about Susie. Though he later says that he's Susie's mother.
    • iPhone 7 Plus says that King was Queen's mother.
  • Ruder and Cruder / Hotter and Sexier: The cast in all mods use far more foul language than in the original games and reference NSFW topics fairly often. For example, Toriel gives a detailed description of how she wants to sleep with the player when you talk to her after she shows you your room, and completing the MTT News segment results in Mettaton repeatedly swearing at an unseen person named Kyle and saying how he fucked their mom.
  • Shaped Like Itself: When Asgore is encountered in the Genocide route, he's seen wondering why water tastes like water.
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: Darius, possibly.
  • Skewed Priorities: Alphys is worried about climate change, because it could destroy all Teslas and make weed illegal.
  • Stalker Shrine: Sans's workshop contains a drawer completely filled with nothing but photos of Frisk.
  • Straw Misogynist:
    • If you listen to the Echo Flower next to the fish monster early in Waterfall first, it'll say "All that gives my life validation is hating women..."
    • The prisoner in the Wild East jail other than Martlet seems to be one. Either that, or it's his Insane Troll Logic attempt at getting out.
      You gotta get me outta here, kid!
      I'm a boy!
      Only women can go to jail!
  • Streaking:
    • During the very first encounter player has with Sans, he recounts a tale about how he was arrested, and then went streaking in a nearby park.
    • One of the tapes in the True Lab has Asriel mention that he and Chara once went streaking on Live TV.
  • Suspiciously Specific Denial:
    • During the MTT Resort restaurant sequence, Sans says that he has a penis and would like to have a vagina, and then clarifies multiple times that he's not trans.
    • Additionally, Darius, everytime he has a chance to deny his possible homosexuality:
      Darius: THAT'S MY BED!
      Darius: I SLEEP WITH WOMEN...
      Darius: NOT MEN.
      Darius: I LOVE GIRLS...
      Darius: LARGE SEX.
    • In HOUR 1, Starlo says that he loves Republicans because he likes having old men in charge, and that "it's not a kink or anything".
  • Take That!:
    • To quote Sans, when Darius is calling him out for being homosexual...
      Sans: you're homophobic.... do you work at Fox News?
    • One of the guests at the Honeydew Resort, the same one who's looking forward to getting a lobotomy, doesn't seem to have a particularly high opinion on Twitter:
      Are you enjoying Twitter?
      Actually. Don't answer that. You're not.
    • Mo makes a pretty cheeky jab at Dream in HOUR 1:
      Mo: I'm a Minecraft youtuber!
      Mo: I'm very skilled at Minecraft and never cheat!
      Mo: Unless it's in my dream!
  • Teacher/Student Romance: Dalv tells Clover that he's dating his teacher. He doesn't want to, but hopes that it will improve his grades.
  • Token Black Friend: At one point, Martlet takes great care to mention that she can't be racist, given she has a singular black friend.
  • Too Much Information: Every single character is prone to telling the player far, far too much about their love life, their sex life, and their exact fetishes. Special mention has to, however, go to Alphys who is not only like this basically all of the time, but also to absolutely everyone.
    ALPHYS updated status:
    * i got sperm in my eye on accident
  • Troubling Unchildlike Behavior: One of the tapes in the True Lab starts with Asriel cheerfully proclaiming to Chara that it's time to kill someone.
  • The Unintelligible: Spamton is somehow even less comprehensible than in the original game, to the point that his dialogue in his first encounter consists almost entirely of complete gibberish.
  • Waxing Lyrical:
    • In HOUR 1, the Feisty Five introduce themselves by singing the iCarly theme song.
    • Later, Ceroba starts singing the Undertale fansong "To the Bone" by JT Music, only to suddenly stop and claim she eats human skin.
  • Weird Currency:
    • Both Sans and the Snowdin innkeeper use women as a currency.
    • In AIRune, Dark Dollars are replaced by drag queens.
  • Where the Hell Is Springfield?:
    • According to the first couple save points, Frisk lives in Korea, but Weapon says that Indonesia is their country. A Weapon says she's in Virginia when first encountered. A part of the ruins is called Stockholm. A Froggit in the ruins says they live in the Atlanta area. Weapon's house is located in the University of Ohio. Sans says that he's stuck in London when we first meet him, and a sign in Waterfall says "Congratulations! You're in London!" According to an NPC in Chicken Breasts, the capital is located on the Moon. One save point in Waterfall is called Toronto Harbour and another Mexico City. MTT Resort is described as "Spain's 3 star casino". The end of the Core is in Qatar. Lucia's keys are in Sydney. The Judgement Hall is in Texas. The True Lab is in California.
    • In AIRune, Ralsei's castle is located in Brazil. Two signs in the maze are labeled "South Korea" and "North Korea". The Card Castle throne room is in Germany. In the beginning of Chapter 2, Susie refers to going to the Dark World as going to Minnesota. Berdly says "This is Texas" at one point. Parts of Queen's mansion are located in Wales, Maine, and Ireland.
  • Who Writes This Crap?!: During Flowey's monologue near the end of the Genocide Route, Flowey asks to himself, "Who is writing this."
  • Your Mom:
    • After fighting Lucia Smith, he says that he now weighs 310 pounds...but "your mom weights more".
    • In HOUR 1, Martlet informs Clover that their mom is the size of Jupiter.

"Krispy Kreme is making new donuts!"
