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Characters / Suske en Wiske

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Suske is the adopted child of Tante Sidonia and lives together in the same household as Wiske. He is originally an orphan from the isle of Amoras. He is a quite bland character: brave, heroic, honest, strong and intelligent.

  • Conveniently an Orphan: He is an orphan, because creator Willy Vandersteen felt it would be easier for an aunt to let Suske and Wiske go on adventure, than an actual mother.
  • Dub Name Change: In German he has the same name as in Dutch.
    • English: Willy, in some translations Bob or Spike.
    • French: Bob.
    • Swedish: Finn.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: In "Het Eiland Amoras", Suske had a Berserk Button in the form of the Battle Cry 'Antigoon Vooruit'. Saying this in his presence was guaranteed to turn him into The Berserker, and even allowed him to perform some superhuman feats like breaking out of a locked chest or knockin a grown up man out cold. This was dropped after one album.Suske and Wiske are five year olds with chubby baby legs in the early albums. In later albums they could be ten to eleven years old, teenagers or perhaps even twenty-something, Depending on the Writer.
  • The Everyman: A nice way to say he is quite bland.
  • The Generic Guy: He doesn't have many distinguishing features or character flaws, but is mostly there to be the Foil to Wiske.
  • Incorruptible Pure Pureness: Suske is above all vices.
  • Nice Guy: Suske never misbehaves.
  • Not Blood Siblings: Suske and Wiske are two orphans adopted by Tante Sidonia and therefore not brother and sister. Still, since Sidonia does raise them as siblings and their backstory is hardly ever brought up, it's not surprising many readers who are not familiar with the series history and have not read "Het Eiland Amoras" (the album in which Suske makes his debut) get the impression that they are brother and sister. This sometimes lead to confusing and disturbing scenes, especially when Wiske shows jealousy towards Suske's success with other girls.
  • Real Life Writes the Plot: Suske's name was inspired by Willy Vandersteen's father, Sus.
  • Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: Compared to Wiske Suske usually keeps his head cool.
  • Shouldn't We Be in School Right Now??: Suske and Wiske always have spare time to have adventures in different corners of the world or history. They never go to school: it's not even hinted.
  • Unfazed Everyman: He is the only normal character in the series, apart perhaps from Anne-Marie Van Zwollem.


Wiske is supposedly also an orphan, but this is never made clear. Her aunt, Sidonia, takes care of her and Suske. Wiske is one of the most popular characters in the series, due to the fact that she can be brave, confident and caring, but also jealous, vain, aggressive and too curious for her own good. Yet she still has a heart of gold.

  • Artistic License – Biology: Wiske has a literal egghead and her hair is held together in a weird way.
  • Bratty Half-Pint: Wiske can be very assertive, aggressive, hysterical and stubborn when something is not going her way.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: At the end of all stories Wiske winks to the audience.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Whenever Suske seems to have some success with other girls Wiske is instantly jealous.
  • Conveniently an Orphan: Wiske has no parents and is raised by her aunt, Sidonia. Suske too is an orphan and is adopted by Sidonia. Vandersteen often told interviewers that he gave Suske and Wiske an aunt because real parents would never allow them to go on adventurse. Indeed, Suske and Wiske never go to school, though they'd sometimes mention homework.
  • Curious as a Monkey: Her curiosity often leads to trouble.
  • Determinator: She is unstoppable when she knows what she wants.
  • Dub Name Change: In German she has the same name as in Dutch.
    • English: Wanda, in some translations Bobette or Suzy.
    • French: Bobette.
    • Swedish: Fiffi.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: In the first album, "Rikki en Wiske in Chocowakije" Wiske is teamed up with a much older brother, Rikki. Vandersteen abandoned this character after only one album because he felt that Wiske needed a companion of her own age. Suske and Wiske are five year olds with chubby baby legs in the early albums. In later albums they could be ten to eleven years old, teenagers or perhaps even twenty-something, Depending on the Writer.
  • Every Episode Ending: Wiske winks at the audience, thus concluding the story.
  • Exploding Closet: Wiske knows the habits of the people she lives with: before opening a medicine cabinet, she places a basin before it and stands back, as the contents falls out of it.
  • Girls Love Stuffed Animals: In Wiske's case her stuffed doll, Schanulleke, whom she treats as if it was her own child.
  • Improbable Hair Style: Wiske's hair is very weird. She wears a ribbon on top of her head, which supposedly keeps her blond hair tied together. Whenever someone unties her ribbon her hair falls down in front of her eyes.
  • Jumped at the Call: She can be very impulsive.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: Wiske's impulsiveness often brings her and the others into trouble, but it does get the stories rolling.
  • Named After Somebody Famous: Wiske was named after Flemish opera singer Wiske Ghys.
  • Not Blood Siblings: Suske and Wiske are two orphans adopted by Tante Sidonia and therefore not brother and sister. Still, since Sidonia does raise them as siblings and their backstory is hardly ever brought up, it's not surprising many readers who are not familiar with the series history and have not read "Het Eiland Amoras" (the album in which Suske makes his debut) get the impression that they are brother and sister. This sometimes lead to confusing and disturbing scenes, especially when Wiske shows jealousy towards Suske's success with other girls.
  • Shouldn't We Be in School Right Now??: Suske and Wiske always have spare time to have adventures in different corners of the world or history. They never go to school: it's not even hinted.
  • Single-Episode Handicap: Wiske is temporarily blind in "De Schone Slaper" (The Sleeping Beau). This happens after other characters question why the should help handicapped people by donating money. Eventually she is cured rather simplistically with a magic spell.
  • Temporary Blindness: Wiske in "De Schone Slaper"note . She is cured by a magic spell.
  • Yandere: She can be a drama queen at times, though mostly in the later stories.


Schanulleke is Wiske's favorite doll. She carries it along wherever she goes and is heartbroken whenever something happens to it. In some albums the doll also comes alive for one story.

  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: In "De Schone Slaper" (The Sleeping Beau) Wiske dresses up her doll Schanulleke because the readers might see her unclothed.
  • Cultural Translation: Her original name was Schalulleke, but this was changed in Schanulleke, because Dutch people associated the word "lul" with a penis.
  • Dub Name Change:
    • English: Muffin, Molly or Sawdust in some translations.
    • French: Fanfreluche.
    • Swedish: Lisa.
  • Girls Love Stuffed Animals: Or stuffed dolls for that matter, because Wiske treats Schanulleke as her own child.
  • Living Toys: In "Bibbergoud", "Het Vliegende Bed", "De Dulle Griet", "De Poppenpakker" Schanulleke comes alive. (Shivergold, The Flying Bed, The Warrior Waif, The Dolltaker)
  • Meaningful Rename: Her original name was "Schalulleke", named after "onion" ("schalul" in Flemish). note 
  • Spinoff: She got her own line of comic books, named after her, in which she was the main character.


Lambik is the Comic Relief of the series. He debuted in "De Sprietatoom". Lambik is stupid, vain, aggressive, but can be inventive at times.

  • Badass Decay: He used to be a lot more competent and intelligent in the early comics, acting as The Big Guy for the group as the only adult male, but after the introduction of Jerome has been reduced to serving in the comedy relief character with his vanity and arrogance turned up considerably.
  • Berserk Button: When Lambik senses danger coming to their house he grabs his weaponry from World War I and digs some trenches.
  • Breakout Character: Lambik is the most popular character of the series. Many readers can relate to his recognizable stupidity, arrogance and other human traits. But he is also hilarious.
  • Butt-Monkey: Lambik is usually on the receiving end of many jokes and Amusing Injuries.
  • Casanova Wannabe: He fancies himself a handsome and attractive man, but most of the time women don't really share this opinion.
  • Catchphrase: "Miljaar!"note  - Lambik
  • Commander Contrarian: The main voice of dissent in the group.
  • Disappeared Dad: In "De Tamtamkloppers" (The Tamtam Bangers) it turns out Lambik's father has been lost for years, somewhere in Africa. So he and his friends decide to go searching for him.
  • The Door Slams You: Sidonia once slams the door so violently that Lambik's head, hands and feet are sticking through from behind it.
  • Dub Name Change: In German he has the same name as in Dutch.
    • English: Orville or Ambrose in some translations.
    • French: Lambique.
    • Swedish: Lamholt.
  • Fake Ultimate Hero: Fancies himself The Hero, is actually the comic relief. When he isn't working for the villains, that is.
  • Fatal Flaw: His extreme vanity and egotism.
  • Flanderization: Originally he was just stupid. Later he became vain, arrogant, greedy and aggressive too.
  • Gag Nose: His nose frequently gets hurt.
  • The Gambling Addict: Lambik in "De Gekke Gokker" (The Crazed Gambler)
  • Heel–Face Revolving Door: Extremely prone to being tempted into betraying his friends by the Villain of the Week. He always comes around in the end.
  • The Hero: In the Blauwe Reeks, a set of stories written for a more mature audience, Lambik actually is the hero, if still a bumbling one. His vanity is downplayed, and Suske and Wiske act as his Kid Sidekicks.
  • Heroic Wannabe: He tries to be the hero, but fails often.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: Lambik and Jerom both live in the same house, but since this a traditional comic nothing special is ever made of this. Both of them have a soft spot for women.
  • It's All About Me: Lambik is very self-centered.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Lambik can be an awful human being, but he still fights for what is right.
  • Large Ham: Lambik can be very dramatic in talking about his (non-existant) virtues and talents.
  • Leader Wannabe - Notice a trend here? Lambik always wants to be in charge, even though others rarely let him.
  • Legion of Lost Souls: Lambik enlists himself in the French Foreign Legion in Het Zingende Nijlpaard (The Singing Hippo).
  • Long-Lost Relative: Lambik's brother Arthur in De Vliegende Aap (The Flying Ape) and his father in De Tam Tam Kloppers.
  • Long Neck: Lambik's neck becomes longer in "De Stalen Bloempot". (The Steel Flowerpot)
  • Overshadowed by Awesome: He is actually quite strong, but slighty overshadowed by Jerom in this regard.
  • Playing Cyrano: Lambik does this literally by dressing up as Cyrano in "De Jolige Joffer". (The Jolly Maiden)
  • Running Gag: Lambik overestimates himself and gets hurt. Or he is fooled easily by people who wouldn't be able to fool anyone else.
  • Selective Obliviousness: Lambik is very vain, yet never realizes he's not as clever, powerful or great as he thinks. In "De Dromendiefstal" a villain tricks him into leaving him unguarded and then escapes. As Lambik returns and finds this out he first says: "How stupid of me!" But then he immediately corrects this to: "Stupid? No, he just took advantage of my confidence."
  • Small Name, Big Ego: Despite his one word name he fancies himself the best in everything.
  • Smart Ball: Lambik, who carries the Idiot Ball so often that he might as well be super-glued to it, occasionally has moments of pure brilliance.
  • Spin-Off: The gag comic "De Grappen van Lambik" ("The Jokes of Lambik").
  • Super-Speed: Lambik once ran so quickly in "De Stalen Bloempot" that he ran past himself!
  • Terrible Artist: When Lambik respectively meets Peter Paul Rubens (De Raap van Rubens ("Rubens' pupil")) and Vincent van Gogh (De Kleurenkladder ("The Colour Messer")) by traveling back in time he tries to impress him with his own art work, which is nothing more than abstract messing with paint, typical of the late 20th century action painting. Naturally it shocks hem both and they declare him a total hack.


Jerom made his debut in "De Dolle Musketiers" ("The Daft Musketeers"). He is an Contemporary Caveman who originally was a pawn of the villains, but has a change of heart halfway the story and becomes part of the regular cast. Jerom's major characteristic is his Super-Strength, which makes him the Deus ex Machina to solve most of the stories.

  • Achilles' Heel: When he is hungry he is usually not as strong and swift as usual.
  • Artistic License – Biology: Jerom has a large chest, but very thin legs. He also can run faster than the speed of sound.
  • Big Eater: Jerom can eat a lot.
  • Book Dumb: He initially couldn't read and speaks in borderline Hulk Speak, but is fairly intelligent.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: In "De Tamtamkloppers" Jerom jumps without a parachute and uses a Speech Balloon to get down safely.
  • Bullet Catch: Jerom is very good at this.
  • Contemporary Caveman: He is originally an unthawed caveman from the Stone Age, but has slowly but surely adapted to modern times.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Talks in telegram style and usually makes sarcastic quips. Especially regarding Lambik.
  • Deus ex Machina: A major criticism of long time readers is that Jerom basically became the easiest way to solve a problem. His Super-Strength just takes care of any situation.
  • Deus Exit Machina: To make the stories a bit more exciting: Jerom has so far been poisoned, drugged, cursed, put asleep, sent on vacation, working a new job, etc. to keep his power away from solving the plot too quickly.
  • Dub Name Change: In German he has the same name as in Dutch.
    • English: Wilbur or Jethro, in some translations.
    • French: Jérôme.
    • Swedish: Ferom.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: Jerom was in a villain in his debut album "De Dolle Musketiers" (The Mad Musketeers). He also wore cave men clothing and acted rather uncivilized for several albums after his debut. Only gradually, over the course of many albums, would he start wearing modern suits and become a modern day everyman.
  • Eat the Bomb: Jerom once swallowed a bomb and let it explode inside his body, without doing him any harm.
  • Expy: He was based on Alley-Oop, the Caveman of the comic strip Alley Oop.
  • Eyes Always Closed: He has X-ray vision, so he can just see through his eyelids. When he does open his eyes, they are glowy.
    • Lampshaded at one point. When he is called in as a witness, he is asked how he could have seen anything while having his eyes closed all the time. His reply: "Not closed. Am squinting."
  • Finger in a Barrel: Jerom does this multiple times. Being Made of Iron, he doesn't take any damage. Instead, the guns tend to explode in the bad guys' faces, giving them an Ash Face.
  • Friend to All Children: Jerom never hurts a child.
  • Genius Bruiser: He's smart enough to act as the group's voice of reason.
  • Heel–Face Turn: In his first appearance.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: Lambik and Jerom both live in the same house, but since this a traditional comic nothing special is ever made of this. Both of them have a soft spot for women.
  • Hulk Speak: Eleven years before the Hulk was created Jerom already talked in this manner.
  • Human Popsicle: Jerom is from the Stone Age, but was frozen in a block of ice until he was unthawed in the 17th century to be used by the evil count Landru.
  • Lightning Bruiser: When asked to deal with bad guys discreetly, he has been know to throw punches faster than the speed of light.
  • Like a Duck Takes to Water: Jerom, who after being unfrozen managed to become in essence a sophisticated everyman, even while retaining his prehistoric Hulk Speak and Super-Strength.
  • Made of Iron: Bullets bounce off his chest.
  • Manchild: In the early albums he had an infantile personality, but became more civilized in later stories.
  • Named After Somebody Famous: Jerom was named after author and journalist Jeroom Verten.
  • New Powers as the Plot Demands: In every story Jerom explains he has a certain power. Some are never referred before or again in the stories.
  • Running Gag: Jerom shows off one of his previously unknown super powers.
  • Spinoff: Jerom ("Jerom de Gouden Stuntman"note ).
  • Squashed Flat: Jerom is squashed flat in "De IJzeren Schelvis"note  due to the water pressure.
  • Story-Breaker Power: Jerom has displayed enough Super-Strength to beat a dragon over the head with a tank (After which he proceeded to smash the tank using the dragon), hold his breath long enough to make diving equipment obsolete, X-Ray vision, searchlights from his eyes, leaping over mountaintops, Super-Speed, and a whole slew of other powers that appeared once or twice. He spends a lot of time being nowhere near the plot just so the other characters can have some trouble.
  • Strong as They Need to Be: Jerom often showcases previously unknown powers that will help the plot move forward more easily.
  • Super-Speed: He can run faster than sound, which he demonstrated in "De Knokkersburcht".
  • Super-Strength: Jerom is able to do the most impossible feats.
  • Temporary Blindness: Jerom is temporarily blind in "De Gouden Ganzenveer" (De Golden Goose Feather).
  • Terse Talker: Jerom talks in telegram language.
  • Top-Heavy Guy: Jerom is heavily built.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: Jerom, as a caveman, walked around in his bare chest in the early albums. He eventually learned to wear a tie and suit and became civilized. Vandersteen did this because readers complained that "their breakfast lost its taste after seeing that primitive brute in their newspaper every morning."
  • The Worf Effect: Suffers from this surprisingly little, but when he does...
  • World's Strongest Man: Jerom is described as the strongest man in the world and there is clearly no match to his inhuman super powers.

Tante Sidonia is Wiske's and Rikki's aunt. She takes care of her and Suske, who was adopted by them, and used to take care of Rikki before he disappeared. Sidonia is a clever woman who can really take charge of a situation when the children are in danger. Apart from that she is also comic relief, as her long nose, quiff, tall and thin body and big feet are the frequent butt of jokes, usually by Lambik, who gets her shoe thrown at his head. She is single and craves to find a husband, but is secretly in love with Lambik too.

  • Artistic License – Biology: She is so thin that she is able to hide herself behind lamp posts in such a way that you're unable to see her.
  • Character Signature Song: She often sings or hums the song "Ons Hutje Bij De Zee" (The Dutch translation of the song "Our Cottage By The Sea")
  • Dub Name Change: Her names is changed in foreign translations, except in Germany, where it is the same.
    • English: Aunt Agatha.
    • French: Sidonie.
    • Swedish: Tant Klara.
  • Flanderisation: Her neverending man hunt only became a defining trait of her character in later albums.
  • Frying Pan of Doom: She often uses these to defend herself.
  • Gag Nose: Her nose is frequently ridiculed. In some stories her tall body and pointy nose lead to comparisons with a coat stand/hat stand.
  • The Glasses Come Off: When Sidonia gets really mad she takes off her glasses and then scares everybody into obedience.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: When you anger her.
  • House Wife: She usually is depicted as a regular housewife.
  • Improbable Hair Style: How does her quiff stay erect in all circumstances?
  • Mama Bear: She protects the children in her care with a passion, following them in enemy territory, standing between them and danger, and what not.
  • Meaningful Rename: Her original name was Sidonie, which was a common Flemish name at the time. It was later changed to Sidonia to appeal more to a Dutch audience.
  • Nervous Wreck: Sidonia often gets bouts of nerve attacks whenever the situation gets too tense. This makes her entire body bend over backwards and freeze to a standstill while she is shaking.
  • Never Mess with Granny: She can get really angry when someone tries to ridicule or anger her.
  • Old Maid: She still hasn't found a husband after all those years. De story "De Briesende Bruid" ("The Breezing Bride") had her marry, but then the creator erased the entire story, because he felt it would mean the end of their adventures.
  • Rolling Pin of Doom: Used as a weapon of defense.
  • Running Gag: Her nervous attacks.
  • Screaming Woman: Tante Sidonia can get hysterical.
  • Unrequited Love: She is secretly in love with Lambik, but he doesn't find her attractive at all.

Professor Barabas made his debut in "Het Eiland Amoras" ("The Isle of Amoras"). He is the Absent-Minded Professor and makes a lot of inventions that help the cast on new adventures, most notably the time machine.

  • Swedish: Professor Snillén.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: In "Het Eiland Amoras" (Amoras Island) Professor Barabas originally was very fat and had a stuttering problem. Vandersteen cured him from this speech impediment because parents complained that their children started copying this behaviour.
  • Named After Somebody Famous: Barabas is named after the biblical villain of the same name.
  • Omnidisciplinary Scientist: Barabas can build futuristic machines (including a time machine, a machine for talking to inanimate objects and a machine that can bring persons from paintings and other images to life), and has extensive knowledge about various historical and scientific subjects (including astrophysics and genetic engineering).
  • Smart People Wear Glasses: He is a professor, so naturally he wears glasses.
  • Time Machine: His machine does not come with the time traveler, but an operator who stays behind can retrieve the time traveler at any moment, assuming he/she knows where and when the traveller is. This feature is often used for last second rescues.



Arthur is Lambik's brother who makes his debut in "De Vliegende Aap" ("The Flying Ape"). He lives in Darkest Africa where he flies from tree to tree.

  • Bird People: He can be considered one, seeing that he often rests in poses that resemble a sparrow, eats bird seed, and chirps like a bird between words (see Verbal Tic below).
  • Darkest Africa: Arthur lives in the African jungle.
  • Flight: Arthur is able to fly due to the juice from a very rare type of plant.
  • Parental Substitute: Arthur is the adoptive father of Banana. She's the biological daughter of his once-guide and upon his death Arthur promised to take care of her.
  • Long-Lost Relative: In "De Vliegende Aap" we find out that Arthur is Lambik's long lost brother. They go search for him in the story.
  • Verbal Tic: He uses the word "tjip tjip" in every sentence he makes.

Rikki is Wiske's older brother. Vandersteen originally named the character "Suske", but his newspaper editor had changed the name into "Rikki" without consulting him. He made his debut in the very first official story Rikki en Wiske in Chocowakije, but was written out of the franchise in the next story and replaced by someone closer to Wiske's own age: Suske.

  • Belated Happy Ending / The Bus Came Back: Rikki eventually returns for one story.
  • Big Brother Instinct: He takes care of his younger sister and protects her.
  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: For more than 60 years Rikki's fate was unresolved and unknown. The flimsy reason for his disappearance was only mentioned in the preview panel that traditionally appears a day or two before the actual story begins serialisation. However, since these panels were never included in the paperbacks until much, much later, Rikki seems to just disappear for no reason when you read the series now.
  • Expy: He is obviously modelled after Tintin, which also explains why Vandersteen replaced him.
  • Put on a Bus: At the start of "Het Eiland Amoras" ("The Isle Of Amoras") Rikki is sent away to wait in line for a shoe bond note , but never reappeared in the series.

Sus Antigoon

Sus Antigoon is the ghost of Suske's forefather. He made his debut in "Het Eiland Amoras" and often reappears whenever the characters visit Amoras again.

  • Achilles' Heel: If the bottle chained to his ankle is removed or destroyed, Sus disappears.
  • The Alcoholic: He died while being drunk, explaining why he always carries a bottle chained to his feet and has a corkscrew stuck through his hood. In earlier stories he always hick-upped, but this trait was toned down in later stories.
  • Flight: Like all ghosts he can fly.
  • Friendly Ghost: He is a sympathethic ghost and an ally of Suske and Wiske, because he is the ghost of Suske's dead grandfather.
  • Our Ghosts Are Different: Sus Antigoon is the ghost of Suske's deceased grandfather. He doesn't limit himself to only appearing at night, but is also visible during daytime.



Tobias is a dog who made his debut in "Het Hondenparadijs" ("Dogs' Paradise"). Wiske loves him, but Lambik doesn't.

  • Canine Companion: He is Wiske's companion, though not in all stories.
  • Talking Animal: Tobias can at all times talk to other animals (and thus by extend the reader), and in some stories he is temporarily given the ability to talk to humans as well.

Theofiel Boemerang

Theofiel Boemerang is an annoying crooked salesman who frequently irritates the main cast by dropping in. He made his debut in "De Texasrakkers" ("The Texas Rascals").

  • Catchphrase: "Kleine percentjes, rijke ventjes" ("Little percentages, rich guys")
  • Drop-In Character: He is a door-to-door salesman of vacuum cleaners.
  • Honest John's Dealership: He prides himself to be trustworthy, but really isn't.
  • Meaningful Name: Just like an actual boomerang he keeps coming back.
  • Smoking Is Not Cool: It fits that an annoying person like him would smoke cigars.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: in most stories he is annoying, but not outright evil and even helps the protagonists out in some cases. In De Bokkige Bombardon however, he serves as the Big Bad. It (fortunately) only lasted for 1 album.

Anne-Marie Van Zwollem
Anne-Marie Van Zwollem is the daughter of Van Zwollem. She takes care of her mentally ill father.

  • Children Raise You: She takes care of her father instead of the other way around.
  • Flat Character: She is just a nice person overall.
  • Men Are Generic, Women Are Special: She is one of the few recurring female characters to actually be drawn in an attractive way that contrasts with the designs of most of the male characters. Ironically she is also one of the few female characters over whom Lambik and Jerom are not fighting.
  • Neutral Female: Her personality is very bland, but in "Het Sprekende Testament" she does get into action herself.

Van Zwollem
Van Zwollem suffers from mental illness. He is taken care of by his daughter Anne-Marie.

  • Cloud Cuckoo Lander: A bit of a deconstruction. Father Van Zwollem, comedic as he is, is actually seriously mentally ill, which causes his daughter a great amount of angst.
  • Disabled Means Helpless: Van Zwollem probably couldn't survive on his own. He frequently runs away and gets himself into danger.
  • Manchild: Despite being middle aged he enjoys playing outside like an infant. He also has a large toy collection.
  • Wacky Parent, Serious Child: Literally! Anne-Marie is very serious and saddened by her father's often crazy antics.

Vitamitje is Suske and Wiske car. He debuted in "De Sprietatoom" and reappears in some stories whenever the duo needs a vehicle to travel somewhere. Vitamitje is also a Sentient Vehicle, with a humanlike face and expressions.


Dr. Krimson

Dr. Krimson is the major antagonist of the series. He debuted in "Het Rijmende Paard" ("The Rhyming Horse"), where all his major traits are already present. He is merciless, easily angried and wants to conquer the world. Apart from that he is also a nervous wreck who needs to take his pills to calm him down.


Achiel is the faithful butler of Dr. Krimson. His major task is to feed Krimson his pills whenever he gets angry or mad.

  • Battle Butler: Achiel, the butler of Krimson.
  • Eyes Always Shut: He seldom open his eyes.
  • The Jeeves: He is a typical obedient butler who remains calm in all situations.
  • Running Gag: He frequently has give Krimson his pills to calm him down. Sometimes his master is too angry to be controlled and Achiel has to make him swallow the pills from a distance.
  • Sharp-Dressed Man: Achiel is always seen in butler uniform.
