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Here we find the characters of Warrior Nun. BEWARE: UNMARKED SPOILERS AHEAD!

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Main Characters


Ava Silva
"I never asked for any of this..."

Portrayed by: Alba Baptista

Ava was in a car accident as a young child that left her quadriplegic. After a decade in the care of unpleasant nuns, she wound up mysteriously dead. Then, during a wild fight in a morgue, a nurse put a mysterious Halo in her back to keep it safe. The Halo brought her back to life and made her the Warrior Nun.

  • Anguished Declaration of Love: Just as she's about to be sent through the Arc into Reya's dimension to be healed from fatal wounds, she tearfully reaffirms her feelings for Beatrice with an "I love you".
  • Always Save the Girl: Her attention is fully on Beatrice in Season 2, with her Halo blasts leaving everyone else flying back except for her. Possibly a hint toward her feelings as well.
  • Back from the Dead: Began the series dead until her resurrection by the Halo.
  • Blessed with Suck: The Halo brought Ava back from the dead and gave her a whole host of awesome powers, but now she's trapped in the war between heaven and hell and many of her so-called allies (the Order of the Cruciform Sword) are Knights Templar who despise her as not one of the faithful and would be happy to see her dead if that's what it takes to get the Halo back.
  • Book Dumb: While certainly not stupid, she shows shades of this here and there throughout the series which is justified by her lack of education and exposure to the outside world. An example of this is when she wonders how a Warrior Nun who lived during World War II and was once interned at a concentration camp can be both Jewish and a nun, until Beatrice pointed out that people were sent to the camps for all sorts of reasonsNote . She also takes the wrong lesson out of whatever she is being taught at the time. Going back to the Sister Melanie story, the only thing she got from it is that the former Warrior Nun was a badass, instead of how Melanie moved past her pain and in doing so managed to increase the power of the Halo. Despite this, Ava is shown to be quite adept and a quick learner and even learned fluent German within just a few months of living in Switzerland.
  • Butt-Monkey: Let's see...she has been orphaned; rendered a quadriplegic at a young age; placed under the care of an abusive nun; murdered by said abusive nun and had her death officially declared as suicide; treated with disdain and suspicion by pretty much everyone following her resurrection; is hunted by demons from Hell and so on. It seems that the universe does not like her very much, doesn't it?
  • The Chosen One: Played with. Ava was little more than a convenient hiding place for the Halo, and both her resurrection and the fact that the Halo chose a non-believer of all people came as a surprise to many in the OCS. That said, everyone else took it as a sign that she had indeed been chosen, regardless of their feelings on the matter. At best, Ava is a victim of circumstance.
  • Deadpan Snarker: For more than a decade, she had no control over her body and learned to wield her words to maximum effect.
  • Died in Your Arms Tonight: A brief example. She cracks her head open after a long fall and is implied to have actually died while Beatrice cradles her body. However, the Halo patches her up and the two embrace.
  • Driven to Suicide: Or so a certain someone would have everyone believe. In truth, Ava was murdered.
  • Flipping the Bird: Does this on occasion and with great relish. It was even the only part of her body she could move for a long time.
  • Hidden Depths: In Season 2, she apparently makes a spectacular Cuba Libre and has read Hamlet. She also learns fluent German in just a few months of living in Switzerland.
  • How Do I Shot Web?: Has to spend some time practicing her powers.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: She very much doesn't want to be the Halo bearer or be tasked with saving the world. She even says this very phrase word for word.
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: She wants Beatrice to "live" rather than adhere to the strictness of the OCS, even if it comes at the cost of her own life.
  • Kryptonite Factor: She is particularly vulnerable to Divinium, the substance that makes up the sword, shield, and armor of the angel who originally gave the Halo to Areala. It can easily injure her and she can't phase through it.
  • Legacy Character: The Halo is passed from Warrior Nun to Warrior Nun upon the death of the former.
  • Longing Look: When she's out with Beatrice in the Season 2 premiere, Ava gazes at her with a look that can only be described as head-over-heels adoration.
  • Lovable Coward: Tends to run away from danger and makes clear she has no interest in being a fighter nor does she make any secret of her terror at such monsters. Justified given what the characters are usually up against and her own lack of training or experience due in no small part to having been paralyzed for much of her life.
  • Naïve Everygirl: She knows virtually nothing about how the world works, and almost all of her human interactions have been limited to her roommate (a 12 year old boy) and the godawful bitch who was her nurse.
  • Naïve Newcomer: Her role in the Order. Everything about the war between heaven and hell has to be explained to her. Also her role in the con artist crew, as they explain the rest of the world.
  • Nice Girl: While she can be a bit bratty and self-centered at times, Ava is overall a kind, caring and likable person, especially considering the awful stuff she'd been through prior.
  • Non-Action Guy: Regularly chooses to run away from a threat if the option presents itself, and it's enough of a pattern that others have taken notice. Even when she uses the power of the Halo to defend herself or others it is more out of instinct than any conscious effort. Justified, as Ava isn't a trained fighter and has also spent the better part of her life only able to move her head and a single finger.
  • Refusal of the Call: Ava has trouble accepting her role as the Warrior Nun and tries to run.
    • The Call Knows Where You Live: However, the Halo makes her one of the only people able to see demons when they're haunting people. Also, she's being hunted by the Tarask, a demon that can manifest physically and wants to take the Halo from her.
  • These Hands Have Killed: She didn't mean to kill Sister Frances after it's revealed she was murdered, but when she did it took a while for it to register.
  • Unskilled, but Strong: The Halo gives her a lot of special abilities, but she doesn't know how to use them, nor how to throw a punch. Given she doesn't know how to use them, she experiences a lot of Power Incontinence.
    • Super-Strength: She's able to throw people across a room.
    • Psi Blast: Tends to be omnidirectional and to show up when she's upset.
    • Intangibility: She can phase through walls, or let attacks pass through her.
    • Healing Factor: Heals from non-fatal wounds incredibly rapidly, although injuries inflicted by Divinium weapons appear to take longer to heal.
    • Levitation: She floats briefly during a power freak-out when she finds herself chained to a bed in Cat's Cradle.
      • During the months between the events of Seasons One and Two, Ava had been training with Beatrice so she can better wield the power of the Halo for the eventual fight against Adriel, and she has a better handle on her abilities.


Shotgun Mary
"Fuck that, in this life!"

Portrayed by: Toya Turner

A cynical and worldly warrior, who isn't actually a nun. She carries a pair of shotguns and is fiercely loyal to the former Warrior Nun, Shannon.

  • Ambiguously Gay: Her relationship with and mourning of Shannon, as well as the fact that she's gay in the comics, could let you infer this.
  • Bolivian Army Ending: The last we see of Mary at the end of the season is her getting dogpiled by a swarm of wraith demons in Episode Ten. Season 2 reveals that she died offscreen.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Made most evident during both of her confrontations with Lilith. In the first encounter, she had to throw her off a pier, whereas in the second encounter, Mary had to resort to biting Lilith's arm before handcuffing her to a railing.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Her mother killed her violent father in self-defence when Mary was eight years old and received a life-sentence in prison (to hear Mary describe it, it didn't matter that it was in self-defence because her mother was a black woman). Then she was shipped to several foster homes before landing in a Catholic boarding school and eventually joining the OCS.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Oh yes.
    Ava: Why do they call you "Shotgun" Mary?
    Mary: [with her shotguns prominently holstered on her hips] I drink a lot.
  • Exactly What It Says on the Tin: Her name is Shotgun Mary. She wields a pair of shotguns.
  • The Lancer: Is this toward Sister Shannon, and then eventually to Ava.
  • Killed Offscreen: Due to the actress leaving the show for the second season, stock footage from the first is used to imply Mary's death, as well as what Father Vincent tells Lilith. However, given the ambiguous way it's exposited, it's possible Mary's death might not be concrete.
  • Tough Love: Is capable of dishing it out.
    Ava: Why can't you just leave me alone? I just want to be normal.
    Mary: [calmly, silently, and without missing a beat kicks Ava off the side of the cliff]
    Ava: AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! [thud] Bitch!
  • Race Lift: Mary is white in the comics but is black here in the series.
  • True Companions: With Shannon, the previous Halo Bearer.


Sister Beatrice
"Faith is my business."

Portrayed by: Kristina Tonteri-Young

A young but skilled member of the order. Proficient in various fields, she becomes Best Friends with Ava while guiding her to control her abilities as the new Halo Bearer.
  • Abusive Parents: Beatrice's parents are a couple of conservative British diplomats who are very concerned about appearances. Their gay daughter wasn't "falling into line", so they sent her to a Catholic boarding school all the way in Switzerland, where she was taught to hate who she is and apparently even punished for being different.
  • The Ace: In a way, Beatrice is a better example of this than Lilith. Sure, Lilith is the better fighter, but Beatrice is easily a close second given how many people she straight-up wipes the floor with across two seasons. Additionally, Beatrice is The Strategist of the team, is able to speak several languages fluently and has at least enough knowledge in entomology to identify a locust after a brief examination — and by its scientific name, too. Justified, as Beatrice explains that as a lesbian who was raised to hate what she is, she set out to become skilled in several things just so that she would have some "value, despite her flaws."
  • Affectionate Nickname: Ava frequently calls her "Bea" in the second season.
  • Anguished Declaration of Love: After sending Ava through the Arc, Beatrice tells her that she loves her, clearly on the verge of tears.
  • Best Friend: Eventually becomes this to Ava, though there is a scene in one of the later episodes which suggests that Beatrice might also be in love with her, too. And anyone paying attention to Ava could make a case for it not being one-sided. They get a Relationship Upgrade in Season Two after Ava kisses Beatrice, then later tells her that she loves her.
  • Blade Enthusiast: During her Turn in Your Badge sequence, she's forced to hand over all her weapons. Knives. Lots and lots of knives.
  • Consummate Professional: Out of all the main nuns in the OCS, Beatrice is the one who keeps a cool head, no matter what. She doesn't bring emotion into the mix like Mary or Camila and she doesn't deviate from the mission like Lilith; she simply sticks to the plan. Of course, she's not above trading the occasional terrible pun with Ava. Season 2 shows she takes this very seriously, getting abrasive after her emotions drove her to save Ava during the battle in Adriel's cathedral rather than let her sacrifice herself to kill Adriel.
  • Cunning Linguist: Due to her previously attending elite private schools, she can speak and read English, French and Latin.
  • Exact Words: Cardinal Duretti pushes her to proclaim her loyalty... to orders. To her faith in ... the hierarchy. She responds by proclaiming her faith in God, and her loyalty to her mission.
  • Improbable Aiming Skills: She throws a knife towards Ava's head and tells her to phase. The knife goes harmlessly through Ava and hits a guard in the head, showcasing her penchant for this.
  • Please, Don't Leave Me: Begs Ava not to die in an almost word-for-word example of this trope.
  • Reassigned to Antarctica: Is ordered to a mission in Malaysia (where there is no OCS chapter) by Cardinal Duretti after it's clear that she wouldn't be loyal to him. She chose to stay instead.
  • The Smart Guy: Top of her class at her boarding school in Switzerland before she joined the OCS, according to Cardinal Duretti. It is revealed in Episode Eight that the reason that she is so skilled in so many things is so that she would have value, despite what she had been taught were her 'flaws'.
  • The Stoic: Is usually the unflappable ice queen of the OCS, barely showing any emotion to anyone except for all the instances where Ava is concerned.
  • The Strategist: Beatrice is the one who makes the plans for the OCS's missions, and she is meticulous in her planning to the tiniest detail.
  • Straight Gay: She's a lesbian, angry that she was taught to hate and fear it her whole life.
  • True Companions: With Ava, in the second half of Season 1 and especially in Season 2. Eventually results in them becoming an Official Couple, though sadly not for long.
  • Violently Protective Girlfriend: In Season 2, she and Ava become an item, shortly after which Beatrice tears through a hallway of FBC soldiers trying to stop Ava from reaching Adriel.
  • When She Smiles: She's stoic most of the time, committed to her mission until she sees Ava phase through twenty feet of stone. Her face positively lights up with utter admiration and glee.
  • You Are Better Than You Think You Are: Although it is seldom seen, Beatrice holds a great deal of deeply internalised self-hatred over her sexuality, as a result of her being taught to hate and fear it all her life. This is despite the fact that everyone who knows her has nothing but love for her, especially Ava and Camila. And the former even says as much.
    Beatrice: My whole life, people have tried to make me into something I'm not. To make me normal. Or at least...acceptable. I became skilled at so many things just so I would still have value. Despite my flaws...or what I'd been taught was a flaw. (scoffs) Of course, I tried to fit in. But when you're punished just for being different, you begin to hate what you are...and what you love. What should make you happy...only brings you pain. Pain is what made me a Sister Warrior.
    Ava: Don't hate what you are. What you are is beautiful.


Sister Lilith Villaumbrosia
"I have trained harder than anyone else."
Click here to see her in her new form (SPOILERS!) 

Portrayed by: Lorena Andrea

A nun whose family has been deeply involved with the OCS for a thousand years, since the time of Areala, she expected to get the Halo. After sacrificing herself to help Ava, she returns from Hell, changed for the better and the worst.
  • The Ace: Said to be the best fighter in the Order, though Mary gets the better of her twice. That said, Mary is no slouch in the fighting department herself and she fought dirty in both encounters. Also, Lilith has (albeit offscreen) taken on and prevailed over multiple opponents, including highly-trained mercenaries.
  • Always Someone Better: Played with. It's freely acknowledged that Lilith is the best fighter in the OCS, and one would think that would make her prime Warrior Nun material, but she was passed over the Halo the first time because she wasn't the leader that Sister Shannon was, nor did she have her heart.
    • Has apparently given some thought to this when she was passed over for the Halo the second time, as she discusses it with Ava:
    Lilith: For the longest time, I asked myself..."Why you?" Was it divine intervention that delivered you the Halo? Did you have some inner strength that I was missing? But now I see you clearly. You. Are. Weak.
  • All There in the Manual: Lilith's last name, albeit indirectly. Based on the name her mother is credited under, it can be inferred that Lilith's last name is "Villaumbrosia."
  • Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy: Is said to be the most skilled fighter out of all the nuns in the OCS, and she knows it. Because of this, she sees the fact that she was passed over for the halo twice (once with Shannon and again with Ava) as a slight on her.
  • Back from the Dead: Not exactly dead, but everyone assumed as much and they even held a funeral for her. That said, she did get dragged to Hell...
  • Came Back Wrong: She's infected with something from Hell that causes her to act uncontrollably at times. It later turns out that Reya tried turning her into a foot soldier to kill Adriel, only for Lilith to pull a Face–Heel Turn.
  • Deadpan Snarker: She has her moments:
    Camila: How do you feel?
    Lilith: Like I just got back from Hell.
  • Disney Death: Runs between the Tarask and Ava and gets Impaled with Extreme Prejudice by its giant demon claw. She doesn't die right away and gets carried back to Hell when it pops back, and later returns alive and healed, but clearly changed.
  • Face–Heel Turn: She ends up fully turning to Adriel's side in the middle of the second season after he helps her understand her new powers and what's happening to her. However, she seems to come back around by the end of the season, though her loyalties are still in question.
  • Fatal Flaw: Her pride. She is well aware of her skills and fully believed she would receive the Halo and deserved it and became deeply resentful when she was passed over for it twice by those she saw as undeserving and became much more abrasive afterwards, pushing away Shannon, Mary and Beatrice and being manipulated to try and kill Ava for the Halo. She acknowledges this after coming back from Hell and apologizes to everyone about it, including Ava.
  • Foil: To Ava. She was convinced she would get the Halo when Ava had it forced on her and ran from it for weeks. A cloistered nun to Ava's newly discovered identity as a party girl. A circle of demonic energy on her stomach instead of a circle of angelic energy on her back.
  • Freudian Excuse: We meet her mother in the second season and gain a pretty clear idea of how Lilith ended up as she did as her mother makes it clear she sees Lilith as a disappointment and a failure for not getting the Halo and has never really cared for Lilith as a daughter and it's shown that Lilith wanted the Halo because she believed it was the only way she'd ever gain any love or affection from her.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: She thought she was destined for the Halo, and really resents Ava for getting it instead.
  • Half-Human Hybrid: After her return from Hell, it is suggested that she is at least part-demon now (or perhaps always was), given her new abilities of teleportation and razor-sharp claws.
    Adriel: (realizing that Lilith isn't entirely human) You've been to the other side. What are you?
    • It's suggested in Season Two that Lilith was changed by Reya because she needed someone who can retrieve the Halo and Adriel for her and can remain on Earth for a longer period of time than a Tarask can. If this is truly the case, then it was a plan that had Gone Horribly Wrong as Lilith has retained her independence and eventually sided with Adriel.
  • Hazy-Feel Turn: After Adriel's defeat, Lilith helps Beatrice send Ava through the Arc so that she might be helped, then disappears after warning Beatrice of a coming holy war — and sincerely hoping they end up on the same side.
  • Hero Killer: She kills Michael by tearing out his heart.
  • Inferiority Superiority Complex: Lilith has a very high opinion of herself and isn't afraid to show it but it covers up a deep insecurity borne from her loveless childhood and being made to believe that if she wasn't the Warrior Nun, she was worthless and a disappointment.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Lilith can be haughty, short-tempered, and antisocial, but she does have a softer side. She sincerely apologizes to Ava for her initial hostility, begins acknowledging her as a team member, and comes to appreciate her friends like Camila more than before.
  • Locked into Strangeness: When she came back from Hell, she eventually started to grow claws. Then her hair was beginning to go grey until it all changed into a greyish-white by Episode Ten.
    • Then, in Season Two, while her hair has returned to its original colour, demonic scales have begun to grow over Lilith's right arm, and from there she progressively becomes less human with every injury she sustains.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Stabbed from behind by the Tarask.
  • Knight Templar: She's a true believer, devoted to the Order, obeying its... orders.
  • Meaningful Name: Lilith is, in some Jewish and Christian folklore, the first wife of Adam and, subsequently, the first demon.
  • Razor Wings: Sprouts a pair of these as part of her transformation in Season Two, and she uses them to full effect in her fight against Ava.
  • Teleport Spam: Uses this to a truly brutal effect during her fight scenes in Season Two, especially in her fight against Ava, up to and including using it to impale her with a sword. This bites Lilith in the ass, however, when Ava sees enough of a pattern in Lilith's teleports to catch her off-guard and cave her face in with a flail.
  • Token Evil Teammate: She's more morally dubious than the others, swearing devotion to the church even when commanded to do rather questionable things. After coming back from Hell, she outright slits Sister Crimson's throat, though it's excused by Crimson being a sociopathic piece of crap. In Season 2, she becomes more hostile and aggressive until eventually defecting to Adriel's side.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: She becomes far easier to get along with upon her return from Hell, sincerely making amends with Ava and being more appreciative of her friends.
  • "Well Done, Daughter!" Girl: Implied in Episode Five. Lilith comes from a family that has been deeply involved with the Order of the Cruciform Sword for centuries and has several Warrior Nuns come from their ranks. With that kind of legacy to uphold, it was expected of Lilith to follow in their footsteps.
    Mary: (when Lilith tried to explain the situation with her family) Do not try to get sympathy from me because you're too much of a coward to stand up to your mommy and daddy.
    • We get a look at this in Season Two during a scene in which Lilith's mother expresses her deep disappointment that her daughter will never be the Warrior Nun.
  • We Used to Be Friends: With Shannon, Mary and Beatrice. According to Mary, the moment Shannon became the Halo Bearer something inside Lilith changed. She didn't think that Shannon deserved it and that was when she stopped being their friend. Thankfully, Lilith reconciled with her two surviving friends after her return from Hell; especially Mary, who called her heartless the last time they saw each other.
  • When She Smiles: Wears a pretty angry scowl most of the time, but when she does smile, she's absolutely radiant.


Sister Camila
"I really hope I got God's message right."

Portrayed by: Olivia Delcán

A young Sister Warrior who is new to the order, but just as deadly as some of its best members.
  • Ambiguously Bi: In Season 2, she comforts Beatrice over her anxiety for her love of Ava by telling her "it's easy to fall in love with a Warrior Nun," suggesting she knows from experience. However, she also expresses attraction towards a handsome male member of the Samaritans, Todd.
  • Badass Adorable: She's cute as a button with a wonderfully dorky sense of humor. She's also a very well-trained and ruthlessly efficient fighter.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Camila is a real sweetheart and also can be a bit of a dork sometimes, but, as Adriel will tell you, she is also a trained Sister-Warrior of the OCS and she will wreck your shit. This is doubly proven in Season 2 — she's as kind as ever, but is ruthless when it comes to invading Adriel's head. In fact, his plan to imprison Reya is completely undone by Camila using a giant amplifier to distract him.
  • Eager Rookie: The mission that killed Sister Shannon was actually her first, and her eagerness shows just before the OCS raid on Arq Tech.
  • Good Is Not Soft: One of the most cheerful and friendly characters in the show, unless you threaten her friends. Then you see she is also just as skilled in fighting as the other Sisters, and when they take on Adriel, she not only shoots him in the head but spits on him for good measure.
  • The Heart: She is also this, according to Sister Beatrice:
    Beatrice: A lot of people can smile when things go wrong, but it takes a special person to make everyone else smile with them.
  • Nice Girl: She is definitely this to her group of friends, especially when you put her next to the tough-as-nails badass that is Mary, the guarded ice queen that is Beatrice and the prideful mean girl that is Lilith. She's also the first nun to be kind to Ava, so that's something too. She even manages to make Lilith smile.


Sister Yasmine Amunet
"I'm no hostage, I'm a Sister Warrior!"

Portrayed by: Meena Rayann

A Coptic Nun who belongs to an order founded by the Warrior Nun Cora (Areala's direct successor, in fact) a thousand years ago, dedicated to keeping the knowledge of how to defeat Adriel.
  • Bookworm: It's the whole point of her order, in fact.
  • Drives Like Crazy: Just because she has an encyclopedic knowledge of Madrid's streets, that doesn't mean she knows how to drive! A fact Mother Superion, Beatrice and Camila learn the hard way.
  • Intrepid Reporter: Works as a reporter for cover, using its perks to get intel on Adriel and the conspiracy of the Order of the Cruciform Sword.
  • Lovable Coward: Like Ava in Season 1, she's hardly versed in combat and runs from physical situations. However, it's more understandable as she's given a front-row seat to encounters such as the massacre of the church meeting and the fight in Adriel's cathedral, which prove to be far more brutal and hectic.
  • Non-Action Guy: Even more so than Ava during Season One. Justified, however, as she belongs to an order of Coptic Nuns who documented information, not Sister Warriors. Later in the season, she becomes more skilled in combat, though to a realistic degree. She uses a knife and her anatomical knowledge to kill Father William by cutting into his femoral artery, resulting in his swift death.
  • Screaming Woman: For a damn good reason. Being a researcher and archivist for an ancient order, she isn't really used to the same life as a Sister Warrior. Thus, she breaks down and screams in horror when Cardinal William and several other Cardinals begin massacring people at a meeting of the church. She later gets better, becoming a Sister Warrior herself and killing William.
  • Sixth Ranger: Joins the rest of the cast in Season Two as a guide on how to defeat Adriel. Becomes a more traditional example after she joins the other Sister Warriors on the battlefield.

The Order of the Cruciform Sword (OCS)

     In General 

The Order as a whole

  • Amazon Brigade: Except for The One Guy, the OCS is staffed entirely by women.
  • Church Militant: They use a combination of mystical, ancient, and modern weapons to kick all kinds of ass.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: According to Beatrice, all the nuns in the order have the kind of secrets and pasts that they don't like to talk about. Taking her own past and Mary's into consideration, it could be inferred that many of the nuns have these.
  • Demon Slaying: Devoted to this goal, fighting against Wraith Demons and the much meaner Tarasks.
  • The One Guy: The person in charge of the Order is a dude, the only man in the organization. Understandable, given we're talking about the church.
  • Warrior Monk: Well, nuns.

     Father Vincent 

Father Vincent
"The Halo affords you the gift of sight. The ability not just to hunt them, but to kill them."

Portrayed by: Tristan Ulloa

The leader of the OCS at the beginning of the series, Vincent rapidly finds himself supplanted and then ousted by Duretti.
  • Affably Evil: While he is revealed to have been working for Adriel, there's no indication that his charming personality or affection for Ava wasn't sincere.
  • Cool Old Guy: What he seems to be, being a kind and polite older man who serves as a mentor for the girls.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: He used to be a runner and then an enforcer for the Cartels before he became a priest, and he is ashamed to admit that he enjoyed what he did.
  • Easily Forgiven: Averted. Despite his Heel–Face Turn in Season Two, it's pretty clear that he has a long way to go to regain the trust he lost when he sided with Adriel. By the Season Two stinger, Vincent is seen back at the convent with Mother Superion.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Vincent loses his faith in Adriel after he witnessed Pope Duretti being killed. Following his crisis of faith, he returns the Crown of Thorns to Ava and sides with her in the final battle against Adriel.
  • Hero Killer: He was the one who orchestrated the events that killed Sister Shannon, so that he could manipulate the next Warrior Nun into releasing his master, Adriel.
  • Hidden Depths: Turns out he had a criminal past, meaning that he is more than capable of serious, dirty violence. Where the nuns of the OCS tend toward super sweet ninja stylings and Mary is more of a boxer, he's more of a prison thug.
  • Mentor Archetype: An older gentleman, but not elderly.
  • The Mole: It is revealed in the final episode that Father Vincent has been in Adriel's service the entire time, and he had been working toward his master's release from his prison.
  • Nice Guy: He seems to be one, being the only member of the OCS to show any kindness or understanding to Ava. The reality is a bit more complex.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: In the eighth episode, he needs info from the black market and tells Mary to follow his lead. For the first time, we see him remove his white clerical collar, unbutton a few of the top buttons, and roll up his sleeves. Suddenly dude looks badass.
  • Silver Fox: Not so much in his priest garb, but as soon as he takes off that collar and rolls up his sleeves to show off his tats? Oof.
  • Tattooed Crook: Turns out he's hiding some sweet tats under the long sleeves of his black priest shirt.
  • The One Guy: Apart from Duretti, the only male member of the church we meet. One of only three significant men in the entire season.
  • Walking Spoiler: It's hard to talk about his characterization without mentioning that he's working for Adriel in secret.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: He tears into Mother Superion for her vicious takedown of Ava which reduced the poor girl to tears and calls out her misplaced sense of superiority and pride and claim that Ava doesn't deserve forgiveness, reminding Mother Superion that according to the gospel, none of them deserve it and neither he nor Mother Superion are any better or more deserving of God's compassion and love than Ava is.

     Cardinal Duretti 

Cardinal Francesco Duretti
"Leave this holy place!"

Portrayed by: Joaquim de Almeida

A representative from the Vatican charged with overseeing the Order of the Cruciform Sword and its day-to-day operations. He later becomes the head of the OCS, and he wastes no time in turning it into a force that is loyal only to him. By the end of the series, Duretti is elected Pope of the Catholic Church.

  • Ambition Is Evil: Is by far the most ambitious character in the series. The first thing he does when he takes over the OCS is to bring in nuns who failed their examinations to join the OCS (because they were too violent or undisciplined to be a Sister-Warrior if Sister Crimson is any indication) so he can have an OCS that is loyal to him personally. The second thing is to reassign Beatrice, Father Vincent, Mary and anyone else who won't play ball. There is also the Papal Conclave, where Duretti had the bad form to vote for himself.
  • Big Bad: What the series would have you believe, but Duretti turns out to be a very clever Red Herring who ultimately had nothing to do with Sister Shannon's assassination, Ava becoming the Warrior Nun or the plot that revolved around them both. The real Big Bad of the series turns out to be Adriel.
  • Flat-Earth Atheist: He's one of the top Cardinals who clearly does not believe in demons. When Adriel rises to power, he thinks he's dealing with some charlatan swaying people to his side. It takes nearly being killed by his trusted council and one of his own bodyguards to realize he's truly dealing with something more than human.
  • The Fundamentalist: Considers the work being done at Arq Tech an abomination, despite their claims that proof of Heaven would actually bring people closer to the church. He also considers Ava an inadequate Halo Bearer because he has doubts that she is even a believer, let alone a Catholic.
  • Good Is Not Nice: He's on the side of good but he's far from the nicest guy, having no issue manipulating things to get what he wants, trying to remove anyone who isn't loyal to him personally from the OCS and being rather blunt and unpleasant on a personal level.
  • Manipulative Bastard: He is pretty good at getting people to do what he wants. He plays on Lilith's pride to get her to take the Halo back from Ava and he uses his history with Mother Superion to side with him when he makes his play for control of the OCS. The people he doesn't manage to get on his side, he sends them where they won't interfere with his plans. He is also not above using the OCS to further his own ends, such as when he sends a team of Sister Warriors to break into Arq Tech to retrieve a holy Divinium relic. This is despite the fact that stealing from corporations is not a part of the OCS's mission, even if holy relics are involved.
  • Red Herring: His blatant ambition and self-regard, abrasive demeanor, weeding out any potential opposition and being played by an actor well-known for playing villains all hint that Duretti will be revealed as a villain. He isn't.
  • With Us or Against Us: After he takes over the OCS, he has everyone who isn't loyal to him personally Reassigned to Antarctica or kicked out of the order outright.

     Mother Superion 

Mother Superion
"Give them Hell."

Portrayed by: Sylvia Di Fanti

The Mother Superior of the Cat's Cradle convent and the chief drill instructor for the Order of the Cruciform Sword.
  • Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy: Is shown to have been this during a flashback to her tenure as the Warrior Nun. She quickly sees the error of her ways when her arrogance accidentally gets the previous Mother Superion killed.
  • Back from the Dead: Is brought back to life by Ava after she is shot and killed by Cardinal William. It is suggested that this was only possible because Mother Superion retains some kind of residual connection to the Halo from her time as the Warrior Nun, which allowed the Halo to heal her when it was in close proximity.
  • Cane Sword: Well...cane knife anyway, one which she puts to very good use in "Mark 10-45."
  • The Chosen One: Averted. She was chosen to bear the Halo at some point in her life, but the Halo rejected her. She still carries the scar on her back, and she seems to consider it a mark of shame when Ava sees it.
    • Double averted in Season Two, as it's revealed in flashbacks that Mother Superion not only was a Warrior Nun but actually Sister Shannon's direct predecessor. The Halo rejected her after she accidentally got her Mother Superion killed, although it is implied that it is actually she who rejected it.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: According to the wiki, Mother Superion witnessed horrors as a child, and she is burdened with the guilt of the things she did and didn’t do while trying to survive.
  • Drill Sergeant Nasty: She is in charge of training the nuns in combat. As for her training methods? Well, given that Beatrice and others call her 'Cruella de Jesus' behind her back, it can be inferred that she is this.
  • Given Name Reveal: It is revealed in Season Two that Mother Superion's name is Suzanne.
  • Handicapped Badass: She walks with a cane, but she joins the fight in the catacombs and kicks some serious ass with Cane Fu. After she is resurrected by the Halo, it appears that she has been healed completely, and doesn't actually need the cane anymore.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: She's a harsh taskmaster and can be very hard on anyone who doesn't meet her standards, being outright cruel to Ava at first. But she softens up considerably over time and reveals herself to a lot kinder and more heroic, even taking a liking to Ava.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: She initially comes off as a real bitch to Ava, accusing her of having committed suicide, but she does have the girls' good at heart and rejects Duretti before the end.
  • Rugged Scar: Has a long scar over her right eye and a smaller scar across her right cheek. A flashback in Season Two reveals that she received these injuries during her tenure as the Warrior Nun, though the Halo left her body before it had a chance to heal them. These scars disappear when Mother Superion is resurrected by the Halo.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Is the recipient of one of these in Episode Seven, when Mother Superion does nothing to oppose the changes in the Order brought on by Cardinal Duretti, even though she clearly objects to having rejects like Sister Crimson brought back into the fold. Mother Superion justifies it by explaining that she serves the Church, but it is rightly pointed out that Duretti isn't the Church.
  • The Stoic: She keeps her distance with everyone, never allowing anyone to get too close to her. The Sisters that train under her believe that this is because she doesn't care, but the reality (according to Mary) is that she cares too much.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Mistakenly believes that Ava killed herself prior to her coming into possession of the Halo, and sees her as an aberration and a sinner because of it. She feels so strongly about it that she is absolutely ruthless when she calls Ava out on it, a fact Father Vincent is similarly quick to call Mother Superion out on, reminding her that in the eyes of God, she is no more worthy of redemption of forgiveness than Ava. However, Mother Superion eventually reconsiders her feelings on Ava being the Halo Bearer.

     Sister Shannon 

Sister Shannon

Portrayed by: Melina Matthews

The Warrior Nun who bore the Halo before it came into Ava's possession. Her death serves as the catalyst for all the events of the series.
  • Death by Adaptation: Shannon dies in the first scene of Episode One, but in the comics, she is the main character.
  • Due to the Dead: Averted. Her corpse is torn apart and defiled by a Tarask looking for the Halo.
  • The Hero: Well... she was a Warrior Nun, after all.
  • Knight in Sour Armor: Was of the opinion that to be the Warrior Nun is to live a short, violent life where you will see everyone you love die in front of you one by one, and she says as much to Ava before she vanishes.
  • Legacy Character: Is this due to the Halo passing from one Warrior Nun to the next upon their death. After her own death, the Halo then passes to Ava.
  • True Companions: Mary was her best friend, possibly even more, and it is she who takes Shannon's death the hardest.

     Sister Crimson 

Sister Crimson

Portrayed by: Sinead MacInnes

A former Sister-Warrior of the OCS who was kicked out for her aggression, lack of discipline and (possible) sociopathic tendencies. Crimson is one of the rejects brought back into the organization by Cardinal Duretti so that he can have an OCS loyal to him.
  • Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy: Gawd, this one is more arrogant than Lilith, but at least Lilith had something to back it up. Crimson can't even beat a single opponent in a fair fight. Case in point, she got wrecked by Beatrice in sparring and she had to resort to cheating with a pair of nunchaku.
  • Blood Knight: Shows shades of this whenever she is fighting with one of the protagonists, even if she isn't the biggest proponent of a fair fight.
    Reject Nun: You really think [Vincent, Mary, Beatrice and Ava] will return?
    Sister Crimson: We can only hope.
  • Combat Pragmatist: She brings nunchaku to a sparring session, tries to shoot an unarmed Beatrice with one of Mary's shotguns and generally moves in for the attack when she thinks she has the advantage, like if she is coming in from behind or has a small army on nuns at her back. Try as she might, however, Crimson still gets her ass kicked every time.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: The one that she received courtesy of Beatrice in Episode Seven is worthy of note. Crimson was so predictable in that fight that Beatrice started calling out Crimson's own attacks while she handed the reject nun her ass. And the fight lasted only a few seconds.
  • Jerkass: She's rude, aggressive, extremely arrogant and has an extremely high opinion of herself with almost nothing to back it up.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: Seriously, who names their kid "Crimson"? The irony, however, is that nobody runs away from her due to not being afraid of her; not even Ava, who regularly chooses flight over fight.
  • Slashed Throat: How she met her end, courtesy of Lilith and her new claws.
  • Slasher Smile: Showed up to Lilith's funeral with one of these.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: Has a very high view of herself and little to back it up, getting easily demolished by Beatrice in every battle.
  • There's No Kill like Overkill: On orders from Cardinal Duretti to immediately remove anyone who had been dismissed from the convent if they returned, Crimson heads straight for the armory. While her orders did specify "by any means necessary" it's telling that her first thought is to use lethal force.
  • Violent Glaswegian: Mother Superion had her kicked out of the OCS because she was, quote, "aggressive, undisciplined...and possibly sociopathic."

     Sister Dora 

Sister Dora

Portrayed by: Sadiqua Bynum

A Sister Warrior who responds to the OCS distress call.


Areala of Cordoba

Portrayed by: Guiomar Alonso (flashbacks), Alba Baptista (during Ava's vision)

A Spanish noblewoman whose family's lands were stolen by the Moors. She took up the sword in the name of God, where she was eventually mortally wounded in battle and had the Halo bestowed upon her by the angel Adriel, becoming the first Warrior Nun and the founder of the OCS.
  • Adaptational Backstory Change: In the comics, Areala was a Valkyrie who renounced Odin and converted to Christianity. In the series, Areala was a mortal noblewoman from Spain.
  • Back from the Dead: She wasn't quite dead, but she was well on her way to being so. Mortally wounded and dying on the battlefield, the Halo was given to her by Adriel, which restored her to full health and vitality, and she became the first Warrior Nun. According to legend, Adriel was inspired to sacrifice his Halo because of Areala's bravery and faith in God. The reality is that Adriel stole the Halo from Hell, and he needed her knights to help him fight the Tarasks that were after him. Then it turned out that Areala was the perfect hiding place for what he stole.
  • The Chosen One: Ultimately averted. Areala was this according to the legends surrounding her, but, like Ava, she was nothing more than a convenient hiding place for the Halo.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: According to Yasmine, Ariela attacked Adriel and was killed for it, but it got her close enough to place the Crown of Thorns onto his head with the last of her strength.
  • Jeanne d'Archétype: Areala was a holy female warrior, fighting for her homeland during a time when the Reconquista was in full swing, and the Christians in Spain were at war with the Muslim Moors.
  • Lady of War: Led an army of knights against the Moors before she became the first Halo Bearer.
  • Posthumous Character: By the time of the series start, Areala had been dead for around a thousand years. She is seen only in flashbacks and during a vision in Episode Ten when Ava learned the truth about Adriel and the Halo.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: Adriel's claims to being an angel are this for her. It is unclear what gave him away, but Areala saw through his lies instantly.
    Areala: You lie like a man. But you are not a man. And you are no angel.
    Adriel: (no longer bothering with the pretence) And you're a clever girl, aren't you?
  • Take Up My Sword: Her death marked the first time the Halo passed to the next Warrior Nun and every worthy successor since for a thousand years.

Arq Tech


Jillian Salvius

Portrayed by: Thekla Reuten

The CEO of Arq Tech, determined to use technology to find a way to Heaven to help her dying son.
  • Adaptational Heroism: In the comics, Julian Salvius is an arms dealer and a Satanist, whereas in the series, Jillian Salvius is the benevolent head of a tech company and an eventual ally of Ava and her friends.
  • Gender Flip: Is a male named Julian Salvius in the comic but she is Jillian in the series.
  • Honest Corporate Executive: Although she is established as an antagonist early on in the series, she quickly becomes an ally of the protagonists when it's made apparent that she really is genuine in her desire to bridge the gap between religion and science and that Arq Tech's mission really is for the betterment of humanity. It also helps that she has a good man for an advisor who serves as her conscience at times.
  • Mama Bear: Everything she's doing is because her son is dying.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: She's pushing the limits of dangerous tech because her son is sick and only Divinium is keeping him alive. She needs to get to Heaven so he won't die.


Kristian Schaeffer

Portrayed by: Peter De Jersey

A former devotee of the church, he lost his faith because God kept not helping people. So he joined Arq Tech as a way to get answers.
  • Bookworm: As a benefit of being a former Vatican archivist he has access to a lot of useful religious info, and where to get the rarer texts if you're not too picky.
  • Morality Pet: Acts as a voice of reason for when Jillian gets carried away by her schemes.
  • Undying Loyalty: Is fiercely loyal to his employer. He isn't keen on the church anymore, but will help the nuns out because it'll help Jillian.
    • Subverted in Season 2, where he fully devotes himself to Adriel and ousts Jillian from her own company.


Michael Salvius / Miguel

Portrayed by: Lope Haydn Evans (child), Jack Mullarkey (adult)

Jillian's son. She was barren, and he was only born thanks to her experiments with Divinium. Still, he's dying from an impossible blood disease and is only kept alive by the Divinium laced through his system. In Season 2, he returns as "Miguel", a resistance fighter who helps Ava in her quest.
  • And Show It to You: Lilith kills him this way at the end of Season 2.
  • Butt-Monkey: Amusingly, every time Ava activates a Halo blast in his presence, she focuses on Beatrice instead, sending poor Michael flying. This, combined with him being a rather middling fighter and getting his ass handed to him on live television, enforce this trope. A more tragic instance occurs when he tries to fight Adriel, only to get unceremoniously killed by Lilith and blown up in an attempt to kill Adriel, which fails miserably.
  • The Lancer: Is this to Ava in Season 2, being more devout to Reya and accepting of sacrificing himself to win the war.
  • Littlest Cancer Patient: A "blood disease" of some kind renders him bedridden for the first season.
  • Ludicrous Gibs: After Ava detonates the Divinium inside Michael's corpse, all that is left of him are bloody pieces and a red smear on the floor.
  • Senseless Sacrifice: He believes sacrificing himself will kill Adriel with the Divinium in his body. After his corpse is detonated, Adriel is barely put down for a minute.
  • Unskilled, but Strong: Vincent notes that he is not much of a fighter but he can take a punch.
  • Violence is the Only Option: Suggests to Ava that they'd have to fight through a group of cultists in order to infiltrate one of Adriel's churches, to which Ava suggests the subtler approach of going over the wall instead (or phasing through it in her case).
  • Waif Prophet: He gives hints of being aware of things he shouldn't know. "She'll open the door." "You're too late." Etc. It is revealed in the last episode that Michael knows the things he knows because he has been in contact with Adriel through the Divinium in his body.
  • Why Am I Ticking?: Reya sent him back to our world full of Divinium so that he could be used as a living bomb that Ava can detonate by channelling the Halo's power into him, in order to defeat Adriel. It doesn't work.
  • Wrestler in All of Us: Is fond of using spinebuster-style takedowns in many of the fights he is involved in, and at one point he is seen busting a double flying clothesline on a couple of Adriel's cultists.
  • Year Inside, Hour Outside: He's a young boy in Season 1, but after going through the Arc at the end of the season he reappears two months later in Season 2 as a grown man.

The Firstborn Children

     In General 

The Firstborn Children

A cult created by Adriel.

  • Brainwashed and Crazy: How they ensure their subjects are loyal, exposing them to Wraith Demons who possess them.
  • Cult: They're directly described as one. Given their induction tactics, their shady leader, and fervent worship, it's a pretty fitting description.
  • Zerg Rush: One of their tactics in fights is to swarm assailants, using shear numbers as an advantage.


"Without manipulation there is no fear, and without fear there is no power."

Portrayed by: William Miller

According to legend, Adriel is the angel who sacrificed his Halo (and his divinity) to save Areala of Cordoba's life, bestowing her with superhuman ability and allowing her to become the first Warrior Nun. In reality, Adriel is a demon who stole the Halo from somewhere (presumably Hell) and used it to save Areala's life in exchange for her knights and somewhere (or, rather, someone) to hide what he stole. Adriel was eventually betrayed by Areala and sealed inside a tomb, where he remained for a thousand years.

  • A Fate Worse Than Death: Being locked away in a tomb is one of these for him since he cannot die in the mortal realm. This is also what he had planned for Ava after he reclaimed the Halo.
    Adriel: Let my cage become your tomb... Warrior Nun.
    • He intended to inflict this onto Reya in Season 2, planning to trap her with the Crown of Thorns to use her as a power battery.
  • Affably Evil: In Season 2, he has this mood. You can stab him in the neck and try to imprison him with a holy relic, and he'll still reach out to you under the pretence of being a divine entity.
  • Big Bad: Is the main villain of Season 2, with his army of the Firstborn Children being the biggest threat to the protagonists.
  • Devil in Disguise: He is an angel according to the legends but, in reality, he is actually a demon who stole the Halo. When Areala realised that Adriel is not what he claims, he threatened to take back the Halo and leave her how he found her if she revealed his true identity. A thousand years later, Ava realised what Adriel is through a vision.
    Ava: He's no angel. He's a devil.
  • Facial Horror: Ava blows up the Divinium-laced corpse of Michael right next to him. The explosion results in his face getting torn to shreds, with special mention of a shot where he's pulling out a piece of metal lodged in his jaw.
  • Ludicrous Gibs: His final fate after getting torn to shreds by a group of Tarasks.
  • Manipulative Bastard: By his own admission, men believe what they want to believe, and he exploits that into making people do what he wants them to. The only person in the whole series who wasn't taken in by his lies was Areala. Ava also discovers his true nature rather quickly when she relives one of Areala's memories in Episode Ten.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: He was betrayed (or so he claims) by Areala and the Church and was sealed in his tomb when it became clear that he could not die in the mortal realm. There he remained for a thousand years, but thanks to his innate connection to Divinium he managed to work toward his eventual escape by being in contact with Father Vincent and Michael Salvius through the metal in their bodies.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Season 2 makes him out to be this, as he gains power and influence to create his own ideal version of Earth. He's also mortified by the oppression of the church. He seems to seriously believe in his cause if his rant against Reya is anything to go off of, a sharp contrast to his implied characterisation in Season 1 when he was a simple thief from another dimension.

     Cardinal William 

Cardinal William

Portrayed by: Richard Clothier

A cardinal who is dedicated to Adriel's cause, using his position in the Vatican to strengthen the Firstborn Children.

  • Ax-Crazy: Launches into a dedicated sermon after slitting the throat of the Archbishop of Canterbury, continuing to pray as violence erupts around him. After getting shot in the eye, he intimidates Jillian by digging his finger into the wound and drawing a cross on the glass door she's trapped behind, while also muttering in Latin.
  • Deceptive Disciple: He acts like he's completely faithful to the office of the Pope, but really he's a devotee of Adriel and ends up betraying Duretti.
  • Dirty Coward: Orders his soldiers to attack Beatrice but slinks away as she begins to tear them apart, opting to target the seemingly weaker Sister Yasmine, though she makes quick work of the Cardinal.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: He's a truly reprehensible piece of work, but even he seems to be shocked at the torture of Cardinal Rossi, silently praying after it ends. However, given this was before he was revealed as a villain, how genuine he is is up for interpretation.
  • Eye Scream: Mother Superion shoots him in the eye. Afterward, he digs his finger into the wound and makes a cross on a glass wall.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He only maintains a cordial demeanour when he has the upper hand. When things get going, however, he hides behind his small armada of foot soldiers when Beatrice confronts him. After Yasmine seals his fate by cutting open his femoral artery, he curses at her in a whiny fashion before collapsing.
  • Hate Sink: While he's genuinely devout to Adriel's cause, he's also a ruthless and sadistic cultist, cutting the throat of the Archbishop of Canterbury, nearly killing Mother Superion, mocking Jillian and later Yasmine, and hiding from a fight so he can take a hostage.
  • Large Ham: Despite being a Hate Sink, Richard Clothier's dedicated performance make him a riot to watch.
  • Walking Spoiler: It's hard to talk about him without spoiling the fact he's revealed as a member of Adriel's flock.

The Arc Realm



Portrayed by: Andrea Tivadar

A god who rules over the interdimensional realm from which Adriel hails.

  • Ambiguously Evil: She's directly compared to the more abusive nature of religious institutions by Adriel, though he's also a liar and thief, so it wouldn't be out of character to lie about her nature.
  • Ethereal White Dress: Her cloak and outfit evoke this.
  • Failure Is the Only Option: Every single one of her attempts to retrieve the Halo and/or Adriel for the past thousand years has ended in failure. Every Tarask that is sent to Earth is either killed or forced to return empty-handed, and if Adriel is to be believed about Lilith being changed to serve as her agent, that too ended in failure when Lilith sided with him. Adriel is killed only because Ava used the Halo to draw the Tarasks, and the Halo is returned to the other side only because Lilith and Beatrice sent a mortally wounded Ava there in the hope that she will be healed — neither of these events is by Reya's design.
  • Humanoid Abomination: She's an ancient God from another dimension who takes the form of a beautiful woman clad in white armor and a cloak. Her real form is implied to be far more eldritch, as seen on Jillian's monitor when she reviews the footage Lilith captured while in the Arc.
  • Light Is Not Good: Downplayed. She's dressed in an all-white gown, but also commands the demonic-looking Tarasks and if Adriel is to be believed, is obsessed with keeping her power at any cost.



Portrayed by: CGI

Beasts that hunt the Halo and its bearer throughout history.

  • Dark Is Not Evil: Are easily similar to demons in design, but are actually the lackeys of Reya, who seems to be a heavenly figure.
  • Giant Mook: They're soldiers of Hell chasing after the Halo and dwarf every other character in the show when it comes to size.

The Con Crew

     In General 
A group of con artists who drift around southern Europe, bumming in the empty houses of the Idle Rich, going to exclusive parties or underground raves, and just living a life free of responsibility.



Portrayed by: Emilio Sakraya

  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Despite just learning that demons exist and witnessing a woman being dragged to Hell, after the end of Episode Five, JC isn't seen for the rest of the series. After Episode Six he isn't even mentioned again, not even by Ava.



Portrayed by: Dimitri Abold



Portrayed by: May Simon Lifschitz

  • Nice Girl: Though their initial meeting was a little frosty, Chanel was the only one besides JC who made Ava feel welcome with the rest of the group.
  • Statuesque Stunner: May Simon Lifschitz is just a quarter-inch shy of 6' tall, and it shows when Chanel is standing next to the comparatively petite Ava.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Doesn't make another appearance after Episode Four. Simon Barry said he wanted to bring her back for the second season but May Lifschitz was already busy.



Portrayed by: Charlotte Vega

  • Alpha Bitch: Is the most hostile toward Ava, both in their initial meeting and when Ava returns to the group after their run-in with Jillian Salvius.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Doesn't make another appearance after Episode Four.
