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Funny / Warrior Nun

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Season 1

1 - Psalm 46:5
  • The theories around Ava's resurrection listed by her friend at the orphanage very clearly come straight out of comic books, but the look on her face suggests that she might be considering all of them as very real possibilities. Including the one about there being a glitch in the Matrix. Hey, they can't be any weirder than being brought back from the dead by an angel's halo, right?
  • Ava being offered a drink by a clubgoer, only to spit it out immediately.
    Ava: That's alcohol!
    Woman: [clearly skeptical that Ava isn't shitfaced] ...Are you sober?
    Ava: Not on purpose!
    • And when Ava pushes the bouncer into a table, the smile on the other woman's face just says, "Nice!"
  • Ava deciding to take a swim in somebody's pool, only to realise during the freeze-frame that she can't swim.
    Ava: [narrating] Wait, do my God powers include swimming? Because I just realised...! [splash] I can't swim! Fuck, fuck, fuck!
  • After being saved by JC, a cute boy (check that one off the list!), you can almost see Ava's brain glitching like hell whenever she tries to say something.

2 - Proverbs 31:25

  • While Mary is interrogating someone who possibly had a part in Shannon's death, she asks him to speak English because she was still working on her Spanish. The man then basically tells her to fuck off in Spanish, which prompts a rather...percussive response from Mary.
    Mary: My Spanish isn't that bad.

3 - Ephesians 6:11

  • Father Vincent is recounting the tale of Areala of Cordoba, the first Warrior Nun, who was once a non-believer whose family lost her lands before she found "Him":
    Ava: [gasps] Liam Neeson? I've seen this one. He exacts revenge on everyone who wronged her.
    Father Vincent: [trying not to get too annoyed with her] Not Liam Neeson.
    Ava: The Rock?
    • The sheer Narm Charm of the over-the-top, brightly lit flashback to Areala and Adriel which makes it all the more jarring when we find out what really happened.
  • Ava's narration during Mother Superion's entrance: "Grizzled. Mean scar. Grand entrance. Boss bitch is here."
    • After Mother Superion introduces herself, Ava accidentally lets slip the line "of course you are".
    Ava: [Narrating] Shit, that was out loud!
  • Ava phasing through the wall only to end up with her foot still stuck in it. And then she notices that Mother Superion is sitting right there in the room with her.
    Ava: So, the walls are really, uh...thick here, huh?
  • The Snark-to-Snark Combat between Ava and Mary in their first meeting:
    Father Vincent: Ah, Ava, good, come on in. Let me introduce you to Sister —
    Mary: Shotgun Mary.
    Ava: Cool name. Why do they call you that?
    Camera: (lingering shot of Mary, clearly showing a shotgun on either hip.)
    Mary: (Beat) I drink a lot.
    Ava: (chuckles)
    Vincent: (rolls his eyes)
  • Ava is attacked by Lilith but somehow feels no pain from any of the blows of a club raining down on her.
    Ava: Okay, this is probably my synapses being super-confused and totally not a comment on your strength and skill.
    • After Mother Superion stops the sparing session, Ava's natural snark escapes again.
    Ava: So what do you think? B-plus?
  • Beatrice telling Ava that Mother Superion is extremely tough on all the sisters by saying that the sisters call her "Cruella de Jesus" behind her back, and that Beatrice was the one to start it.
  • Camila's less than subtle efforts to follow and keep an eye on Ava and trying to keep it up even after Ava has figured it out.
4 - Ecclesiasticus 26:9-10

5 - Matthew 7:13

  • A drunk JC and Ava trying to pick out their next destination from a few postcards. Ava picks Cologne, and all JC could talk about is how amazing it is. Ava doesn't want to go anywhere that JC had already visited, so she picks Brussels instead. Turns out he'd been to Brussels before as well. Actually, it turns out he'd been to all of the places in the postcards.
  • JC trying to be a hero by getting in Lilith's way, only to be KO'd with a single punch.
  • Ava gleefully waving goodbye to Mary and Lilith as her boat departs and switching to giving them the finger, smiling brightly all the while.

6 - Isaiah 30:20-21

  • This little Tough Love moment from Mary:
    Ava: Why can't you just leave me alone? I just want to be normal.
    Mary: [Walks up behind Ava and calmly and wordlessly kicks her off the edge of the cliff before limping away]
    Ava: [Screaming all the way down until she hits the ground with an audible thud] Bitch!
  • In a later scene, Mary acting like a four-year-old by repeating everything that Ava says in a mocking tone.
  • Ava, staying the night in a church, asks God for a sign when she notices a statue crying tears. Then she looks up and realizes that it's actually water from a leak in the ceiling.
  • Mary recites scripture as if she is performing an exorcism while Ava is beating the shit out of guy who is possessed to make the host non-viable for the wraith demon to remain inside. When asked if that actually worked, Mary admits that it's actually for the benefit of the people watching the fight, but it can't hurt.
  • Mary describes her special arrangement with Father Vincent, he let her join OCS without taking the vows and managed to "talk him down to just the fifth and eighth commandment but the rest are fair game" This means she can't commit murder or lie... but stealing, adultery, and believing in another God are all acceptable.

7 - Ephesians 4:22-24

  • The Turn in Your Badge sequence with Beatrice. She starts with a knife. And then another knife. And another. Then a handful of shuriken...and another knife...and another knife...and so on.
  • The first confrontation between Mary and Sister Crimson. Mary knocks Crimson out with a single punch, while Mother Superion, who is watching the altercation happening, is like, "Ehh...", and then walks away, leaving Crimson where she fell.
    Sister Crimson: [shoves Mary] You're not supposed to be here.
    Mary: Yeah, that makes two of us. (BAM!)
    Mother Superion: Beat, then walks away
  • Mary comes up with a plan to break into the secret chamber in Shannon's old room, but both Beatrice and Father Vincent can only point out the flaws, and...yeah, it seems there's a reason why Beatrice does all the planning.
    Mary: We wait till dusk. Move in teams. Beatrice will take out the security out back. Father Vincent will move the van.
    Beatrice: In this scenario, you have a van?
    Mary: It's a work in progress. Now we get into Shannon's room. We blow out the wall.
    Vincent: Now there's explosives.
    Mary: [exasperated] Well, if either of you have a more discreet plan, chime in.
  • Mary, while she is fighting with Sister Crimson: "You know you didn't join the Church of Satan, right?"
  • Ava, seeing Crimson with nunchaku, asks, "Seriously? On the nose much?" Crimson responds by thwacking her in the nose.
    Ava: [wiping blood from her nose] Oh, that is not what I meant!
  • After Beatrice takes on Sister Crimson Ava notes (while still having a bloody nose) "Beatrice is a badass!"
  • Stuck between a rock and a hard place with Sister Crimson behind them and the rest of Duretti's loyalists in front of them, it looks pretty dire for Ava, Beatrice and Mary...until Camila jumps in, shooting up the convent and screaming like a madwoman.
    Camila: I really hope I got God's message right.
    • And then she shoots up the convent again, even though she and her friends are the only people still inside.
  • And hey, it turns out that they did have a van!
  • Let's not forget the failed attempt at becoming the badass by Ava in the meantime.
    Ava: We're not your enemy. But if you try to stop us, you leave me no choice. And I will kick the ever living shit out of you because I am the Goddamn Warrior N-[gets shot by an arrow] Agggggggggh!

8 - Proverbs 14:1

  • Ava's response after Beatrice's reminder that she got stuck in two feet of Cat's Cradle wall? "So. I'll train, Sister Photographic Memory."
  • The look on the security guard's face when Ava returns to ArqTech screams "Oh, god, not again." Note 
  • Ava managed to phase through around 8 feet of solid stone (out of 20), and the first thing she says after she reemerges is that she thinks she peed a little.
  • Testing out some earpieces, Beatrice asks Ava if she could hear her. Ava is standing right next to her.
  • There is something endearingly hilarious when Ava repeats the word "Lesbisch" as though it is the coolest word she's ever heard.

9 - 2 Corinthians 10:4

  • This lame Dad joke from Ava at the beginning of the episode:
    Beatrice: Don't fidget. Nuns don't fidget.
    Ava: [while dressed as a nun] Sorry. [shit-eating grin] Bad habit.
    Mary: [groans] I should shoot you for that.
    • Also a Funny Background Event as everyone else silently reacts with Beatrice and Vincent giving her looks that say "Really? While Camila seemed to think it was Actually Pretty Funny.
    • And let's not forget this zinger:
      Ava: Let me guess. Adriel's tomb is...dead ahead?
    • Even Beatrice gets a good one in:
      Beatrice: [measuring a wall to determine the location of the entrance to Adriel's tomb] [...] Which, uh, I assume is... in the dead centre.
      Ava: [smiling like the proverbial cat that got the canary] Is this our thing, now?
      Beatrice: If trading terrible puns is wrong, then I don't want to be right.
  • Ava taking Father Vincent's advice to act like a nun to heart, and Beatrice is not amused when Ava blesses a child.
    Beatrice: [pulling Ava away] Too far.

10 - Revelation 2:10

  • A subtle Brick Joke in an otherwise serious episode as before now Beatrice refused to drop an F-bomb (saying "freaking" instead for example) but when she sees Adriel's hand rise out of the rubble when she expected bones she just gives a surprised "What the Fuck"

Season 2

1 - Galatians 6:4-5
  • Ava takes Beatrice out for a night to help her loosen up and finds out that Beatrice is a total teetotaler and has never had an alcoholic drink before, cue Ava smiling like Christmas came early.
    Ava: "What about Communion wine?"
    Beatrice: "I just take tiny sips!"
    Ava "Oh my God!...Okay, this is gonna be great! I get to be the one to get you drunk for the first time!"
    • After she has her first drink, she actually likes it, and Ava brings back the corny puns.
    Ava: " You know that's one small sip for Nuns, one giant drink...
    Ava & Beatrice: "For Nun-kind!"
  • Camila showing all the older nuns her phone and teaching them about TikTok, of all things. Just the idea of nuns from an order dedicated to stopping demons learning about social media and making videos for TikTok is hilarious.

2 - Colossians 3:9-10

  • Miguel not believing Ava when she tells him that she and Beatrice are "Undercover Tactical Nuns" — which is exactly what they are — followed by Ava giving a quick smug glance to Beatrice that basically says, "Y'see? And you were worried about me blowing our cover."
  • This exchange:
    Camila: "God is in everything I do, and all my work glorifies Him."
    Mother Superion: "Ecclesiastes?"
    Camila: "... Dolly Parton."
  • Mother Superion objecting to Camila tranquilizing Sister Yasmine.
  • Ava messes up a patron's order. Why? Because she was staring daggers at a woman chatting up Beatrice. Who knew Ava would end up getting a jealous scene!

3 - Luke 8:17

  • Ava telling Beatrice that she's a "'punch first, maybe ask some questions, and then punch again' kind of girl." Beatrice's exasperated response? "Yes, I've noticed."
  • Just, Tranquilized!Beatrice. All of it.
    Camila: [To an apparently tipsy Beatrice] Are you feeling okay?
    Ava: Oh, she just had a little bit too much (Beat) tranquilizer dart.
    Camila: I'll have to hear that story.
  • Ava's clearly thrilled at the plan that is about to form from Sister Yasmine's information.
    Yasmine: What am I saying?
    Ava: It sounds like you're saying...[Sudden close-up zoom] Museum heist.

4 - Corinthians 10:20-21

  • Mother Superion, Yasmine, and Camila are forced to hijack a pastries van after their own transport is rendered immobile. As they're driving and Camila looks for something to eat, they discover it is, in fact, an erotic pastries van. Complete with phallic-shaped chocolate-tipped pastries. What makes it funnier is that Mother Superion is the least fazed one, taking a bite out of the pastry without skipping a beat!

6 - Isaiah 40:31

  • Todd, one of the Samaritans, suggests to Camila that after they've taken down Adriel they could grab a drink together.
    Camila: Dude, I'm a nun. ... But, thanks.

7 - Psalms 116:15

  • There's an immediate hilarious moment when the episode picks up where the last one left off, with Lilith teleporting herself and Ava above a house. Lilith ends up dropping Ava and flies away, resulting in this gem:
    Ava: [As she's plummeting] Lilith, you bitch!
  • Under the light of Adriel's final plagueNote , Father Vincent is confronted by an armed cultist asking if he had accepted "the truth of Adriel." Vincent simply looks at him as if he is thinking, "Do you see me burning, you idiot?" before he answers, "I believe I have, yes."
  • Camila and a guy named Todd have been captured and bound by Adriel's followers. Todd says to Camila that he thinks they should exchange names "for morale." He introduces himself as Todd, saying that he would shake her hand, but he's "a little tied up right now."
    Camila: That's terrible.
    Todd: Yeah, I know. But, see? Morale.

8 - Jeremiah 29:13

  • This exchange, as a Call-Back to the one in Colossians 3:9-10:
    Mother Superion: (speaking French) "Fulfilling my hope, headlong, I go towards glory."
    Beatrice: Ecclesiastes?
    Mother Superion: Talking Heads.
  • Before they head off into battle, Mother Superion offers Ava, Beatrice and Vincent some inspiring words: "Don't fuck it up."
  • Camila questions the presence of Father Vincent in the party come to storm Adriel's Cathedral.
    Ava: Yeah, he's been... he's been born again... again.
  • Yasmine says that she wants to fight. Ava tells her that as the Warrior Nun, she makes her a Sister Warrior, making some signs. Yasmine asks if this is how it works and Beatrice says that it is not in any way how it works.
    Ava: Yeah, but we don't have time, so... Praise God and kick some ass.
