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The Pokémon World

Lucas and Team


"Pokémon Champion" Lucas

The incumbent Champion of the Sinnoh Region who is in the process of taking over the title from Cynthia. A mission to investigate a psychic disturbance at the Solaceon Ruins led to an encounter with an Unown colony, teleporting him to the Grand Line. Though fascinated by the new world, nothing matters more to him than returning home.

  • Achilles' Heel: He's the weakest member of his team, and he knows it - he didn't have to worry about it as much back home, but on the Grand Line he realizes quickly he has to get stronger so that his enemies can't target him.
  • Badass Boast: Frustrated at how Lucas's sudden appearance dismantled years of effort and planning, Crocodile asks Lucas who he is. Lucas's response amounts to one of these:
    Lucas: There's a division of power in my home: eight regional leaders throughout the country, four elite trainers at the capital, and one champion who stands above all of them. [shoots Crocodile a Death Glare] I am that champion. I defeated the best trainers that my home had to offer. I defeated a nihilistic psychopath who tried to cause the end of the world. I clashed with a god and walked away in one piece. My name is Lucas… and I wound up on the Grand Line because of a freak accident. You just had the misfortune for me to wind up in exactly the right time and place to stop you.
  • Beneath the Mask: When Lucas is named a new Warlord of the Sea, he's forced to watch what he says around authority figures like Sengoku in order to stay in their good graces. He hates having to speak like a pragmatic Manipulative Bastard about the Straw Hats even though he's long since grown attached to them as friends and allies. But the alternative is being hunted down by the Marines for defying a World Noble.
  • Berserk Button: Lucas doesn't take people referring to his Pokémon as anything less than his partners well, and he tells Smoker off after he says "it" one too many times.
  • Break Out the Museum Piece: One of Lucas' tools is a harness he can use to tie himself to Crobat to use him for transportation. It's mentioned that its design dates back to when the Sinnoh region was still called the Hisui region and ruled by the Diamond and Pearl clans. Despite being so antiquated, it's only seen minor improvements in the modern day. The harness is secure and effective enough to allow Crobat to quickly and safely transport Lucas through the air. Unfortunately, it's destroyed by bullet fire while Crobat is transporting Usopp to harry the Marines stationed at the Tower of Justice.
  • The Chains of Commanding:
    • Due to the responsibilities of being Champion (i.e. policing crime, needing to be available to battle challengers), Lucas will have to give up adventuring and exploring almost entirely in a few years. The plot starts when the Unown at Solaceon Ruins rifle through his memories and realize that he still wishes to explore and grow with his Pokémon, leading them to drop him in an entirely new world where he'd be free of his duties, something he doesn't realize until his ship is completed.
    • Discussed. When Lucas figures out the Unown's reasoning for dropping him on the Grand Line, he speculates that the position of Pokémon Champion rotates so frequently because of how the position ties a trainer down. As prestigious as it is, being Champion is inherently a stagnant position.
  • Damn You, Muscle Memory!: Given his profession as a Pokémon Trainer, Lucas instinctively starts drawing up a training plan for Tashigi after watching her spar with Lucario. He only realizes what he's doing when Lucario puts a paw on his shoulder, leaving Lucas embarrassed by how he was treating her like another Pokémon.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Lucas' inner narration is much snarkier than what he typically says to others, but he is still willing to make snide remarks at others' expense.
  • Even the Loving Hero Has Hated Ones: He hates Cyrus, to say the least, which is a rather unusual thing to see from Lucas. Saint Rhode, and the World Nobles in general, join this category after the G-4 Fiasco.
  • Experienced Protagonist: Newly crowned Sinnoh Champion Lucas and his team have battled with and trained with the Elite Four and other Champions, survived Legendary rampages, and has pretty much Seen It All after the Galactic Incident. While Lucas decides to Take a Level in Badass so that he can fight on his own, his team of Gardevoir, Houndoom, Torterra, Vaporeon, Lucario, and Crobat are all each capable of fighting Vice-Admiral Gion, who was canonically under consideration to be a full Admiral during the timeskip, to a one-on-one draw.
  • Exposed to the Elements: Subverted. Lucas is fond of his jacket and scarf, which keep him comfortable in the temperate to cooler climes of his native Sinnoh. But he soon overheats when he's dropped into much a warmer climate near Alabasta, forcing him to take them off until he sails somewhere cooler. Tashigi also berates him for wearing such heavy clothing while swimming, not knowing that he was teleported against his will into the ocean.
  • Famed In-Story: For his part in taking down Crocodile and infamy in defying a World Noble, Lucas quickly becomes a household name on the Grand Line, earning himself a pirate's title as well as a position as one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. After realizing why the Unown dropped him in the Grand Line, he laments that they probably picked up on his desire to start fresh where nobody would recognize him. The others have a laugh about how that didn't last long.
  • First-Person Smartass: While Lucas is pretty affable and friendly to most people, his narration to the reader is much more snarky. The first thing he thinks when he sees Sengoku is how voluminous Sengoku's afro is and how Flint ought to be taking notes from Sengoku's hair care routine.
  • Fish out of Water:
    • Lucas is from a world entirely separate from the Grand Line where Pokémon are everywhere, berries can grow in a few days, and people typically don't have superpowers. He has to be filled in on a lot of things and is sometimes dumbstruck by the things he encounters, like how the sun never sets on Enies Lobby in defiance of his understanding of physics and astronomy.
    • Lampshaded when it comes time to name his Cool Airship. After Lucas tries and fails to come up with a cool name, Luffy suggests calling it the "Fish Out of Water", because not only is it a flying, fish-shaped ship, but it has a Double Meaning as the flagship of someone who's a metaphorical fish out of water. Despite Lucas' Lame Pun Reaction, it sticks because of how fitting it is.
  • Heroic Self-Deprecation: Lucas starts to feel insecure about his inability to defend himself against the threats of the Grand Line since everyone around him seems to possess a Charles Atlas Superpower of some kind even if they didn't eat a Devil Fruit. Lucario assures him that he is worth it and that every single member of Lucas's team believes that he's more than helpful enough as their leader and guide.
  • The Inquisitor General: After talking with Sengoku, Lucas is effectively assigned this role to the Marines, as an individual with the autonomy, morals and power needed to clean out corruption in the Government, Marines and Warlord's ranks. He's even assigned ex-Admiral Zephyr as a minder.
  • Kid Hero: Lucas is a sixteen-year-old Pokémon Trainer who began his adventures before he entered his teens. This makes him one of the youngest members of the main cast and is only older than Chopper, who is 15. His skills as a commander of a team of highly-trained Pokémon also make him one of the most menacing figures on the Grand Line, with the potential to take on the most powerful pirates and Marines and win.
  • The Kid with the Remote Control: Given that he isn't superhuman like the pirates and Marines, Lucas's role in the early chapters consists of barking orders and organizing his Pokémon for maximum effect. But after escaping G-4, Lucas realizes that they're going up against the world and he's the weak link in any engagement. At this, his team promptly begins training him to be stronger, and he also learns some Fishman Karate from Koala so he can defend himself, though he's still far too inexperienced to use it against a serious opponent.
  • Logical Weakness: While he's a fit teenager, Lucas is nowhere near as physically strong as the pirates of the Grand Line. As The Kid with the Remote Control, his battle prowess is reliant on his ability to call upon and command his Pokémon. So if they're all in their Poké Balls and he's Bound and Gagged, there isn't much he can do to wriggle free (though Lucario and Gardevoir, at least, are able to leave their Poké Balls at will to help him when needed).
  • Made of Iron: While not nearly as tough as pirates like Luffy and Zoro, Lucas proves himself to be fairly resilient in his own right. He survives getting faceplanted onto the Going Merry by Luffy's Gum-Gum Rocket and sliding straight into a wall with only a potentially cracked rib, facial bruising, and a brief bit of unconsciousness.
  • Magnetic Hero: Lucas's outgoing personality, strong moral fiber, and sense of humor makes quickly makes him friends among pirates, Marines, and the Revolutionaries. Even after becoming a Warlord of the Sea, he retains strong friendships with most of the people he meets on the Grand Line regardless of allegiance. Even Smoker, who despises pirates and criminals with a passion, considers himself and Lucas Fire-Forged Friends.
  • Mentor Archetype: Given his years of experience training Pokémon, Lucas is an old hand at observing the skills of others and determining what could be improved. He helps the Straw Hats practice their teamwork and work on the flaws in their fighting styles, letting the Straw Hats reach higher levels of powers earlier than they would have in canon.
  • Motor Mouth: Lucas's mouth runs a mile a minute when he's excited by a riveting battle. He's especially happy to provide a play-by-play and rattles off paragraphs of exposition with minimal punctuation while "bouncing" with joy.
  • Nerves of Steel: While Lucas may complain, gripe, and curse in the middle of a fight, he very rarely loses his cool completely. He keeps his head on straight even while Bound and Gagged by Luffy and catapulted toward the Going Merry. So everyone takes notice the few times that Lucas and his team are truly terrified, such as when he's suffering the effects of Sengoku's Conqueror's Haki or when Giratina appears over Enies Lobby.
  • Non-Action Guy: Being a Pokémon Trainer, Lucas acts as a Frontline General for his team. But he's also from a world where he never needed to learn self-defense, since most fights spring up between trainers' Pokémon rather than between people. This means he's the weak point in any engagement between his team and any bad guys who have no qualms with hurting him. He tries to subvert this by taking up Fishman Karate, but a few weeks' worth of lessons aren't enough to get him in fighting shape against the average pirate sailing the Grand Line.
  • Normal Fish in a Tiny Pond: Inverted. Prior to coming to the Grand Line, Lucas was under the impression that he was reasonably fit and in good shape for someone his age. But watching fighters like Sabo crush boulders and cause Magnitude-like effects with their bare hands thanks to their physical training quickly revises Lucas's opinion of himself. After meeting up with the Revolutionaries, Lucas starts training himself to defend himself a little better.
  • One-Man Army: Lucas's team makes a mess of G-4 when the Marines turn against them at the whims of "Saint" Rhode. All six Pokémon repel waves of Marines while Lucario engages Vice-Admiral Gion in single combat. Tashigi speculates that this is why open warfare is largely a thing of the past in Lucas's world, as well-trained Pokémon can render artillery, battleships, and entire armies obsolete.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: With his team of six highly trained Pokémon capable of challenging the strongest pirates and Marines in the world, Lucas has the potential to take on an entire army and level cities. In Chapter 10, they demonstrate this to devastating effectiveness as they fight their way out of G-4, with Crobat slicing cannons to pieces, Torterra leveling the ground and decimating lines, Houndoom lighting entire battleships ablaze, and Lucario singlehandedly matching Vice Admiral Gion. When Giratina's arrival interrupts the Buster Call aimed at Enies Lobby, Nami worries that Lucas's and Giratina's battle will wind up destroying the island anyways if Ace and Blackbeard don't do it first.
  • The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: Lucas is declared one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea despite not actually being a pirate in any shape or form. He only became a criminal by defying a World Noble and is otherwise happy to work with both pirates and Marines alike if the situation demands it.
  • Respected by the Respected: Between his alliance with the Revolutionary Army, his friendships with Ace, Luffy (and through them, their connections to Whitebeard and Shanks), Tashigi, and Smoker, and managing to earn Sengoku and Zephyr's respect, it's safe to say that most of the heroic factions in the One Piece world are predisposed to like Lucas.
  • Seen It All: Subverted. As the Pokémon Champion of the Sinnoh region, Lucas has seen a lot of his journey and isn't fazed in the slightest at the prospect of challenging crime bosses like Crocodile or the most powerful members of the Marines. Others call him crazy for his Spirited Competitor tendencies and he's typically able to keep a cool head under pressure. But there's still plenty on the Grand Line that can throw him off, such as the Mind Screw of Enies Lobby's eternal daylight.
  • The Strategist: Due to coming from a world where Charles Atlas Superpower is not common and open warfare is rare due to the presence of Pokémon, Lucas is practically a Mook in terms of his ability to defend himself from powerful pirates and Marines. But being the Champion of Sinnoh, he's a master at commanding his Pokémon on the battlefield. He's quick to find and exploit flaws in his opponent's abilities and a talented coach when it comes to helping others improve their skills. His expertise allows him to become a Warlord of the Sea even if his "crew" is doing all the fighting for him.
  • Surpassed the Teacher: Cynthia taught him a great deal of what he knows, and he is currently Champion after defeating her for the position. She couldn't be prouder.
  • Tears of Joy: When he reunites with Luxray and Togekiss thanks to Giratina.
  • Thrill Seeker: Lucas's thirst for adventure and desire to see more of the world is what got him and his team transported to the Grand Line. While he's not happy to be a world away from all of his loved ones, he makes the best of his situation by finding joy in seeking new challenges and exploring the world he finds himself in. But this also means that he's a magnet for trouble and will sometimes leap before he looks, something Gardevoir repeatedly chastises him for.
  • Token Good Teammate: Once Lucas becomes one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, it's clear that he's the nicest and most morally upright of the bunch. Unlike others in his position, he actively cooperates with the Marines and tries to minimize damage and casualties. This works against him when he tries to intimidate others into compliance with his title, as others tend to look down on him for being nice rather than fearsome.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Downplayed. In addition to working his body to try to approach the One Piece standard, Lucas learns some water-throwing Fishman Jujutsu techniques from Hack, mostly used with a water-melted Vaporeon. He also takes to throwing grapeshot as his weapon of choice. However, he's understandably slow to pick up Fishman Karate because of its difficulty, as even Koala needed years to master the art. While he can throw the lemurs on Monkey Island out of his cabin, he's still mostly reliant on his Pokémon for serious threats.
  • Wise Beyond Their Years: Being an Experienced Protagonist with years of experience as a Pokémon Trainer under his belt, Lucas is surprisingly mature for a teenager. Even though he's a "squirt" compared to the age of the average Marine, he's able to effectively negotiate with government officials with decades of experience on him. He also has a knack for reading people and is tactician worthy of being called a Champion.
  • Young and in Charge: While explaining his role as Champion to Smoker and Tashigi, the Marines marvel at how a teenager like Lucas has political authority in his homeland comparable to a Fleet Admiral's. Much later, at Aokiji's advice, Sengoku decides to treat Lucas as the leader of a foreign nation with the strength to back it up.
  • You Remind Me of X: One of the reasons why Lucas volunteers to help bust Baroque Works is because he already has experience fighting Team Galactic, another organized crime syndicate. After comparing the look in Crocodile's eyes to what he saw in Cyrus, who sought the power of Dialga and Palkia to destroy the universe, Lucas pieces together Crocodile's plan to obtain Pluton and destroy the world he hates.


"Island Tortoise" Torterra

Lucas's starter Pokémon, a male Grass/Ground-type giant turtle Pokémon. The calmest but strongest of Lucas's Pokémon, his size makes it difficult to maneuver in a world of ships.

  • Flechette Storm: Torterra can use Razor Leaf, slashing things with a storm of green leaves, which he uses to great effect against those attempting to charge at him.
    Zoro: How are leaves this sharp?
  • Mighty Glacier: As fitting for his species - between the Good Thing You Can Heal he has with Synthesis, his sheer size, his shell, and his ability to create earthquakes, he's the strongest member of Lucas's team, in terms of sheer power - but he's got a lot of trouble dodging, to say the least.
  • Power of the Sun: Torterra uses Synthesis to heal himself after Crocodile's sand attacks injure him. Given the harsh glare of the desert sun in Alabasta, this is extremely effective and quickly undoes the damage Crocodile dealt.
    Lucas: You have limits, Crocodile. But as long as the sun is shining, Torterra doesn't.
  • Vine Tentacles: Torterra's Frenzy Plant attack causes enormous vines to sprout from the ground and lash at any foes nearby. This is one of the strongest attacks in his arsenal, but it takes a lot of energy and concentration to use, leaving him open if it doesn't hit.


"Lady Devil" Gardevoir

One of Lucas's teammates, a female Psychic/Fairy-type ethereal humanoid Pokémon. A self-appointed bodyguard to her Trainer, her telepathic abilities make her the most frequent of Lucas's companions to talk to others.

  • Barrier Warrior: Among Gardevoir's many psychic powers is her ability to produce barriers to shut out incoming attacks. They're strong enough to take hits from Vice Admirals and even Admiral Aokiji without breaking, though continual damage will eventually force Gardevoir to dodge.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Gardevoir is prone to snark when chewing others out and is the member of Lucas's team most willing to tease him for fun.
  • Difficult, but Awesome: Trick Room is a move described as being difficult to use and tremendously taxing to maintain. Gardevoir spent months training with Lucian in order to use it effectively. But its ability to reverse the effective speeds of everyone inside opens a wide variety of tactical applications, turning a Mighty Glacier like Torterra into a Lightning Bruiser. It can even briefly restrain the likes of Giratina.
  • Groin Attack: Implied. Lucas mentions that Gardevoir's Confusion can stimulate the pain receptors in "sensitive areas", leading Smoker's prisoners to cross their legs in fear.
  • Healing Hands: Heal Pulse is part of Gardevoir's arsenal, and she has used it to heal injuries sustained by Lucas and others. In conjunction with her psychic abilities, she has even used it to reverse brain damage and restore Sabo's memories.
  • Lady of War: Gardevoir is the most graceful, mature and level-headed of Lucas' Pokémon. She is also one of his most powerful and regularly deals with crowds of enemies with her psychic powers.
  • Master of the Levitating Blades: The Revolutionaries give Gardevoir a pair of shotel blades to amplify her fighting skills, which she wields (along with its ring-shaped sheath) with her telekinesis.
  • Mind Control: Gardevoir's psychic powers can directly affect the actions of others. For instance, Confusion seizes the parts of the nervous system that affect movement, causing spasms and injuring the targets as they fall to the ground.
  • Mind over Matter: Gardevoir is capable of using Psychic to levitate others off the ground and throw them around. She can even perform this on dozens or even hundreds of bullets at once before sending them back in a Return to Shooter move.
  • Telepathy: Gardevoir's powers allow her to converse through telepathy to bypass the problems of Pokémon Speak. As a result, she is one of only two of Lucas' Pokémon to have dialogue along with Lucario.
  • The Reliable One: Between her teleporation and Psychic Powers, she does a lot of the heavy lifting when it comes stopping open war during the Alabasta Arc.


"Cobalt Jackal" Lucario

One of Lucas's teammates, a male Fighting/Steel-type humanoid jackal Pokémon, and one of two whom Lucas raised from an egg. A self-appointed bodyguard to his Trainer, he learns to speak via Aura to communicate in the Grand Line.

  • Combat Clairvoyance: Lucario is able to use Detect, which is explained as straining one's senses to the limit to be able to predict your opponent's next move in advance. This is similar to Observation Haki, which accomplishes similar feats through a different principle. In terms of effect, the main difference seem to be that Detect can only be used in short bursts, whereas Observation Haki can be used continuously and even passively if the user is skilled enough.
  • Flash Step: Lucario is able to use Extremespeed, a more powerful and even faster version of Quick Attack that causes the user to vanish from sight from sheer speed. He uses this to chase after Crocodile and while trying to Speed Blitz Aokiji in a spar. Lucario later uses this defensively to dodge an attack by Vice-Admiral Onigumo.
  • Healing Hands: Like Gardevoir, Lucario can use Heal Pulse. He seems to only be called to do it when Gardevoir is otherwise occupied, though.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Lucario is one of Lucas' strongest frontline fighters. His Steel-typing allows him to parry most blades with his paws and metal spikes and he's strong enough to pummel Mr. 1, whose body is made of blades.
  • Shaping Your Attacks: While sparring with Tashigi, Lucario uses Bone Rush to meet her sword with a bone-shaped staff made of energy.
  • Suddenly Voiced: An In-Universe example - he first learns how to talk via Aura at Baltigo, after he and his teammates are forced to flee G-4.
  • Younger Than They Look: Lucario is a few months away from being four years old and a mature, powerful fighter capable of taking on foes with decades of experience, much to the surprise of pirates and Marines alike. That said, he is a fully-grown adult by the standards of his species.


"Slicing Wings" Crobat

One of Lucas's teammates, a male Poison/Flying-type bat Pokémon with four wings. Easily the fastest of Lucas's team, he was the only one capable of flying before Togekiss joined them.

  • Fragile Speedster: He can break the sound barrier while moving at full speed and can slice through cannons and Sea King hide with Steel Wing. But he's much more vulnerable to damage than the likes of Torterra or Lucario. When a bullet from Van Auger manages to puncture his wings, Crobat is forced to make an emergency landing until Usopp can cover him and use a Super Potion to patch him up.
  • Speed Echoes: Invoked with the move Double Team. Between that and his Agility, even experienced Haki users struggle to keep track of him.
  • Token Flyer: While Gardevoir can levitate others with enough concentration, Crobat is the only one of Lucas's Pokémon who is able to fly. This makes Crobat invaluable for transportation and communication when teleporting is unfeasible. Lucas winds up relying on Crobat extensively throughout the conflicts at Water 7 and Enies Lobby to get around, which he lampshades by mentioning that he'll need to pamper Crobat after this for all of his hard work. Crobat loses this status when Togekiss rejoins Lucas's team thanks to Giratina at Enies Lobby.


"Living Tsunami" Vaporeon

One of Lucas's teammates, a male Water-type feline-fish Pokémon. His Logia-like control of water baffles many residents of the Grand Line.

  • Badass Adorable: Vaporeon can be approximated as a fish-cat with Puppy-Dog Eyes and is thoroughly affectionate and cuddly. He can also conjure tidal waves at will and sink battleships with a single attack.
  • Elemental Shapeshifter: Vaporeon has the ability to turn into water, transforming into a tidal wave to use Surf against Ace. However, he's not immune to heat in this state and can be burned if he isn't able to separate from the wave in time. He also comes up with the idea of using this ability to act as a living projectile for Lucas to use as part of his Fishman Karate lessons.
  • Equippable Ally: Vaporeon's ability to turn into water comes in handy when Lucas starts learning Fishman Karate from Koala, as Vaporeon simplifies the process of molding water to attack with.
  • Fastball Special: Vaporeon, who can melt into water and back at will, becomes this for those versed in the aqua-centric Fishman Karate style. Hack's early attempts at utilizing him for this purpose cause Vaporeon to smash through five walls.
  • Making a Splash: Being a Water-type Pokémon, Vaporeon is able to produce and manipulate vast amounts of water. When going all out, Vaporeon can sink battleships with a single attack and conjure tidal waves against his foes.
  • Man of Kryptonite: Vaporeon is for all intents and purposes a water-type Logia user, without the weakness to water that Devil Fruit users have, making him this by default to Devil Fruit users.
  • Oxymoronic Being: As a Government employee notices, Vaporeon is effectively a water Logia - something that's borderline impossible, and absurd, in the One Piece world.


"Devil's Dog" Houndoom

One of Lucas's teammates, a female Fire/Dark-type canine Pokémon. Though as playful and affectionate as a puppy to Lucas and friends, she's the most bloodthirsty member of the team.

  • Armor-Piercing Attack: Houndoom's Inferno attack is strong enough to burn Aokiji despite his Logia protection. This matches up to its in-game usage, where it's a guaranteed burn on anything that's not immune to it.
  • Man of Kryptonite: Due to her being a Dark-type, and Observation Haki apparently being similar to Psychic powers, she passively interferes with Gion's Observation when they spar, and later with Aokiji's when she, Gardevoir, and Lucario go up against him.



The first Pokémon Lucas caught, a female Electric-type lynx Pokémon. She traveled with Barry and Dawn to try finding her Trainer, and later joined him on the Grand Line.

  • Big Eater: Lucas recalled a time when Luxray got into an eating contest with Barry's Snorlax (who are known to eat nearly 900 lbs of food per day). She ate so voraciously that she even swallowed her own Poke Ball by accident, forcing Lucas to carry her to the Pokemon Center to get her stomach pumped.
  • Charged Attack: Luxray is able to use Charge to boost the power of its next Electric-type attack. She uses as many as she can before using Thunder against Giratina at Enies Lobby.
  • The Glomp: Her reaction to reuniting with Lucas is to tackle him to the ground and lick his face repeatedly.
  • Living Battery: Being an Electric-type Pokémon, Luxray can produce hundreds of millions of volts of electricity when fully rested. This makes her an ideal source of power for the Cool Airship that Lucas commissions from Galley-La and Franky.
  • Shock and Awe: As an Electric-type it's a given. As a Champion-level Electric-type, she can output enough volts to power the flying ship Franky will build based on the Straw Hats' memories of Enel's Ark Maxim.
  • Tears of Joy: When she reunites with Lucas thanks to Giratina's aid.



One of Lucas's teammates, a female Fairy/Flying-type egg-shaped Pokémon with large wings, and one of two whom Lucas raised from an egg. She traveled with Barry and Dawn to try finding her Trainer, and later joined him on the Grand Line.

  • Badass Adorable: Togekiss is a cuddly egg-shaped bird who also earned her place on the team of the Sinnoh Pokémon Champion.
  • Parental Substitute: Lucas is this to her, as the only father she has we know of is (probably) Cynthia's own Togekiss, and her mother is an unknown. Lucas, on the other hand, was there for her since she hatched, and she apparently sees him as a parental figure.
  • Random Effect Spell: She knows Metronome, which allows her to use any move in existence, but selected randomly. Lucas uses it as a last resort.
  • Tears of Joy: When she reunites with Lucas thanks to Giratina's aid.




The soon-to-be-former Champion of Sinnoh, and Lucas's mentor and friend.
  • The Mentor: She was this to Lucas, and while it's not brought up much, she's clearly just as proud of him as the rest of his family.
  • Surpassed the Teacher: Lucas is this to her, since she taught him during his journey, and he later defeated her to become the Champion of Sinnoh. It's clear that she's happy with this outcome.



Lucas's rival and oldest friend, and one of the best trainers in Sinnoh.
  • Always Someone Better: Lucas is this to him - but to his credit, he's never let that keep him down.
  • Childhood Friend: Lucas and Barry grew up together and are so close they're practically like cousins. They even call each other's dad their Honorary Uncle.
  • Wowing Cthulhu: In the first sidestory, he challenges Uxie to a battle in order to learn more about what happened to Lucas - he (with Luxray and Togekiss's assistance) actually manages to impress Uxie enough for the Legendary to offer him what knowledge they can.



Professor Rowan's assistant, and a trainer who, while not as skilled as Lucas, is stronger than she looks.



The protagonist of Pokemon Legends: Arceus, who returned to the present after his adventures, and settled down with Johanna - later having Lucas. A stand-in member of the Kalos Elite Four, due to Malva being kicked out after her Team Flare membership was discovered.
  • The Greatest Story Never Told: The world at large is seemingly unaware of his previous exploits - even Lucas doesn't know all the details.
  • Hero of Another Story: Literally - he was the protagonist of Legends: Arceus.
  • Soul Power: He's a Ghost-type specialist, and is all but stated to have several Pokémon from the Hisui region that returned with him to the present (Lucas explicitly mentions Basculegion, at minimum).



Lucas's mother, Rei's wife, and the Team Mom back home.



Lord of a World Apart. Legendary Pokémon. Deity. Former enemy turned friend to Lucas's father Rei. Giratina is many things to many people, but it is one thing without question: powerful.
  • Awesomeness Is a Force: Giratina's Pressure is explicitly compared to Conqueror's Haki by multiple characters, and Ace and Lucas directly compare the Pressure that Giratina is releasing to the likes of Haki from Sengoku and Whitebeard.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: It's a scary-as-hell Draconic Abomination that doesn't look like anything else in the One Piece world, is constantly releasing enough Pressure to make the Straw Hats, Smoker, and Tashigi, and Bentham all very nervous, and is explicitly stated to be the closest thing to the devil Lucas knows in his world. Yet it went through a Heel–Face Turn in the past, and is willing to help Lucas return to his world after he gets strong enough to give it a good challenge.
  • The Dreaded: It's a Draconic Abomination that Ace and Shanks at least think could challenge Whitebeard or Kaido in a straight fight, that releases Pressure strong enough to make people pass out even in its Altered Forme, that can appear literally anywhere it wants, and is beholden to nothing and nobody except maybe Arceus - why wouldn't people be scared of Giratina?
  • Gameplay and Story Segregation: Downplayed - Giratina is capable of releasing Pressure even in Origin Forme, which has the Levitate ability and cannot obtain Pressure, in-game (though Giratina still has it in Altered Forme).
  • Heel–Face Turn: It apparently had one of these in the past, after meeting and growing to respect Rei - the protagonist of Legends: Arceus, and Lucas's father.
  • It Is Dehumanising: Averted; Giratina is consistently treated with great respect and/or fear by anyone that meets it in person, despite not having a true gender.
  • Just Toying with Them: Downplayed - Giratina, at first, wasn't taking the fight with Lucas seriously, until he directly challenged it and asked why it was holding back if it came for a fight - which makes Giratina agree and transform into Origin Forme.
  • Lightning Bruiser: In Origin Forme, it's this, as it both gains the ability to fly via Levitate that it normally has, and also still has the ability to release Pressure.
  • Meteor-Summoning Attack: One of Giratina's attacks used in their battle against Lucas' team was Draco Meteor, and it's shown that an errant meteor crashing into the sea is powerful enough to kick up massive sprays of water and send massive Buster Call ships rocking like toys in a tub.
  • Mighty Glacier: In Altered Form, Giratina is this, as while it's still a Legendary Pokemon, it can't fly like it can in Origin Form, and seems to rely mostly on its bulk to handle attacks instead of evading them (although at the time, Giratina was Just Toying with Them in the battle with Lucas and his team).
  • Physical God: Three or four of Lucas's teammates are capable of using teamwork to fight an Admiral to a standstill, without Mega Evolution. Giratina took on all eight of them, simultaneously, and even after letting Lucas smack around its Altered Forme for a while as a handicap/to see what Lucas's team could do, still managed to win (albeit narrowly). Onigumo, who had been one-shot by Giratina upon arrival, confirms to Akainu in the aftermath that its power is on the same level as the Emperors.
  • Wake-Up Call Boss: An In-Universe example. Seeing Giratina fight Lucas's entire team all by itself, and win, made it clear to the Straw Hats what sort of power is waiting in the New World.
  • You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!: Repeatedly inspires this reaction from everybody watching it fight Lucas's team, for many reasons.

The Grand Line

The Straw Hat Pirates

    In General 
  • Adaptational Badass: From their first encounter, the Straw Hats are well aware that Lucas and his team easily outclass all of them. After seeing their bounty posters and the reason for them, and knowing that that leaves the Straw Hats as some of the very few people left in the entire world that he can trust, the Straw Hats have kicked their training into high gear, staying for an entire additional month in Skypeia training, and later on getting tips from Lucas after reuniting.

    Monkey D. Luffy 

"Straw Hat" Monkey D. Luffy

The leader of the Straw Hats, a Kindhearted Simpleton who, despite being selfish (and not that bright) usually does the semi-right thing. His dream is to find the One Piece and become the King of the Pirates.
  • Actually Pretty Funny: This is how everyone reacts when he says Lucas should call his Basculegion-shaped flying warship the Fish Out of Water.
    Lucario: I don't think I've ever felt this before. I hate it, and at the same time, I love it.
  • Adaptational Badass: He tells the Straw Hats, as a group, that they're all going to start training, after learning that Lucas was made an outlaw. And he himself was able to handily defeat Rob Lucci with plenty of stamina left, whereas in canon he couldn't even move after winning the fight.
  • Dumbass No More: Downplayed, but Lucas's influence seems to be getting him to think things through more, and he isn't as prone to making stupid decisions.
  • Dumb Is Good: Downplayed. Lucas notices that, while Luffy is definitely selfish, that doesn't mean he's by any means evil, and later, he also notices that Luffy can have a surprisingly strong moral compass at times. Luffy simply prefers the freedom and adventure of being a pirate over the responsibilities and duties of being a hero.
  • Simple-Minded Wisdom: He's by no means the sharpest knife in the drawer at anything except fighting, but he occasionally has surprisingly insightful thoughts.

    Roronoa Zoro 

Roronoa Zoro

The swordsman of the Straw Hats, and the first member to join the crew. A bloodthirsty warrior almost as strong as Luffy himself, he dreams of becoming the world's greatest swordsman.
  • Adaptational Badass: Like the rest of the crew Zoro was much stronger than he was by the same point in canon, best shown by treating his fight with Kaku as simply the first decent swordfight he's had in months rather than a life or death battle.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: His dynamic with Sanji, and part of the training he did with Lucas was being able to put aside their friction in the midst of battle to pull off a Combination Attack with Sanji rather than hinging on always having 1 on 1 fights against enemies.



The navigator of the Straw Hats, second to join the crew (and fourth, technically - it's complicated). A skilled thief whose meteorological senses are in a league of their own, she dreams of charting a map of the entire world.
  • Overshadowed by Awesome: Physically, at least - while she's got her Clima-Tact so that she can fight at a distance, she's right there with Usopp as the physically weakest Straw Hat... and as Lucas notices, she's still capable of effortlessly jumping between ships on the open sea.
  • Sky Surfing: Franky upgrades her Waver to be capable of genuine flight as part of a proof of concept test for making Lucas's flying ship. There was a lot of trial and error involved.
  • Spanner in the Works: During the Enies Lobby arc, she off-handedly remarks that Blackbeard's fight with Ace and Sabo could interfere with Lucas's fight with Giratina. Giratina hears this and proceeds to swat Blackbeard like a fly, leading to his arrest and incarceration in Impel Down... where he can recruit more pirates into his crew.



The sniper of the Straw Hats, his tricked-out slingshot is as threatening as any gun. A skilled artist, tinkerer, liar, and trickster, he dreams of becoming a brave warrior of the sea like his father Yasopp.
  • Adaptational Angst Downgrade: The resentment and inferiority complex that bubbled to the surface in Water 7 in canon are butterflied away thanks to different circumstances surrounding Aokiji and Merry, and learning to take more pride in the marksmanship he inherited from his father.
  • This Looks Like a Job for Aquaman: In Enies Lobby, he gets this twice - he's the only person who can take care of fellow sniper Van Auger in a Sniper Duel, and he's the one who washes off Kalifa's Golden Bubbles so that everyone else on his side can fight normally again.
  • Weak, but Skilled: Usopp is the physically weakest member of the crew and likely always will be, but after incorporating the Dials into his slingshot, and a lot of physical training in Skypiea, he's got by far the biggest arsenal to use on his enemies (moves seen include a lightning bolt that forced Van Auger to retreat by warping his gun's barrel, a water fish that cleaned off Kalifa's Golden Bubbles, and of course the ever-reliable Impact Dial).


Sanji (originally Vinsmoke Sanji before he was mutually disowned)

The chef of the Straw Hats and another of their best fighters who regularly spars (quarrels) with Zoro. He dreams of finding the All Blue, a legendary ocean where fish from every part of the world can be found.
  • Berserk Button: When he hears that Pokémon fight when they are children, he's visibly angry, and only calms down when Lucas explains that Riolu (later Lucario) was picking fights of his own free will when he was less than a week old.
  • Playing with Fire: With some tips from Lucas and Lucario on the mechanics of Blaze Kick, Sanji figures out Diable Jambe a bit earlier, and is even working on shooting flames.
  • Supreme Chef: After being given some berries Lucas had with him to try out some recipes on, Lucas outright calls the resulting dishes the best he's ever had and notes it brought several of his team to tears. Even Zephyr, who hates pirates with a passion, defers to Sanji's expertise as a chef when Sanji correctly guesses his favorite drink with little more than a glance.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: His dynamic with Zoro, and part of the training he did with Lucas was being able to put aside their friction during battle to pull off a Combination Attack with Zoro rather than hinging on always having 1-on-1 fights against enemies.

    Nefertari Vivi 

Nefertari Vivi

The princess of Alabasta who joined with the Straw Hats to save her homeland from Baroque Works. Though she parted ways with the Straw Hats when they succeeded, they remain close friends.
  • But Now I Must Go: She decides to stay in Alabasta like she does in canon, and many tearful goodbyes are exchanged between them.
  • Sympathy for the Devil: She's visibly distressed when she (via Gardevoir) witnesses Robin's story, seeing that behind the wicked mask she wore, she was doing everything she could to minimize the damage Crocodile caused while seeking what she wanted most. This, along with the revelation that Igaram was still alive, is enough for Vivi and her father to forgive Robin.

    Tony Tony Chopper 

Tony Tony Chopper

The doctor of the Straw Hat Pirates, a reindeer who ate the Human-Human Fruit. A curious individual not used to trusting humans, he dreams of finding a cure for all known diseases.
  • Pressure Point: At Lucario's advice, he has started creating a fighting style designed to target these.

    Nico Robin 

Nico Robin

The archaelogist of the Straw Hats, who joined them after the fall of Baroque Works. The Straw Hats accepted her readily after learning what she had been through, and they became the first people she could truly rely on. She dreams of finding the true history that the World Government destroyed her homeland in an attempt to bury.
  • Admiring the Abomination: When Giratina makes its grand debut in the Grand Line, everyone present is either in complete awe or sheer terror at seeing the god of distortion for the first time. Robin, on the other hand, only has one word for the Lovecraftian draconic abomination: "Beautiful."
  • Always Save the Girl: Robin says this about the Straw Hats when Crocodile threatens to kill them all one by one in front of her if she doesn't tell him where Pluton is - that he is assuming she values them more than the rest of the world, and that he is entirely correct. With that said, the knowledge that Pluton is in Wano, Kaido's home base, means that despite having the information, there is currently nothing Crocodile can do to exploit it.

    Going Merry 

Going Merry

The ship of the Straw Hat Pirates, and one of their older crewmates. She carried the crew to Water 7 before she became too damaged to go any further.
  • Spared by the Adaptation: During the Long Ring Long Land arc, Luffy uses a favor he won from the Foxy Pirates to get them to fix up the Merry, learning of the danger she's in. After Crocodile attacks and destroys most of the ship, the keel is still barely intact, but the rest of her is beyond help. After talking with her Klabautermann, Luffy decides to built their new ship on Merry's back, and Franky makes the most he can of everything else he can find of her body. In short, it's less that she doesn't die and more that she's more definitively reborn.


Cutty "Franky" Flam

The shipwright of the Straw Hats and boss of the Franky Family, a Water 7-based crime group. The false rumors of Nico Robin's goals drew him to the Straw Hats, and after seeing Merry's Klabautermann, he agreed to build his dream ship around her to give her new life. He dreams of seeing his dream ship sail to the end of the world.
  • Double Take: How Luffy gets him to "join" the Straw Hats. When Franky demands that Luffy recruit a top-notch shipwright as a proviso for building him a new ship, Luffy agrees that Franky will join them. The latter is already agreeing and shaking Luffy's hand before that registers.
    Franky: Sounds goo—WAIT A SUPER MINUTE, I never said I'd join you!
    Merry: Well, actually, you just did?
  • Idiot Ball: He realizes after Zoro's Armor-Piercing Question that, after what happened to Tom's Workers, it might not have been a good idea for Tom, or Franky and Iceburg, to never question the Government's word that Robin wanted to reawaken the Ancient Weapons.
    Franky: I'm such a dumbass.

The Marines and World Government


Commodore Smoker

A Marine Captain (later Commodore) empowered by the Plume-Plume Fruit who first met Straw Hat Luffy in Loguetown, and later followed him into the Grand Line after realizing how dangerous he could be. His worldview was turned on its head when he fished Lucas out of the ocean en route to Alabasta.
  • I Can't Believe I'm Saying This: He admits in Chapter 23 that, after a lot of research into the Straw Hats, the Marines realized that they haven't technically done anything illegal besides saying they're pirates. Luffy's original bounty was given to him by a corrupt Marine who was angry Luffy cost him a payday, and Robin—while guilty of knowing how to read the Poneglyphs—didn't sink any battleships like it was claimed she did. While it's clear he still thinks Luffy is dangerous, he hasn't done anything truly wrong (yet). Of course, he still has trouble believing that he's vouching for pirates to a Marine.
  • Not So Above It All: He was not, in any way, thrilled that Franky upgraded his Billower Bike to fly as part of a proof of concept test for making Lucas a flying ship. Anyone who says otherwise is utterly mistaken.
  • To Be Lawful or Good: Downplayed. When he's on his own, he has no issues bending or outright ignoring the law based on what he feels is right, such as when he let Robin go free when Gardevoir's response to her memories convinced him the crime that got a bounty placed on her head was false. But sadly, he has no recourse for (directly) helping when Saint Rhode orders him and the rest of G-4 to arrest/enslave Lucas and his team.


Ensign Tashigi

A Marine Master Chief Petty Officer (later Ensign), a skilled swordswoman and Smoker's second-in-command. She was present when Smoker pulled Lucas out of the water and soon became one of his first friends in the new world.
  • Adaptational Badass: She starts training more than she did in canon, at first so that she can match Zoro - and later, so she won't have to focus on how she had to fight Lucas to follow orders. She learns to cut steel not long after the events at Alabasta, and puts up a much better fight against Mr. 1 later on.
  • Fighting Your Friend: After Saint Rhode orders the Marines to enslave Lucas and his team (who, for obvious reasons, refuse to do that or take it lying down), Tashigi is devastated, but reluctantly raises her sword at Smoker's prompting and Gardevoir's consolation. She's the one who ultimately ends the fight by silently encouraging them to teleport away, and breaks down in tears the moment that she's free.
  • Implied Love Interest: Averted. Despite Lucario's teasing, Tashigi and Lucas have a relationship that is purely platonic on both sides.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: It's pretty clear that the incident with Lucas and his team tore her up inside.



The former Mr. 2, who betrayed Baroque Works just before the conclusion of Operation Prometheus, and who began working with the Navy from then on to bring down Baroque Works.
  • Freudian Slip: Invoked Trope. He outs himself to King Cobra when he refers to Vivi as Miss Wednesday, but that was just one of his subordinates acting as a body double; the real one was still posing as King Cobra himself.
  • Heroes' Frontier Step: He would have probably gotten off scot-free if he had chosen to continue acting as King Cobra and kept silent about Operation Prometheus, but he deliberately chose to reveal himself anyways in order to save Aluburna.
  • Not What I Signed Up For: He name-drops this trope when he meets Mr. 3 and Miss Goldenweek again, saying that tricking a city into sleeping through its death was not why he joined Baroque Works.
  • To Be Lawful or Good: What his choice at the end of Operation Prometheus basically boiled down to: follow orders and allow Alubarna to be destroyed by Crocodile's bomb, or reveal himself and save everybody. He chose to follow his conscience.


Vice-Admiral Gion

The head of Marine Base G-4, and one of the most powerful Vice-Admirals in the Navy.
  • Badass Normal: She doesn't have a Devil Fruit or Conqueror's Haki, and she's still capable of fighting evenly with all of Lucas's original six teammates, and deflecting a sextuple Hyper Beam by herself.
  • Double Jump: She knows how to use Moon Walk.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: She's always shown to be level-headed and friendly.
  • Sophisticated as Hell: Her report on the incident that led to Lucas and the Marines having a fallout after Saint Rhodes arrived was apparently "strongly worded" enough to nearly make Aokiji grimace at the memory of it.


Admiral Kuzan "Aokiji"

One of the three Admirals of the Navy, and one of the most powerful fighters in their ranks.
  • Achilles' Heel: Downplayed. Three (later four) of Lucas's teammates are weak to Ice attacks (Torterra doubly so) and Vaporeon's body is 97% water (meaning Lucas doesn't want to see what could happen if Aokiji freezes him), but the rest of the team are capable of fighting Aokiji (and at least fighting to a draw, even without Luxray).
  • Scissors Cuts Rock: Despite Ice being (in Pokémon terms) weak to Fire, he's able to knock out Houndoom all by himself, and was holding his own against Gardevoir and Lucario during their spar.


Fleet Admiral Sengoku "the Buddha"

The Fleet Admiral of the Marines, who is both one of the most powerful men in the world, and one of the most tired.
  • Awesomeness Is a Force: Lucas initially thinks he's familiar with even the likes of Conqueror's Haki, since he has experience with Pokémon like Absol, Dusknoir and Spiritomb exuding their Pressure. He revises his statement when he meets Sengoku, comparing his Haki to the level of Giratina. Lucas sees stars and struggles to breathe under its effects and would have keeled over if he weren't already sitting at the time.
  • Beleaguered Boss: He doesn't really show how tired his job leaves him that much, and does his best to appear strong for his men.
  • Double Take: When Zephyr tells him that Lucas will be flying into Marineford on his ship when they finally return, Sengoku nods - and then, after a few seconds, turns back to be sure he heard the "flying" part correctly.
  • The Dreaded: Sengoku, despite being a relatively Reasonable Authority Figure, rapidly becomes this to Lucas and the Straw Hats, when he's able to hit them with Haki powerful enough that Lucas compares it to Pressure from Giratina, and realizes that Ace is on the island as well (and leaving a note that makes it clear he knows), even though Ace seemingly never got anywhere close to Sengoku while he was speaking to the Straw Hats and Lucas. After hearing from Ace that he's the one person who can control Garp, even Luffy is visibly scared.
    Usopp: Fleet Admiral... Scary...
  • Large and in Charge: The people of the Grand Line can grow to heights that are freakishly tall by Lucas's standards. So one of the first things Lucas notices about Sengoku is how tall the Fleet Admiral is.
  • Lesser of Two Evils: He doesn't deny that the Government is corrupt, or that the World Nobles that run it are almost all idiots, at least in his own mind, but he says that in the end, any organization at all is preferable to the chaos that would erupt if the Government falls.
  • Plausible Deniability: He does this a lot. But then, in an organization as corrupt as the World Government, doing good often has to be done carefully.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Sengoku wanted to control Lucas to preserve the short-term stability of the World Government. But Lucas spells out what this new piece on the game board is capable of and willing to do: an Emperor-tier combatant with a strong and functional moral compass, coupled with almost complete autonomy. And once Sengoku understand that he has a unique opportunity to instead promote Justice in the long term, he agrees to use Lucas, his team, and his "subordinates" the Straw Hat Pirates to clean out corruption in the ranks of the Government, the Marines and the Warlords.


"Black Arm" Zephyr

A retired Admiral who became an instructor after leaving official service, Zephyr is later given the assignment of watching out for Lucas (in both senses of the term).
  • Badass Normal: He's a retired Admiral who doesn't have a Devil Fruit or Conqueror's Haki, and he was able to take on four of Lucas's teammates all by himself, and Lucas believes he had a good chance at winning if the fight had continued.
  • Everyone Has Standards: While he hates pirates in general (and has a backstory that has given him a lot of very good reasons to hate pirates), he doesn't have any ill will towards Lucas or truly see him as a pirate. Especially since he only became one because he refused to give Gardevoir to Saint Rhode, a World Noble, and was previously happy to work with the Navy.
    • Also, he's visibly enraged when he learns that Arlong enslaved Nami for eight years before Luffy saved her, pirate or not.
    • He also says the World Nobles make a mockery of Justice with every breath they take - an opinion that is technically treason.
  • Old Master: Zephyr has been in the Marines for decades and trained many of the Marines's best, including the admirals. Despite his advanced age and lack of a Devil Fruit power, he remains one of the most skilled and powerful Marines around. Zephyr manages to nearly beat four members of Lucas's team at once when Aokiji needed to go all-out against three of them.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Zephyr has a solid hatred of pirates but ultimately acknowledges the Straw Hats are anything but evil. He also became livid upon hearing of Captain Nezumi's corruption.
  • Spirited Competitor: He doesn't mind the idea of fighting Lucas's team in the slightest.

    The Five Elder Stars 
The five World Nobles who run the Government, handing down orders to the Navy, the Cipher Pols, and all of the other organizations that serve them. At least, as far as everyone else knows.
  • Always a Bigger Fish: Sengoku states that while he can veto any of the missions the Cipher Pols make if he feels they're too extreme, the Elder Stars in turn can veto his vetos.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: To the Water Seven Arc. Sengoku says that while he vetoed Spandam's attempt to recover the blueprints to Pluton, Spandam was able to override his veto by appealing to the Elders and convincing them to approve the mission.

    Doctor Vegapunk 

Doctor Vegapunk

The smartest man (or rather, group of people) in the world, and the lead scientist of the World Government. Despite the fact that he technically works for the Navy, his loyalty to them is almost entirely so he can get the resources he needs (to make his inventions), and the world a better place (how he prioritizes those three things depends on the Vegapunk in question...)
  • Enraged by Idiocy: They are outraged when the antics of a World Noble force Lucas to go rogue. Said rage is expressed through towering stacks of paper piled atop Sengoku's desk, each page filled with rants about what the idiot's behavior has cost the World Government.
  • The Ghost: York is the only Vegapunk that has yet to appear.
  • Just Think of the Potential!: They're apparently fascinated by Lucas's world, and were very upset by the G-4 fiasco costing them any chance at getting to study Lucas's team, technology, and medicines.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: Apparently, any attempts Vegapunk made to splice Pokemon DNA with the DNA of other beings - even other Pokemon - ended fatally for the cloned test subjects. After a number of tries, Vegapunk decided to admit defeat and give up, for the time being, the idea of using Pokemon DNA in the Seraphim project.

Revolutionary Army


Monkey D. Dragon

The leader of the Revolutionaries, and Luffy's father.
  • One Degree of Separation: He's Luffy's father, and his Chief of Staff is Luffy's older brother (granted, even Dragon didn't know that before a short time ago). This gets a Flat "What" out of Lucas when he finds out.


Outlook (formerly) Sabo

The Chief of Staff of the Revolutionaries, and Dragon's Number Two. Also, the Long Lost Sibling (by adoption) of Ace and Luffy.
  • Contrived Coincidence: By the time he meets Lucas and Gardevoir, and the latter restores his memories, Ace and Luffy are the only pirate captains (former in Ace's case) that Lucas has met - naturally, Lucas is left in a state of disbelief when he realizes that Sabo is their adoptive brother.



The Fishman Karate instructor of the Revolutionary Army.
  • Not So Above It All: He apparently fell victim - repeatedly - to Vaporeon's Baby-Doll Eyes (offscreen).



The Substitute Fishman Karate instructor of the Revolutionary Army, and a former slave.
  • Cuteness Proximity: She starts cuddling Vaporeon three seconds after he hits her with Baby-Doll Eyes.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Sabo - she's annoyed by him, a great deal, but clearly cares for him.

    Other Revolutionaries 
The Revolutionary Army in general - a force of freedom fighters who work to overthrow corrupt governments.
  • God Guise: When they're kidnapping Saint Rhode and his entourage, Karasu uses the Soot-Soot Fruit's powers to make it look like Giratina decided to pay the World Noble a visit.

Allies and Other Characters


"Fire Fist" Portgas D. Ace

The Commander of the Second Division of the Whitebeard Pirates, and one of the newest and strongest members of said crew, and Luffy and Sabo's adoptive brother from their childhood in the Goa Kingdom.
  • Ascended Extra: He wasn't a minor character in canon, but he was very much Out of Focus for most of the story. Due to the ripples caused by Lucas's arrival in the Grand Line, however—especially Gardevoir restoring Saba's memories—he spends more time with the Straw Hats and his brothers.
  • Commonality Connection: With Robin, over how the world rejected them for things they had no control over (Ace being Gol D. Roger's son, and Robin for being an archaeologist from Ohara that survived the island's destruction).
  • Contrived Coincidence: He had been trying for months to track down Blackbeard after the latter killed Thatch and abandoned the Whitebeard Pirates, and failing, only to discover by sheer chance that Luffy, Nami, and Zoro ran into him on Jaya and that he had taken an interest in Luffy.
  • Fire-Forged Friends: After going through the Davy Back Fight and Water 7 and getting closer to Lucas and his team, it's clear that Ace views the Champion as a good friend.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: He clearly wants to kill Blackbeard himself for what he did to Thatch, but is prevented from getting revenge at first due to Giratina's interference in their fight, and he's talked down by Sabo from going after him on the logic that, since he's been captured by the Navy, Blackbeard will soon be hauled off to a Fate Worse than Death in Impel Down.
  • Sibling Team: He and Sabo tag-team Blackbeard and his crew - while the rest of them were soundly crushed by Sabo (and in Van Augur's case, had his gun crippled by Usopp), Teach himself was giving them a little more trouble.
  • Spared by the Adaptation: He didn't win his fight against Blackbeard, due to Giratina interrupting it, but it still clearly ended in his favor, with Ace and Sabo escaping and Blackbeard getting sent flying into a Marine battleship and subsequently being arrested and sent to Impel Down. He's later seen back on the Moby Dick saying hello to Shanks, and asking Marco to train him to get stronger.


"Red-Haired" Shanks

Luffy's idol and one of the Four Emperors of the New World, Shanks is the youngest member of the latter group, but remains a force to be reckoned with despite being a relative newcomer to the world's highest tiers.
  • Ignored Expert: Subverted. Unlike in canon, where Whitebeard put on a Jerkass Façade and blew him off, the old man admits that Ace was indeed in over his head, an admission he makes only because Ace returned safely and Blackbeard is now imprisoned.
  • Villain Takes an Interest: A heroic example. Shanks is very curious, to say the least, when he learns that Lucas somehow got Luffy and the Straw Hats to agree to be his subordinates (mostly because Sengoku made it clear he would have to arrest them if Luffy said they weren't, blasting them all with Conqueror's Haki when Luffy initially didn't get the hint).


Boa Hancock

The captain of the Kuja Pirates, ruler of Amazon Lily, and the only female among the Seven Warlords of the Sea. A misandrist with a dark past, she is as proud and vain as she is beautiful and powerful.

  • Happiness in Slavery: Discussed between Gardevoir and the Gorgon Sisters:
    Sandersonia: If you've figured it out anyway, we may as well ask: what's the difference with your master?
    Gardevoir: A question that [Saint Rhode's former slaves] asked as well. It is very simple: he loves us, and we love him. We are his, and he is ours. Our bond goes in two directions, not one.
    Hancock: And your freedom?
    Gardevoir: If we wished to leave Lucas, he would allow it. That much has been clear since the day each of us met him.
  • Oh, Crap!: She's surprised when Lucas's Pokémon are able to take her Conqueror's Haki with nary a flinch, and second-guesses her chances against them when Gardevoir explains that they're used to fighting under constant Pressure.
  • Secret-Keeper: She and her sisters are the only ones who aren't outright allies of Lucas that know he's working with the Revolutionary Army. Gardevoir shares as much with them as further assurance that they—Lucas and his team—will not tell anyone that the sisters were once slaves.



Sir Crocodile

The leader of Baroque Works, and a former Warlord of the Sea who mastered the Sand-Sand Fruit,
  • All for Nothing: Crocodile doesn't take it well when he learns that Pluton is in Wano Country, Kaido's home base:
    ''Crocodile’s mind blanked at this revelation. His whole goal in seeking out and claiming Pluton was to restart his ambition to be the Pirate King, to seize power that not even an Emperor could oppose, because going up against an Emperor without that kind of power had broken him before. Now, finally, he knew where to find it.
    Only to learn that he'd still have to go through an Emperor to get it.
    For the longest time, his eyes held Nico Robin’s, but they never flinched. This was no attempt to trick him: his ambitions truly were locked behind everything he wanted to use them for.
    There was no room left for anger. Crocodile felt exceedingly numb as he walked out without another word.
  • Can't Kill You, Still Need You: When Mr. 3 admits that he failed to kill the Straw Hats and Vivi, Crocodile is livid, and makes it abundantly clear to the wax-man that the only reason he's not killing him is that he needs all the resources at his disposal to pull off even a fraction of his plans.
  • Failure Gambit: Due to Vivi's survival and Lucas's arrival, Crocodile is forced to discard Operation Utopia and instead forms Operation Prometheus. With everyone aware of his plans with Baroque Works now, there's only one way to make them let their guard down: for him to be defeated and imprisoned. And so he orchestrates matters to keep everyone focusing on bringing him down, while in the background, Mr. 2 poses as King Cobra in the palace, Mr. 3 poses as a Marine to prepare for a mass jailbreak, the Mr. 4 pair dig an escape tunnel from Alubarna, the Mr. 6 pair takes command of Downpour as an escape ship, and Miss All Sunday abducts King Cobra and forces him to lead her to the Poneglyph on pain of blowing up the capital. And all the while, the bomb in the clock tower is set to detonate at midnight to bury everyone who could report that he had escaped.
  • For Want Of A Nail: His escape from Alabasta - and later, learning from Robin that Pluton is in Wano - leads to Spandam and Blackbeard both learning said information as well, which makes Iceburg and Franky decide to keep the blueprints for Pluton intact, so that a countermeasure will be ready if the Weapon is ever reactivated.
  • The Key Is Behind the Lock: He wants to use Pluton to defeat the Emperors so he can become the Pirate King - and Pluton is located in Wano, home base of the Beast Pirates that serve Kaido, one of the Emperors.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: He notices at the end of Chapter Seven that while it stung his pride to lose to Luffy and be forced to flee Alabasta, pride was secondary to results.
  • Kryptonite-Proof Suit: Downplayed. Lucas has Vaporeon use Rain Dance in an attempt to solidify Crocodile's form. Crocodile responds by making an umbrella out of sand to keep the rain off him. However, the rain does prevent Crocodile from simply ending the fight with his Touch of Death.
  • Magnificent Bastard: The reports from Mr. 1 and Mr. 3 are all he needs to accurately conclude that his plans have been compromised beyond salvation, and so he devises Operation Prometheus on the fly to focus on still achieving his primary goal while also escaping.
  • Touch of Death: Crocodile's Sand-Sand Fruit powers allow him to sap the moisure from anything he touches. He can use this to turn the ground into more sand for him to manipulate or to reduce his foes to desiccated husks.

    Baroque Works 
The organization founded by Crocodile to help him take over Alabasta and obtain the Ancient Weapon Pluton.
  • The Bus Came Back: They reappear in Water Seven, after all being hypnotized by Lafitte.
  • Spared by the Adaptation: Downplayed - they escape Alabasta with most of their core agents intact, save for Robin and Bentham, who were respectively subjected to You Have Failed Me or pulled a Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right!. With that said, they're also all caught by the end of the Enies Lobby arc like they were in canon, with no mention being made (yet) of them escaping, since Miss Goldenweek, Miss Valentine, and Mr. 5 were also caught.

    Saint Rhode 

Saint Rhode

A World Noble who shows up at G-4 unexpectedly, and singlehandedly torpedoes Lucas's trust in the World Government.
  • Faint in Shock: After Gion barely saves him from a sextuple Hyper Beam from Lucas's team, he (honestly understandably) passes out.
  • For Want Of A Nail: He was not the intended government representative that Lucas was supposed to meet, but he insisted upon it because he wanted to take Gardevoir as his Sex Slave. The person he substituted for is not happy about this, as they likely knew that Rhode's antics would cause trouble.
  • Oh, Crap!: When he sees a patch of shadow on his deck. Especially when, two seconds later, what appears to be Giratina pops out.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Inverted - he single-handedly made Lucas and his team aware just what kind of people run the World Government, utterly wrecking any chance of Lucas ever trusting the Government as a whole again.
  • Weak Boss, Strong Underlings: It's pretty likely that every last Marine at G-4 could beat him in a fistfight. But he's a World Noble, so they're duty-bound to obey him or be charged with treason.

    The Blackbeard Pirates 
The crew of Marshall D. Teach, a former member of the Whitebeard Pirates who fled the crew after killing Thatch, the commander of the Fourth Division, to obtain the Dark-Dark Fruit.
  • Admiring the Abomination: Blackbeard is left in awe of Giratina, but then tries to absorb it after regaining his composure.
  • Unluckily Lucky: Blackbeard was captured by the Marines thanks to Giratina being annoyed by his fight with Ace and Sabo, and is currently on his way to or in the Hellhole Prison of Impel Down. Yet unlike canon, he had a noteworthy chance of losing said fight, so Giratina may have inadvertently saved his life. And according to Lafitte, he had a "Plan C" in case he was sent to Impel Down, and his plans always involved going there so he could use Level Six as a recruiting ground.



The nearly universally hated leader of Cipher Pol Nine, and son of the previous leader, Spandine.
  • Adaptational Karma: In canon, all he got for what he did was getting flattened by Franky crushing him with Funkfreed, Robin breaking his back, and being demoted, the former two of which he later recovered from. Here, he was named by Smoker as being responsible for Enies Lobby's destruction, and it was discovered that he was directly working with Blackbeard. Between that and being tricked by Franky's fake blueprints, which Saint Ju Peter of the Elder Stars sees through, he's been permanently demoted at best or arrested at worst.
  • Underestimating Badassery: Downplayed. He explicitly came up with the plan to kidnap Robin without Lucas finding out he was behind it so that Cipher Pol Nine wouldn't have to fight Lucas. But he also thinks that Blackbeard can defeat Lucas, and that Cipher Pol Nine can defeat a tired Blackbeard. He is heavily implied to be dead wrong in both cases.
  • 0% Approval Rating: The only person who seems to like him is Kumadori. Literally everybody else who's ever met him only tolerates him, or flat-out hates him. Smoker considers him a crooked, conniving coward; Sengoku refers to him as a "gremlin"; Kalifa clearly enjoys getting the chance to attack Bentham after he steals Spandam's face; and Blueno says he only tolerates Spandam because it would be too annoying to deal with the hassle and dressing-downs of finding a replacement for him.

    Cipher Pol Nine 
The black ops arm of the World Government, who have had four of their top agents stationed in Water Seven for the last five years in an attempt to find the blueprints for Pluton.
  • Adaptational Wimp: Played with. In canon, the Straw Hats defeated all of them, but it was by a narrow margin. In this story, due to Lucas's influence, the Straw Hats have grown much stronger, smarter, and/or more resourceful by the time that they reach Enies Lobby. Not to the extent that they can Curb-Stomp CP9, per se, but enough that the assassins have no prayer of beating them.
  • Enemy Mine: They start working with Crocodile, Baroque Works, and the Blackbeard Pirates on Spandam's orders, in an attempt to obtain Pluton's blueprints without Lucas discovering any connection between the Government and Robin's kidnapping.
