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Characters / Princess Waltz

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Character sheet for Princess Waltz. WARNING! ALL spoilers are UNMARKED!

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    Tropes Applying to Several Characters 

  • Warrior Princess: The Princesses who beat the living daylights out of each other, using humongous bizarre weapons.

Main Characters

    Fukamori Arata 
The hero of the story, who winds up accidentally involved in the Waltz after picking up the ring Chris dropped and putting it on. He quickly adapts to the Broken Masquerade, and is able to sync powerfully with Chris until The Reveal, whereupon the two of them run into trouble fighting together because of Arata's new awareness of her sex. The two of them spend a great deal of time training, but synchronization has its own side effects and the two begin getting uncomfortably close.

Associated tropes:

  • Barbie Doll Anatomy: When Chris and Arata merge into Isis, Isis is shown briefly nude with Barbie Doll Anatomy.
  • Belligerent Sexual Tension: Even before Arata realizes Chris is female, their bromance is so thick with sexual tension that every single girl in his class or out of it picks up on it right away. The "belligerent" part gradually fades
  • Brother–Sister Incest: Shizuka has her own ending of sorts, though they're not related. But Chris and Arata have the same father and their mothers were sisters (which means that Chris and Arata have the same four grandparents).
  • Clingy MacGuffin: The ring just won't come off!
  • Deliberate Injury Gambit: When Suzushiro tries to assassinate him, he absorbs her attack by relying on his Healing Factor to absorb one blow, shocks her by grabbing her arm and then seals her power with her bandages.
  • Determinator: He isn't strong, but he has a lot of guts.
  • Elephant in the Living Room: The game makes no attempt to address the ick factor surrounding the fact that the deeply in love Chris and Arata are both half-siblings and cousins.
  • Forceful Kiss: During the second half of the game in the Angela "route" she says that she's not willing to sacrifice her chastity just to save Chris. Arata makes a bet that if he can make her open her eyes within one minute she'll agree to help and he kisses her, winning the bet.
  • Headbutt Thermometer: Towards Chris.
  • Healing Factor: Once he receives the Blessing Arata possesses one that would shame Wolverine.
  • Idiot Hero: Downplayed. Arata's remarkably quick on the uptake in some ways, thanks to having consumed various fantasy and science fiction media and having a frame of reference for various fantastical situations, and his grades aren't called out as particularly bad even when the events of the story are playing havoc with his ability to do homework, but the whole cast treats him as pretty emotionally dense, and it's easy to see why.
  • Jumped at the Call: Arata's response to being placed into a life or death situation fighting giant monsters not of this world is to find it totally awesome. Not to mention begging Chris to fight in the Waltz together.
  • Leeroy Jenkins:
    • Tries to hit a monster with a fire extinguisher twice. Surprise was on his side the first time...and it went horribly wrong for the second.
    • During the second half of the story he tends to recklessly charge into really obvious traps and dangerous situations.
  • Mate or Die: Played straight and deconstructed. Interestingly, having sex with Chris and the (chosen) Princess is not Arata's idea, at least not initially. When Chris and Arata's fusion starts to weaken, April insists that the only effective way to restore their bond is to "become one," literally. Having no other remotely effective options in their extremely life-or-death situation, they reluctantly agree, and although April is proven correct, both Chris and Arata are immediately wracked with guilt afterwards, until the fusion magic's side effect takes over, and they effectively become addicted to it, at which point neither of them cares, regardless of time or place. Regardless of route, Arata and Chris, immediately after being reunited, start making out, right in front of all the other princess candidates, and Chris is completely naked.
  • Meaningful Name: "Arata" is a homonym for the word "new", as in his "new life" after being taken to Japan for his own safety.
  • Ordinary High-School Student: Subverted. He seems like an ordinary student until Chris appears as an exchange student, but it turns out he's a lot more tied in with her and her world than it seems.
  • Screams Like a Little Girl: When Arata learns Chris is a girl, he experiences an epic Freak Out, complete with screaming.
  • "Shut Up" Kiss: Gives one to Chris at school when he confronts her the night after they first sleep together.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: If you look closely you will see that Arata and Iris have the same face. Eldhin wasn't kidding when he said Arata resembled Iris more then Chris did.
  • Surprise Incest: Arata doesn't learn that he and Chris are half-siblings and cousins until long after they've started having sex with each other. By that point, they are both so magically addicted to it that he no longer cares.
  • Sweet on Polly Oliver: He's a little bit surprised that he finds the cool new guy attractive.
  • Trauma-Induced Amnesia: Discussed and parodied. When it becomes obvious that the fusion with Chris is suffering due to a rather Unsettling Gender-Reveal, Chris suggests bashing Arata around the head until he forgets, but April then comes back that even if this "technique" works as intended, having Arata walk in on Chris or vice-versa could easily undo the effort.
  • Would Not Hit a Girl: Subverted. Arata starts treating Chris differently at first after discovering her gender, and Chris angrily demands that he stop. Arata realizes that he has, indeed, begun thinking of her as a different person than she is just because she's a girl, and sincerely apologizes. But when Chris demands he hit her because she hit him, he lands a wimpy punch, not because he thinks of her as a girl, but because he thinks of her as a friend.

    Chris Northfield
The Crown Prince of Eldhiland
Voiced by: Haruka Sawai
The Crown Prince of Eldhiland, and the main love interest of the story. Chris transfers to Arata's school one day, has all the girls in an uproar over his handsomeness, and accidentally drags Arata into the Princess Waltz when he drops one of his rings, only for Arata to put it on. After a great deal of arguing and heroic stupidity, the two of them decide to team up, and realize that together they are capable of transforming into the super-powerful princess of the sword, Iris.

Chris is very hung-up over his princehood, and is fighting in the Princess Waltz for reasons that Arata does not immediately grasp. As the tournament proceeds, it's revealed to the player that Chris has deep insecurities that stem from the fact that he is unable to properly inherit the throne, due to being born female.

Associated tropes:

  • Bifauxnen: Chris acts very much like a male and a prince.
  • Brother–Sister Incest: Chris and Arata are technically cousins, as well as half-siblings. Mysteriously, the game chooses not to broach this subject.
  • Butt-Monkey: Between the girls in Chris' class and April, he just can't catch a break.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Shows shades of this towards Arata, particularly when Chris catches Liliana and Arata kissing.
  • Cool Sword: Can turn into a BFS under the right conditions.
  • Damsel in Distress: Whenever Chris is not fused with Arata to be Iris, he will get himself into massive amounts of trouble. Humans (and princes) are just that weak compared to the generic monsters of the game, let alone the princesses.
  • Fusion Dance: The result being, of course, female.
  • Game-Breaking Injury: Chris has had an injury in his right shoulder since the start of the game.
  • Grand Theft Me: Is taken over by the Big Bad of the game.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: At one point, Arata talks casually to Suzushiro about how emotionally volatile Chris is, assuming that she already knows. However, Suzushiro has never seen this side of Chris.
  • Healing Factor: The Prince's Blessing gives Chris this, although using it exhausts Chris's stamina.
  • Heroic Bastard: Cecelia, Chris' mother, was the younger sister of Princess Lydia of Soldia, winner of the previous Waltz. Jealous of her sister & desiring the Emperor, she had an affair with him, which brought forth Chris.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Given a sadistic choice by the Big Bad to kill Arata and absorb the remnants of his power, she instead turns her sword upon herself.
  • Intimate Healing: At one point, when Arata's healing factor isn't enough to deal with a serious injury, April insists that the correct way for Chris to heal him is for both of them to be naked in bed together while Chris licks him. Cue Unsettling Gender-Reveal.
  • Luminescent Blush: Chris tends to get very pink whenever Arata is around.
  • Mate or Die: When the fusion between Chris and Arata begins to weaken, April insists that the only effective way to strengthen it again is to literally "become one" which is the common Japanese euphemism for sex. Although highly reluctant, having no other viable options in a very life-or-death situation, Chris agrees. Then the fusion magic's side effect starts taking over...
  • Out of Focus: Chris' part is minimal in the second part of the story until the end.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: The game pretty much makes it impossible to not know the truth once The Reveal rolls around.
  • Raised as the Opposite Gender: The Emperor is only supposed to have one child and it is always to be a son. However, Chris is female but was raised as a boy to participate in the Princess Waltz in the blind hopes that somehow everything would work out.
  • She Is the King: Chris is the Prince despite being female. Even when Arata finds out her gender he still calls her the Prince and at the end of the game (by which point everyone knows) Chris is still going by Prince (though now co-Prince with Arata).
  • Surprise Incest: She doesn't learn she's Arata's half-sister and cousin until long after she starts having sex with Arata. By that point, even if there was a taboo in her home nation, she's too magically addicted to him to stop.
  • Sweet Polly Oliver: Chris has always dressed in masculine clothing in order to attain his ideal of becoming a true prince.
  • Tough Leader Façade: Chris is naturally a pretty emotionally volatile person who enjoys simple pleasures and has a hot temper, but for most of her life she's trained herself to put up a cool and magnanimous royal front that sections from her point of view outright compare to a mask. She also tries to push herself to do many personally hazardous things for what she believes to be the greater good, while neglecting her own inner life and resenting her emotional sensitivity as weakness.
  • Tsundere: Chris is rather abrasive towards Arata, which he lampshades even before The Reveal.
  • Useless Useful Spell: The Prince's Blessing. It's supposed to keep him alive at all costs, but the darn thing just can't keep up with some rates of damage. The fact that she only has half the Blessing is probably part of the problem.

    Angela Victoire Blendin
Princess of Agnis
Voiced by: Kanami Kono
The Princess of Agnis, who entered the Princess Waltz just to have fun fighting. She's rather bloodthirsty and enjoys battle more than anything else, and expresses no interest in Chris, even though that's the goal of the tournament. She's known as the Dragon Princess among the others, and is a very formidable opponent; she wields a burning lance called Perpetuelle.

Angela is noted for being hard to get along with and tends to blatantly ignore her adviser, Glen, but when the mood strikes her she can be very kind. She also has a bad habit of throwing vast amounts of money around, and abusing her special status as a princess when she shops.

Associated tropes:

  • Animal Motifs: She not only has a dragon motif, but she actually has a blessing from the dragon god.
  • Blood Knight: When in battle. Thankfully not one when in normal mode.
  • Determinator: Since she enjoys fighting for its own sake, she tends to power through what other characters would generally consider a losing situation.
  • Fiery Redhead: Surprising no one, the princess from the country of fire and dragons with a deep appetite for combat and violence has got red hair to match.
  • Hellish Pupils: Especially emphasized in her charging cut-in, where her shrunken irises and Slasher Smile make her look unhinged and scary.
  • Honor Before Reason: Gives Iris a long time to recover when she's injured after their first meeting, suggesting the maximum time before their first duel, then throws the first fight after Iris survives her finishing move, even though the unconscious Iris was at her mercy, because she doesn't feel it's honorable to end like that after such a spectacular battle. She also feels that the Big Bad is disgracing the Waltz and agrees to work with Arata later on.
  • Hot-Blooded: Angela is very passionate, aggressive and lively.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: She has an abrasive personality and is quite the Blood Knight, but the very first casual scene of her involves Nodoka. She drags Nodoka along while she goes clothes shopping and then at the end gives her an expensive set of clothing as a thank you for helping her out.
  • Jousting Lance: She wields her lance, Perpetuelle, in melee combat, something the story notes is strange, but gives her a pass on thanks to her inhuman strength.
  • Pet the Dog; Right after we see how much of a crazed Blood Knight she is, we have a scene of her giving Nodoka a rather nice gift. She doesn't even know Nodoka. This helps humanize her a bit when so much of the early story has her come across as a smug, violent jerk.
  • Playing with Fire: She has a heavily fire based moveset, befitting her title of Dragon Princess.
  • Mega Manning: Created an additional Limit Break after experiencing Iris' Eldhi Arc, which allowed her to defeat Liliana.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Red-purple eyes to be exact.
  • Regal Ringlets: She has very long hair set in princess curls.
  • Smug Super: Angela's a master warrior, and she knows it. She gets murderously angry when opponents don't measure up to her standards, and she's generally grinning a Slasher Smile and bragging before and after most fights. But Angela has the skills and power to back most of it up too.

    Shikikagura Suzushiro
Princess of Shihou
Voiced by: Yūko Gotō
The young Princess of The Earth, who hails from the country of Shihou. She has known Chris since they were young children and has devoted herself entirely to Chris, being more intent on becoming his wife than any other princess, although she doesn't know about Chris' true biological sex. Once she arrives in the story, she initially gets along well with Arata before growing jealous, a trait which marks her behavior with the other princesses as well.

Contrary to all expectations as she's quite a small girl, Suzushiro holds massive physical strength to compensate for her mediocre speed and poor defenses.

Associated tropes:

  • Bare-Fisted Monk: Unlike the other princesses who wield specialized weapons, Suzushiro fights bare handed. She also has the greatest weapon damage in the cast. She ultimately secures the first elimination of the Waltz.
  • Big Ol' Eyebrows: She has some massive eyebrows that Liliana makes some quips about.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: She's soft spoken and ladylike, but she's far more powerful than she looks and also quite pragmatic.
  • Childhood Friend Romance: She has been in love with Chris for years, but Chris thinks of her as a little kid. It doesn't help that she grew up to be very short and petite.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: She gets pretty upset when she sees Arata and Chris getting along well and even attempts to assassinate him later without a second thought to help Chris. She's also rather rude to the other princesses.
  • Cute Bruiser: She fights barehanded and, as her synchro effects show, she has very high attack capabilities.
  • Determinator: She gets beaten around like a rag doll during the Liesel fight, but just tanks all the damage until she can finally make that devastating counter.
  • Glass Cannon: She provides a large weapon damage boost when merging, but she actually decreases your defense.
  • Hates Being Touched: She has sworn to herself never to allow a man other than Chris to touch her. Arata grabs and pins her when she tries to assassinate him to make her submit.
  • Honor Before Reason: After she stumbles upon 'Iris' practicing her secret technique she decides to show her own to even the playing field.
  • Hot-Blooded: When in battle. Again, voiced by Gotouther-sama.
  • If It's You, It's Okay: After The Reveal, she's still in love with Chris.
  • Little Miss Badass: She's young and tiny, but also capable of ending most fights in a single blow.
  • Loving a Shadow: As Arata learns when she tells him to stop associating with Chris, Suzushiro has many incorrect ideas about Chris's personality, and has never seen "his" angry, Tsundere side. (Setting aside that she's also unaware Chris is a woman, since she ultimately decides she doesn't care and still loves her anyway.) That said, she at least knows Chris well enough to tell when she's pasting on a smile and decieving her about something important.
  • Princesses Prefer Pink: She's the most feminine and 'ladylike' of the princesses and gets a girly pink motif.
  • The Rival: With Liliana early on, for Chris' attention. They snipe at each others' looks, kingdoms, and backgrounds, although they admit when they take it too far and try to reel it in.
  • Silk Hiding Steel: Hot steel too; her propriety, poise, and charm conceal the heart of a brawler.
  • Worthy Opponent: She views Iris as a worthy foe and is thus distressed to accidentally see her secret technique.
  • Yamato Nadeshiko: She seems to be consciously aiming to be one with her domestic and supportive attitude, but she's more irritable than she looks.

    Liliana "Lun Lun" Guenther
Princess of Renstanza
Voiced by: Hiroko Taguchi
The Storm Princess of Renstanza, a mighty naval power. She is an Admiral of their Navy. While not the oldest princess of her kingdom, she's the only one who is eligible, which is why she entered the Waltz. She is also motivated by her irritation with her sisters for settling for anything other than a prince when they married. She spends most of her time acting somewhere between silly or downright insane, yet is always perky and cheerful. However, she has the most real combat experience of all the princesses and is incredibly skilled in a ranged-fight.

Unfortunately for Liliana, she doesn't get along very well with Chris or her fellow princesses, and she finds herself developing a crush on Arata early on. This causes her a bit of trouble when she actually tries to fight in the Waltz.

Associated tropes:

  • Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!: Natch.
    Arata: Wow, she changes topics as fast as Nodoka. I wonder if this is some kind of superpower all girls have.
  • Badass Adorable: She really plays up the cute genki girl attitude, but she's actually an experienced veteran capable of going toe to toe with Angela, the strongest princess.
  • Cast From HP: Her strongest attack is powered by her blood.
  • Chekhov's Gun: That cellphone call she had from her mother early in the game? About a side job? It's finding an old friend of her mother's, the Queen of Wisley - who turns out to be Fukamori Nanae. She has a conversation with Nanae, passing on a message from her mother and also confirming that Shizuka is the Beast Princess.
  • The Cuckoolander Was Right: Early on she has a fangirl speculation that the prince and his retainer (Chris and Arata) switched places and that she'd fall in love with the real prince, who is in disguise. Chris isn't Arata's retainer, but Arata is the real prince and Liliana does fall in love with him instead of Chris.
  • Ditzy Genius: She's genuinely an airhead, but just because she's ditzy doesn't mean she's stupid. In fact, she has the best tactical mind in the group.
  • Girlish Pigtails: She's the most openly immature of the girls and has the most immature hair style.
  • Genki Girl: Lilliana is almost always very excitable.
  • Kawaiiko: Her main persona, but she drops it when it's time to get serious.
  • Kill It with Water: Her gun is powered by a jewel passed down through her family and allows her to create and manipulate water.
  • The Nicknamer: She gives everyone affectionate nicknames whether they like them or not. She even calls Angela An-chan/Angie.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Appears to be a silly and energetic girl, but is a competent fighter and a member of Restenteza's intelligence apparatus.
  • Older Than They Look: Appears to be a high school girl, but is actually the oldest of the Princesses participating in the current Waltz. She exploits this to get sent to Chris's class as a transfer student, despite the story heavily implying she's way too old to fit in.
  • Plucky Comic Relief: Her antics are played for comedy much more than the other princesses. She even says it herself before she decided to find someone to duel with. Which borders on Leaning on the Fourth Wall.
  • The Power of Love: Averted, played straight, and then subverted in her fight with Angela.
  • The Rival: With Suzushiro early on, for Chris' attention.
  • Running Gag: Everything outlandish that she says and does in front of civilians is explained away by having lived abroad.
  • Say It with Hearts: When squeeing, she tends to go overboard.
  • Weak, but Skilled: Her duel with Angela takes undertones of this; while hardly weak, she employs finesse against Angela's power. Ultimately unsuccessful, though Angela notes it was a close match and if she'd seen Iris' Finishing Move first, she might have prevailed over Angela.
  • Yaoi Fangirl: She mistakenly thinks Chris and Arata are gay early on, but figures that's all right so long as Chris shacks up with her as well.

    Liesel Hansel
Princess of Palmeid
Voiced by: Kiyomi Asai
The Princess of Steel, she hails from Palmeid, a blacksmithing country and the only republic in Eldhiland. She doesn't really have much interest in marrying Chris—she's really just involved in the Waltz to prove the power of her Dress and for the sake of everyone who helped create it. Liesel employs ruthless tactics and prefers to win by any means possible rather than fighting with honor, and she deeply resents the other princesses for their natural strength of arms. Liesel's personality is intentionally left quite mysterious.

Associated tropes:

  • Attack Drone: Some of her many weapons and countermeasures are little metal balls that can home intelligently in on enemies and then detonate.
  • Badass Normal: No special abilities, no spells, just a skilled blacksmith wearing state-of-the-art equipment, and armed with an arsenal she designed herself. Especially notable since the other princesses come from the royal bloodlines of their nations, and Chris says royals inherit greatly enhanced physical abilities compared to the common people of their world; as a commoner (and, considering her status as the last-minute replacement, presumably not even one of the stronger "normal" people), she's able to go toe-to-toe with the most powerful princesses in the Waltz.
  • Beneath the Mask: It's gradually revealed that her "disguise" as Riko is actually the only time Liesel acts like herself-she's so terrified of seeming weak she acts a lot more cold than she actually is.]]
  • Chekhov's Gunman: Appears early on as a member of Arata's class.
  • The Chessmaster: She's very cold and calculating when trying to be, using modified cell phone drones to spy on her rivals and orchestrate events. However, when discussing strategy with an unseen second party, she admits she can't control all factors when she tries to kidnap the prince, and decides that she needs to act anyway.
  • Combat Pragmatist: She herself says that "honor" is a vainglorious luxury that people who don't have to put effort into life throw around, and she spends most of her fights taking advantage of the fact that she's the only princess in the Waltz with the ability to fly and spamming projectile attacks.
  • Covert Pervert: Gets turned on by (to her seconds later shame) by the faux Ho Yay between Chris and Arata. She has the same reaction when she learns that Arata and Chris slept together. She knows it too.
  • Crazy-Prepared: Just when you think Suzushiro has the advantage, Liesel pulls out another trick from her skirt. Arata begins to wonder just how many missiles she has under there. During her matches with both Suzushiro and Iris, she also has a powerful shield as a countermeasure.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: Made her Dress, weapons, cellphone drones, flashbangs...
  • The Glasses Come Off: When Riko gets dangerous in the 2nd Chapter.
  • Had to Be Sharp: What causes her to grow some actual self-confidence is being convinced she's shown she earned her place in the Waltz several times over-as shown by the fact she steamrolled two of her opponents, both of whom are pretty strong in their own right.
  • Hammerspace: Her skirt. She has propulsion jets, exploding attack drones, and freaking missile launchers under there. Arata lampshades it during her fight with Suzushiro.
  • Hidden Buxom: She doesn't look it, but if the player chooses her route, her H-scene shows her bust size is right up there with Angela.
  • Hidden Heart of Gold: Her entire cold personality is an act by Riko to disguise how unhappy and scared she is when fighting-her real personality is a Nice Girl who doesn't think twice about rushing into a burning building to save someone.
  • I Am Not Left-Handed: She keeps pulling out new weapons and armor throughout.
  • Inferiority Superiority Complex: All of her cold attitude during her fights is an act to hide that she's scared out of her mind-she wasn't even trained to be the Princess of Steel, so she secretly feels worthless compared to all the other princesses. Her apparent lack of interest in Arata is more out of the fact she's resigned to losing and believes that he wouldn't be attracted to a commoner-she's utterly flabbergasted that he doesn't care in her route.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: While not as aggressive as the other red eyed princess, Angela, she's very cold, calculating and pragmatic. And then subverted, when it turns out her disguise as Riko is actually the only time she isn't trying to come off as someone else. Riko is about as threatening as a teddy bear.
  • The Reveal: Her real name is Riko, and she wasn't supposed to be in the Waltz at all-she's a lower-to-middle class engineer who was forced to replace her when the actual Liesel disqualified herself, and Riko herself was still a virgin.
  • Shrinking Violet: In her secret identity she behaves significantly differently. Mostly because she isn't trying to seem tough.
  • Shout-Out: To Lyrical Nanoha. Let us see, Dark Magical Girl with suspiciously sounding Magitek Named Weapon, check! Battle Ball Gown, check! Flight, check! German sounding name, check! And the list goes on and on...
  • Silly Rabbit, Cynicism Is for Losers!: For all her cold calculations and disdain for sentiment and honor, Liesel is ultimately still the first princess eliminated in the Waltz, while returning and fighting for people she cares about and a cause she believes in leads her to several victories.
  • Split Personality: Of sorts. Her introduction actually features "Liesel" and "Riko" holding a conversation over tactics, which may or may not be the actual Liesel advising her replacement.
  • Weak, but Skilled: Has no magical powers or special abilities, unlike the other Princesses; she compensates with her Dress and Combat Pragmatism. There's a reason she was the one chosen to replace the actual competitor.

    Fukamori Shizuka
Princess of Wisley
Voiced by: Shizuka Itō
Arata's older sister, who gives him advice throughout the story although she isn't directly involved in the events surrounding the Princess Waltz for most of the game. She's very skilled in kendo and has always practiced with Arata since they were children, meaning that they're very in sync with each other.

In the second half of the game, Shizuka takes up a more direct role, though not always prominently. If her route is taken, she is revealed to be the sixth and final Waltz contestant; the Beast Princess of Wisley.

Associated tropes:

  • Attack! Attack! Attack!: During the majority of the second half of the game Shizuka's strategies are always extremely aggressive due to lacking rationality.
  • The Berserker: As the Beast Princess, she sacrifices her intellect to tap into her true power. When you finally unlock her route, the seal on her power is removed so that she can fight properly.
  • Brother–Sister Incest: Arata and Shizuka have been rather attracted to each other for awhile, but with the whole sibling thing, it wasn't really an option either was willing to pursue. Since they're revealed to be step-siblings only, the issue is side-stepped.
  • Cool Big Sis: Very much so. Arata admires her greatly, referring to her as "My invincible sister."
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Shizuka is built up as extremely powerful before she's available for use, so rather than give her some sort of arbitrary limitation, the story just makes her Purposely Overpowered and allows you to tear through the final day effortlessly.
  • Declaration of Protection: Declared she would protect Arata and took up kendo in order to do so. Later has the seal on her power undone so she can actually do so competently.
  • Divine Parentage: Her father is the God of Fangs, one of three gods that created Eldhiland.
  • Heroic Bastard: Like the original princess of Palmeid (who is replaced by Liesel), her mother got pregnant before the Waltz began and had to sit the action out. That child was her.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: Had her memories sealed along with her power.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Is very fast and very hard hitting.
  • Meaningful Name: "Fukamori" is a homonym for "deep forest". The country of Wisley enters the princess of the forest in the Waltz, and her father is the beast deity of Eldhiland, the God of Fangs.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: Once part 2 begins it's extremely obvious who the Beast Princess is.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Used to mark her first appearance as the Beast Princess.
  • Purple Is Powerful: Her Iris fusion has a purple motif and is Purposely Overpowered. She's also the strongest princess in the game.
  • Sixth Ranger: Joining the main cast during the finale in her guise as the Beast Princess, she is only identified as Shizuka in her own route.

Other story characters

Voiced by: Haruka Sawai
The Princess of the Sword, she is the representative of Soldia in the current Waltz. Initially, little else is known about her. However, she seems to appear whenever Chris is in danger, yet the two are never seen side by side. As the story goes on, it is revealed that Chris takes on the guise of Iris, in order to fight and win the Waltz himself. After Arata and Chris synchronize due to Arata wearing one of Chris' rings, they fight together as Iris against the other princesses in order to fulfill Chris' dream and Arata's destiny.

In actuality, the real Princess Iris was the leader of the six legendary princesses who fought against Shichiou, the demon who threatened to destroy Eldhiland one thousand years ago. After Shichiou's defeat, she founded the Princess Waltz as a means of containing his evil, and ascended the throne to become the first Empress of Eldhiland, preserving the peace between the six kingdoms of the land that has endured to the modern day.

Associated tropes:

Shichiou is a legendary demon that threatened Eldhiland in its earliest days, who was sealed away by the power of six princesses, one from each country of the land. The sole survivor of six, Princess Iris of Soldia, founded the Princess Waltz to keep him contained. He partially breaks free at the end of the 1st Chapter.

His true identity is Eldhin, namesake of Eldhiland, saviour of the land and Princess Iris' former love interest.

Associated tropes:

  • Big Bad: He initiates his plan to take over the world as the Waltz starts drawing to a close, forcing everyone to work together.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: One atrocity that motivated Iris and the other princesses to fight him was the burning down of a castle housing 70,000 soldiers and their families, because they complained about his rule.
  • Egopolis: He named the entire empire after himself.
  • Evil Overlord List: He could've read it a little more thoroughly, but it's clear he at least gave it a once over.
  • Fallen Hero: Shichiou is not just the demon, he's also Eldhin, the true first Emperor and namesake of the world, who united the land in the first place.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Iris created the Waltz to keep him sealed away.
  • Sealed Inside a Person-Shaped Can: Every Emperor of Eldhiland has the soul of Shichiou sealed deep within them when they are born as the Crown Prince. The Waltz is a means of choosing a queen of great power to help keep the seal strong so that Shichiou will never escape.
  • Utopia Justifies the Means: In his quest for a "perfect" world, he turned into a vicious and oppressive despot.
  • Victory Is Boring: He became bored after becoming a successful conqueror and began heavily oppressing the people of Eldhiland.

A mysterious maid who was Chris' tutor. She's rather spacy and hard to read.

Associated tropes:

  • Angel Unaware: Her true identity is unclear, but she implies that she's the Goddess of Wings, the equal of the Dragon King and the God of Fangs. Or rather, she says it outright, then says she's kidding and disappears from the story.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: While for the majority of the game she acts like a clumsy maid and tutor, the ending implies that she is one of three gods, resurrected people twice, and manipulated quite a bit behind the scenes.
  • Jerkass: While Pidgeon is clearly distraught by being magically compelled to help Shichiou torment the princesses, April instead seems to take sadistic delight in mocking and belittling them while torturing them with the Gardeners.
  • Jerkass Gods: If she is the Goddess of Wings, then she was willing to inflict a great deal of suffering on the world and the protagonists just to get rid of Shichiou for good.
  • Karma Houdini: Suffers no consequences for all the shit she's pulled. Of course, she might have been a good guy all along, so...
  • Meido: Always wears a maid's outfit.
  • The Mole: Manipulated events from the start with Shichiou to help him escape the Waltz.
  • Sexy Mentor: She insists that she's a sexy mentor, at least. Everyone else just sort of puts up with her.

A masked priestess of Eldhiland's Imperial Court, who gives orders and advice to Chris on what to do to win the Waltz. She speaks very strangely and ruthlessly pursues her goal of seeing Chris achieve victory and his dreams of becoming a true prince.

She is revealed to be Princess Cecelia of Soldia; biological mother of Chris and younger sister of Empress Lydia; the winner of the previous Waltz, and Arata's biological mother.

Associated tropes:

  • Kill and Replace: In order to safeguard the life and ascension of her daughter, Cecelia enlists the aid of then princess of Wisley, Nanae, to kidnap and kill her older sister's child so female-Chris can become the Crown Prince with no one being the wiser. Her plan partially succeeds, as Chris is raised as the Crown Prince and Empress Lydia's son disappears from Eldhiland. However, Nanae does not kill the real Chris Northfield, instead naming him Arata and raising him as her own son in another world.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Has a brief moment of repentance near the end where she laments her manipulative and evil actions and how they almost cost her her child's life.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Jealous of her sister Lydia (who became the Empress after winning the Waltz), she seduced the Emperor, resulting in the conception of Chris not long after Arata, Empress Lydia's child and rightful Crown Prince, was born. However, because they are both children of the Emperor, and were born at around the same time, they both inherited the Prince's Blessing and the destiny that accompanies it. This creates an imbalance in the magical ritual at the centre of the Princess Waltz that has secretly kept Shichiou sealed away for a thousand years, as the ritual relies on there being only one Crown Prince. This imbalance is exploited by Shichiou, allowing him to weaken his seal and escape, through Chris, putting both Eldhiland and Earth in jeopardy.
  • Redemption Equals Life: In Shizuka's route it is revealed that April saved her life. Nanae tries to push her into being involved in Chris' life in a more wholesome way, rather hiding behind her masked guise.

    Fukamori Nanae 
Voiced by: Fukuko Dai
Nanae is Arata's adoptive mother as well as his homeroom teacher. She's rather lazy but loves her children dearly.

Associated tropes:

  • The Atoner: Was asked by Cecelia to kidnap and kill the original Chris Northfield, but she failed after having a change of heart. She decided to atone by raising him in exile on Earth as her own son, Fukamori Arata.
  • Divine Date: Had a one night stand with one of the three gods of Eldhiland, resulting in Shizuka and her disqualification from the Waltz that Empress Lydia won. He tried to track her down to take responsibility, but she shot him down.
  • Foreshadowing: It's repeatedly stated that the God of Fangs controls the gates between Eldhiland and Earth, and that the "Beast Princess" of Wisley is lying low. These things turn out to be connected; Nanae is a former lover of the God of Fangs and was the Beast Princess in her own time, before she got knocked up with his child before the last Waltz. This also explains how she managed to get to Earth with no one the wiser; she had an in with the authority in charge of it.
  • I Was Quite a Looker: Said almost word-for-word by her after Arata reacts with disbelief to her telling him that she's a Princess of Wisley and a candidate for the previous Waltz.
  • Retired Badass: Being a former candidate for the Princess Waltz easily qualifies her as one.

Voiced by: Asuka Tanii
Arata's childhood friend who lives down the street and attends the same class in school. Her father runs the kendo dojo where Arata and Shizuka train.

Associated tropes:

  • Childhood Friend Romance: She's largely oblivious to how she feels about Arata until he moves to Eldhiland at the end. After that, she's quite depressed that she can't really do much about it anymore until he accidentally leaves the door to Eldhiland open.
  • Jumped at the Call: In the post-credits Nodoka realizes that she loves Arata in the months after he and the other princesses have left Earth, and regrets not being able to tell him. Cue his short return to his old house on Earth while she is passing by. While she isn't able to convey her feelings to him, Arata, in his haste to return to work in the other world, leaves the portal to Eldhiland ajar. Instead of closing it and walking away, Nodoka follows him through, resolved to win his love just like the other princesses.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Even if she meets most of the princesses, she's in the dark about the Waltz and Eldhiland for the entire story until the post-credits.
  • Oblivious to Love: She has feelings for Arata, but isn't consciously aware of it. When Riko admits she has feeling for him, Nodoka encourages her to pursue them seemingly without a second thought. However, Riko realizes how Nodoka really feels.
