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Recap / Buffy the Vampire Slayer S 4 E 16 "Who Are You?"

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Faith: I am not a killer! I am the Slayer! And you don't know the first thing about me.
Forrest: You really care what I think?
Faith: No. I don't care. God, I don't care.

Directed by Joss Whedon

Written by Whedon & Douglas Petrie

Faith (in Buffy's body) stands by Joyce while Buffy (in Faith's body) is taken away in an ambulance. They discuss Faith and Joyce notes how horribly unhappy Faith must be. After their conversation, Joyce hugs Faith who is visibly uncomfortable by the sudden affection. Afterwards, Faith takes a bath. She tries to get used to her new body and practices saying phrases she thinks Buffy would say. Faith then crimps her hair, puts on sultry make up and wears leather clothes. Soon after, she buys a plane ticket with Joyce's credit card and goes out to meet the Scoobies.

Meanwhile, Willow and Tara talk about Faith and Tara confesses that she 'belongs' to Willow.

An armored truck runs into the police car holding Buffy and leather-clad operatives from the Watcher's Council jump out. They capture Buffy and put her in the back of their truck.

Faith attends a meeting at Giles' apartment alongside Willow, Xander and Anya (who makes Faith uneasy as she has no idea who she is). Faith happily tells the gang that Faith is on the way to prison but Giles tells them its unlikely as the Watcher's Council has sent a team to apprehend the rogue slayer and take her back to England. Faith is ecstatic at the news and goes out to celebrate at the Bronze until she runs into Spike. Once she realizes who Spike is, Faith begins teasing him and speaking to him seductively. When it's obvious Spike is confused but attracted to her, Faith tells him she wouldn't do anything to him anyway as it's wrong. Frustrated and furious, Spike promises that as soon as his chip is out, they'll have a confrontation. Faith merely smirks at Spike's threat and leaves.

Elsewhere a vampire pack led by Boone, return to their nest and find Adam waiting there for them. Adam talks to them and discusses their fears. He calls vampires a paradox as they are immortal but fear death more than mortals do.

Buffy finds herself chained to the back of the truck with the Council team. She tries to convince them that her body has been switched with the other Slayer but they're unfazed.

At the Bronze, Willow introduces Tara to Faith. While Willow gets some drinks, Faith reads between the lines, quite amused to realize that Tara is gay and carrying a torch for Willow, and needles Tara by talking about Oz. Willow returns and points out a vampire with a girl which Faith reluctantly goes out to slay. The girl thanks Faith for saving her which surprises and upsets Faith.

One of the Council members enters the truck where Buffy is being held and she attacks him, threatening to kill him unless they let her go. The other two members tell her that they've settled their affairs and are prepared to die if it means accomplishing their mission. They tell her to do what she wants and unable to go through with her threat, Buffy lets the operative go.

At the Bronze, Tara notices the fragmented energy coming from Buffy and knows that 'Buffy' isn't who she says she is. She informs Willow and they prepare to perform a ritual to track Buffy's real energy.

Faith visits Riley and seduces him in the form of Buffy. At first, Faith is overtly sexy and provocative but Riley isn't interested in games and wants to make love rather than just have sex. After they sleep together, Riley tells Faith that he loves her which stirs Faith's real identity again. She attempts to leave quickly in the morning, leaving a sleeping Riley. She encounters Forest who confronts her about her influence over his friend and teammate. Meanwhile, Adam's eloquence has won over Boone's gang and they pledge their allegiance to him. He tells them they will announce his presence and decides to send them to what they fear most.

When the Council team realize they won't be able to get the Slayer to England, they decide they will kill her instead. Buffy however is prepared; she uses one of the operative's guns to break her chains and the lock on the door. She moves to the driver's seat and leaves with the armoured truck.

Faith is at the airport, preparing to leave town by obtaining a boarding pass for the plane. Buffy arrives at Giles' apartment and struggles to convince him of the truth about the body swap. She reminds him of his stint as a demon and his sexual encounter with her mother which sufficiently convinces him of her real identity. Willow and Tara arrive (with Tara being properly introduced to Buffy), having created a katra that will switch Buffy and Faith back the next time they make contact. After turning on the TV, they discover that Boone and his gang are holding hostages at a church. At the airport, Faith sees the same report on TV and decides to go back and face the vampires. Riley arrives wanting to help but Faith reminds him of his injury and asks him to stay outside. Buffy, Giles, Willow and Tara arrive with Giles acting hysterical to distract the police while Buffy slips inside.

Faith challenges the vampires inside, quickly taking them out before facing Boone. As he starts talking about how Adam has shown him the way forward, Buffy takes him from behind. The two Slayers fight with Faith punching Buffy several times whilst screaming emotional abuse (showing her punching what appears to be her own face while screaming these things shows the extent of Faith's self-loathing). Buffy grabs Faith's hand and the two swap back to their own bodies. The real Faith runs off and is gone without a trace.The next day, Buffy and Riley are talking and Buffy realizes that Riley had sex with Faith whilst in Buffy's body. The revelation deeply troubles them both. Meanwhile, Faith leaves town on a cargo train.

Tropes in this episode include:

  • Accent Slip-Up: Faith-in-Buffy's-body occasionally slips into her Boston accent while talking to the Scoobies, none of whom seem to pick up on it.
  • Arbitrary Skepticism: The Council operatives immediately dismiss Buffy-in-Faith's-body's claim that they've swapped bodies. They should know enough to at least not consider that an outright impossibility.
  • Aren't You Going to Ravish Me?: Faith offers Buffy's body to Riley, trying to steer him towards sex games with costumes, bull whips, the sort of thing she teased Spike about. Instead, Riley is so gentle with her Faith initially reacts with anger, then confusion, then she gets scared and freaks out.
  • Aura Vision: Tara realizes something is wrong with Buffy because her aura is "fragmented," as if someone had forced something into it that didn't belong.
  • Bed Trick: While possessing Buffy's body, Faith pretends to be her in order to sleep with Riley. Buffy is horrified when she finds out. Riley isn't any better, looking both apologetic at Buffy at realizing and furious with Faith for deceiving him.
  • Being Evil Sucks: Faith comes to realize this over the course of the episode. Doing evil in Buffy's body is unsatisfying, and when she does attempt to act like Buffy, Good Feels Good.
  • Becoming the Mask: On the verge of leaving Sunnydale, Faith returns to deal with a gang of vampires who have taken over a church.
    Faith: I'm Buffy. I have to do this.
  • Bittersweet Ending: The only good things that happen in this episode are that Buffy gets her body back, and Faith gets a Heel Realization. Meanwhile, Buffy finds out that Faith slept with Riley in Buffy's body, causing tension when Riley has Ascended Fridge Horror that he was indirectly raped. Faith has run away, but she knows that Buffy is coming for her.
  • Bloodstained Glass Windows: The Slayers and Adam's vampires brawl in a church full of parishioners taken hostage.
  • Bondage Is Bad: The whole Riley/Faith sex scene and its aftermath seem to be arguing that BDSM and sexual role-play in general are a way for screwed-up people to evade true emotional intimacy (which is of course not true).
  • Bond One-Liner: A vampire tries to escape the church In the Hood only to run into Riley, who rips it off him and tosses the vampire into the sun, saying, "You forgot your coat" as he burns up.
  • Call-Back: Buffy saving Faith from a vampire; the reverse happened in "Consequences", right down to her savior being suddenly revealed when the vampire dusts (as we see Eliza Dushku on both occasions, the effect is particularly pronounced). Also from that episode, Buffy tries the Human Shield trick Faith used to escape from the Council.
  • Calling Parents by Their Name: Faith-as-Buffy inadvertently refers to Joyce by name at one point but none of the Scoobies pay attention.
  • Car Fu: The spec ops team kidnaps "Faith" by using a reinforced armored security truck to ram the police car.
  • Catchphrase: Faith thinks Buffy's is "Because it's wrong."
  • Character Tics: Sarah Michelle Gellar and Eliza Dushku do quite a good job of portraying each other's body language.
  • Coincidental Broadcast: The Scoobies (minus Xander) turn on the TV to find out vampires have taken control of a church (justified as Xander called Giles and told him to turn on the TV), and Faith sees the broadcast from the airport just as she's about to leave.
  • Commonality Connection: Adam begins his recruiting of underworld denizens by comparing them to himself.
    Adam: Vampires. Demons in a human body. You walk in both worlds and belong to neither. I can relate.
  • Concealment Equals Cover: For once the "bulletproof car" cliche is justified, as Buffy makes her escape by stealing the armored truck.
  • Continuity Nod:
    • Buffy's anxiety when trying to start the truck fits in with the poor driving skills she showed in "Band Candy".
    • Tara says that Buffy was cruel to her and may be possessed; Willow asks if hyenas are involved, referring to Season 1's "The Pack", in which hyena spirits possessed Xander, making him act cruel towards Willow.
    • Xander was a virgin when he had sex with Faith in "The Zeppo", which is presumably why Faith wasn't impressed with his stamina.
    • Willow's grudge against Faith (and vice versa) harkens back to "The Reason You Suck" Speech she gave to Faith in "Choices", as well as her anger over Faith sleeping with (and later trying to kill) Xander.
    • Buffy urges the wetworks team to call Giles, and is curtly reminded that neither Giles nor Buffy Summers have anything to do with the Watcher's Council. Giles was fired in "Helpless", and Buffy resigned in "Graduation Day, Part 1".
    • While trying to convince Giles of her identity Buffy mentions the time she got psychic powers and learned that Giles and Joyce had sex.
  • Crash-Into Hello: Faith literally bumps into Spike while dancing at the Bronze. As per this trope, Ship Tease ensues.
  • Dark Messiah: Adam inspires a gang of vampires to confront their fears by seeking victims in a church in daylight. Their leader is even willing to take on the Slayer.
  • A Day in the Limelight: To drive the point home, Eliza Dushku is credited as "Buffy."
  • Description Cut:
    • Faith says she'll be "out there doing my job" (patrolling). Cut to Faith dancing wildly at the Bronze.
    • At the end of the episode Riley says that Faith won't be back because she's "had her fun." Cut to Faith hiding in the back of a boxcar, an empty look on her face.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: Remember, that sweaty panting hand-holding eye-fucking falling-backwards-in-ecstasy scene between Willow and Tara is a spell. A spell called "the passage to the nether-realm," which involves a giant flaming "O" rising around them.
  • The Door Slams You: Buffy knocks out Weatherby with the vehicle door, when he comes running up with a pistol.
  • Double Standard: Rape, Sci-Fi: Averted — Buffy is furious that Riley slept with Faith, and it certainly fuels her desire for revenge when pursuing Faith in Los Angeles. Riley keeps the trauma to himself on realizing that someone who wasn't his girlfriend seduced him, but he's similarly troubled in "The Yoko Factor" when Angel returns. Might also double as a Continuity Nod if Angel ever mentioned Faith's earlier rape attempt.
  • Dramatic Irony: Faith's attempt to trick everyone into thinking she's Buffy actually works well on Buffy's loved ones, with not even Riley (Buffy's boyfriend) or Willow (Buffy's best friend) putting two and two together. The person who first realizes something is wrong is Tara, someone whom Buffy has never even met. Justified in that Tara is very in touch with magic and could tell from Buffy's aura that there was something wrong with her.
  • Dramatic Shattering: Furious over being sexually taunted by "Buffy," Spike throws his bottle against the wall and shoves aside an Innocent Bystander, causing the chip in his head to jolt him with pain.
  • "Eureka!" Moment: Giles isn't inclined to believe that woman in front of him is Faith in Buffy's body, but then she mentions the time he was turned into a demon. Faith wasn't around when that happened! He then asks "Faith" who was the friend that turned him into a demon. Buffy answers Ethan Rayne, mentions his girlfriend Olivia, and that they blew up the school. Also, he slept with her mother. Needless to say, the real Faith didn't know any of those details.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: At this point, Faith seems truly evil. However, she finds that she cannot turn her back on those in need. Rescuing a girl from a vampire to maintain her cover as "Buffy" profoundly affects her, and when she hears about hostages in a church, rather than run off with Buffy's body, she chooses to save them — because she is starting to think of herself as Buffy in truth.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: Faith has taken over Buffy's body and experiments by trying to live Buffy's life. She gets very confused and rather upset when people are nice to her. Especially Riley. It seems that "emotionally intimate and loving" is the only way Faith hasn't had sex yet.
  • Evil Laugh: A disturbing one echoes over the end of the Faith-practicing-being-Buffy-montage. Faith also laughs when she's told that "Faith" is being taken to England by the Council and it'll be a long time before she'll be coming back — she has to stop when the Scoobies give her a puzzled look.
  • Eyes Never Lie: Buffy asks Giles why he can't just look into her eyes and instinctively realize it's her. When Willow says that Tara worked out what happened just by looking at her, Buffy casts a snippy look at Giles, who looks embarrassed.
  • Excessive Evil Eyeshadow: Another hint that "Buffy" is Not Herself.
  • Expository Hairstyle Change: Faith gives herself the same curly hairstyle that Buffy did in "Something Blue" where she was also Not Herself.
  • Fade to White: Willow reaching orgasm — that is, the nether-realm.
  • Foe Romance Subtext:
    • Spike listens with a rapt expression as Faith-as-Buffy leans close and describes in lurid detail what she could do to him.
    • Faith seems a bit taken with Riley after their lovemaking — giving him one last look as he's sleeping, pinching his shirt as a souvenir, and stopping him from confronting the church vampires due to his injury. This is in pointed contrast to her dismissive attitude to other men she's slept with.
  • Foreshadowing:
    • Spike being mesmerized by "Buffy" taunting him foreshadows his obsession with Buffy in Season 5.
    • The next stage in Adam's plan is shown by his gaining followers across the vampire/demon divide.
    • Reading from a credit card, Faith reads the expiration date as May 2001. "The Gift", aired on May 23rd 2001.
  • "Freaky Friday" Flip: A typical example of the similarity between this and Not Himself, due to characters in one another's bodies acting in atypical, often outrageous ways. It includes a scene in which Faith, now in Buffy's body, takes a long bath and explores her new anatomy. And then a scene in which Faith enacts a most unusual version Rage Against the Reflection, pummeling and shouting at her own body.
  • Friend Versus Lover: Subverted; Willow thinks Tara is pulling this, but Tara means it literally.
    Willow: I'm sorry you're feeling all blechy. But we'll get together with Buffy another time. Sometime soon. I think you'll really like her.
    Tara: She's not your friend.
    Willow: ...I may have overestimated the "you liking her" factor.
    Tara: No, no. I mean, I don't—I don't think she's... her.
  • Funny Background Event: Buffy tries to hold Smith hostage, but the two other spec ops guys just say they knew coming into this mission that they were all expendable and walk off. As they discuss what they're going to do with their prisoner if she continues to be troublesome, Smith goes flying out the back of the truck behind them.

  • The Glomp: Buffy (in Faith's body) glomps Riley at the church, leaving him rather confused.
  • Good Feels Good: Faith, forced to slay a vampire to maintain her cover as "Buffy," is profoundly affected by the victim's effusive thanks, and begins Becoming the Mask.
  • Grand Theft Me: Buffy fears her greatest enemy will take her rightful body to Mexico.
  • Heel Realization: Faith begins to come to terms with the fact that she has become a monster.
  • Hell-Bent for Leather: But not the Black Leather Pants of Evil, interestingly enough. Faith wears the Green Leather Pants of Jealousy, as seen on Willow in "Wild at Heart".
  • Hey, That's My Line!:
    Anya: We were going to light a bunch of candles and have sex near them.
    Faith-in-Buffy's-body: Well, we certainly don't want to cut into that seven minutes.
    Anya: Hey!
    Xander: [to Anya] I believe that's my "hey." [to Faith] Hey!
  • Holding Hands: Faith-as-Buffy deliberately takes Joyce's hand to taunt Buffy-as-Faith as she's being wheeled out on a gurney. Played straight with Willow and Tara at the Bronze.
  • Immortals Fear Death: Adam observes that vampires are more afraid of death than those to whom it comes naturally.
  • Improvised Weapon: Faith breaks a pool cue in half to stake the Bronze vampire, and breaks off a piece of church pew later on.
  • Indulgent Fantasy Segue: Faith-in-Buffy's-body imagines stabbing Willow to death, after Willow talks about how much she hates her. Faith is actually so shocked by the momentary lapse into fantasy violence that she backpeddles and tells Willow, "I would never let her hurt you." (It's worth noting that this is the only instance of such a sequence in the entire series, though a similar sequence appears when Faith crosses over to Angel).
  • Ironic Echo: "I'm Buffy" and "Because it's wrong" — by the time Faith uses it at the church, she's bought into the Buffy role so much she actually means it.
  • It Doesn't Mean Anything: Faith tries to convince herself of this after having sex with Riley, babbling "Who are you? What do you want from her? This is meaningless."
    Riley: You're shaking. What happened?
    Faith: Nothing... Nothing.
  • "It" Is Dehumanizing: When Buffy wakes up from the knockout drug, Weatherby sneers and says, "Well, it's awake."
  • Key Under the Doormat: Buffy's theft of the armored van is made significantly easier when she finds the keys hidden in the cab. Paramilitary spec-ops guys ought to know better.
  • Kick the Dog: Since Faith is trying to ruin Buffy's life, she does this with Xander. She attempts this on Spike, but he's able to play it cool until she leaves. She's especially (and pointlessly) cruel to an anxious Tara, who neither she nor Buffy had even met. The last one ends up coming back to bite her, since it's her rudeness to Tara along with her fragmented energy that makes Tara realize something is amiss.
  • Killed Mid-Sentence: Vampire Boone.
    Boone: I have strength you couldn't dream of. [punches Faith hard in the face] Adam has shown me the way, [punches her again] and there is nothing[Buffy stakes him from behind]
  • Limited Social Circle: Willow is reluctant to invite Tara into the Scoobies because she wants a friend that's hers alone.
  • Longing Look: Faith realizes instantly from the look Tara gives Willow that the two are attracted to each other.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: A plot point when "Faith" is trying to convince Giles she's really Buffy. "Faith" cites the events of "A New Man" and Giles' transformation into a demon. This is the first clue that convinces Giles this may indeed actually be Buffy. After all, Faith was still in a coma during that incident; how could she possibly know about it? On the other hand, she could have found out the broad strokes from the rest of the Scoobies as that incident did happen recently. Giles starts pressing for more specific details that Faith would be less likely to have learned in the interim since she woke up (such as Ethan Rayne being responsible for that incident). Buffy passes the test with flying colors.
  • Love Confession: Not as direct as three episodes from now, but close enough.
    Tara: I am, you know.
    Willow: What?
    Tara: Yours.
  • Male Gaze: Used deliberately with a close-up of Faith-in-Buffy's-body bending over on Riley's bed. In her tight leather pants.
  • Meaningful Echo: Faith mocking Buffy in the mirror, including several deliveries of "Because it's wrong!" She eventually says the line seriously when asked why she wants to stop the vampires at the church.
  • Most Definitely Not a Villain: In an effort to avert this, Faith is shown in a montage practicing Buffy's speech patterns in front of the mirror, though a lot of it is how she views Buffy (a stuck-up tightass with no sense of fun) rather than how Buffy actually is (at that point in the series anyway).
  • Mouth of Sauron: Adam chooses Boone and his pack to become "his first" and announce his coming.
  • Mr. Exposition: Unusually, not Giles this time.
    Willow: You're Buffy. You and Faith switched bodies, probably through a Draconian Katra spell.
    Giles: She understands it better than I do.
  • Never Heard That One Before:
    • Inverted Trope — Giles is alarmed when "Faith" walks in the door.
      Giles: Look, I-I know what you're going to say, and-and, uh —
      Buffy-as-Faith: I'm Buffy.
      Giles: [Beat] All right, I didn't know what you were going to say. Doesn't make you any less crazy.
    • Collins also congratulates Buffy on having come up with one he's never heard before. Unlike Giles, he simply doesn't care, telling "Faith" she's just a package he's got to deliver. "I deliver the package. I don't much care what's inside."
  • Not Herself: Faith-as-Buffy keeps all her mannerisms, and has to wildly improvise when meeting Buffy's newer friends (like Anya) for the first time.
  • Not Right in the Bed: Faith-as-Buffy aggressively flirts with Spike, and invites Riley to indulge in any kinky fantasy he wants.
    Faith-as-Buffy: Oh, you wouldn't have liked Faith. She's not proper and joyless, like a girl should be. She has a tendency to give in to her animal instincts. [bites Riley's lip]
  • Not-So-Harmless Villain: The Watcher's Council goes from bumbling and inept to badass killers. This is justified by their agents being a special operations team, of a kind they haven't sent before. This is particularly apparent when Buffy tries the same hostage trick Faith used to escape the Watchers in "Consequences". They don't care.
  • Off with His Head!: Adam is showing Boone's vampire gang who's top dog.
    Adam: You fear the cross. The sun. Fire. And, oh, yes... [pulls a vampire's head off through sheer strength] I believe decapitation is a problem as well.
  • Out-of-Character Alert: When Buffy-as-Faith tries to convince Giles who she is, she strokes her hand down the hair near her face, one of Buffy's Character Tics.
  • Police Are Useless: It's perhaps understandable that an ambulance with police escort does not stand up to a raid by a Council wetworks team in an armored van.
  • Power Glows: The katra Willow and Tara give to Buffy so she can switch back.
  • Power Perversion Potential: Faith detailed description of how a Slayer's strength and endurance equals bedroom prowess. This wouldn't be the last time this comes up.
  • Prison Rape: Faith-as-Buffy shocks Joyce by laughing over how "Faith" will be showered with affection by "big ole Bertha" in prison — she quickly backpedals, pretending to be upset over how Joyce was attacked. Ironically, Buffy has made similar comments in the past, though of course never in front of her mother.
  • Professional Killers: The Watcher's Council Special Operations Team.
  • Punch-Clock Villain: While Weatherby truly believes in the Council's mission, Collins is just doing his job.
  • Put on a Bus: Faith leaves town, only to arrive in LA shortly after for a two-episode arc on Angel wrapping up this part of her story. She returns in season four of Angel, and afterwards returns to Sunnydale in season seven.
  • Queer Establishing Moment: Not that some fans still didn't get it.
    Willow: I just want something that's, you know, mine.
    Tara: I am, you know. Yours.
  • Rage Against the Reflection: Faith and Buffy have switched bodies, and Faith gets an eye-opening experience at what it's like to be Buffy and to have have friends and family who love her and trust her. This affects her so deeply that at the end of the episode where she and Buffy face off, this exchange takes place:
    Buffy-in-Faith's-body: You can't win this.
    Faith-in-Buffy's-body: Shut up! Do you think I'm afraid of you? (starts punching Buffy, beating her own face) You're nothing! Disgusting! Murderous bitch! You're nothing! You're disgusting!
  • Rape as Drama: Faith's actions could be treated as rape, although legally it would be a murky issue even putting aside the supernatural elements. The consequences would be followed up on in the coming episodes and later in the season, and Buffy would even appear on Angel willing to go through her ex to get at Faith. She also indirectly causes both Riley and Buffy to question their relationship, while Riley is dealing with stress from the Initiative not trusting his girlfriend and trying to kill her.
  • Reading Your Rights
    Weatherby: By order of the Watcher's Council, you are being taken into custody until such time —
    Collins: Skip the speech.
  • Real Men Love Jesus: Faith turns up at the church and finds Riley already taking charge of the crisis.
    Faith: How'd you get here so fast?
    Riley: I didn't, I'm just late for church.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Giles knows that Faith broke into the Summers home and nearly killed Joyce. He's prepared to throw down when it seems she's up for round two, only for Faith to claim that she's Buffy, and that the real Faith stole her body. Giles says that sounds nuts, and he doesn't trust her, but to his credit he doesn't knock her out and tries to find proof. When Buffy manages to prove that her body was stolen, by mentioning Ethan Rayne, Olivia, the school being blown up, and her mother calling Giles a "stevedore" in bed, Giles is discomforted but says she's definitely Buffy.
  • Required Spinoff Crossover: Faith's story continues in the Angel episode "Five by Five".
  • Revealing Hug: Faith grimaces and pulls free of Joyce's embrace, not used to such motherly affection.
  • Running Gag: Buffy's mind control hair returns, though in a darker context than we're accustomed to.
  • Seeking Sanctuary: Inverted — on Adam's encouragement, vampires barge into a church and take everyone hostage to prove they've risen above old superstitions.
    Boone: It's hard to believe. I've been avoiding this place for so many years, and it's nothing. It's nice! Got the pretty windows, the pillars, lots of folks to eat. Where's the thing I was so afraid of? You know, the Lord? He's supposed to be here, He gave us this address. Well, we'll just have to start killing off His people, and see if He shows up.
  • Self-Harm: Faith beats herself (Buffy in her body) in a rage.
  • Sex Goddess: Faith-as-Buffy suggests this is one of the perks of being a Slayer and taunts Spike about her sexual prowess and all the things she could do to him with her Slayer muscles.
  • Sexual Karma: When sleeping with Riley while pretending to be Buffy, Faith offers Riley the chance to indulge any dirty fantasy he wants. Instead, Riley makes love to her so gently that Faith begins to Freak Out.
  • Sexy Discretion Shot: The Riley/Faith love scene cuts away to Willow/Tara doing their spell with lots of suggestive heavy breathing and ends with Willow suggestively collapsing on the pillows while panting and sweating.
  • Sexy Shirt Switch: Faith dresses in Riley's shirt while Not Staying for Breakfast.
  • Something Only They Would Say: Buffy-in-Faith's-body proves her identity to Giles by bringing up things that only the two of them know, like the time he slept with Joyce.
  • Shoot Out the Lock: Buffy's escape from the Council team begins when she gets a hold of one of their sidearms, and uses it to shoot her cuffs off, then break through the window into the armored van's cab.
  • Shoot the Hostage: Buffy grabs Smith when he tries to inject her and threatens to break his neck if the spec ops team doesn't let her go. They tell her to go ahead, as they get their affairs in order before every mission.
  • Shoulders-Up Nudity: Faith when she leaps out of bed when the intimate sex with Riley freaks her out.
  • Shout-Out: Willow says Faith switched bodies through a Draconian Katra Spell.
  • Showing Off the New Body: Faith-as-Buffy's first impulse is to take a bath, shows off her legs for the camera, and gropes her new body extensively.
  • Speech Impediment: Tara starts stuttering when Faith talks about how much Willow loved Oz; Faith then mocks her for it. This casual cruelty tips off Tara that Buffy isn't the friend that Willow has described to her.
  • Spiteful Spit: Weatherby spits in "Faith's" face.
    Weatherby: The Watcher's Council used to mean something. You perverted it. You trash. We should have killed you while you were asleep.
  • Spot the Imposter: Buffy is quite able to convince Giles that it's her, by rattling off a string of rather embarrassing facts about their relationship that Faith couldn't know.
    Buffy-in-Faith: Giles, you turned into a demon and I knew it was you! I mean, can't you just look in my eyes and be all intuitive?
    Giles: [suddenly interested] How did I turn into a demon?
    Buffy-in-Faith: Oh! 'Cause, uh... Ethan Rayne! And-and you have a girlfriend named Olivia, and you haven't had a job since we blew up the school [Beat] which is valid, lifestyle-wise. [Giles is abashed] I mean, it's not like you're a slacker type or — Oh, oh! When I had psychic power, I heard my mom think that you were like a stevedore during sex. Wh — Do you want me to continue?
    Giles: Actually, I beg you to stop.
    Buffy-in-Faith: What's a stevedore? note 
  • Stunned Silence: After Buffy performs the body switch to return her and Faith to normal, she just sits there in a momentary daze. The look on Faith's face, meanwhile, indicates the horror she feels from her Heel Realization.
  • The Tease: Faith taunting Spike at the Bronze reaches fetish levels. It's not surprising he still remembers it in Season 7's "Dirty Girls".
    Faith-as-Buffy: I could have anything. Anyone. Even you, Spike. I could ride you at a gallop until your legs buckled and your eyes rolled up. I've got muscles you've never even dreamed of. I could squeeze you until you pop like warm champagne and you'd beg me to hurt you just a little bit more.
  • Tempting Fate / Where Is Your X Now?: The vampires say they're going to start killing people in God's house and see who turns up to stop them. Faith does.
  • That Came Out Wrong: Riley has just found out the woman he slept with was Faith.
    Riley: Man, would I like to get my hands on her. [quickly] Not in a sex way.
  • This Is Unforgivable!: Faith jumps it (again) with the Grand Theft Me plot and sleeping with Riley. Buffy is so angry, she shows up on Angel determined to kill Faith regardless of who's in her way, even willing to go through her ex to get at Faith.
  • Titled After the Song: The title comes from the song by The Who.
  • Title Drop: "Who are you?" is said three times: Buffy to Weatherby, Faith to Riley, and Riley to Buffy.
  • Token Good Teammate: Smith seems to be this, being the only one to question the need for Faith's execution.
  • To Make a Long Story Short: Willow already knows what happened to Buffy thanks to the nether-realm spell, saving Buffy the need to explain to Giles.
  • Transparent Closet: Faith figures out Willow and Tara's mutual attraction in about eight seconds.
    Faith: So, Willow's not driving stick anymore.
  • Traveling at the Speed of Plot: Buffy, on her way to Giles after her escape.
  • Two-Part Episode: Faith stole Buffy's body in the last seconds of "This Year's Girl"; now, we find out what she does with it.
  • Unusual Euphemism
    Willow: What's wetworks?
    Xander: Scuba-type stuff.
    Anya: I thought it was murder?
    Xander: Well, yeah. [lamely] But there could be underwater murder, with snorkels.
  • Verbal Backspace:
    • Faith-as-Buffy says that Buffy-as-Faith being arrested is poetic justice. When Anya asks what that means, she has to backpedal and say it's actually just regular justice.
    • Willow: "I wish those Council guys would let me have an hour alone in the room with her... if I was larger and had grenades."
  • Victoria's Secret Compartment: Faith steals money from Joyce's purse and tucks it inside her blouse.
  • Villain Episode: For Faith.
  • We Need a Distraction: Giles pretends to be a distraught family member to allow Buffy a chance to slip past the police line into the church. Unfortunately his acting needs some work.
    Giles: Damn it, man! We have to get inside! Our, uh, uh, families are-are in there! Our, uh, m-mothers and-and tiny, tiny babies!
  • What You Are in the Dark: Faith spends much of the episode in Buffy's body living it up, and messing with Buffy's life. She also finds several unexpected sources of goodness thrown her way, such as a loving parent who isn't a wannabe demon, a loving boyfriend, genuine gratitude, and actual friendship. She is all set to leave Sunnydale in Buffy's body, having gotten her revenge as well as a get out of jail free card. Then she sees a report on a TV while at a bus depot of a hostage situation in a church, and drops everything to save those people.
    Faith-in-Buffy's-body: Because it's wrong.
  • While You Were in Diapers: Faith to Forrest.
    Faith: I've been fighting demons since before you could shave.
  • Who Are You?: The Title Drop—Faith asks it of Riley (after being freaked out by his gentleness) and later Riley asks the question of Buffy (being puzzled as to why a strange girl is addressing him in a familiar manner).
  • With My Hands Tied: Collins goes to execute Buffy-in-Faith's body; Buffy grabs his pistol between her feet and pulls his head into the bars, then uses the gun to shoot out the various locks.
  • You Have to Believe Me!: Subverted when Faith switches bodies with Buffy. While Giles is initially skeptical, Buffy is able to convince Giles that it's her by rattling off a string of rather embarrassing facts about their relationship that Faith couldn't know.
  • You Just Told Me: Subverted; Buffy is apprehended by the police and Faith-in-Buffy's-body remains alone with Joyce. The first thing Joyce says is "Faith," and the changeling indeed reacts involuntarily, so it does looks like Joyce deduced her true identity. However, it turns out she didn't and is just wanting to ask "Buffy" about Faith.
  • You Must Be Cold: Joyce wraps her coat around Faith, which she doesn't really notice, as she's too busy smirking over Buffy being hauled away by the police. She does notice when Riley wraps a blanket around her later because she's shivering.
