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Characters / Siralim

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Kingdom of Siralim

    The First Monarch of Siralim 
The king of Siralim. The main protagonist of the first two games and the main antagonist in the third game.
  • Big Bad: After his fall from grace, he becomes this in Siralim 3.
  • Face–Heel Turn: Was initially a hero, but thanks to the callous actions of the gods he went mad and turned evil. He became a power-hungry tyrant who converted Siralim into a warmongering nation, by the time the third game begins he has already conquered most of Rodia.
  • Silent Protagonist: Never says a thing, though other characters indicate he does talk. Interestingly, this extends to his appearance as the villain in ''Siralim 3'' where he still never says anything.
  • Start of Darkness: Some time after the events of 2, he began to grow deeply bitter and resentful over how the gods essentially manipulated him into fighting their war against Misery for them, as well as how they essentially abandoned Siralim once Misery was defeated. This in turn led to an obsession with power, and before long he became a bloodthirsty tyrant no better than Misery himself.
  • Was Once a Man: His sinking sanity and usage of black magic corrupts his body in the third game, by the time the player fights him he has become a powerful monster.

    The Second Monarch of Siralim 
A young man who is the grandson of the first monarch. He did not inherit the kingship though, he was elected ruler of Siralim after the kingdom rebuilt years after the craziness in the third game. The main protagonist of Siralim Ultimate.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: A vain and impatient youth who nevertheless has a strong sense of justice and lot of compassion.
  • Redeeming Replacement: He is determined to make up for the actions of his maniacal predecessor.
  • Silent Protagonist: You never see what he says, though the game makes it clear he does talk and sums up what he says to people. He is often very snarky.
  • Sins of Our Fathers: A lot of the nether bosses were various monsters abused by the first monarch and they intend to get their revenge by killing his grandson.

The often high-strung advisor to the Second Monarch of Siralim.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He tries to avoid admitting fault and can be pretty pretentious, but he is a sincerely good guy who is unwaveringly loyal to his king.
  • Lethal Chef: It is heavily implied he can't cook to save his life. Your monsters may even comment on it.

Kingdom of Nex

    The Monarch of Nex/Lucius 
The protagonist of Siralim 3, his kingdom is the only one not taken over by Siralim by the start of the game. Appears again in Siralim Ultimate as a very important NPC.
  • Silent Protagonist: In the third game he does talk, but the player never actually sees what he says. You finally see him speak in Ultimate.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Caliban plays him like a fiddle in order to turn Nex and Siralim against each other and take the Ultimate Nether Orb for himself.

The Monarch of Nexs' loyal advisor and chancellor.
  • Cool Helmet: Is always wearing a silver knight helmet.
  • The Good Chancellor: A wise man who gives the Monarch of Nex very good advice and helps him plan ahead.


    General Tropes 
Your loyal creatures with whom you will be getting things done with, the monsters of Rodia range from montrous animals to intelligent races to constructed beings to enigmatic spirits. Each monster has a speciality and their subspecies focus on that specialty in different ways. Each monster can also be sorted into one of five different types: Nature, Life, Death, Chaos, and Sorcery.
  • Chaos Is Evil: Zigzagged. Many of the creatures in the Chaos family are sadistic and destructive, though only a few are sincerely evil and most work under Blue-and-Orange Morality.
  • Dark Is Evil: Most of the Death creatures are truly wicked beings who would happily go and destroy Siralim if they weren't under your control. The liches and sins being prime examples.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: A few Death creatures do break the mold though and are much more benign, like the Skeletons who are honorable treasure hunters.
  • Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors: Each of the monster types as another type they beat and one they are weak to.
    • Nature draws power from Life, but is mutated by Sorcery.
    • Life triumphs over Death, but is drained by Nature.
    • Death ends Chaos, but is destroyed by Life.
    • Chaos ruins the plans of Sorcery, but cannot stand against Death.
    • Sorcery distorts Nature, but is confounded by Chaos.
  • Light Is Good: Most of the Life creatures are sincerely benevolent beings who make it their goal to help all other races of Rodia, like the life-bringing unicorns and country protecting Seraphs.
  • Light Is Not Good: The rest of the Life creatures though fall under this, often falling into Well-Intentioned Extremist at the best of times. The Sanctums in particular are insane beings who pay Disproportionate Retribution on all near them.
  • Our Monsters Are Weird: Some of the stranger monsters you can recruit include walking pitcher plants, living fortresses, eyeless boars, earthquake causing land birds, body parts made of clay, and sentient storms with foul mouths. And this isn't going into the Exotic monsters, rare one-of-kind beasts with even more varied designs like a pile of skulls, a slug woman, and a maniacal gingerbread man.

Notable Monsters

    Treasure Golem 
Golems that gather treasure to give to the poor. You may encounter them on the overworld and fight them to take their treasure. They are pacifistic and refuse to fight, running away when they get the chance.
  • Metal Slime: For various resources, each time you hit the treasure golem it will drop some and you will get a lot after killing one.
  • Took a Level in Badass: In Ultimate, its possible to encounter "2.0" Treasure Golems, who are much more aggressive and all too eager to take their revenge on humanity for slaughtering so many of their brethren for loot.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Treasure golems are amongst the most harmless and helpful creatures in Rodia and killing them is severely frowned upon. When you do kill one, expect the god of wherever you are to pop in and yell furiously at you. Even Torun, Tartarith, Gonfurion, and Venedon.

Adorable little slime creatures that can move around rapidly. You may encounter them in the overworld and fight them to get a ton of experience.
  • Metal Slime: A classic experience example. No matter what level your monsters are, killing just one of these beasts will likely give them a few more.
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: WHOA, this thing is really cute. It is surprising no one gets mad at you for killing such an adorable creature.

    Lord Zaitan 
An extremely powerful Asura who often serves as an endgame Superboss throughout the series.
  • Ascended Extra: He actually becomes plot relevant in Ultimate due to attempting to pick up Caliban's schemes where they failed, and defeating him enough times will unlock Caliban as a Trial boss as well as his Godspawn.
  • The Dragon: To Caliban in Ultimate.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: As is normal for Asuras. He is especially partial to wielding large magic staves.
  • Superboss: From 2 onwards, he serves as one of the endgame's biggest challenges outside the Gods in their Trials.

The self proclaimed God of Revolution. After suffering a lifetime of mockery and abuse from the other gods due to his demi-god status, he has become obsessed with power and desires to conquer all of Rodia, starting with Siralim.
  • Ambition Is Evil: His endless ambition to become the Top God of Rodia motivates his wickedness.
  • Big Bad: Of 2, he is trying to take over all of Rodia.
  • Tragic Villain: To an extent. While he fully embraces his evil, it was the gods' mistreatment of him that set him down the path of villainy.

The Gods

Powerful elemental beings who try to keep peace in Rodia, though many of them end up causing trouble due to their eccentricities and selfishness. Each god dwells in their own realm and has their own loyal monsters whom you can recruit exclusively from them.
  • Blue-and-Orange Morality: Other than Aeolian and Surathli, none of the gods' really think like humans and have some highly unusual behaviors and goals.
  • Create Your Own Villain: Twice! Their mistreatment and ostrasization of Misery led to him becoming obsessed with power and starting the plot of 2, and then their manipulating the Siralim Monarch to take care of Misery for them, then promptly abandoning them when the deed was done, was what drove the Monarch mad and caused the conflict of 3.
  • Deity of Human Origin: Some of them, like Zonte and Venedon, used to be regular humans who achieved godhood through one way or another.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: When the gods find out about their cruel actions during their Mind Control courtesy of the King of Siralim, they are thoroughly ashamed. Meraxis and Vulcanar in particular immediately apologize to the player for forcing them to do their bidding.
  • Olympus Mons: You can eventually unlock a special gate that lets you do a friendly fight with one of the gods known as a "Trial of the Gods". Beat them and they will let you summon them in the form of an avatar, all of which are very powerful.

The God of Anger, a large moai-like stone head with a sour expression and an even sourer personality. His domain is the Cutthroat Jungle, and he is a member of the Nature class.
  • Berserk Button: Nearly everything annoys Torun, but he has a special hatred of the word "tasty" and will immediately and brutally murder anyone he hears utter it near him.
  • Blasphemous Boast: Astoundingly, Torun manages to do this despite already being a god by claiming all the other gods are lesser than him and worship him exclusively. It's not entirely clear how serious he is about this claim, however.
  • Breakout Character: Due to his endearingly brash personality, Torun quickly became the most popular of the gods in Siralim 2. In Siralim 3 he has essentially become the face of the series. He even becomes integral in stopping the Big Bad.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: While not strictly evil, Torun definitely is a huge !@#$; however, lore for the Shackled Gargantuan reveals he neither wants nor tolerates random slaughtering and killing, and went as far as imprisoning the malicious creature he accidentally created to stop it from going on a deadly rampage. As with the other gods, he will also call the player out for killing Treasure Golems.
  • Good Is Not Nice: Truly the definition of jerkass, but he is adamantly on the side of player. Shown best in the final battle against the King of Siralim.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: As one might expect from the God of Anger, just about anything can set him off.
  • No Indoor Voice: EVERYTHING TORUN SAYS IS IN ALL !@#$ING CAPS, PRESUMABLY BECAUSE HE'S ALWAYS !@#$ING SHOUTING. He is actually capable of toning it down when he wants to, as shown when he feigns corruption in the final battle to trick the King of Siralim and come to the player's aid.
    • Even his legendary Relic in Ultimate is in all caps.
  • Painting the Medium: Once you get Torun's bestiary page, you will find it has been defaced by Torun himself, and replaced with a scrawled screed about how great he is.
    • In story battles, the name of his ability is also simply "!@#$ YOU".
  • Sir Swears-a-Lot: Torun's speech is rife with grawlixes, and he constantly insults everyone around him whether they deserve it or not. According to the lore, even his creations such as Ugat or the Storms inherit this quality from him.
  • Troll: Torun loves to humiliate others by playing pranks on them, with varying degrees of mean-ness. The lore for Storms and Gargantuans reveals a good part of why he created them was because he found the idea of parts of the world coming to life and swearing at or otherwise messing with random travelers to be absolutely hilarious.
  • Ungrateful Bastard: Donating resources to Torun wins you exactly zero favor with him, and he just straight up calls you a loser on top of that.

The God of Wisdom, whose domain is the Refuge of the Magi and is a member of the Sorcery class. He is primarily concerned with averting magical disasters and regulating dangerous magics in general.
  • Age Without Youth: In his lore page, it describes how the process of preparing the nine nether orbs for his ascent to godhood consumed seven years of his life per orb, and he began as a young adult. As a result, all that's left of his physical body is a long, flowing white beard - the rest of him is manifested as a wizard hat, cape and staff.
  • Deity of Human Origin: Started off as a regular human wizard, but became a god to stop a magical catastrophe from getting any worse.
  • Distressed Dude: Is being held captive by a Mind Flayer when the Siralim Monarch first enters the Refuge of the Magi in Ultimate.
  • Nice Guy: Zonte is among the more outwardly friendly deities, and several creatures' lore entries mark him as rather compassionate, such as when he convinced his master not to eradicate the newly created Slimes, and when he granted Yllor and Alakadan their freedom after he ascended to godhood.
  • Threshold Guardian: Of the Sorcery Nether Orb.

The God of Wind, a great bird with green feathers with a regal shield (or is it a rune?) on his chest. His domain is the Unsullied Meadows and he is a member of the Sorcery class.
  • Nice Guy: He is the god that is the most fond of humans, as a result he is by far the most polite and approachable of the gods.
  • Noble Bird of Prey: His face is distinctly raptor-like.

The God of Fortune, a fat Buddha-like humanoid with gold skin and a gem embedded in his stomach. His domain is the Faraway Enclave and he is a member of the Life class.
  • Artificial Human: Or god in this case. He was created by Yseros.
  • Big Fun: A bringer of wealth who is very rotund. Is this even moreso in Siralim Ultimate where he is more outwardly friendly.
  • Characterization Marches On: In Siralims 2 and 3 he was defined by his sleepiness, in Siralim Ultimate however he has since stopped being so sleepy and instead defined by his joviality and a thick cockney accent, which Lister attributes to spending more time working out and changing his diet.
  • Hopeless Bossfight: Subverted. Lister's Trial of the Gods has him and his ally monsters be completely invincible, it is less of a fight and more you trying to survive as eventually he will get tired and fall asleep resulting in your victory.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Lister was wide awake for a grand total of two times in Siralim 3. The first time is because of the King of Siralim's mind control and the second time is out of gratefulness for the Monarch of Nex.
  • Sleepyhead: Almost always nodding off in his first two apperances, other characters often have to force him awake.

The God of Bliss, a big elephant decked out in gold jewelry. His domain is the Swamplands and is a member of the Nature class.
  • Honorable Elephant: A very benevolent god who looks like a big anthropomorphic elephant.
  • Irony: As the god of bliss it makes perfect sense that jolly Meraxis lives in a... Dark and dingy swamp.
  • Knight of Cerebus: In 3, his realm and its boss fight contain the first major hints that there's something deeper and more sinister going on besides Siralim's conquests.
  • Nice Guy: A very jovial and kindly fellow, fitting for a god of bliss.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Him not being usual friendly self is the first red flag something is very wrong in the story in 3. Lampshaded by Ilberd.
  • Threshold Guardian: Of the Nature Nether Orb.

The Goddess of Darkness, a dark angel holding a big sword and with two shining red eyes. Her domain is the Path of the Damned and she is a member of the Death class.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: She may look like a fallen angel, but she is an upholder of justice and works to bring peace to the restless souls in her domain.
  • Threshold Guardian: Of the Death Nether Orb.
  • Secret Test of Character: In Ultimate she fabricates an excessively tragic backstory for her realm's boss in order to test the Siralim Monarch's purity of heart.

The God of the Sea, a skeletal ghost pirate with an eye-patch, hook arm, and cutlass. His domain is Where the Dead Ships Dwell and he is a member of the Death class.

The God of Winter, an icy giant with a big frozen warhammer. He rules over the Frostbite Caverns and is a member of the Sorcery class.
  • Large Ham: Quite long-winded and speaks grandly
  • Magic Knight: Is physically powerful, but as his class indicates his real strength is in magic.
  • Santa Claus: Believe it or not, he is Rodia’s equivalent of this.

The Goddess of Poison, a pale green woman with the lower half of a spider. Her domain is the Arachnid Caverns and she is a member of the Nature class.
  • Butter Face: Both played straight and inverted. Regalis has a shapely midsection to compensate for her cyclopean face, but beneath that is the the body of a spider!
  • Fan Disservice: Even ignoring her glowing eye and spider body... Well the less said about the position of that spider mouth the better.
  • Friendly Neighborhood Spider: A rare example of this combined with Spiders Are Scary. Regalis is by all standards utterly terrifying and outright deranged, but at the same time she can be undeniably helpful to those who earn her favor.
  • Lovable Sex Maniac: The "lovable" part is debatable, but Regalis is very open about her overactive libido and is very interested in the protagonist.

The God of Fire, big elemental being made of magma. His domain is the Great Pandemonium and is a member of the Chaos class.
  • Came Back Strong: The theme of his Trial of the Gods. You have to kill him five times and each time he revives he gets stronger.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: Becomes this by Ultimate thanks to his chaotic nature and new Surfer Dude personality. Everett even calls him "the worst guy ever" after his realm boss is defeated.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Incredibly gruff and mischievous, but also fairly amiable.
  • Living Lava: He looks like a towering pillar of lava with two powerful arms.
  • Surfer Dude: Had some elements of this in 3, it then became a more prominent part of his speech in Ultimate.
  • Threshold Guardian: Of the Chaos Nether Orb.
  • Troll: Even more so than Torun, Vulcanar loves to play pranks and even made a series of magic coins that exist only to incite more chaos.

The God of Time, a sparkling blue humanoid with big horns and various stars on him. His domain is Eternity's End and he is a member of the Death class.
  • Celestial Body: Has numerous stars across his body, his eyes seem to be two especially bright stars.
  • The Chessmaster: It is made clear in several monster logs that Vertraag is manipulating different humans, monsters, and even the other gods for various often unknown ends.
  • Eldritch Abomination: A more approachable version, but he is still the most ancient and alien of all the gods.
  • Grim Reaper: As the god of time one of his jobs is to make sure everything and everyone comes to an end, though he dosen't actually reap souls since that is Perdition's job.
  • Time-Limit Boss: Vertraag's Trial of the Gods. Vertraag speeds the passage of time for your monsters, eventually aging them away. What this means is you have to beat Vertraag before a certain amount of turns pass and he pulls a Total Party Kill.

The Goddess of Illusion, a naga-like woman with dark scales and various runes going down her sides. Her domain is the Barrens and she is a member of the Life class.
  • Cryptic Conversation: She speaks vaguely and mysteriously, so any discussion with her is likely going to be this.
  • Master of Illusion: As the goddess of illusion this goes without saying. Best demonstrated in her Trial of the Gods where she conjures three illusionary clones.
  • Snakes Are Sinister: Thoroughly averted, Yseros is rather odd but is downright motherly to her followers. Played straight when under the King of Siralim's Mind Control.

The Goddess of Light, an angel with cerulean wings and a wide open blue cyclopean eye. Her domain is the Azure Dream and she is a member of the Life class.
  • Big Good: The closest thing the gods have to a leader and one of the most important allies to the player, especially in 3.
  • Only Sane Man: The god with the fewest eccentricities.
  • Threshold Guardian: Of the Life Nether Orb.

The God of Punishment, a big butcher holding a hook and cleaver, wearing a bloodstained apron and black bag on his head that only exposes one glowing eye. His domain is the Torture Chamber, and he is a member of the Chaos class.
  • Berserk Button: He really doesn't like it if things come back to life after he's killed them, as Hebron found out the hard way.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: In Ultimate, Caliban uses the Ultimate Nether Orb to brainwash him into his servant. The Siralim Monarch is able to beat him back to his senses with Tenebris' help.
  • Came Back Wrong: The Nether Orbs that had been set up by Taylor on Vertraag's advice revived Tartarith from death when he died from the torture inflicted on him, but he came back completely insane and no longer resembled his former self.
  • Deity of Human Origin: Tartarith was initially just the father of an evil boy named Taylor who eventually became a cruel tyrant. When he tried to go and make amends with his son, he was immediately captured and tortured to death by him - but due to Vertraag's plans, Tartarith came back to life as a god and immediately returned the favor to his son.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Even he gets upset if the player kills a Treasure Golem within his realm.
  • Flaying Alive: Tartarith's lore page mentions that part of the torture he suffered at his own son's hands involved peeling all of his skin off; the visibly red parts of his body aren't clothing, that's actually his skinless flesh.
  • Obviously Evil: He wouldn't look at all out of place as the villain of a horror movie.
  • Terse Talker: Very much so; when donating resources to him, he expresses his appreciation merely by saying "GOOD.".
  • Token Evil Teammate: The other gods seem to tolerate Tartarith's existence despite him being a violent maniac only interested in torturing and murdering everything in sight. This is especially jarring coming from the likes of Surathli.
  • Torture Technician: Very, very good at torturing in all kinds of ways. He has even created a few lines of creatures, mainly the Abominations and Masochists, purely by taking normal people and using very creative torture to twist them into monsters.

The God of War, a large imposing warrior never seen without his full suit of plate armor and giant axe, he creates and fuels the various conflicts in Rodia. His domain is the Kingdom of Heretics and he is a member of the Chaos class.
  • Battle Trophy: A rather extreme example - he is known to takes the souls of warriors he considers worthy of defeating himself, so he can fight them again whenever he pleases.
  • Blood Knight: Enjoys dueling the finest warriors by himself, when he's not busy causing or fueling wars.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Encourages his warriors to focus on killing and winning rather than causing pain. After all, pain is more Tartarith's domain.
  • Defeating the Undefeatable: Has only ever been defeated in combat by one person - the ruler of Siralim.
  • Dumb Muscle: Inverted; he is quite erudite and intelligent, as one would have to be to wage war successfully.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Gonfurian dislikes wanton slaughter of the weak, as he feels there is no honor or glory in it.
  • Gladiator Games: Allows those who gain enough favor with him to build an Arena in their kingdom, where the player can participate in combat for the sake of glory.
  • War God: He doesn't create ALL the conflicts in the lore, but he generally doesn't abide times of peace and will begin causing wars if he feels there aren't enough.

The God of the Hunt, an indigo furred beast with antlers and a bow and arrow. His domain is the Blood Grove and he is a member of the Nature class.
  • Classical Hunter: Fitting for a hunting god. His clothing and appearance are overall very primeval.
  • Forest Ranger: Likely the best you will ever find, he can track targets across dimensions.
  • Rain of Arrows: Combined with Magic Missile Storm, Apocranox's whole focus in both his Trial of the Gods and as an avatar is overwhelming the enemy with arrow spells.
  • Skull for a Head: His head is a pale skull with two antlers jutting out of it.

The God of Discord, an unusual blue humanoid with dark clothing who holds two guns. His domain is the Caustic Reactor and he is a member of the Chaos class.
  • Beige Prose: Speaks frankly and makes his sentences as short as possible. The King of Siralim notes how blunt he is compared to the other gods, who are overall more wordy.
  • Covert Pervert: If you examine the various paper notes he has in his labs, you will find not only lists of chemicals and blueprints but drawings of various attractive women.
  • The Hermit: Prefers to be left alone. If the player interacts with him, Venedon will try to end the conversation as fast a possible so he can get back to his experiments.
  • Jerkass: He almost makes Torun look polite in comparison. Venedon is constantly rude and condescending.
  • Mad Scientist: His realm is a monstrous lab and Venedon himself is quite eager to mix and match monsters.
  • Take That!: The creator has mentioned that Venedon, a perverted and ill-tempered loner, was based off of 4chan.

The God of Blood, a handsome man with the bottom half of a serpent holding a dagger and heart. His domain is the Titan's Wound and he is a member of the Death class.

The God of Vanity, a large being made out of various colored gemstones. His domain is the Temple of Lies and he is a member of the Sorcery class.

The God of Shadows, a robed spirit who holds an indigo staff. His domain is the Bastion of the Void and he is a member of the Sorcery class.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Literally the embodiment of abyssal shadows, but is one of the most benevolent gods.
  • In the Hood: You never see his face due to the darkness of his robe, though this is assuming he even has a face.
  • Nice Guy: A very kind and patient deity who helps others overcomes despair and fight their own inner demons. Sometimes literally.

The God of Extinction, a dark haired lord who has one large leg and holds two katanas. His domain is the Sanctum Umbra and he is a member of the Life class.

The God of Dreams, a tall red humanoid with long pale horns and bone-like armor. His domain is unknown and he is a member of the Chaos class.
  • Back from the Dead: Suddenly returns after the player defeats Lord Zaitan enough times, claiming to have learned his lesson.
  • Big Bad Of Siralim Ultimate.
  • The Chessmaster: Manipulated the monarchs of two different kingdoms to get what he wanted.
  • Enemy Without: After his resurrection, his leftover evil forms into a False God.
  • Hazy-Feel Turn: After returning to life he seems to have lost his thirst for power, but he still wants revenge on the player and the rest of the gods.
  • One-Winged Angel: After using the power of the Nether Orbs, he becomes a colossal demon and takes on the moniker of God of Nightmares.
  • Slashed Throat: How Lucius finishes him off after the Siralim Monarch defeats him.
  • Talking in Your Dreams: His specialty, though also the only way he can communicate with anyone.

The Goddess of Uncertainty, a jagged woman with wasp-like traits and a blindfold over her eyes. Her domain is the Gambler's Hive and she is a member of the Death class.
  • Hailfire Peaks: Her realm is a giant hive that is also a casino, making it a unique combination of Casino Park and Hornet Hole.
  • Lady Luck: What she is. Her true moniker is in fact the goddess of luck, but she prefers to be called the goddess of uncertainty because it sounds cooler.

    T'mere M'rgo 
The God of Fusion, a grotesque icosahedron with random body parts jutting out of him. His domain is the Amalgam Gardens and he is a member of the Sorcery class.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: As utterly terrifying he and his realm are, T'mere M'rgo is a peaceful deity who only creates mutated beasts to protect his followers and lands.
  • Eldritch Abomination: Easily the most bizarre looking god in the game, adding to this is the fact he speaks in total nonsense.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: T'mere M'rgo dedicates the majority of his time to bestowing life upon creatures composed of various parts from different beings. At first, these creatures possessed a terrifying appearance but lacked true danger. However, when hostile intruders invaded the Amalgamation Garden, T'mere M'rgo decided to create genuinely threatening creatures to protect his realm.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: The only word he says clearly is “Disappointed”, which he does after a treasure golem is killed.
  • The Unintelligible: Nothing he says can be understood, whether it is gibberish or some alien tongue is never clarified.

The God of Balance, a gaseous being with monochromatic clothing and a shining staff. His domain is the Land Of Breath and Balance and he is a member of the Nature class.
  • The Voiceless: He never says anything, even when introducing himself to the player. Ariamaki instead communicates by giving off an aura of what he is currently feeling.

The Goddess of Creation, a tall beautiful girl in white garb who holds a magic paintbrush. Her domain is the Astral Gallery and she is a member of the Life class.
  • Cleavage Window: She is well-endowed and her plunging top is happy to remind you of this.
  • Enemy Summoner: Her speciality is summoning minions, both in her Trial of the Gods and as an avatar.
  • Ethereal White Dress: Wears long flowing white robes.
  • Genki Girl: Is very excitable, especially in regards to making art.

The God of Strife, a large black furred boar with numerous arrows and spears sticking out of his hide. His domain is the Overgrown Temple and he is a member of the Chaos class.
  • Full-Boar Action: In his Trial Of the Gods as expected, you can weaponize him yourself if you beat him. There are also his unique monster the Warhogs, whose speciality is attacking the enemy and reducing their stats.
  • Good Is Not Nice: He is a firm believer in Misery Builds Character and that trials makes others stronger. Genaros will always answer a call to help, but as he says he will only give you what you need and no more.
  • Nice Guy: His rather harsh philosophy aside, he is incredibly courteous and affable. Also while he prefers people to stand on their own two legs, he won't hesitate to help out.

The Goddess of the Earth, a massive dark serpent with six eyes and numerous crystals growing out of her back. Her domain is the Forbidden Depths and she is a member of the Nature class.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: She is extremely gruff and stern, however this is mainly because of her frustration with how so many races have abused the earth and is overall distrusting by nature. Anneltha overall means well and gives the King of Siralim the benefit of a doubt, lightening up considerably if he shows proper respect to the land.
  • Mother Nature: The very spirit of Rodia itself. She is overall benevolent and cares for the land, but is completely fed up with how countless kingdoms have abused and desecrated the world.

The Goddess of Prophecy, a red haired fairy with plant-like clothes who lounges on a large mushroom. Her domain is the Fae Lands and she is a member of the Life class.
  • The Fair Folk: The queen of them and is quite capricious and eccentric herself.
  • Fairy Sexy: An especially pretty fairy whose short dress shows off her shapely legs.
  • Royal "We": Always refers to herself in a plural form.

The God of Science, a large burly robot with two different red eyes. His domain is the Forgotten Lab and he is a member of the Chaos class
  • No Social Skills: He finds it really hard to emphasize with living things and as a result comes across as incredibly proud and even hostile. By all accounts 4080 is a good guy, just hard to get along with.
  • The Older Immortal: Inverted. It is made clear he is the youngest of the gods and barely even knows anything about the world as a whole.
  • Pet the Dog: If the player builds a robot from scattered scrap metal in his domain, 4080 is overjoyed and sincerely thanks the player.
  • Tin-Can Robot: Is a round and squat looking robot, bearing a resemblance to Robo from Chrono Trigger.

The God of Falsity, an inventor who has various clockwork prosthetics on him including a furnace in his stomach. His domain is Damarel and he is a member of the Death class.
  • Cyborg: Both a rare steampunk example and rare god example.
  • Insufferable Genius: Alexandria is a decent fellow, but is extremely arrogant and finds himself the most brilliant of the gods. He refers to all other beings as peasants regardless of their rank.
  • Mad Scientist: Though unlike Venedon, Alexandria is more interested in gears and machinery.

The Godspawn

Various incredibly powerful monsters that each serve a different god.
  • Difficult, but Awesome: Many of them have incredibly unorthodox abilities that can outright cripple you, but if you figure out how to use them they are extremely powerful.
  • Olympus Mons: Each Godspawn has strong stats and a powerful ability that makes them a force to be reckoned with.
  • Semi-Divine: All of them. Whether they are a child of a god or just an especially potent creation tends to vary.
  • Starter Mon: In Siralim 3, one of five godspawn can be picked as your first monster depending on what class you specialize in.

The False Gods

Various wicked beings who are trying to ascend to godhood using the Nether Orbs. All are colossal opponents made up of six targets.
  • A God Am I: And they are dangerously close to becoming gods unless you stop them.
  • Super Boss: Some of the toughest opponents you will be confronting and, alongside the Nether Boss rematches, fighting them makes up a bulk of the post-game.

    Caliban the Unredeemed 
Thanks to all five of the Nether Orbs, the lingering evil part of Caliban gained a life of its own. This is basically a refight of the final boss.
  • Shielded Core Boss: As with regular Caliban; to kill him you need to destroy his heart, but to get to his heart you need to destroy all his limbs first.

Once a simple sea creature from the bottom of the ocean, contact with the Sorcery Nether Orb turned it into a huge five headed hydra.
  • Hydra Problem: As expected from a hydra, Hydranox will simply regrow his heads after you kill them. To fully destroy Hydranox, you need to go for his body.

    Imp Impington Reborn 
A once weak imp quite eager for revenge on the player using the Nature Nether Orb.
  • Expy: Is the Cybermon with a different head and color scheme.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: Imp Impington was an ultimately harmless Nether Boss during the main game, now he is on the verge of godhood and wants the Monarch of Siralim’s life for beating him before.

An ancient giant who is almost impossible to kill thanks to using the Nature Nether Orb.
  • Hopeless Bossfight: Subverted, just like with Lister this is a test of survival. You need to survive Jotun’s onslaught, eventually he gets annoyed enough to where he stomps off in a huff and leaves the Nature Nether Orb behind.
  • Last of His Kind: The last of his race of giants. He hoped to use the Nature Nether Orb to bring his people back, but all it did was drive him mad.

    Loid Prime 
An ambitious mutant and another Nether Boss seeking revenge, utilizing the Death Nether Orb to accomplish this.
  • Defeat Equals Explosion: A dangerous example where it is used against the player, Loid Prime’s hands explode on death and will hurt your monsters as a result.

    The Lost Construct 
A failed attempt at making a powerful automaton by Zonte. It was deactivated and thrown away, but is now awake again from contact with the Sorcery Nether Orb.
  • Mechanical Abomination: A terrifying artificial creature that has been distorted by unfathomably powerful magic.

An alien creature from another dimension that has stolen the Sorcery Nether Orb, with the artifact it is a master of mind control.

The king of dragons, long thought to be a myth it turns out he is real and ready to conquer the world with the Chaos Nether Orb.
  • Playing with Fire: As expected from the king of dragons, Nebodar specializes in dealing lots of damage with fire and setting enemies on fire.

    Saint Althea 
A gentle priestess of Surathli, Saint Althea was forcibly transformed after accidentally touching the Life Nether Orb
  • Forced into Evil: She doesn't want to cause havoc at all, she instead being forced to by the influence of the Life Nether Orb.

    The Ancestor 
A strange creature of unknown origin that has stolen the Life Nether Orb and desires to find worshippers.

Other Notable Characters

    The Gambling Dwarves 
A quintet of dwarf brothers who hold a love for games and gambling. One of them is a wanderer named Stoyakoff who will give you tickets to play his brothers games if you can find him throughout the worlds. Winning their games gets you resources and a special exclusive currency with which you can purchase a variety of drink related items, including the special alemental monsters.
  • Betting Minigame: Four of them, you don't use any of your resources though and instead spend tickets you get from Stoyakoff the yellow dwarf. Stinky the red dwarf runs a slot machine, Sleezy the blue dwarf is in charge of a Keno game, Frisky the purple dwarf gives you a scratch card, and Spicy the green dwarf lets you play a board game called Siralopoly.
  • Odd Name Out: Stoyakoff is the only brother to not have a short name that ends in a y. Fittingly enough, he is also the only dwarf not in charge of a minigame.
  • Our Dwarves Are All the Same: Zigzagged. They are little bearded men with a love for drinking, but they aren't gruff at all and are more interested in games than metalworking or mining.

    The Nether Orbs 
Five extremely ancient and dangerous artifacts that each embody one of the five types of monster: Nature, Sorcery, Chaos, Death, and Life. Most of the villains in the series have their eyes set on getting all five. You can eventually encounter them yourself by beating false gods, touching one gives you an anointment; basically giving access to a class perk regardless if you are playing that class.
  • Ancient Artifact: They are older than most of the gods and are stupidly potent artifacts that grant power to any who touch them. Those who can gather all five become almost unstoppable.
  • Artifact of Doom: While they are not strictly evil, the Nether Orbs cause almost nothing but trouble and the gods keep a close eye on them to make sure they don't cause total pandemonium.
  • Light Is Not Good: Creatures of Life are mostly benevolent beings of angelic nature, the Life Nether Orb is bright and colorful but just like the others orbs it corrupts anyone around it.
  • With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: Most beings can't handle the power of the Nether Orbs and go completely nuts after touching them. The good news is the Second Monarch of Siralim is not one of them, you just get anointments from them.
