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Funny / Warped!

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  • Basically any time Ruby mentions her best friend Margo, which is Once per Episode.
    "My friend Margo tried Italian dressing that time I got stuck in a chimney. It didn't worked then, either."
    "You know there's a song I sing to my best friend Margo from back home when she lost the moose-calling contest, and when she lost the butter-eating contest, and when she lost the cactus-sitting contest, and when she.. (Milo) Sounds like Margo loses a lot. (Ruby) She does. And this song always cheers her up."
    "You know, my friend Margo from back home was the victim of fraud once. She thought she bought an English Sheepdog. (Darby) Let me guess, it was an Australian Shepherd? (Ruby) No, it was actually a polar bear. It took 7 years for her to realize."
    "In fact, my friend Margo from back home said I was the oddest duck she'd ever met. And she would know - she bred odd ducks and silly goose eggs. You hadn't lived until you scrambled a silly goose egg."
    "My friend Margo from back home once got stuck in an elevator for four days. (Milo) The elevator was broken for four days? (Ruby) Nope, the elevator worked fine. She accidentally glued her tongue to the third floor button, The weird part is, she didn't even wanted to go to the third floor. (chuckles)"
    "My friend Margo from back home once dated a werewolf. Well, actually, it was a coyote she was convinced was a werewolf. She took him to Winter Formal and he ended up dancing with her sister."
    "One time, my friend Margo from back home had a cape that she thought made her invisible. We didn't had the heart to tell her we were all seeing her pick her nose every morning on the bus."
    "My friend Margo from back home, whenever she gets nervous, she traps herself in tin oil and soap in a bathtub full of peanut butter and baby shampoo. No, wait, that's what she does whenever she gets bitten by a hedgehog. I don't know what she does when she gets nervous. (Milo) She's been bitten by a hedgehog? More than once?"
    "My friend Margo from back home once waited in line for three days to get into an art museum. It turns out, she was just in the sculpture's garden by standing behind some statues."
    "My friend Margo from back home was once caught bread-handed. She accidentally baked both of hands into a loaf of marble rye. On the way to school, two hungry eagles snatched her up and carried her all the way up to the top of a cliff. Luckily, she got a pair of shoes with her. Whee! She always said it's always better to have a pair of shoes and not need a shoe than not have it."
    "My friend Margo from back home thought she had a job as a spy, but really, someone just asked her to watch their stuff while they're in the bathroom. She never said to stop watching their stuff, so she spied on their items from a distance for 8 months."
    "You know, my friend Margo from back home once had an alien as a pen pal. He would write her weird letters in a weird alien language. Turns out, it was some kid named Alan, who had really weird handwriting. They still keep in touch."
    "(somewhat speaking quickly) "My friend Margo from back home once ate so some cheddar, she could cry melted cheese. If you showed her sad movies, she could cover an entire tray of nachos."


  • Hurley wants to work at Warped!, but Owen points out he's already employed at the pizza place and tells he's supposed to be working there. Later, Milo asks the same thing, establishing Hurley's status as The Slacker.
  • Ruby giving the Warped! mug an Australian accent.
  • Though it might come as annoying to some viewers, Ruby repeating saying "please" just so she can take a selfie with the Extreme Girl boots. She said it a total of 27 times before Milo stopped her.
  • Ruby calling Owen about a fake prize while speaking with an exaggerated Midwestern accent.
  • Milo and Ruby finally deliver the boots by crashing in the Warped! building. Despite this, they weren't fired for causing damage. Ruby Lampshaded this: "I can't believe Owen didn't fire us."


  • Darby and Hurley blasting spaghetti at Milo for celebrating one anniversary of setting the world record of Hamster Hazard. Ruby's Jaw Drop reaction was priceless.
  • Ruby's "loser" song.
  • After Milo agreed to take The Bet with Carl:
    Milo: "Wait, what just happened?"
    Ruby: "Ruby happened."
  • Throughout the episode, Darby constantly flirted with Carl, despite being Milo's rival. However, she grew out of it eventually and realized how much of a jerk he is.
  • While trying to beat Carl's record, Ruby fell asleep. To help her stay awake, Hurley gave her Extreme Energy juice, but she ended up having too much energy.
  • Carl getting his Laser-Guided Karma for trying to sabotage the game by wearing a diaper while holding a sign that said "I'm a big loser baby!"


  • Ruby hanging herself upside down and falling down on "Welcome, Wilson" banner and cake.
  • It looks like Ruby is a pineapple lover when she asks for pineapple from the pizza shooter.
  • Ruby crossdressing as a boy named Jake in order to take the comic away from Todd. She pulled off a Surfer Dude accent for this impersonation.


  • The entire episode is full of hilarious moments, especially with the gang constantly interfering with the movie. The beginning scene is no slouch, either.


  • Milo pretending to like Ruby's design of a ham like character named Blorphy for the graphic novel, which she rolls with it because of how dedicated Milo is with comics, but eventually, she confessed that didn't liked the design either.
  • Milo got so nervous at being honest about his opinions on Blorphy he resorted to making puns:
    Milo: "You're really on a roll with these drawings recently. Lettuce talk about how great they are. I'd really be in a pickle if it wasn't for this amazing artwork."
  • The meeting scene was just hilarious to watch, especially with the comic book fans randomly saying stuff (or breaking into song).
  • Milo and Ruby promised to be brutally honest, but they struggled at first due to Ruby not liking how much Milo wears red.
  • Ruby trying to make Milo chew loudly. It's a Brick Joke of how she can't stand Milo being a soft chewer.


  • Ruby's staff pics. Somehow, she took a picture of Carl giving Milo a wedgie, much to Milo's disgust.
  • Hurley adding mustard to the corn dog flavored yogurt, and it ended up tasting worse.
  • Milo and Ruby's disguise for this episode is a podium technician. Everyone on the set bought it until the security guard removed their mustache.


  • Darby's love for Hurl, a blue sauce that Hurley made.
  • "JUMPSCARE!!!"
  • It turns out the whole creepy doll situation was caused by Ren. So, to get back at her, Ruby dressed up as a doll to scare her.


  • The entire subplot revolves on Wilson trying to make a phone call for being overcharged, but keeps failing due to poor communication skills.
  • Hurley's advice to Milo to ask Olivia out: "You have to be mean to her, insult her and stuff." Darby says it is the worst advice and calls him a primitive jerk. Hurley is flattered at the insult, but states he's not interested in her.
  • Ruby pretending to be Olivia so she can help Milo ask Olivia out.
  • Ruby impersonating a French woman. When she shows up at the yogurt place, this happens:
    Ruby: "Good afternoon."
    Olivia: "Hey, Ruby."
    Ruby': "(normal voice) Seriously?"


  • Hurley hired two additional lookalikes of him so they could win a video game console.
  • Regarding Milo's hatred of hot sauce:
    Milo: "I hate hot sauce. It always make my eyes sweat."
    Ruby: "That's called crying."
    Milo: "It's not crying."
    Darby: "Uh-oh, hot sauce. That always makes you cry."
    Hurley: "Oh, hey, hot sauce. Awesome. Get to see Milo cry.


  • Milo and Ruby get into an argument over who gets to be in charge. As you expect, they have their own way of running Warped!.
  • How to get rid of the raccoons? By dressing up as one (as part of another Ruby's disguise).


  • Wilson keeps praising Olivia's work and scolds Milo and Ruby for not being "doing a good job" as their new "co-worker", despite the fact Olivia didn't liked working at Warped!.
  • The entire subplot, where it focused on Darby becoming a cashier/singer at the yogurt place. She ended up turning the place into a musical theater, and it become a major distraction that they finally got rid of the singing rule.


  • The cold opening featured this exchange on how exactly happened with the theater troupe:
    Wilson: "And you're all wet because?"
    Darby: "Because these three cracked the 20,000 gallon water tank that was on stage with us."
    Hurley: "It's her fault!" (points to Ruby)
    Ruby: "It was his fault!" (points to Milo)
    Milo: "It was his fault!" (points to Hurley)
    Hurley: "Ruby's the one who called Milo in the middle of the play!"
    Ruby: "Well, I meant to text Margo, but then I called Milo. I told him not to answer the call."
    Milo: "Okay, I shouldn't have answered in the first place. But Hurley's the one who threw a bowling ball at the water tank."
    Darby: "The whole theater was flooded and they ruined the whole play."
  • Hurley scaring Wilson with an alien costume.
  • Milo's reaction to being the main attraction of the talent show while Ruby attempts to shoot an arrow at him? By falling down. The same thing happened again in the end.
    Ruby: "Oh look, he's so excited, he fainted. (jumping and clapping)"
  • The entire talent show is full of hilarious moments.


  • Although it might come off as a Tearjerker moment, the way Milo dramatically reacted to his laptop being wet comes off as Narm.
  • While trying to look for the copy button, Ruby got distracted and ended up playing with the printer by blowing bubbles and dancing to disco music.
