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This check for General Ripper is to gauge how much of it would fit better under Insane Admiral.

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  1. Contrasting Sequel Antagonist: Skull Island: The Birth of Kong: In this MonsterVerse graphic novel which serves as a direct sequel to Kong: Skull Island, Riccio is a CSA to Preston Packard from the movie. Both men suffer Sanity Slippage after coming to the island which leads to them endangering all the other humans for their own selfish agenda; but whereas Packard was an unstable military man using vengeance and military duty to his country's people as a warped excuse for his obsession with killing Kong, Riccio instead is a mythographer who takes revering Kong as a holy deity to a thoroughly insane degree. Also, Packard was ultimately reliant on the support of his squad to pose as much of a threat to the island's balance and the remaining cast as he did, whereas Riccio causes a lot more damage after he strikes out on his own than before.
  2. Corrupt Corporate Executive: Mare of Steel has Alexander Silversmith (basically Lex Luthor as a pony); his first appearance has him arranging a bombing to destroy the facilities of one of his competitors, and he is powerful enough that when Rainbow Dash/Supermare foils his plot, he passes it off as third party zealots trying to frame him and stall the economy. And that's before he puts his resources to work helping Steel Wing's campaign against Supermare, or helping Brainiac build a bomb capable of destroying Cloudsdale as part of a Sadistic Choice designed to break Rainbow Dash's will. Neither of which he's punished for in the story.
  3. Deus Exit Machina: In Season 8, during the first arc, evil witch Amy traps Buffy in a nightmare while she attacks the Scooby Gang's new castle HQ with an army of zombies. They are saved by Willow. However, this was Amy's plan; she is able to capture Willow for her boyfriend Warren, who wanted revenge on Dark Willow almost killing him, and also to lure Buffy into the grasp of the General Ripper hunting her. However, Amy's plan backfires when Buffy is able to use what in the dream Amy trapped her in to defeat Amy.
  4. Deus ex Nukina: In Mars Attacks!: General Decker insists using a nuclear missiles to blow up the Martian's head ship. When the president is at his lowest, out of desperation, he agrees to finally shoot them. The Martians use a bizarre machine that absorbs the explosion into a balloon, brings it back to the ship and the Martian emperor inhales the nuclear explosion which makes his voice sound funny. H-bombs fuse hydrogen into helium. He inhales the helium.
  5. Eloquent in My Native Tongue: General Ripper Luca from The Meek, shows a clear case of Spock Speak and some minor You No Take Candle issues, although the latter tends to come out more when he's upset. Word of God is that's because the language being spoken at the time is Luca's third language, and sure enough, when Luca does speak other languages either in flashbacks or when talking to The Dagre, he uses contractions and doesn't make any speech flubs or grammatical errors.
  6. Fire/Water Juxtaposition: One Piece: Seen with two of the Admirals; the lazy but righteous Aokiji and the ruthless General Ripper Akainu.
  7. Honest Corporate Executive: Reeve Tuesti of Final Fantasy VII is an example of the beleaguered Internal Reformist surrounded by Corrupt Corporate Executive types: President Shinra believes in controlling the world with money, and later his son Rufus prefers ruling through fear. The head of the Science department can only be described as a Mad Scientist, and the heads of Public Safety (read:military police) and Weapons Development are both General Rippers. Reeve himself is the head of Urban Development, not one of the departments that makes the company a great deal of money, and as such he has next to no influence on company policy... at least until he's ordered to become The Mole in the heroes' party via an animatronic cat he'd built as a hobby, and executes a neat Heel–Face Turn as soon as this is discovered.
  8. Ignored Expert: Immortal Hulk: Doctor McGowan, General Fortean's head scientist after the previous one suffers Death by Hulk. She repeatedly tries to caution Fortean about what he's doing, and Reggie, being a General Ripper of the highest order, just ignores her and carries on with his insane plans, until eventually she reaches her breaking point, takes command from him, and lets Fortean die from the consequences of his own insane stupidity.
  9. Maligned Mixed Marriage: In Supreme Commander 2, Maddox is a UEF Commander married to woman from the Illuminate. His parents disowned him, and died before they could reconcile. His commander Colonel Rodgers despised it, as he hates anyone not UEF, and was planning to attack the Illuminate on the planet she is in.
  10. Jealous Parent: The Incredible Hulk: Bruce's father Brian was an utter asshole who frequently abused his son while Rebecca adored Bruce, which only made Brian a Jealous Parent. When Rebecca tried to escape with Bruce, Brian killed his wife right in front of little Bruce, with the trauma spawning Bruce's "Hulk" personality. All of this was established via a fairly late retcon, but also nicely complements elements dating from the comic's very beginning, with Bruce's love interest Betty Ross doting over him and her father General Ross antagonising him.
  11. Pretext for War: What About Witch Queen?: The final reason for Arendelle and Weselton to go to war is scout shooting incident, which is a result of tensions building up to the point that two armies are less than a mile from each other. Schemers on both sides set the entire situation up (sending armies, choosing General Ripper to be one of the commanders) so it would end that way.
  12. Quarantine with Extreme Prejudice: Outbreak has the U.S. military using this option to stop the disease, culminating with blowing up the town with a massive blockbuster. Played with because the General Ripper behind the quarantine wants the disease as a bio-weapon and this cannot be done if it's publicly known that there is a cure.
  13. Quote Mine: xXx: State of the Union: Secretary Of Defense General Deckert has the President at gunpoint as part of the former's plan to overthrow the U.S. Government. The President asks why Deckert is doing this, to which he responds by quoting Thomas Jefferson selectively and gets called out on it by the President. Which, given the context of the rebel speaking to the leader he's overthrowing, should not be as devastating a retort as it's played as. Shooting himself in the foot really, unless Deckert genuinely thinks of himself as the tyrant in that situation.
  14. Rhetorical Question Blunder: Hamuul: No, Warchief. No one would ever mistake you for Thrall.
  15. Sex Is Evil, and I Am Horny: Dr. Strangeloves completely insane Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper' believes that because he feels sleepy after sex, that therefore means women are trying to steal his essence (he also seems to have no concept of the refractory period). However, he still has lots of sex, he just tries to not let them steal his essence.
  16. Squashed Flat: Kong: Skull Island: Colonel Packard is Killed Mid-Sentence near the film's end when Kong crushes the General Ripper to the ground with his fist in retaliation for Packard's effort to kill him.
  17. Stock Quotes: In Wing Commander IV, Admiral Tolwyn quotes from the first verse, in a discussion about how the post-war Terran Confederation seems to be falling apart without an enemy for humanity to focus on.
  18. Strange-Syntax Speaker: Kikitik-27-Tikhak-Tikkukit: Abnormality it is communication with [The Enemy Forces] when the situation is shown to be abnormal by [The Storm-Witch] known to us that does not retreat when attacked which is abnormal and the existence of [The Object In Question] that cannot be obtained by direct action which is abnormal... We do not expect success of communication however there is nothing to be lost by communication when the time becomes irrevocable as it has...
  19. Thriller on the Express: The Cassandra Crossing: A terrorist breaks into a NATO lab in Geneva, accidentally infects himself with an artificial virus, and escapes on a transcontinental express train. A US General Ripper finds out about this incident and orders the train not only sealed but rerouted to Poland and dropped into a gorge, all thousand passengers aboard killed, and any evidence of this top-secret biological weapon outside the lab destroyed that way.
  20. Villain-by-Proxy Fallacy: In One Piece, Admiral Akainu destroys an escape vessel that the other Marines had promised to spare on his suspicions that there possibly might be someone who could read the Poneglyphs.
  21. Xanatos Speed Chess: Mare of Steel: Brainiac is constantly updating and modifying his plan against Rainbow Dash/Supermare; for example, when he deems Steel Wing more trouble than he's worth and leads the authorities to him, choosing to ally with Silversmith instead.
  22. Xenafication: The Incredible Hulk: Betty Ross was a pretty standard Lois Lane-esque figure when she first appeared, being the sweet Love Interest and Damsel for Bruce and a foil to her ruthless father General Ross. Things changed for Betty in The '70s however as she got her own transformation Harpy who could match the Hulk in strength, and even when she lost that transformation she was still more badass than before standing up to her father at her wedding with Bruce. In modern comics Betty became Red She-Hulk who was strong enough to destroy an entire freaking planet with a clash with her former love Bruce, which is a far cry from the harmless Daddy's Girl of the 60s.
  23. AlternateCompanyEquivalent.Comic Books: Wade Eiling and Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross. Both are General Ripper characters who serve an antagonistic role to superheroes whose origins involve nuclear power. Ross's transformation into the Red Hulk also mirrors Eiling's becoming the Shaggy Man and the General.
  24. Animorphs.Tropes Q To Z:
    • Shocking Defeat Legacy: The way the Visser uses his Andalite host's morphing power backs Jake up on this. The Animorphs themselves shapeshift into all manner of animals, both powerful and subtle. Visser Three, by contrast, exclusively uses it to turn into terrifying alien monsters.
    • When All You Have Is a Hammer…: The Yeerk victory on the Hork-Bajir homeworld was this for the Andalite military, who failed to keep the planet or the Hork-Bajir from falling under Yeerk control. This is even after they resorted to a Synthetic Plague that decimated the Hork-Bajir to keep them from falling into Yeerk hands. For his actions there, Alloran gained a General Ripper reputation, since he was The Scapegoat for the aforementioned atrocities when they failed to turn the tide (he was responsible for the Hork-Bajir genocide, but he was by no means the only one responsible).
  25. Awesome.Exo Squad: Captain Marcus deciding to go down with the first "Resolute", ship's guns blazing all the while and buying time for evacuation. Whatever else can be said about him, the man knew how to Face Death with Dignity.
  26. ComicBook.Vagrant Queen: General Ripper: Lazaro was one of the nastier and more vicious members of the rebellion, and now that he's a Commander in the Admiralty, he's become obsessed with killing Elida in order to ensure that her family never retakes the throne.
  27. ContrastingSequelAntagonist.Live Action Films
    • Zaius returns in Beneath the Planet of the Apes but is basically a Friendly Enemy at this point, and he's really just along for the ride. The real villains of that film are General Ursus - a warmongering Killer Gorilla brute - and Mendez XXVI, a mutated human and the leader of a bomb-worshipping Cargo Cult. Zaius and Ursus are motivated by a reasonable mistrust of humans and our destructive tendencies, and Mendez represents an embrace of every human trait they fear, together with mistrust of the apes, which is also pretty reasonable: as Zaius and Ursus both show, apes can be jerks too. Notably, the apes' Sacred Scroll warns of man's tendency to "kill for sport" and willingness to "murder his brother to possess his brother's land", and Ursus invades the mutants' city for that exact reason: he thinks their land might be worth something, though presumably he's able to justify it since his targets are humans, whom he does not consider his brothers.
    • Colonel Preston Packard was a hot-headed Blood Knight General Ripper who commanded a small US Army unit and whose motive was revenge against Kong, rather than any grander scheme. Aside from Kong, he regarded the Titans as little more than additional targets to destroy.
  28. Fanfic.Conquest: General Ripper: Halsey. He's somewhat sympathetic, given that he's absolutely right that the Federation won't survive without his less-than-ideal methods, but he also starts the war in the first place, despite it being blatantly obvious that the Federation is going to lose very badly.
  29. Fanfic.Fallout Equestria Empty Quiver: General Ripper: What little we see of Cerberus' seems to emphasize a very war-like attitude among their kind.
  30. Fanfic.Requiem Universus
    • Even Evil Has Standards: The Star Hunters, including Moria, who are willing at this point to destroy the Earth to kill Kirito and Yhmos, are disgusted by Project Alicization, seeing it as ultimate proof that Humans Are Bastards deserving to be wiped out.
    • General Ripper: Moria of the Star Hunters who is all out unpleasant, and the most willing to take drastic measures culminating with him deciding to destroy the Earth and its inhabitants just to kill Kirito and Yhmos.
  31. Fanfic.The Savior King The Master Tactician And The Queen Of Liberation
    • Big Bad Wannabe: Edelgard thinks that they're a Chessmaster who is using Agartha to their own ends, and that they're a noble revolutionary who is reclaiming stolen land for their kingdom and 'saving' humanity from the Nabateans. Edelgard does succeed in starting a war of reunification, but their ruthlessness alienates their fellow students, their use of Dirty Business and demonic beasts turn their people against them to the point of open revolt, Maximus Varley, who she released under the assumption she could control him, attacks Hrym and slaughters hundreds of her own people, and they repeatedly underestimate Claude and Dimitri even as they invade deeper and deeper into Adrestia. Finally, despite thinking that she's The Starscream to Thales, they're actually just an Unwitting Pawn whose actions have only served Agartha's goal of destroying Fódlan. (Pothole on a character name)
    • General Ripper: In an interlude, Edelgard describes Count Varley as such. Not that it stops her from unleashing him to suppress her rioting citizens.
      Edelgard: [E]ven in small matters, the man had no concept of collateral damage. Blood, slaughter and ruin would follow him should he be put at the head of an army against foes who were encroaching on what he considered 'his land'.
    • Humiliation Conga: First she loses the Battle for Garreg Mach despite having heavy advantages, when The Cavalry arrives. Secondly, thanks to Atra and Glenn, Rodrigue is forewarned about Cornelia's presence in Faerghus's court and manages to capture her beforehand; the students also warn their Lord parents about upcoming conflict, so both kingdoms are better prepared for war than she planned. Then their attempt to assassinate Dimitri and Rodrigue to tear apart the alliance between Faerghus and the Leicester Alliance fails due to Acheron botching it, Byleth's divine pulse abilities, and Claude keeping the army from panicking and strategizing a victory against bad odds. As the allied army begins to march into Adrestia proper, Edelgard attempts to trap them in Fort Merceus and uses the Javelins of Light in an attempt to wipe out the army's leaders - however, Byleth sees the attack coming and evacuates the fort in time, meaning she only succeeded in killing her own troops and destroying her most defensible fortress. As Dimitri, Claude and Byleth continue to win victory after victory, information about the javelins and demonic beasts starts spreading through the common people via Imperial soldiers who Dimitri spared. This leads to a protest in Enbarr; when Edelgard tries to lie her way out, they call her out on it and a riot is triggered when one of her guards stabs a young boy who'd thrown a brick at her. This triggers further unrest, riots and desertion from their army (with those who stay in the guard often apathetic to stopping it), making her desperate enough to let Maximus Varley out of house arrest and order him to quell the riots. As soon as he's out of reach of any of her loyal men, Maximus promptly usurps Ferdinand's authority and leads a bloody suppression in Hrym that results in massive civilian casualties, Ferdinand's defection, and turns all but her most fanatical loyalists against her. (Pothole on a character name)
  32. Film.All Quiet On The Western Front 2022
    • Bald of Evil: General Friedrichs, the fanatic General Ripper who sends his men on an insane last attack fifteen minutes before the Armistice, is totally bald.
    • General Ripper: After the French and German delegations sign the treaty that officiates that the ceasefire will begin at 11:00 am, on November 11, 1918, General Friedrichs is furious that Germany accepted defeat. In a last ditch effort to recapture some land from the French and spite the "social Democrats" that he believes will "ruin mankind", he orders his men to march towards no-man's land and achieve at least one last victory in the hours before the war officially ends, and orders any soldier who refuses to fight to be executed as a deserter and a traitor.
  33. Film.Santa Claus Conquers The Martians: Advanced Civilization, Hollow Imagination: Mars' child portion of their civilization has becomes this, according to Chochem. Their knowledge is fed directly into their brain by machines, but are distracted by Earth television broadcasts because of how uninteresting and fun-lacking their culture is. To bring some into their lives, a few martian explorers travel to Earth and kidnap Santa Claus. Voldar, one of them, is more of a General Ripper and a traditionalist, thinking that this would undermine their glory.
  34. Film.The Suicide Squad
    • Asshole Victim: No one's too upset when Starro takes over General Suarez and turns him into a mindless Mouth of Sauron.
    • Ax-Crazy: General Suarez is a violent sadist with a penchant for brutal torture. After becoming President, he immediately starts making plans to use Starro to destroy countless nations as a show of force.
    • General Ripper: Suarez is a sadistic brute who loves torture a little too much.
  35. Funny.Justice League Of Equestria: The Gilligan Cut in the beginning of Part 2: Steel Wing is ranting about how Supermare is away in her secret base plotting Celestia's downfall... cue Rainbow Dash waking up from a nap.
  36. Headscratchers.Psychic Squad: You know what? I've finally come to the realization that out of everything in this series, the only thing that bugs me is the Major, and this is a troper who is a massive fanboy of Kane, The Cigarette-Smoking Man and Col. Quaritch. I don't know what it is, but it's just that something about the way he acts just makes me want to wring his neck! I just...I need help understanding why.
  37. Heartwarming.Justice League Of Equestria: Supermare willingly surrendered to a General Ripper just to show her willingness to cooperate.
  38. OnePiece.Tropes Q To S: While this series isn't in a superhero setting (except for the Chopperman specials), the Straw Hats do face a number of colorful and varied adversaries (some with superpowers, some without) who show up in two or more arcs, including arcs that may fall within the same overall saga, and who oppose them in at least two of those appearances. To date, foes who fit the bill include...Akainu...
  39. PonyPOVSeries.Tropes Q To Z: Weirdness Magnet: Shining Armor in his own Arc. So far he's attracted the attention of an insane General Ripper and Super-Soldier ...
  40. Recap.Legends Of Tomorrow S 6 E 4 Bay Of Squids: General Ripper: General Kilgore is hellbent on wiping out the Cubans and Russians.
  41. Recap.The Review Team S 1 E 12 Aelita Queen Of Mars: General Ripper: In one alternate scene, one military guy takes the alien message to planet busting extremes...
  42. Roleplay.Equestria Chronicles: Ax-Crazy: Azure Blade, Tanner, and Hammer Fell are examples of this trope.
  43. StatusQuoIsGod.Video Games: Crysis features C.E.L.L, a group of Obviously Evil Private Military Contractors responsible for gunning down the innocent New York plague victims they were supposed to be protecting. By the end of the second game they have been thoroughly crushed by the player character, the aliens, and the US Marine forces, with both their field commander and their CEO...
  44. VideoGame.Aqua Naval Warfare: General Ripper: Emperrea's Admiral Alderdice appears to be this, as he does not realize the real threat when he orders the fleet into action against Gothea. He turns out to be a Reasonable Authority Figure. Goodfellow let him on why Grey went rogue, and in response, he brings the whole damn Emperrean fleet in for a Big Damn Heroes moment, holding off the Gothean Fleet while Grey fights Cerbera.
  45. VideoGame.Queen At Arms: General Ripper: Commander Bryce has no problem with sacrificing dozens of men if it means victory.
  46. WesternAnimation.Jonny Quest The Real Adventures: Reassigned to Antarctica: In "Without a Trace", a General Ripper type character says that this has happened to ally Colonel Bennett. Ironically, at the end of the episode, he himself meets the same fate after his persecution of the Quests almost allows Jeremiah Surd to assassinate the President.
  47. YMMV.The Savior King The Master Tactician And The Queen Of Liberation: Moral Event Horizon: Edelgard has a number of moments that might qualify; including using the Demonic Beasts despite knowing their origin and starting a massive war out of the belief that she alone can save Fódlan. Claude personally believes that Edelgard crossed the line when she unleashed Maximus Varley on the city of Hrym because they were fed up with her lies and refusing to cooperate with her any further.

    Correct usage 

    Would fit Insane Admiral 


    Other misuse/unsure 

  1. Ax-Crazy: See also...General Ripper See also link.
