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Characters / Prehistoric Park Reimagined Animals

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Prehistoric Park Notable Animals

Amongst the many prehistoric animals rescued from extinction and put on display at the park, these particular individuals play particularly notable roles in the narrative.

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The residents of the titular park - whilst not always well-behaved, they have adapted well to the present, bonding with both the humans who care or them and each other.



An adult male arthropleura rescued in Alien Empire. First introduced when he is accidentally startled by Leon stepping a little too close to him for comfort, and is subsequently sent through the portal once he's calmed down.
  • Adaptational Name Change: He was called Incursio in Prehistoric Earth.
  • Ascended Extra: Whilst he's not as prominent as some of the other animals, he has a much larger role later in the story (including forming a bond with Nikolai) compared to his Prehistoric Earth counterpart Incursio, who did not appear after his introductory mission.
  • Big Creepy-Crawlies: Subverted. His large size arguably robs him of creep factor instead of enhancing it.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Appears to scare three pectinodon off when they'd cornered Jack and Duke in Hell's Labyrinth.
  • Creepy Centipedes: See Big Creepy-Crawlies above. Also, he's a milipede, not a centipede.
  • Gentle Giant: Despite being rather huge and intimidating (and being introduced in a rather intimidating manner), he's a rather placid herbivore.
  • Interspecies Friendship: Has shown signs of forming a bond with Nikolai.
  • Morality Pet: Arguably seeming to be set up as this for Nikolai.
  • Opposites Theme Naming: Is named after the Latin word for 'luck', whereas the female arthropleura (and likely his future mate) is named Melancholia (which is arguably one of the furthest feelings from lucky one can feel).


A female pulmonoscorpius that is first captured in Alien Empire after being seen crawling on a sleeping Drew's back.
  • Ascended Extra: Appears far more often in this story (and even bonds with one of the park staff members) compared to her comparative Prehistoric Earth counterpart Murasame.
  • Beware My Stinger Tail: She is a scorpion after all.
  • Big Creepy-Crawlies: While not The Black Scorpion level big, she is amongst one of the noticeably largest prehistoric species of scorpion, and her introductory scene is played for suspense.
  • Canon Foreigner: Her species was rescued in Prehistoric Earth, but the closest thing she had to a counterpart was a male named Murasame who never appeared in the story again after his debut episode.
  • Interspecies Friendship: With Bethany the veterinarian.
  • Little Miss Badass: Downplayed in that she doesn't necessarily get the chance to do any serious damage to anyone, the seemingly quite angry response she gives after getting trapped in a bug cage indicates that she can at least be a bit of a spitfire.
  • Power Pincers: Comes with being a scorpion.
  • Red and Black and Evil All Over: Not evil, but certainly played for suspense in her introductory scene, and she has a black exoskeleton with red stripes on her claws and a red tipped stinger on her tail.
  • Religious and Mythological Theme Naming: Is named after the Egyptian scorpion goddess.
  • Scary Scorpions: While not necessarily portrayed as any more dangerous than any real life modern scorpion, her introduction scene is noticeably played for suspense.

A representative of 'megalorachne', a newly discovered prehistoric species of spider. Also the first of her kind to be encountered by the rescue team (and by humanity in general) and subsequently rescued for the park.
  • Adaptational Name Change: Was named Pumpkin in Prehistoric Earth.
  • Ascended Extra: Her Prehistoric Earth counterpart Pumpkin only appeared in her debut chapter in that story without ever appearing again. Here, she makes several other minor background appearances in both a main story chapter and a chapter in the spinoff Extras after her debut, and even starts forming a bond with one of the vets.
  • Big Creepy-Crawlies: Is certainly unnerving (at least to Leon), and is about the size of Leon's head.
  • Crash-Into Hello: Played with. While the rescue team (and the readers) don't get a proper full view of her or similar proper introduction until after she's already landed on the ground, she only lands there after getting shaken off from her initially landing on Leon's head.
  • Death from Above: Subjects a luckless hylonomus to this fate after lunging out of her burrow when it causes the webbing surrounding the entrance to vibrate while its running past said burrow.
  • Giant Spider: As described in Big Creepy-Crawlies above, she is at least the size of Leon's head.
  • Interspecies Friendship: With Bethany the veterinarian.
  • Red and Black and Evil All Over: Not evil, per se, but she is described in seemingly unnerving fashion, and has a black body with scarlet red pincers.
  • Religious and Mythological Theme Naming: Is named after the Egyptian goddess of the hunt.
  • Spiders Are Scary: Particularly to Leon.

An adult mother pterygotus rescued alongside her offspring in The First Steps.
  • Adaptational Late Appearance: In Prehistoric Earth, she was rescued fairly early on in 'phase 1'. Here, she doesn't appear until the 3rd episode of 'season 2'.
  • Big Creepy-Crawlies: She is an alligator-sized eurypterid.
  • Gentle Giant: Proves very docile and easy to work with at the park despite acting understandably hostile towards the rescue team in her first appearance when she caught them worryingly close to her offspring.
  • Good Parents: Proves at the very least very good at keeping watch over her offspring judging by how quickly she comes to their defense after catching the rescue team in uncomfortably close proximity to them.
  • Mama Bear: Is very quick to defend her offspring once she catches the rescue team in rather worryingly close proximity to them in the Silurian Period.
  • Scary Scorpions: Played with in that she is not a true scorpion and only acts reasonably 'scary' when defending her offspring while being otherwise relatively friendly and docile the rest of the time.


A large male proterogyrinus amongst an entire float rescued in Alien Empire.
  • Always a Bigger Fish: Is much larger, stronger, and more powerful than the crassigyrinus; a fact that is immediately exploited when Leon ends up needing some additional assistance rescuing Yolanda from them.
  • Amphibian Assault: With his large size and crocodile-like behaviors, he is not a creature you want to get on the bad side of. Just ask the crassigyrinus (themselves guilty of this trope).
  • Amphibian at Large: As an adult proterogyrinus, he is at least 2-2.5 meters long (longer than a Chinese giant salamander).
  • Big Damn Heroes: Is released from the proterogyrinus paddock and into the crassigyrinus pool by Adrian in time for him to scare the crassigyrinus long enough for Leon to swim over to the escape rope with the distressed Yolanda in his clutches and bring her and himself to safety.
  • Canon Foreigner: While his species was rescued in Prehistoric Earth, he himself has no evidence of being personally present amongst the group of his kind that were rescued in the former fanfic.
  • Large and in Charge: Of an intimidatingly large size and serves as an enforcer for his float's alpha female Yunnan.
  • Never Smile at a Crocodile: Whilst he's not a true crocodile (or even a reptile), he has this vibe.
  • Shout-Out: Named after the King of Newtopia (and all of Amphibia for that matter) from Amphibia.
  • Summon Bigger Fish: On the receiving end of this by virtue of being released into the crassigyrinus pool in time to temporarily scare them away right as they're on the verge of potentially overwhelming Leon in his efforts at keeping them from killing and eating Yolanda.

One of the adult male beelzebufo rescued from Maevarano for the park.


One of the adult scapherpeton rescued from Hell Creek for the park.
  • Amphibian Assault: He beats up Spiny the dimetrodon when he accidentally lands on him over the course of one of his ill-fated attempts at hunting Larry.
  • Amphibian at Large: He is at least three feet long, which makes him noticeably longer and bigger than most modern day amphibians.
  • Big Eater: Is noted by Aaron to love to eat sizable portions of the food that he and his kind receive during their feeding times at the park.
  • Canon Foreigner: Never appeared in Prehistoric Earth.
  • Interspecies Friendship: Has formed a bond with his primary keeper Aaron.
  • Poisonous Person: Subtly implied in that, while there is no guaranteed explicit information of him being poisonous like some modern species of frog and salamander, his keepers nonetheless wear protective gloves on their hands when handling him and his species, just in case.
  • Use Your Head: The first thing he does to beat up Spiny after the young dimetrodon lands on him and incurs his wrath is to ram his head against his chest.


One of the adult male petrolacosaurus, and an especially strongly desired would-be meal for Spiny the dimetrodon.



    Broken Jaw 
A male allosaurus europaeus who was first rescued alongside his mate and two hatchlings during All Creatures Great and Small. Came to the park with a previously broken jaw that hadn't set properly after healing, which was subsequently given proper treatment and 'healing' by the park vets.
  • Appetite Equals Health: Linda and Yolanda take the fact that he's eating healthily without any trouble several weeks after his jaw correction surgery as a sign that he's still recovering well.
  • Canon Foreigner: Didn't appear in Prehistoric Earth.
  • Good Parents: He and his mate are implied to be this to their son and daughter.
  • Handicapped Badass: His jaw was broken and improperly healed when he was first brought back to the park, and he still has a slight underbite after getting his jaw successfully corrected in surgery, and he's still very much a force to be reckoned with.
  • Happily Married: To his mate.
  • Meaningful Name: See above description for why he's named Broken Jaw.
  • Shout-Out: Named after another allosaurus with a similar jaw injury in Dinosaur Revolution.

One of two teratornis rescued over the course of Oozing From the Pit. Is first introduced alongside his mate Laverne attempting to straight up kill an already seriously wounded Eshe the American cheetah so as to not have to wait until she dies naturally before eating her and proves rather difficult to work with even after he's been sent to the present and placed amongst the park's animal repertoire.
  • Animals Not to Scale: He and Laverne are portrayed as far larger than their species was in real life (only slightly bigger than an Andean condor) - closer to the size of Aiolornis. The author has admitted that this was for Rule of Cool.
  • Brutal Bird of Prey: Whilst not evil per se, he is very aggressive and pugnacious.
  • Canon Foreigner: Neither he, nor his mate Laverne (or even their species for that matter), ever appeared in Prehistoric Earth.
  • Circling Vultures: He and Laverne are first introduced descending down from the sky after having flown in circles above the severely wounded Eshe.
  • Escaped Animal Rampage: Downplayed in that he doesn't really cause all that much damage when he temporarily escapes his enclosure in Dogfight. Nonetheless, he does prove rather difficult to detain over the course of the park's subsequent efforts at recapturing him.
  • Feathered Fiend: He and Laverne are very aggressive and unpleasant to work with even before they get rescued and sent to the park from out of their home time period.
  • Happily Married: For all his faults, he seems to at least have a healthy relationship with his mate Laverne.
  • Vile Vulture: Whilst not evil, he's rather aggressive and pugnacious and plays an antagonistic role in Dogfight! and the Shutdown.
  • Yellow Eyes of Sneakiness: Comes with being a vulture, and rather appropriate when considering his aggressive nature.

Alpha male of a dromaeosaurus pack rescued in Return of the King. First met by Jack alongside Kaa the dinilysia while hiding in a log from a hungry family of t-rex.
  • Action Dad: It is implied that four of the youngsters in his pack are his own hatchlings, and he is very much a capable leader of his pack, especially when it comes to action.
  • Canon Foreigner: Never appeared in Prehistoric Earth. And his species wasn't even rescued in the former fanfic either.
  • Composite Character: He has elements of Red (dromaeosaur who forms a close bond with Jack) and the allosaur squad (dinosaur trained by major character for security purposes).
  • Enemy Mine: He, Kaa, and Jack show absolutely no signs of natural enmity to show between them while they're mutually hiding in a log in fear of a hungry family of t-rex.
  • Feathered Fiend: To his prey.
  • Happily Married: Can be reasonably implied to be the case with his mate Cassie.
  • Interspecies Friendship: Has formed a pretty strong bond with Jack.
  • It Can Think: Is at least smart enough to both seemingly regret leaving Jack and Kaa in the log when he takes the opportunity to escape and seemingly recognize Jack when they encounter each other again while Duke is alongside his pack.
  • Moment Killer: Lets out a low throaty squawk of amusement while watching a moment of Ship Tease unfold between Colette and Jack during Feather and Scale, which embarrasses the two enough to end their meeting and get back to work. And he does it again in Alien Empire.
  • Raptor Attack: Mostly averted - he and his pack accurately depicted as feathered and bird-like. However, they are slightly larger than the real animals.

An adult female t-rex amongst an entire family rescued in Return of the King.
  • Action Mom: She is a mother of two, and still quite capable of kicking ass and taking names.
  • Canon Foreigner: Never appeared in Prehistoric Earth.
  • Feathered Fiend: To her prey.
  • Good Parents: Alongside her mate Tyrannor, she is very much a good mother to her son Terrence and daughter Matilda.
  • Happily Married: To Tyrannor.
  • Knight of Cerebus: Serves as this alongside the rest of her family when actively on the hunt in the Cretaceous Period.
  • Lightning Bruiser: As massive as she is, she can move very fast when she needs to.
  • Mighty Roar: Technically more of a mighty bellow, but the spirit of this trope is still present.
  • Shout-Out: Is named after the iconic adult female t-rex from Jurassic Park (and, if you split hairs, after the skeletal male t-rex from Night at the Museum).
  • Spared by the Adaptation: Her counterpart in the original Prehistoric Park series was killed by a rival adult male seconds before the infamous KT event meteor struck the earth. Here she is successfully rescued alongside her mate and offspring.
  • Terrifying Tyrannosaur: Proves The Dreaded alongside her family to the combined herd of local herbivorous dinosaurs in their mutual home time period in Hell Creek, and acts suitably ferocious over the course of hunting and later starts showing off her gentler side while she and her family are quietly feasting together alone (presence of the rescue team notwithstanding) on a freshly killed ornithomimus before eventually settling into a balanced mixture of both common portrayals of her species over the course of her time living at the park.

An adult male t-rex amongst an entire family rescued in Return of the King, and Rexy's mate.
  • Action Dad: Father of two, and more than capable of throwing his weight around.
  • Canon Foreigner: Never appeared in Prehistoric Earth.
  • Feathered Fiend: To his prey.
  • Good Parents: Alongside his mate Rexy, he is a very caring father to Terrence and Matilda.
  • Happily Married: To Rexy.
  • Knight of Cerebus: Serves as this alongside the rest of his family while actively on the hunt in the Cretaceous Period.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Much like Rexy, he can move deceptively fast for a creature of his size and bulk.
  • Mighty Roar: Just like with Rexy, the spirit of this trope is present in the bellow he makes.
  • Shout-Out: Is named after the main antagonist from Dink, the Little Dinosaur.
  • Terrifying Tyrannosaur: Proves The Dreaded alongside his family to the combined herd of local herbivorous dinosaurs in their mutual home time period in Hell Creek, and acts suitably ferocious over the course of hunting and later starts showing off his gentler side while he and his family are quietly feasting together alone (presence of the rescue team notwithstanding) on a freshly killed ornithomimus before eventually settling into a balanced mixture of both common portrayals of his species over the course of his time living at the park.

A juvenile male t-rex rescued in Return of the King, and Rexy and Tyrannor's son.
  • Ascended Extra: Plays a major role in this story after having previously been adapted out of Prehistoric Earth.
  • Feathered Fiend: To his prey.
  • Interspecies Friendship: Has started to bond with Drew and an adolescent male majungsaurus his age.
  • Knight of Cerebus: Serves as this alongside the rest of his family when actively hunting in the Cretaceous Period.
  • Mythology Gag: Named after one of the young t-rex rescued in the original Prehistoric Park series.
  • Terrifying Tyrannosaur: Proves The Dreaded alongside his family to the combined herd of local herbivorous dinosaurs in their mutual home time period in Hell Creek, and acts suitably ferocious over the course of hunting and later starts showing off his gentler side while he and his family are quietly feasting together alone (presence of the rescue team notwithstanding) on a freshly killed ornithomimus before eventually starting to showcase far more aspects of the noble portrayal of his species over the course of his time living at the park in contrast to his more fearsome sister Matilda.

A juvenile female t-rex rescued in Return of the King, and Terrence's sister.
  • Ascended Extra: Plays a major role in this story after having previously been adapted out of Prehistoric Earth.
  • Big Sister Bully: Becomes this to Terrence over the course of her puberty.
  • Feathered Fiend: To her prey.
  • Green and Mean: Has sparse dark green feathers on her body and is one of the more antagonistic members of her family, particularly to her brother Terrence.
  • The Heavy: Out of all the escaped carnivores in Hell's Labyrinth, she ends up arguably causing the most trouble over the course of the park's efforts at recapturing her.
  • Knight of Cerebus: Serves as this alongside the rest of her family when actively hunting in the Cretaceous Period and also while under the influence of the Hate Plague and outside of her paddock in Hell's Labyrinth.
  • Mighty Roar: Lets out a sizable number of these while infected with the Hate Plague over the course of Hell's Labyrinth.
  • Mythology Gag: Named after one of the young t-rex rescued in the original Prehistoric Park series.
  • Roar Before Beating: Noticeably hisses at the sight of Jack in the same clearing as her and her family before she goes charging after him. And she also goes so far as to outright roar immediately prior to her hunting attempts and battles she engages in over the course of Hell's Labyrinth.
  • Terrifying Tyrannosaur: Proves The Dreaded alongside her family to the combined herd of local herbivorous dinosaurs in their mutual home time period in Hell Creek, and acts suitably ferocious over the course of hunting and later starts showing off her gentler side while she and her family are quietly feasting together alone (presence of the rescue team notwithstanding) on a freshly killed ornithomimus before eventually starting to showcase far more aspects of the fearsome portrayal of her species over the course of her time living at the park in contrast to her more noble and majestic brother Terrence.

An adult male argentavis that gets rescued alongside his mate in Of Scales and Feathers.
  • Brutal Bird of Prey: Can be very vicious when hunting his prey, and does not take kindly (to say the least) when Drew starts working to goad him and Imilce into going after him and through the portal.
  • Canon Foreigner: Prehistoric Earth didn't even feature his species, let alone he himself.
  • Death from Above: The unfortunate fate he and Imilce deal to a luckless diadiaphorus.
  • Giant Flyer: Is roughly six feet tall, and can fly.
  • Happily Married: To his mate Imilce.
  • Interspecies Friendship: Has begun to form a bond with Colette.
  • Named After Somebody Famous: Is named after the famed Carthaginian general. He even has a mate named after his namesake's wife!
  • Noble Bird of Prey: Played straight, in a rare vulture example of this - whilst he's fierce and menacing, he's portrayed sympathetically.
  • Uncatty Resemblance: Heavily implied to be fairly similar to Colette and Nero in regards to personality.
  • Vile Vulture: Zig-zagged - whilst he's fierce and menacing, he's ultimately more of a Noble Bird of Prey.

A juvenile male majungasaurus that gets rescued and sent to the park not too long after a particularly unlucky run-in with two adults of his kind.
  • Bullying a Dragon: Hungry or not, he probably should have known better than to try to snack on two baby majungasaurus when their mother was right there in the same area as them.
  • Canon Foreigner: Neither his species, nor he himself, ever appeared in Prehistoric Earth.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Twice in a row - firstly, he's mauled near to death by an enraged mother majungasaurus for attempting to hunt her babies... and then Goliath shows up and tries to eat him.
  • Interspecies Friendship: Forms a bond with Cynthia - in addition, he seems to have befriended Terence the tyrannosaurus.
  • Meaningful Name: His name is the Malagasy word for 'oddball', and, being an abelisaurid, he looks pretty unusual.

     Smith and Wesson 
A pair of adult male saurornitholestes brothers that get rescued alongside the other members of their pack in The D-Bags. Later becomes security guard Calum Fox's personal security raptor team.
  • Canon Foreigner: Neither of them (or their species for that matter) appeared in Prehistoric Earth.
  • Interspecies Friendship: Form a close bond with Calum.
  • Raptor Attack: Mostly averted - whilst they (as is par for the course or the smaller dromaeosaurs in this fic) are slightly oversized), they are accurately depicted as feathered and bird-like.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Smith is the calm and collected blue to his rash and impulsive brother Wesson's red.
  • Those Two Guys: Neither Smith, nor Wesson, have ever been present outside each other's company.
  • Undying Loyalty: To Calum when on duty with him and to their alpha male Stetson when they're in the saurornitholestes paddock alongside him and the rest of the pack.

A male cryolophosaurus and part of a mated pair that was rescued in Spirits of the Ice Forest.

The alpha male of a small pack of velociraptor rescued for the park.
  • Canon Foreigner: While a pack of his species was rescued in Prehistoric Earth, he himself was not confirmed amongst their number in the former fanfic.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Double-teams Duke with Zenobia in the climax of the Breakout... and comes scarily close to killing him.
  • Contrasting Sequel Antagonist: To Matilda. Both are motivated by hunger and are the main heavies of a mass breakout story. However, Matilda is a large, powerful tyrannosaur who was mostly a solo threat and largely used brute force, whilst Nezbit is a small, comparatively lightly-built dromaeosaur who leads a small pack and uses his speed and cunning.
  • Feathered Fiend: To his prey and anything else that dares to get on his bad side.
  • The Heavy: Along with the rest of his pack, he acts as this in the Breakout.
  • Happily Married: While he does have a somewhat tense working relationship with his four much younger 'underlings', he seems to have a fairly solid relationship with his mate Zenobia.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: As indicated by the end results of the times he's seen engaging in attempts at hunting prior to the moment he and his pack get rescued, he's smart enough to know when to cut his losses.
  • Raptor Attack: Mostly averted - whilst he and his pack (as is par for the course or the smaller dromaeosaurs in this fic) are slightly oversized), they are accurately depicted as feathered and bird-like.

A male (and seeming leader) amongst the dodo flock rescued for the park. Manages to prove a quite unexpected source of equal parts levity and irritation amongst the park staff.
  • Canon Foreigner: Neither his species, nor he himself, were remotely present in Prehistoric Earth.
  • Doofy Dodo: Is a Fearless Fool who'll happily go walking around just about anywhere without a care in the world while also being more than willing to attempt to challenge animals visibly bigger than himself to a fight.
  • Fearless Fool: Is so utterly lacking in any concept of fear that he'll not only gladly wander about anywhere with zero regard for his own safety, but also attempt to challenge animals visibly bigger than himself to a fight.
  • Happily Married: To his mate Dodi.
  • Shout-Out: Is named after the Alice in Wonderland (2010) incarnation of the dodo character from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

A male spinosaurus rescued for the park alongside his mate Ankhesenamun.
  • Canon Foreigner: Neither he, nor his mate Ankhesenamun, or even his species for that matter, were present in any capacity in Prehistoric Earth.
  • Dinosaurs Are Dragons: Is described more than once in his introductory chapter in ways that make him seemingly evoke the appearance of a dragon.
  • Green and Mean: Is a yellowish green in color and serves an incidentally antagonistic role over the course of his introductory chapter.
  • Happily Married: To his mate, who just so happens to be named after his namesake's Real Life wife.
  • Named After Somebody Famous: Take a wild guess.
  • Savage Spinosaurs: Downplayed in that he's largely portrayed as simply an animal trying to survive. Nevertheless, he's also portrayed as a dangerous creature that one would not want to mess with without good reason, and he and his mate Ankhesenamun prove opportunistic enough in their hunger during their introductory chapter to not only duel against a pair of carcharodontosaurus for the sake of eating an iguanodont carcass, but also try to eat Drew when he both interrupts their efforts at getting said carcass and ends up luckless enough to be within their reach after they choose to give up the chase he tries to have them and the carcharodontosaurus go on after said carcass.


A lone male juvenile apatosaurus. First found trapped in quicksand, heavily wounded on his back from an attack by a Saurophaganax, and at risk of getting hunted and eaten by a pack of Ceratosaurus as well as a combined float of Amphicotylus and Diplosaurus. He is subsequently rescued and sent to the park, where he receives proper medical care and later shows signs of bonding with Linda.
  • Badass in Distress: With his species' size and strength, he could easily fight off threats if he puts his mind to it/needs to. However, he is first introduced in need of rescue from carnivores as a result of him being both already wounded as well as trapped in quicksand.
  • Canon Foreigner: Was not explicitly present amongst the representatives of his species that were rescued in Prehistoric Earth.
  • Cowardly Lion: Despite weighing more than a bull African elephant, he isn't really confrontational and sometimes has to rely on Shorty to stand up for him. However, in Hell's Labyrinth, he took on a saurophaganax to protect Linda, Jack and Collete from it... and won.
  • Foil: To Shorty, the other main Morrison sauropod.
    • Physically, Arlo is a long, lightly built diplodocid, who is a solid grey, whilst Shorty is a tall, bulky brachiosaur with red skin with black patches.
    • In regards to their personalities, Arlo is a Cowardly Lion, whilst Shorty is a Boisterous Bruiser.
  • Gentle Giant Sauropod
  • Interspecies Friendship: With Shorty the Brachiosaurus.
  • Like a Son to Me: From the way she acts when it comes to him, Linda is heavily implied to view him as this; something that does not escape Collete or Jack's attention (and the former is heavily implied to not at all approve of).
  • Quicksand Sucks: Is introduced trapped in quicksand.
  • Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: The Sensitive Guy to Shorty's Manly Man.
  • Shout-Out: Is named after the protagonist of The Good Dinosaur, and is even of the same species to boot!

The elderly female leader of the park's resident apatosaurus herd.
  • Authority in Name Only: A variation. She may be the officially accepted leader of the herd, but most of the heavy lifting is left to the comparatively younger adult male Bron.
  • Canon Foreigner: Much like Arlo, there is no evidence that she was present amongst her species representatives rescued in Prehistoric Earth.
  • Gentle Giant Sauropod: When she's not rejecting would-be newcomers to the herd that is.
  • Large and in Charge: Is the leader of the apatosaurus herd, and is of appropriate size for her age and species.
  • Shout-Out: Is named after the titular sauropod from Gertie the Dinosaur.

A fully grown adult male apatosaurus amongst the park's resident herd. Acts as Gertie's enforcer.

The elderly female leader of the park's resident brachiosaurus herd.
  • Action Mom: Still has enough energy in her to personally discipline would-be usurpers in her herd despite her old age, and has a fully grown son named Adin.
  • Asskicking Leads to Leadership: Much like the Threarah, she still has enough energy in her despite her old age to personally discipline any whippersnappers and would-be usurpers in her herd, usually by smacking them with her tail, almost as if to say, 'I may be old; but I'm not that old'.
  • Canon Foreigner: Never appeared in Prehistoric Earth.
  • Corporal Punishment: Her default tactic for dealing with whippersnappers and would-be usurpers in her herd is to smack them with her tail.
  • Gentle Giant Sauropod
  • Large and in Charge: Of appropriate size for her age and species, and is the leader of her herd.
  • Never Mess with Granny: As old as she is, she's still perfectly capable of personally disciplining any whippersnappers, upstarts, and would-be usurpers in her herd dumb enough to try to challenge or openly defy her.
  • Shout-Out: Named after a similarly elderly brachiosaurus from Dinosaur, and utilizes a punishment technique for whippersnappers and would-be usurpers in her herd similar to the one used by the Threarah (complete with the seeming justification of her doing this to say 'I may be old; but I'm not that old').
  • Tail Slap: As mentioned above, she usually prefers to discipline would-be usurpers and whippersnappers in her herd by smacking them with her tail.

One of the juvenile males amongst the brachiosaurus herd, and an unexpected ally to Arlo after the latter's rejection for membership amongst the larger apatosaurus herd.


A large male stegosaurus. Rescued alongside two other adult male stegosaurus, plus a larger herd of females and younglings, he is also amongst the very first animals rescued and brought back to the park.
  • Beware My Stinger Tail: As expected of a stegosaurus, his tail comes with the famed thagomizer spikes.
  • Big Eater: A large amount of plants he and his kind like to eat are successfully used as bait to get him and the other stegosaurus through the portal, and he is shown once again taking part in a meal during his next appearance in All Creatures Great and Small.
  • Canon Foreigner: While his species was rescued in Prehistoric Earth, there is no explicit evidence that he himself was amongst the group rescued in the former fanfic.
  • Interspecies Friendship: Has shown signs of potentially someday forming a bond with Drew.
  • Large and in Charge: Appears to be the accepted leader of the small group of adult male bachelor stegosaurus, and is naturally the usual size for the species.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: He is well aware of the authority of the larger stegosaurus herd's matriarch, and is perfectly happy to respect her group's boundaries as long as she does the same for his own.
  • Stealthy Colossus: Manages in Glorious at the Top to avoid detection by Drew until he's close enough to him to allow the enclosure's wall to be the only thing preventing him from coming into position literally right next to him.
  • Tail Slap: This, combined with Beware My Stinger Tail, is his most common means of defense.
  • Tough Armored Dinosaur: He is a stegosaurus after all.

One of two males amongst the quartet of ankylosaurus rescued for the park.
  • Beware My Stinger Tail: As is to be expected from his being an ankylosaurus, he has a thick and heavy bludgeon-like growth at the tip of his tail that he's not afraid to beat his enemies with.
  • Bruiser with a Soft Center: Is very tough, sturdy, and strong. And he's not one to mess around with lightly, especially if he's in a bad mood. But at the same time, he has a hidden soft side that he will occasionally allow to show if circumstances favor as much.
  • Canon Foreigner: Did not appear in Prehistoric Earth.
  • Epic Flail: What his bludgeon tipped tail essentially functions as.
  • Large and in Charge: While his species behaves in rather solitary fashion and only groups together during certain specific circumstances, he seems to at least have authority over the younger male Bumpy judging by how Bumpy very quickly obeys him.
  • Tail Slap: His natural preferred method of attack, and a quite painful one to thanks to his bludgeon tipped tail.
  • Tough Armored Dinosaur: He is an ankylosaurus and quite tough and intimidating.

The matriarch of the rescued edmontosaurus herd.
  • Canon Foreigner: Never appeared in Prehistoric Earth.
  • Gentle Giant: For the most part.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has several scars on her body to indicate that she's gotten into a lot fights for the good of her herd.
  • Interspecies Friendship: Has formed a close bond with Linda.
  • Large and in Charge: Is quite a bit larger than the other adults in her herd, and serves as said herd's matriarch.
  • Loud of War: Can let out an incredibly loud honking bellow that causes intense discomfort to carnivores who hear it at full volume.
  • Mama Bear: As a trio of compsognathus learn the hard way, do not mess with her eggs.
  • Social Ornithopod: Is quite happy with hanging around other members of her herd.
  • Tail Slap: Her second primary means of defense alongside her loud bellowing.

One of the subordinate adult male members of the park's pachycephalosaurus herd. Has developed a close bond with his primary keeper Cass Cheng.
  • Aloof Leader, Affable Subordinate: Compared to the stern and no-nonsense Sandor, Einstein is very playful, friendly, and easy to 'hang out' with.
  • Bruiser with a Soft Center: Is about the size of a grown human man, and has a thick domed head with a ring of spikes around it as well as a small horn on the tip of his snout, but is shown to be very playful and friendly around his primary keeper Cass Cheng.
  • Canon Foreigner: Never appeared in Prehistoric Earth.
  • Headbutting Pachy: Largely averted, as he is rarely ever seen fighting period, let alone against others of his kind. Played straight, however, during Hell's Labyrinth when he is fighting against the Morrison Formation allosaurus pack alongside the rest of his herd.
  • Interspecies Friendship: Has formed a close bond with primary keeper Cass Cheng.
  • Named After Somebody Famous: Named after the famous scientist who discovered the theory of relativity.
  • Shipper on Deck: Appears to be this towards Horace and Cass judging by the rather amused hooting grunts he makes when he sees them interacting near his recovery pen in The D-Bags.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Ends up absolutely loving the taste of apples after he ends up eating a small bit of one dropped by Cass while she was eating it for lunch one day. It has since gotten to the point that he's now almost constantly trying to steal her apples every day since for the sake of getting seconds.
  • Troll: Seems to know how much Cass gets annoyed by his efforts at stealing her apples and actively enjoy messing with her in this regard if the fact that he lets her chase him in attempts to get the apples he does successfully steal back is any indication. Also takes enjoyment in messing around with the other adult members of his herd and trying to goad them into chasing after him.

A juvenile male amongst the triceratops herd rescued and on display at the park.
  • Ascended Extra: Gets to play a much comparatively larger role in this story after having previously been adapted out of Prehistoric Earth.
  • Cheerful Child: As an adolescent, he is quite playful and mild mannered.
  • Interspecies Friendship: With his primary keeper Cass Cheng.
  • Like Father, Unlike Son: At his current age, he is much more playful, cheery, and mild mannered than his typical temperamental ceratopsian father Toppsy.
  • Mythology Gag: Is named after the single triceratops rescued in the original Prehistoric Park series.
  • Temper-Ceratops: Averted so far. In his current adolescent age, he is much more playful and mild mannered than he is temperamental.

An adult male denversaurus rescued alongside a small herd of his kind as well as Abrams and his group in Return of the King.


A quetzalcoatlus found heavily wounded in the Cretaceous before being successfully rescued and given proper medical treatment at the park in Return of the King.
  • Adaptational Early Appearance: His counterpart in Prehistoric Earth was first encountered and rescued in around the middle of 'season 2'. In this story, on the other hand, he is rescued during the 'mid-season finale' of 'season 1'.
  • Adaptation Relationship Overhaul: His counterpart in Prehistoric Earth formed a close bond with Linda and largely wasn't seen to interact all that much (if at all) with Adrian. Here? Adrian is the one he shows signs of forming a close bond with while Linda has only appeared to interact with him about as much as was necessary over the course of his medical care following his rescue.
  • Adaptational Species Change: Unlike his counterpart in Prehistoric Earth, he is a quetzalcoatlus instead of an ornithocheirus.
  • Age Lift: Is stated in Prehistoric Park: Extras to be an adolescent as opposed to the elderly male his counterpart in Prehistoric Earth was.
  • Always a Bigger Fish: To Rocco the teratornis. A fact that is immediately exploited when Rocco ends up successfully preventing the trained dromaeosaurus pack from successfully getting him captured and led back to his aviary exhibit during his escape in Dogfight by flying out of their reach.
  • Badass in Distress: He's big enough to logically be able to put up a good fight, but is introduced in a state of severe injury and at the risk of dying.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Shows up just in time to defend Adrian, Leon, Cass, Horace, and Mohinder from the Hate Plague infected pectinodon pack over the course of Hell's Labyrinth.
  • Giant Flyer: He's as tall as Adrian at the shoulder and he can fly.
  • Happily Married: Is now happily mated with Nimbus.
  • Interspecies Friendship: Has formed a bond with Adrian.
  • The Rival: To fellow adolescent male quetzalcoatlus Zephyr. The feeling is mutual. Until the latter is finally defeated by him in combat in The Oddities that is.
  • Undying Loyalty: To Adrian.
  • Uncatty Resemblance: Somewhat aloof and reserved, but with a softer side, much like Adrian.


A young male nothosaurus that is encountered during New Blood.
  • Canon Foreigner: Was not present in Prehistoric Earth.
  • Interspecies Friendship: Has formed a small bond with Stavros the Ancient Mariner captain.
  • Playful Otter: Whilst not an actual otter (or even a mammal), his behaviours vaguely resemble one.
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: His adorable appearance is enough to convince the crew of the Ancient Mariner to agree to Drew, Alice, and Jack's idea to let him stay on board the ship until the mission is finished and its time to go home during New Blood.
  • Sea Monster: Averted. He behaves like an ordinary sea animal, and he is also only a youngster at that.
  • Shout-Out: Named after Captain Nemo.

A dinilysia first encountered by Jack alongside Duke while she is hiding in a log from a hungry family of t-rex in Return of the King.
  • Adaptational Early Appearance: Was first rescued in one of the last missions of 'phase 2' in Prehistoric Earth. Here, she is rescued during the 'mid-season finale' of phase 1.
  • Ascended Extra: Only appeared in two minor scenes in Prehistoric Earth. Here, she has much more screentime and more time is devoted to her bond with Jack.
  • Enemy Mine: She, Duke, and Jack show no sign of natural enmity to show between them while they're mutually hiding in a log in fear of a hungry family of t-rex.
  • Interspecies Friendship: Has formed a close bond with Jack.
  • Morality Pet: Whilst Jack isn't a bad person per se, Kaa certainly brings out his better side.
  • Platonic Life-Partners: An interspecies example with Jack.
  • Shout-Out: Named after the iconic snake character from the various incarnations of The Jungle Book.
  • Snakes Are Sinister: Very much averted - she's one of the friendlier park creatures overall.
  • Undying Loyalty: To Jack. Even when cornered by a saurophaganax, she refuses to leave him.

An adult male palaeosaniwa rescued in Return of the King.
  • Canon Foreigner: Never appeared in Prehistoric Earth.
  • Interspecies Friendship: Has formed a bond with security guard Peter Farnsworth.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: While very intimidating, he can be trutsed to let down his walls (even if temporarily) around people and creatures that have sufficiently earned his trust.
  • Malicious Monitor Lizard: Is a prehistoric species of monitor lizard who gives off a very unnerving vibe to even his caretakers amongst the park keepers.
  • Uncatty Resemblance: Much like Peter, he can be very intimidating and difficult to read at first glance, but has a hidden soft side that he can be trusted to at least temporarily allow to be shown to those he trusts.


One of the axestemys rescued from Hell Creek for the park.
  • Big Eater: Is always eager to take a bite or two out of both his regular feedings and any extra treats that Carmen likes to give him.
  • Canon Foreigner: Never appeared in Prehistoric Earth.
  • Faster Than They Look: Noticeably manages to travel a sizable distance in between gazes at him from Colette in a very short time despite being a turtle.
  • Interspecies Friendship: Has formed a bond with his primary keeper Carmen.

One of the basilemys rescued from Hell Creek for the park.


A solitary adult male dimetrodon, and the very first of his species rescued in South of Heaven.

A juvenile male Dimetrodon.
  • Adaptational Early Appearance: In Prehistoric Earth, he was rescued in the penultimate episode of the first 'season'. Here, is rescued at around the middle of the first 'season'.
  • Adaptation Relationship Overhaul: Largely tolerated (if not outright ignored) Larry's counterpart in Prehistoric Earth. Here, he will stop at nothing to eat the little bugger.
  • Adaptational Villainy: Downplayed. Whilst he is technically more antagonistic than his Prehistoric Earth counterpart, spending most of his time attempting to eat Larry (whose Prehistoric Earth counterpart Lubbock he tolerated), his Butt-Monkey demeanour makes him more endearing than anything else.
  • Ascended Extra: Only appeared in one mission in Prehistoric Earth, aside from a brief Back for the Finale cameo in the series epilogue. Here, he's a recurring character, having had two Prehistoric Park: Extras chapters to himself and minor appearances in several more.
  • Butt-Monkey: The world is downright cruel to this guy.
  • The Chew Toy: In both his solo stories, he's a major bad-luck magnet, with the world pretty much making it its mission to beat him up.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Before his proper introduction in "I Tawt I Taw A Dimetwodon", he appeared briefly in the Prehistoric Park: Extras story "Two Sides Of One Coin", being bullied away from the Dimetrodon lake by Rommel, setting the stage for his later appearances.
  • Expy: Of both Sylvester and Wile E. Coyote, in that he undergoes unimaginable humiliation in a dogged pursuit of a small prey item.
  • Lovable Lizard: Whilst not a true lizard (or even a diapsid), he displays many varanid-like behaviours - and his Butt-Monkey portrayal makes him surprisingly endearing.
  • Super-Persistent Predator: Parodied. He will not give up in his pursuit of Larry, no matter how much humiliation he undergoes.



A single solitary male arctodus. Was first encountered and rescued in Oozing From the Pit over the course of a territorial battle he fought against Diego the smilodon fatalis.
  • Bears Are Bad News: Downplayed. Whilst he's not evil or even malicious, he's still fierce and menacing - and is introduced pummeling Diego near to death. And he becomes even more aggressive than normal while infected with the Hate Plague.
  • Canon Foreigner: Never appeared in Prehistoric Earth.
  • Evil Is Bigger: Downplayed - whilst he's not evil per se, his enmity with Diego makes him one of the more antagonistic park creatures... and he's 11 feet tall on his hind legs.
  • Foil: To Dag. Both are the comparatively more antagonistic rivals to a Pleistocene La Brea predator (Diego for Smokey and Nero for Dag). But while Smokey is a big, strong, and tough bear that would be more than capable of killing Diego (and, indeed, very nearly did), Dag is a thin and comparatively weak coyote that would have no chance in a fair fight against Nero the dire wolf.
  • The Hermit: He's not exactly the most social of bears, and seems to heavily prefer living alone in the arctodus enclosure instead of hanging around the larger sleuth of his kind.
  • Mighty Roar: He is a bear after all.
  • No-Sell: Easily shakes off the minor bite wounds to his shoulder that Diego inflicts upon him during their duel in Oozing from the Pit.
  • The Rival: To Diego the smilodon fatalis.
  • Shout-Out: He is named after the famous forest fire prevention mascot.

A male smilodon fatalis. Was first encountered and rescued in Oozing From the Pit after a vicious territory battle he fought against Smokey the arctodus. Now lives at the park alongside a female named Shira.
  • Adaptational Early Appearance: Was first rescued in Prehistoric Earth in the penultimate mission to occur before the two part 'series finale'. Here, he's rescued in the 5th episode of the 1st 'season'.
  • Androcles' Lion: Was narrowly prevented from getting killed by Smokey the arctodus by a timely intervention from Leon, who subsequently spent a decent amount of time personally watching over him and taking care of him during both his recovery period and his subsequent time as a healthy resident of the park. Much later, during the Shutdown, Diego manages to save Leon from getting mauled by Smokey when the bear ambushees him
  • Ascended Extra: Only appeared for a few brief scenes at the park after his rescue in Prehistoric Earth. Here, he plays a prominent role in the story several episodes after his initial rescue and even forms a bond with Leon.
  • Babies Ever After: Has three cubs with Shira.
  • Badass in Distress: Is a capable fighter, but just happened by sheer bad luck to be up against a considerably more badass opponent at the moment in which he was first introduced in the story.
  • Birds of a Feather: Implied to have bonded very well with Shira over the course of their time together at the vets after their respective rescues.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Is ultimately soundly defeated by Smokey in their duel in Oozing From the Pit, and would have been killed if not for a timely intervention from Leon.
  • Curb Stomp Cushion: That being said though, he was able to put up quite a fight against Smokey even after receiving multiple wounds while barely even giving so much as a scratch to the bear.
  • Determinator: As evidenced by how he was behaving over the course of his battle against Smokey, he clearly does not give up easily.
  • Happily Married: Is revealed in The D-Bags to now be happily mated with Shira.
  • I Can Still Fight!: Still refused to give up in his first battle against Smokey even after receiving multiple serious wounds. And he was still working to get himself back up onto his feet even after getting sent flying and engaging in a painful impact against the side of a tree after being sent flying towards it as well as an equally painful landing, and probably would have gotten back up all the way if Smokey hadn't been fast enough to charge on over in time to smack him back down before he'd finished getting back on his feet.
  • Interspecies Friendship: Forms a bond with Leon.
  • Made of Iron: He was still actively putting up a serious fight against Smokey during their first battle against each other even after receiving multiple serious scratches, bites, bruises, and other wounds. And as mentioned in I Can Still Fight! above, he was still able to make a conscious attempt to get back on his feet even after getting sent flying right up against the side of a large tree.
  • Mighty Roar: He is a smilodon, so he naturally engages in this during his duels against Smokey, and occasionally even during times of peace.
  • Panthera Awesome: Again, he is a smilodon.
  • Papa Wolf: Proves to be viciously protective of his cubs three weeks after they're born by fighting his second ever duel against Smokey immediately after he catches the latter dangerously close to his and Shira's paddock over the course of the storm in Hell's Labyrinth.
  • Punched Across the Room: Sent flying a small distance, and slamming against the side of a large tree, by a swing of one of Smokey's paws.
  • The Rival: To Smokey the arctodus.
  • Shout-Out: Is named after the famous saber-toothed tiger from Ice Age.
  • Uncatty Resemblance: He and Leon are both very guarded and wary when around people or animals they don't know all that well and can give off antisocial vibes when on their own, but immediately let down their walls when around those they really care about.

A female smilodon fatalis. Was first rescued alongside multiple other animals in Oozing From the Pit from sinking to her doom in the La Brea Tar Pits.
  • Adaptational Early Appearance: Was rescued in the penultimate rescue mission before the 'series finale' of Prehistoric Earth. In this story, she is rescued in the 5th episode of the 1st 'season'.
  • Ascended Extra: Only underwent a few minor appearances at the park after her rescue in Prehistoric Earth. Here, she plays a much more prominent role at the park alongside Diego after her rescue.
  • Babies Ever After: Has three cubs with Diego.
  • Badass in Distress: Is a capable fighter and hunter, but just happened to be unlucky enough to go wandering into the La Brea Tar Pits.
  • Birds of a Feather: Is implied to have bonded very well with Diego over the course of their time together at the vets after their respective rescues. They even share an exhibit together.
  • Good Parents: Is a very doting and caring mother to her and Diego's cubs.
  • Happily Married: Is revealed in The D-Bags to be happily mated with Diego (and even carrying his cubs).
  • Mighty Roar: Lets off one of these to announce her turf at the end of Oozing From the Pit.
  • Quicksand Sucks: Was trapped in the La Brea Tar Pits at the time of her rescue.
  • Panthera Awesome: She is a smilodon after all.
  • Shout-Out: Is named after Diego's love interest in Ice Age: Continental Drift.

Alpha male of a dire wolf pack rescued in Oozing From the Pit. Was one of the lucky victims rescued from sinking in the La Brea Tar Pits.

A lone female American Cheetah rescued by Alice in Oozing from the Pit.
  • Badass in Distress: She may be a fairly decent hunter, but she was still able to get seriously wounded by something prior to Alice first catching sight of her, and was subsequently left too weak and helpless to defend herself from a hungry pair of teratornis that decided to try to finish the job and eat her.
  • Canon Foreigner: Neither she, nor her species, ever appeared in Prehistoric Earth.
  • Fragile Speedster: Can run pretty fast, but was clearly not durable enough to avoid getting seriously wounded by whatever creature gave her the serious scratch wound across her side that she has when Alice first encounters her.
  • Interspecies Friendship: Has formed a decently close bond with Alice.
  • Panthera Awesome: She is an American Cheetah.

Alpha male of a pack of Pleistocene coyotes rescued in Oozing From the Pit. Much like Nero and the other dire wolves, he and his pack were amongst the lucky victims rescued from the La Brea Tar Pits.
  • Boisterous Weakling: He spends most of his scenes in "Hell's Labyrinth" picking fights he can't win - and humiliatingly losing.
  • Bullying a Dragon: His frequent antagonism of Nero counts, since Nero could kill him easily, and kicks his ass during the Shutdown.
  • Butt-Monkey: "Hell's Labyrinth" does not represent his finest hour - in quick succession, he gets sprayed in the face by a fire extinguisher, gets his ass kicked by Nero, before fleeing, attempts to raid the dromaeosaurus nest, before being curbstomped by Duke and, finally, having Nero snap at his tail as he retreats.
  • Canon Foreigner: Neither he, nor his species, were present in Prehistoric Earth.
  • Combat Pragmatist: The second time he and Nero face off, he's quick to bite Nero in the leg to gain an unfair advantage... and would have killed him if Duke hadn't shown up.
  • Dirty Coward: A strange combination of this and Fearless Fool. Whilst he's perfectly happy to pick fights he can't win he's very quick to run when he realizes he's going to lose.
  • Fearless Fool: A strange combination of this and Dirty Coward - whilst he's perfectly happy to go round picking fights he can't win, he's very quick to run when he ends up humiliatingly losing.
  • Foil: To Smokey. Both are the comparatively more antagonistic rivals to a Pleistocene La Brea predator (Diego for Smokey and Nero for Dag). But while Smokey is a big, strong, and tough bear that would be more than capable of killing Diego (and, indeed, very nearly did), Dag is a thin and comparatively weak coyote that would have no chance in a fair fight against Nero the dire wolf.
  • Oh, Crap!: His eyes noticeably widen at one point as if in horror while temporarily pinned to the Hell Creek forest building floor by Nero over the course of Hell's Labyrinth.
  • Not So Harmless: He comes scarily close to killing Nero in "Breakout!" and would have succeeded if it weren't for Duke's intervention.
  • Quicksand Sucks: Was trapped in the La Brea Tar Pits alongside his entire pack.
  • The Rival: To Nero the dire wolf.
  • Shout-Out: Is named after the Big Bad from Barnyard.
  • Those Wily Coyotes: He's a sneaky, crafty and rather cowardly creature... as opposed to Nero the dire wolf
  • Yellow Eyes of Sneakiness: He is a coyote after all.

A male cave bear, who was found, critically injured from an Ape Man hunting party, by Will and Alice in "Ice Time".
  • Adaptational Early Appearance: In Prehistoric Earth, he isn't rescued until the final rescue mission to occur before the two-part 'series finale'. Here, he gets rescued in the 'mid-season finale' of the story's 2nd 'season'.
  • Badass in Distress: He's a large, powerful cave bear... however, he's critically injured and on the brink of death when he's found, courtesy of an Ape Man hunting party.
  • Beary Friendly: Zig-zags between this trope and Bears Are Bad News; he's normally rather placid, unless provoked. He's also mostly herbivorous, as his species was in real life.
  • Bears Are Bad News: Zig-zags between this trope and Beary Friendly; whilst he normally isn't aggressive unless provoked, if you do provoke him...God help you.
  • Handicapped Badass: Is blind in one eye and has a noticeable limp in one of his hindlegs.
  • Interspecies Friendship: Appears to be forming a bond with Will Darrow
  • Shoutout: Named after the bear from TheJungleBook.

A young cave lion rescued in "Ice Time" after being found viciously wounded by an auroch in a cave by Drew and Leon. Ends up living at the park alongside a cave lioness his age named Nala.
  • Adaptation Dye-Job: His technical counterpart in Prehistoric Earth had pale snowy white hair and can be inferred to have had a similarly colored mane. Here, in a visual homage to his namesake, his fur is a tawny gold and his mane is a fiery auburn.
  • Adaptational Early Appearance: The closest thing he had to a counterpart in Prehistoric Earth wasn't rescued until close to the tail end of the story. Here, he gets rescued at the midway point for 'season 2'.
  • Adaptational Heroism: Downplayed. The closest thing he had to a counterpart in Prehistoric Earth was introduced in a somewhat antagonistic light, attempting to hunt a mammoth calf and nearly killed Drew. Here, he is introduced wounded and afraid, but ultimately able to get calmed down by Leon and eventually even ends up forming a companionable bond with the boy.
  • Adaptation Relationship Overhaul: His technical counterpart in Prehistoric Earth only had one scene in which he prominently interacted with Drew, which involved him trying to kill him. Here, whilst he snarls at Drew in the cave, he is calmed down by Leon (who barely interacted with his Prehistoric Earth counterpart.
  • Ascended Extra: Played with. The closest thing he had to a counterpart in Prehistoric Earth only appeared in a single mission. In this story, however, he's being set up to have a much larger role to play in this story by virtue of forming a bond with Leon similar to the kind Leon has with Diego.
  • Badass in Distress: He's first introduced resting and recovering from a vicious scratch in his side he got trying to hunt an auroch by himself.
  • Fiery Red Head: Has a reddish brown mane and snarls aggressively at Drew and Leon... even seriously injured by an auroch's horn.
  • Interspecies Friendship: Forms a fairly companionable bond with Leon.
  • King of Beasts: He is a cave lion, and is treated with a fair amount of awe and respect from Leon.
  • Mighty Roar: First introduces himself with a loud startled growl.
  • Panthera Awesome: He is a cave lion - a species that was about as big as a Siberian tiger.
  • Ship Tease: Leon actively works to play cupid between him and a rescued cave lioness his age named Nala.
  • Shout-Out: Rather appropriately named after the protagonist of The Lion King.

A young cave lioness rescued in "Ice Time" after getting interrupted in her attempts at hunting a woolly mammoth calf by Leon and Drew. Ends up living at the park alongside a male cave lion her age named Simba.
  • Action Girl: Being a lioness, she's both willing and more than capable of taking care of herself in a fight as well as a competent hunter.
  • Adaptational Early Appearance: The closest thing she had to a counterpart in Prehistoric Earth wasn't rescued until close to the tail end of the story. Here, she gets rescued at the midway point for 'season 2'.
  • Adaptational Villainy: Downplayed in that she's not truly a villain. However, while her counterpart in Prehistoric Earth got swiftly sent through the portal before she had a chance to really prove herself a particularly big threat to Leon and Drew, here she gets to act far more comparatively antagonistic and threatening towards Drew after he and Leon interrupt her (solo in this story) efforts at hunting a woolly mammoth calf and very nearly manages to lunge upon Drew before Leon intervenes with a portal grenade.
  • Ascended Extra: Played with. The closest thing she had to a counterpart in Prehistoric Earth was never explicitly referred to as Nala, but she ultimately gets implied to have a lot more to do in this story than said counterpart (who, for context, was only ever seen in the scenes where she and Simba's PE counterpart are first encountered and sent through the portal by Leon and Drew and later in their new paddock at the park before never being seen again for the remainder of the story).
  • Great White Feline: Is an albino lioness.
  • King of Beasts: She is a cave lioness, and a subject of great awe and respect from Leon.
  • Mega Neko: Her species is capable of growing to about the size of a Siberian tiger at adulthood.
  • Mighty Roar: Is quick to let off an angry one of these after her efforts at hunting a woolly mammoth calf are rudely interrupted.
  • Panthera Awesome: As previously established, she is a cave lion.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Being an albino, the blood veins in her eyes make her naturally pale blue eyes look a very unnerving red.
  • Ship Tease: Leon actively works to play cupid between her and Simba.
  • Shout-Out: Rather appropriately named after the deuteragonist and main love interest in The Lion King.


A male megatherium. Rescued alongside his mate Camille during Red in Tooth and Claw.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: A downplayed example when it comes to his species. In Prehistoric Earth, his species served as a partial Knight of Cerebus over the course of the chapter in which they were rescued. Here, he and the rest of his kind are 100% gentle giants.
  • Beary Friendly: Whilst not truly a bear, he's often compared to one - and he's a Gentle Giant.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Whilst he's a Gentle Giant, he still weighs four tons and has seven-inch claws - piss him off at your peril.
  • Big Eater: Loves to eat. It's reached the point that he'll gladly shake any tree branches he's just finished eating from to see if any more leaves will come down for him to eat. He'll even do this to the branches of the mechanical feeding trees.
  • Canon Foreigner: While his species was rescued in Prehistoric Earth, he himself was not explicitly confirmed to be amongst the megatherium rescued in the former fanfic.
  • Cloud Cuckoo Lander: He can be rather goofy and a tad dim at times.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Is normally a rather goofy Gentle Giant but he's still a four-ton ground sloth with seven-inch claws. Piss him off at your peril.
  • Gentle Giant: He's one of the friendlier park creatures overall... unless he's pissed off.
  • Interspecies Friendship: Has formed a bond with Linda the head veterinarian.
  • Mighty Glacier: He's big and strong, but he's not incredibly fast.
  • Shout-Out: Twofold. He is named after both the ground sloth character from the Ice Age franchise and the titular protagonist from the novel Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse. His mate Camille is likewise named somewhat similarly to Siddhartha's sort of love interest Kamala from the same novel.
  • Sluggish Sloths: Ziz-zagged. On the one hand, he's rather slow-moving (due to his great size)... however, he can react pretty quickly when he needs to.

A male doedicurus. Rescued alongside three others of his kind during Red in Tooth and Claw.
  • Beware My Stinger Tail: Has a large tail with a spiked mace-like bludgeon at the tip.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Can be plenty friendly when in a good mood. But regardless, his thick armor and powerful bludgeoned tail are not for show.
  • Bruiser with a Soft Center: Wears a thick armored shell, has a tail with a spiked bludgeon at the tip, and is about the size of a small Volkswagen, but is also perfectly capable of acting like a happy child playing with toys whenever he gets the chance to play with the exercise balls he and the others of his kind get to use as enrichment.
  • Canon Foreigner: There is no evidence that he personally was amongst the animals rescued in Prehistoric Earth.
  • Epic Flail: What his tail essentially serves as.
  • Gentle Giant: When in a good mood of course.
  • Interspecies Friendship: While 'friendship' may be pushing things considering the rules of animal care, he has formed a bit of a bond with hoofstock keeper Horace Northup.
  • Mighty Glacier: Is not the fastest of animals amongst the park's animal repertoire by any means. But with his thick shell and large spiked tail, he hardly needs to be all that fast.
  • Uncatty Resemblance: Big, stocky and tough, but with a soft center, much like Horace.


A young male megaloceros rescued as a fawn alongside an entire megaloceros herd in "Ice Time".

One of two adult male woolly rhinos rescued amongst an entire crash in "Ice Time".


A female woolly mammoth rescued alongside her critically injured sister Ellie by Jack and Nikolai in "Ice Time".
  • Adaptational Angst Upgrade: Zig-zagged. In this story, her sister Ellie is Spared by the Adaptation, and an entire herd of woolly mammoths, plus a single bull, are rescued alongside her and Ellie, thus leaving her loneliness issues from the original Prehistoric Park series downplayed at best. But on the other hand, she does end up suffering from PTSD over the traumatic experiences she and her sister underwent involving the Ape Man tribe that tried to hunt them, which she never had to go through in the original series.
  • Adaptational Early Appearance: In Prehistoric Earth, she wasn't rescued until near the tail end of the story. Here, she's rescued in the middle of the 2nd 'season'.
  • Ascended Extra: Downplayed. While she did play a fairly prominent role in Prehistoric Earth, she didn't get nearly as much to do in that story compared to her role in the original Prehistoric Park series due to just how close to the end of Prehistoric Earth she was rescued. Here, she gets considerably more opportunity to end up in the spotlight.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Whilst she's normally very placid and friendly, she's still a three-ton mammoth, and DOES NOT like it when she or someone she cares about is threatened. In "Breakout!", Matilda got the message.
  • Big Sister Instinct: Is very protective of her sister Ellie.
  • Birds of a Feather: She and Nikolai are both big and tough figures with a soft heart and painful inner trauma underneath their tough exteriors.
  • Bruiser with a Soft Center: Is a big burly woolly mammoth that can really kick ass when provoked, but has a soft and caring heart underneath her tough exterior.
  • Cruel Elephant: Downplayed in that she initially behaves in rather hostile fashion when she first sees Jack and Nikolai outside a cave she's about to go walking into...but only because she's trying to defend her wounded sister. And she also proves understandably aggressive in a subsequent encounter with a Ape Man hunting party.
  • Gentle Giant: She's usually rather placid and friendly.
  • Honorable Elephant: When not acting to defend herself or her sister, she can be quite the trusting and kindly Gentle Giant.
  • Interspecies Friendship: Aside from forming a close connection with Nikolai, she also forms a bond with Achilles the woolly rhino.
  • Mama Bear: Takes on Matilda to protect Lyuba from her in "Breakout!"
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: Ends up suffering severe 'episodes' of PTSD at night after the traumatizing experience she and her sister Ellie underwent from nearly getting hunted and killed by the Ape Man hunting party.
  • Uncatty Resemblance: Big, tough, but with a softer side and painful inner trauma - much like Nikolai.
