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Funny / The Watch (2021)

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  • Throat claims she doesn't sell Slab. Cue captions pointing to the five boxes of the stuff in the background.
  • The Goblins getting confused about the notion of unions in episode 2.
  • In "The What?", after Vetinari indirectly orders Vimes to continue pursuing the dragon case and is walking away, Vimes flips him off. Even without turning around, he somehow knows he's doing it and asks if there's something wrong with his hand.
    • In the same episode, the gold song being used for their band audition. Crosses over with Awesome Music, because Cheery manages to make it sound utterly epic!
  • Death, in a conversation with Sybil, getting huffy about how nobody cares about his opinion.
  • In the opening of "Twilight Canyons," Goodboy starts humming the theme tune. Cheery tries to get him to do it again by humming myself, except his "Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmmm!" is way off-key and really doesn't sound anything like it.
  • Twilight Canyon's Anti-Violence Mechanism: If, for any reason, anyone in the retirement home starts fighting, all the exits are sealed and... a disco ball descends from the ceiling, and "Wake Me Up (Before You Go Go)" starts playing, and everyone is forced to dance to it. Meaning Vimes and Carcer, and Lupin and Sybil.
  • The last thing anyone wants to hear after being trapped in a disused prison: Death popping up to ask who's going to eat whom first.
  • Wayne and the goblin realise their role in the plot.
    Wayne: I'm just here for the exposition, and you're a cheap allegory.
    Goblin: (resigned) <I know...>
  • In the middle of the finale, as the Watch are trying to get the Noble Dragon's attention, things suddenly cut to Ventinari chilling in his cell. Especially since it's Vetinari. Chilling.
