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Fire Nation

    General Tropes
Portrait of Azula: The Grand Academy of Dragonstone: 288 AC
  • Cult of Personality: Using education, the Fire Nation brainwashes the people in towns under their control to be loyal to the Firelord.
  • The Empire: A rising one. However it's been done subtly due to Azula's desire to avoid the rise of an Anti-Magical Faction in Westeros and due to not want to draw too much attention from the lords.
  • Equal-Opportunity Evil: The Fire Nation is much more kinder to commoners than Westeros, albeit due to Pragmatic Villainy as they need them for the Super Breeding Program.
  • Mass Super-Empowering Event: "Azula's comet," formerly known as "the Bleeding Star," empowers the fire benders of Dragonstone as Sozin's comet did in "Avatar: the Last Airbender" canon. This allows them and their allies to blitz the Westerlands as Tywin did to the Riverlands in "A Song of Ice and Fire" canon. The only thing preventing a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown on the Lannisters, by Ursa, is that she is commanded to reposition and wait for the King.
    • Took a Level in Badass: However, for those with Valyrian blood, the effect is unknowingly magnified with blood sacrifices via mass burning during the conflict. This allows two individuals in particular to gain this unknown boon and rise head and shoulders above the rest.
  • Nothing Is the Same Anymore: Following the Lannister Rebellion, Euron's Uprising, and the War for the Dawn; the lands of the Reach, Westerlands, and Iron Islands are stripped from their former masters and granted to Steffon, Ursa, and Ty Lee Baratheon respectively. A careful balance of charisma, fear, and respect prevent major outcry from the nobles.
  • Purely Aesthetic Gender: The ruler of the Fire Nation is called Firelord but it's not restricted to men.
  • Sibling Rivalry: While present within the setting prior to Azula's arrival, this most represents the main three of Stannis and Azula's spawn: Steffon, Ursa, and Ty Lee. Steffon prefers subtle influence and deception, while Ursa has a more upfront personality that relishes a hands on approach, with Ty Lee II advocating forgiveness and understanding when it comes to assorted grievances as she lacks the heart for manipulation and violence that her elder siblings excel at.
  • Stronger Than They Look: A trait present in all Avatarverse refugees when compared to their Westerosi counterparts. They are all far more resistant to blunt force trauma, poisons, and are physically much stronger than the natives.
    • Evidenced by Azula lifting full grown men (Baelish and Pycelle) with one hand on different occasions. Not to mention both she and Ty Lee not succumbing instantly to a poison capable of dropping an elephant.
      • Ironically, not even Azula truly realizes this fact.
  • Super Breeding Program: One is being done using commoners.
  • The Order: The Orders of the Lotus.
    • Cosmopolitan Council: All three aforementioned orders accept various benders. However, only The Black and White Lotus accept wargs, dragonriders, greenseers, spirit walkers, fireseers, etc. while the Golden Lotus only accepts such individuals, so long as they are also capable benders.
      • Persona Non Grata: Only two individuals were barred membership into these three clandestine organizations: Ursa Baratheon and Syrah Dragonseed. The former being judged as too aggressive and too much of a hardliner for the law, while the latter is considered far too sadistic and ambitious. Both are also much too powerful to be controlled by the tenants of the three Orders.
Banner of the Black Lotus
  • Originally founded by the former Chamberlain of Fire Lord Azulon and Ozai, Chang, in the Old World. It's purpose was to act as a counter to the White Lotus and bring about the return of Vaatu. Gradually comes back into conflict with the revived White Lotus of Westeros under Xai Bau and the Golden Lotus under Steffon Baratheon, it is ultimately purged of a majority of its members before being restructured to better serve a more reasonable end game. The original of which proving too dangerous for any sane person, thus resulting in the murder of the original founder by Maela Bau. It's new purpose is to maintain watch over the far East and the rumblings of Yi-Ti and the Black Emperor. A splinter faction is founded under Chang's son, Takkar, who escaped the purge. His descendants follow the original mission and maintain the same name.
    • Notable Members of The Black Lotus:
      • Commander Chang, Lieutenant Takkar, Lady Maela Bau, Lord Rendal Bolton, Lord Robb Stark II, King Ryden Baratheon, Bloodholder Vaera Targaryen, and King Taron Beifong.
Banner of the White Lotus
  • Founded sometime in the past history of Avatar : the Last Airbender.
    • Notable Members of The White Lotus:
      • Grandmaster Xai Bau, Lady Jun and Talana Bau, Bloodpriest Kaeron Targaryen, Lady Ty Lee Baratheon, Queen Lyanna Baratheon, and General Muyan Beifong.
Banner of the Golden Lotus
  • Founded by Steffon Baratheon following the Second War for the Dawn with the express purpose of maintaining bender superiority within the world of Planetos.
    • Notable Members of The Golden Lotus:
      • Steffon Baratheon, Lorgan Baratheon, Azulon Martell, Bloodlord Morghon Targaryen, Empress Syranna Baratheon.

House Baratheon

House Baratheon of King's Landing

    Robert Baratheon 

King Robert of the House Baratheon, first of his name, King of the Andals, Roynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, Demon of the Trident.(Reigned from 283-337 AC)
Summerhall: 299 AC

  • Best Friends-in-Law: He gets on very well with Azula, dispensing with all formalities whenever they converse.
  • Why Are You Not My Son?: He openly prefers Steffon to Joffrey and often compares the latter unfavourably to the former.

    Lyanna Baratheon 

Queen Lyanna of the House Baratheon, first of her name, Queen of the Andals, Roynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, the White Flame of the Narrow Sea. (Reigned from 337-372 AC)

The White Flame
Queen Lyanna Baratheon: 337 AC
First-born child of King Robert Baratheon and Queen Syrah Baratheon, nee Dragonseed.

  • Dead Guy Junior: Very clearly named after her father's beloved Lyanna Stark.
  • Dragon Rider: Rider of Imperious. The only living spawn of the Gilded Wyrm. Imperious serves as mount for a total of three monarchs (including Lyanna Baratheon) before serving as the second largest mount in the history of the world for an Empress. It is also the sire of: Omen, Proudwing, and Aryana.
Imperious: 341 AC
  • Forbidden Love: Lyanna Baratheon and the Lord Commander of her Queensguard, Lyanna Bau.
    • Isn't It Ironic?: The relationship between the spawn of Robert Baratheon and the grandspawn of Rhaegar Targaryen. Both named after the woman whose kidnap started a war between the two.
Princess Lyanna Baratheon and Lady Lyanna Bau: 319 AC
  • The High Queen: A genuinely good and decent Queen, albeit due to having quite the big stick in the form of an actual dragon and Ursa Baratheon. This is in great contrast to her mother, Syrah. Lyanna's own daughter, Azula the second, is a Superior Successor in both temperament and understanding.

    Maegor Baratheon 

Maegor Baratheon
King's Landing: 359 AC
Second-born child of King Robert Baratheon and Queen Syrah Baratheon, nee Dragonseed.

  • Birth-Death Juxtaposition: Born after the death of Robert Baratheon a few months prior. Hence, the name being allowed, as it was at the behest of the Queen.
Sovereign: 344 AC
  • Dragon Rider: Rider of Sovereign a.k.a. the Star Wyrm, spawn of Starchaser.

    Azula Baratheon II 

Queen Azula of the House Baratheon, second of her name, Queen of the Andals, Roynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, the Summer Islands, and the Free Cities, Overseer of Volantis, Lord Magister and Archon of Tyrosh, Lys, and Myr, Protector of the Realm, and the Learned Flame. (Reigned from 372-379 AC)

The Learned Flame
Architect of the Endless Summer: 365 AC
First-born child of Queen Lyanna Baratheon and Lord Stannis Baratheon II of Black Rock.
Lorgan Baratheon: 379 AC
  • The Power Of Potential: Had the potential to become a rival to Ursa Baratheon, but never chose to pursue the more martial path.
  • Weak Boss, Strong Underlings: Unlike her namesake, Azula the second was kind, gentle, and adverse to violence. However, like her namesake, she was very smart. She made up for her shortcomings by having a stable of strong defenders: Ursa (before she disappeared), Stannis Baratheon II and Urson Baratheon, Lyarra Stark, and Lorgan Baratheon.
  • You Are Better Than You Think You Are: Her outlook on the importance of education. Azula the second's first edict as Queen was to provide an Academic education for all children within Westeros. With the added benefit of providing a payout to the child once all 13 years of studies were completed with passing marks.
    • Unpredictable Results: The spread of higher education amongst the population of Westeros (including the disposable income upon graduation), eventually leads to the Westerosi version of the Enlightenment. This earns Azula II the loving moniker of "Architect of the Endless Summer."

     Ryden Baratheon 

King Ryden of the House Baratheon, first of his name, King of the Andals, Roynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, the Summer Islands, and the Free Cities, Overseer of Volantis, Lord Magister and Archon of Tyrosh, Lys, and Myr, Protector of the Realm, and the Leper King.(Reigned from 379-417 AC)
The Leper King: 399 AC
First-born child of Queen Azula Baratheon II and Lord Lorgan Baratheon of Highgarden.

  • Antagonistic Offspring: In the form of his daughter, Syranna. They would often butt heads over policy. Especially in regards to the leeway given to the Iron Bank and the predatory practices it had started inflicting upon Westeros immediately after Ryden's ascension to the Iron Throne.
  • Betrayal by Offspring: Following The Good King's death, rumors swirl around the court that Syranna had a hand in his passing.
  • Dragon Rider: Rider of Imperious.
  • The Good King: Following in the footsteps of his mother, he continued issuing out various edicts and proclamations that further centralized royal power and increased the well-being of his subjects, both poor and noble alike.
  • Great Accomplishment, Weak Credibility: Was the man who oversaw the completion of the Westerosi Rail Network, a project which was started by his mother.
King Ryden Baratheon and Queen Arya Baratheon nee Arryn: 380 AC
  • The Grotesque: A genuinely good man whose disease and style of dress make him look more fearsome than he actually is.

    Syranna Baratheon 

Empress Syranna Shadoweater of the House Baratheon, first of her name, Blood of the Lightbringer, Child of R'hllor, Maiden of Light, Exalted One, High Priestess of the Order of Light, Queen of the Andals, Rhoynar, and the First Men, Fire Lord of Westeros, the Summer Islands, and the Free Cities, Overseer of Volantis, Lord Magister and Archon of Tyrosh, Lys, and Myr, Butcher of Braavos and Pentos, Conqueror of Norvos and Lorath, the Black Goat of Qohor, the Antlered Dragon, the Morningstar, the Bane of Valyria, Supreme Commander and Master Protector of the Dawn Empire.
The Morningstar: 429 AC
First-born child of King Ryden Baratheon and Queen Arya Baratheon, nee Arryn, of the Eyrie.

  • Action Politician: Keeps her court fully beneath her heel, as well as maintaining a merit based Small Council. Thereby preventing decadence and corruption from taking root.
    • Dark Action Girl: Despite her delicate appearance, she is more than capable of leading her troops from the front, and has done so on occasion.
  • The Dreaded: Syranna's first act as Queen was to burn Braavos and conquer or destroy the Free Cities not yet under the Iron Throne's sway. Afterwards, she proclaimed herself Empress.
The Dreadguard and the Desolation of Braavos: 419 AC
  • Humble Pie: Prior to making her decision to betray Ursa, Syranna gets served such a pie, when she inevitably wishes to test herself against her idol.
    • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: The match devolves into this, as Ursa had taken offense at the revelation that Syranna had stolen the title of Fire Lord from her descendant, Rickard Stark II. This results in a Break the Haughty moment for Syranna, and serves as the spark for Syranna's betrayal.
The High Priestess: 401 AC
  • Power at a Price: After eating Ursa's heart, she is able to set the very air on fire and desolate entire countrysides on a whim. However, the cost is that she lives in a perpetual state of agony as her insides continuously burn with literal fire. It takes all her concentration to not turn into a pile of ash.
The Inner "Light" of Syranna: 440 AC
  • Really Royalty Reveal: Reveals, to Ursa, that she is really Visenya Targaryen/Syrah Dragonseed. Right before ripping out Ursa's heart. How she came to be so once again eludes her, but she takes it in stride as before.
  • Surpassed the Teacher: Defeats Fire Lord Rickard Stark II of Winterfell in an Agni Kai for the title of Fire Lord.

House Baratheon of Dragonstone

    Azula Baratheon 

Fire Lord Azula Baratheon, Butcher of Shipbreaker's Bay and the Iron Fleet
Azula with Scarred Brother (Valyrian Steel): 299 AC

  • Abusive Mom: She neglects Steffon because he can't firebend (though she does acknowledge his achievements in private), and she is very harsh towards Ursa. Averted completely when it comes to Ty Lee.
  • The Ace: She is the standard to which all members of the Fire Nation compare. A brilliant firebender, accomplished general and devastating politician.
  • Affably Evil: To anyone she genuinely likes or trusts, such as Mai and Stannis. To everyone else, she's the opposite.
  • Ambition Is Evil: A somewhat nuanced example. She was perfectly content to strengthen the Fire Nation during her reign given her marriage ties to King Robert. The revelation of the Twincest made the Iron Throne a reality.
  • Animal Motifs: A flaming stag, evoking her status as mother of a new branch of Baratheons.
Sigil of House Baratheon of Dragonstone: Commissioned in 284 AC by Azula Baratheon
  • Control Freak: Views much of the world as pawns and pieces to be used in combat or politics. The authoritarian governance of the Fire Nations takes this to extremes.
  • Cult of Personality: The Fire Nation academy system is designed explicitly to evoke her existence as a virtual goddess made flesh. Even her minor patronage among the lower classes of the Fire Nation is seen as a profound gift.
King's Landing: 296 AC
  • The Dragon: To Robert Baratheon. It is clear that she is pre-eminent among his vassals.
  • The Dreaded: To the Ironborn, House Targaryen, and the Reach. Her military exploits are legendary.
  • Elemental Powers: Azula stands above all but her daughter in the strength of her flames.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: She loves her children, despite being hard on two of them. And despite calling Zuko a fool, she names her Valyrian Steel sword and a class of ships after him. While they occasionally disagree at times, Stannis and Azula clearly care for each other and their marriage seems to remain strong after Azula came to Westeros.
  • Evil Chancellor: Much like Tywin Lannister, she is ruthless and cruel but very good at her job.
  • Good Is Not Nice: Azula dearly loves her children, and honestly believes in the glory of the Fire Nation. However her cruelty and sadism is still a step above the relatively crueller world of Westeros.
  • Hidden Heart of Gold: While incredibly ruthless, Azula is far more affable around people who she trusts. She also shows that she deeply cares about her son when she thinks Steffon was killed by a White Walker.
The Kemurikage: 317 AC
The Repurposed: 317 AC
  • I Did What I Had to Do: Her justification for all her violent and cruel acts. Westeros is misogynistic, anti-magic and barbaric. The Fire Nation is a paradise b comparison.
  • Jerkass Has a Point:
    • She is extremely critical of many aspects of Robert Baratheon's reign in regards to corruption.
    • She thinks Cersei is an imbecile, but realizes poisoning Jon Arryn was not her style.
    • For all the propaganda and her own pride, the Fire Nation standard of living is unquestionably better than the current order.
  • Morality Pet: Her children ground her considerably, especially Ty Lee.

  • Odd Friendship: With Ned Stark of all people.
  • Parental Favoritism: Gives Ty Lee all the love and devotion her other children crave.
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: She's not very tall, but her frightening reputation is well-earned.
  • Shadow Dictator: She is the true power behind Dragonstone.
  • Torture Technician: When she has to be.

    Stannis Baratheon 

Lord Stannis Baratheon, Master of Ships, Lord of Dragonstone
King's Landing: 295 AC

  • Authority in Name Only: As far as Dragonstone is concerned anyway; it is clear that Azula is the true power there.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Holds Mace Tyrell in complete disdain after the latter let his youngest two children be taken as wards in exchange for his own freedom.
  • Good Cop/Bad Cop: Is the Good Cop to Azula's Bad Cop in fostering Margaery Tyrell at Dragonstone.
  • Good Parents: He's nicer to Steffon and Ursa than Azula is.
  • Henpecked Husband: Subverted. On one hand, his wife is the true power at Dragonstone and he knows it. On the other hand, he was not happy with how she treated Ursa and didn't hesitate to confront her about it.
  • Modest Royalty: Usually shown in functional, non-ornamented attire, despite being the King's brother. The only time he will allow any opulence at Dragonstone is at Azula's insistence.
  • Named Weapon: His Valyrian Steel sword is literally named "Nameless", after his wish not to have it named.

    Steffon Baratheon 

Ser Steffon Baratheon, Master of Coin, Lord of Highgarden

The Stepstones: 324 AC
Son of Stannis and Azula and the heir of the Dragonstone Baratheons.

  • The Charmer: To an extreme extent, as he may or may not have been the one laughing in Ivory's vision as the pirates mutilate themselves.
  • Child Soldier: He helps put down the pirates of the Stepstones, at the age of thirteen.
  • Cool Helmet: Azula has an obsidian, antlered helmet forged for his tourney entry. According to Sansa, it resembles the face of a smiling demon with golden horns.
  • Dead Guy Junior: Named after his paternal grandfather.
Stormking: 327 AC
  • Dragon Rider: Rider of Stormking a.k.a. the Amethyst Storm.
  • Heir Club for Men: He's Stannis's heir for the lordship of Dragonstone.
  • In-Series Nickname: Silver-Tongue, after the belief that he convinced the Stepstone pirates to kill each other.
  • Muggle Born of Mages: Downplayed in that he cannot bend, which puts a strain in the relationship with his mother. But he possesses powers of his own.
  • Noodle Incident: No-one quite knows how he bested those pirates.
The Stepstones: 297 AC
  • Psychic Powers: He possess Spiritwalking, which allows him to communicate with other Spiritwalkers (which are rare in the Fire Nation) and potentially have visions of the future and past.
  • The Unfavorite: Downplayed with Azula in that she far prefers Ty Lee, but Azula still gives due praises for his accomplishments. Subverted with Stannis.

    Ursa Baratheon 

Ursa Baratheon, the Red Stranger, Fire Lord of Black Rock

The Red Stranger
The Fire Lord: 309 AC
The second child and Azula's heir.

  • Anti-Hero: Not above murdering her enemies with extreme prejudice, but only after her initial demands of an unconditional surrender are rejected. This includes women and children, though she makes attempts to spare them if she can.
  • Blood Knight: The main reason for her reputation, in conjunction with One-Man Army as she has a habit of personally putting hundreds (if not thousands) to the flame at every battle she fights in.
  • Child Prodigy: Much like her mother, she's quite talented at firebending.
  • The Chosen One: Originally meant to be the Avatar, but temporarily dies as an newborn, at the same time as the Earth Avatar temporarily dies in the old world. However, the Avatar herself is ultimately revived via spirit water, which inadvertently causes Ursa's death in Westeros.
    • Fortunately, Thoros uses the power of R'hllor to revive infant Ursa, thereby forcing the title of chosen one upon her once more, only this time as the Avatar of R'hllor.
  • Creepy Child: Lost much of her innocence under her mother's tutelage.
  • Dead Guy Junior: Named after her maternal grandmother.
The Stepstones: 324 AC
  • Death Glare: When Syrah gets mouthy.
    • Also noted, by Jun, to shatter whatever strange charm Syrah's mere presence instils in others (mostly men).
  • The Dragon: Unknowingly being groomed to serve the position for Azula. Who herself, is The Dragon of Robert Baratheon.
  • Lack of Empathy: Doesn't particularly care about anyone, save Stannis. What she does care about is whether one is loyal or not.
  • Like Mother, Like Daughter: She shares many traits with her mother, including ruthlessness, firebending prodigy and being a Hidden Heart of Gold. Likewise she shares her father's focus on duty.
The Great Hall of Black Rock: 306 AC
Banner of Black Rock: 306 AC
Ursa and Alanna: 318 AC
  • Licked by the Dog: Children enjoy being around Ursa once she becomes a mother.
  • Outscare the Enemy: Like her mother, Ursa is slowly beginning to cultivate this trope for herself in the war against the Lannisters, which earns her the moniker the Red Stranger. A nickname coincidentally reminiscent to her uncle Zuko's nickname the Blue Spirit.
    • Her fearsome reputation manages to gain her the capitulation of four Westerland houses:
  • Strong and Skilled: Developed quickly under her instructors (Azula included), but rapidly rose ever higher during the course of the numerous conflicts she and rest of Westeros found themselves embroiled in after the revelation.
Kathryn Stark's funeral: 331 AC
  • Superior Successor: To Azula, in terms of power, honor, and loyalty, not to mention her much better parenting skills. Despite it all, she genuinely considers herself to be a Sketchy Successor due to having two of her children die before their times, one in her very arms, as well as a granddaughter and great-granddaughter. A series of tragedies that never happened to Ursa or her siblings while their mother, Azula, still drew breath.

    Ty Lee Baratheon 

Ty Lee Baratheon, the Avatar, Lord Commander of the City Watch, Lord Magistrate of the Iron Islands
King's Landing: 311 AC
The third child of Stannis and Azula Baratheon.

  • Beware the Nice Ones: Despite her kindly demeanor, she managed to easily toss a White Walker like a stone, while everyone else (save Azula) struggled to contain it during its prison break.
Starchaser: 324 AC

    Cassana Baratheon 

Cassana Baratheon, the Burning Dagger, Master of Shadow House, Lord of Dragonstone
King's Landing: 334 AC
Fourth child, eldest of twins.
Omen at the Dragonmont: 318 AC
  • Elemental Powers: First combustion bender born into House Baratheon.
  • Murder, Inc.: Responsible for the founding of "Shadow House." The Iron Throne's personal order of assassins.
  • Professional Killer: Serves as royal assassin until her ascension to Mistress of Whisperers.
  • Twins Are Special: Played straight with Cassana, not so much with Zuko.
  • Tyke Bomb: Raised by Ursa to be her counterpart in the shadows.

    Zuko Baratheon 

Zuko Baratheon, Master of Trade, Lord Magistrate of the Stannisfort
The Stannisfort: 326 AC
Fifth child, youngest of twins.

  • Arranged Marriage: With the Lady Talana of Moat Cailin.
  • Long-Distance Relationship: With the aforementioned Lady Talana. Their marriage is arguably professional in nature. They have four children between themselves. Heirs and spares each for Most Cailin and the Stannisfort respectively.
  • Nominal Importance: The only Dragonstone Baratheon with little drama in his least until the birth of his daughter. Who may or may not be the black hawk that appears in several chapters.
Banner of the Crimson Hands: 329 AC
  • Private Military Contractors: Founds a mercenary company called "the Crimson Hands," which he eventually uses to secure the Basilisk Isles for the Iron Throne.

House Baratheon of Storm's End

    Renly Baratheon 

Lord Renly Baratheon, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands, Hand of the King.
Hand of the King: 313 AC
  • Adaptational Badass: While a passable jouster in canon, Renly was never known to be personally violent. Here, he kills two assassins in seconds and leaves the third fearing for his life.
  • Functional Genre Savvy: Has a brief moment of surprise the very first time he is exposed to something supernatural (the Others). The second time Azula is about to speak of something strange, he preempts it and is surprised by how correct he was.
  • Normally, I Would Be Dead Now: By the time of the books he would be close to reaching his end via Shadow Assassin. Here, he is still going strong.

    Alanna Baratheon 

Lady Alanna Baratheon, Lady Paramount of the Stormlands, the Black Stag, the Beautiful Storm.
Storm's End: 342 AC
First born of Renly Baratheon and Sansa Baratheon, nee Stark.

    Renly Baratheon II 

Lord Renly Baratheon the second, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands, the Blackhammer.
Storm's End: 368 AC
First born of Alanna Baratheon and Urson Baratheon.

House Baratheon of Black Rock

    Stannis Baratheon II 

Lord Stannis Baratheon, the second, Lord Paramount of the Westerlands, Warden of the West, Master of War, the Black Wolf.
Heir of Black Rock: 367 AC
Second child of Lord Robb Stark and Fire Lord Ursa Baratheon.

  • Papa Wolf: Unleashes a veritable tide of fury after his daughter is murdered.

    Urson Baratheon 

Lord Urson Baratheon Lord Paramount of the Westerlands, Warden of the West, Master of War, the Iron Stag.
The Iron Stag: 379 AC
Second child of Lord Stannis Baratheon II and Queen Lyanna Baratheon.

House Targaryen

    Aegon VI Targaryen(SPOILERS

Aegon VI Targaryen "Young Griff"
The Sept of Baelor: 305 AC
First son of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, rumored to have been smuggled out of King's Landing by Varys.
The Sept of Baelor: 305 AC

    Viserys Targaryen 

Viserys Targaryen
The Steel Mountains: 310 AC
Second son of the Mad King, sent to the Wall following his capture at the hands of Azula Baratheon during Robert's Rebellion.
Rhaellax: 339 AC
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Ser Waymar Royce. Neither of them are above trading barbs at each other, but the two are inseparable.

    Daenerys Targaryen (SPOILERS

Ivory Targaryen
The Steel Mountains: 310 AC
The daughter of the Mad King, exiled and alone in Essos. Known as Ivory and she's seemingly unaware of her royal lineage.

  • Adaptational Ugliness: Played with in that she's not necessarily ugly but greatly emaciated and has a scarred face.
  • Dragon Rider: Rider of Morghon (formerly Bloodfeast).
Morghon & Ivory: 323 AC
  • Fallen Princess: Far worse than in canon as she's trapped into sexual slavery with little chance of obtaining her dragons until rescued by a mysterious backer.
  • Not as You Know Them: As a result of her life, Ivory is deeply cynical and jaded.

    Katara Targaryen 

Katara Targaryen
The Bloodlord: 351 AC
First child of Ivory Targaryen and General Sokka of the Steel Mountains.

House Stark of Winterfell

    Lyarra Stark 

Lyarra Stark, Lord of Winterfell, Warden of the North, Master of Education, the Sly Wolf.
The Winter Academy: 322 AC
First child of Lord Robb Stark and Fire Lord Ursa Baratheon.

  • Dragon Rider: Rider of Proudwing a.k.a. the Roaring Blizzard.
Proudwing: 327 AC

    Kathryn Stark 

Kathryn Stark, Winter's Flame, Shield of the North, Lord Commander of the City Watch, the Blood Wolf.
King's Landing: 327 AC
Third child of Lord Robb Stark and Fire Lord Ursa Baratheon.

  • Strong Family Resemblance: Baratheon genes are strong indeed.
  • The Power Of Potential: Like her niece (Azula II), Kathryn Stark had the potential to rival her mother (Ursa Baratheon), but perishes far too soon to unlock her true strength.

    Robb Stark II 

Robb Stark, second of his name, Lord of Winterfell, Warden of the North, Master of War, the War Wolf.
Winterfell: 343 AC
First child of Lady Lyarra Stark and Lord Haekon Bolton.

    Rickard Stark II 

Rickard Stark, second of his name, Fire Lord of Winterfell (following Ursa's disappearance), Warden of the North, Master of Law, the Storm Wolf.
Winterfell: 401 AC
First child of Lord Robb Stark II and Lady Catelyn Baratheon of Storm's End.

    Lyra Stark  

Lyra Stark, Lord of Winterfell, Warden of the North, Minister of Trade, the Trade Wolf.
Winterfell: 399 AC
First child of Lord Rickard Stark II and Lady Wynafryd Manderly of White Harbor.

House Karstark of Kathryn's Shield (frm: The Stepstones)

    Azula Karstark 

Azula Karstark
Kathryn's Shield: 343 AC
Only child of Lady Kathryn Stark and Eddard Karstark.

House Bau of Moat Cailin

    Talana Bau 

Talana Bau, Lord of Moat Cailin, Guardian of the Neck, the Lotus Wolf.
Duskendale: 321 AC
First born child of Jun Bau and Jon Snow.
Aryana: 321 AC
  • Secret Legacy: Talana, along with her sister Lyanna Bau, are the grand daughters of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark.
Sigil of House Bau

    Lyanna Bau 

Lyanna Bau, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, the Golden Flame, the Spirit Wolf.
King's Landing: 327 AC
Second born child of Jun Bau and Jon Snow.

  • Beware the Quiet Ones: Not very outspoken, but incredibly dangerous.
  • Dead Guy Junior: Named after Jon Snow's mother, Lyanna Stark.
  • Heroic Self-Deprecation: Whenever she thinks too hard about running away with the Queen or entertaining any kind of life with her.
    • "Such fancies are not proper for a Queensguard to entertain, sister. Especially, in private." -Lyanna Golden Flame to Talana Bau.
    • The same could also be said for the Queen herself.
  • Incorruptible Pure Pureness: Takes her vows very seriously and never lies. Lyanna the Golden Flame serves as Queen Lyanna Baratheon's closest and most trusted advisor.
  • In It for Life: Continues serving as Lord Commander of the Queensguard for five more years after the death of her charge (due to old age). She dies peacefully, a soft smile upon her lips, sitting at her former Queen's grave. A white lotus tree over them, a pot of Jasmine tea between them, and two empty cups.
  • Master Swordsman: Earned her moniker as "the Golden Flame" not just because of her bending, but because her speed and skill with her golden sword seemed to engulf a man in a golden flame.
  • Socially Awkward Hero: Does not enjoy feasts or large gatherings. Can often be found just out of sight, wringing her hands nervously at the general commotion and loud noises present at such events and/or being comforted by her direwolf.
  • Vow of Celibacy: As a member of the Kingsguard, she takes such a vow.
  • White Wolves Are Special: Like her father's own, Lyanna acquires a near identical direwolf, and names it "Spirit."

    Maela Bau 

Maela Bau, Lord of Moat Cailin, Maela the Magnificent, Master of Spirits and Prophecies, the Shadow of Westeros, Lady of the Blackfort, the Great Hawk, the Dragonhand, the Warg Lord, Grandmaster of the Black Lotus.
The Burning Grove: 352 AC
First born child of Talana Bau and Zuko Baratheon.

  • Evil Tower of Ominousness: After relinquishing her claim to Moat Cailin, in favor of her younger brother Eddard Bau, and after the subjugation of the Basilisk Isles by her father, she relocates and erects "the Blackfort" upon the ancient ruins of Gogossos.
  • Master of All: An accomplished firebender, fourth greatest in Westeros after Ursa, Ty Lee, and Syrah. Capable of utilizing precision greensight, fire reading, and spirit visions, to predict future events and manipulate past ones. Peerless spiritwalker and summoner. Can utilize mass Warging, as well as Warg into past and future creatures and people.
  • Red Right Hand: Or in this case, left hand. Nicknamed "Dragonhand."

House Bau of the Blackfort

    Alyssa Bau 

Alyssa Bau
Alyssa and Blackclaw: 356 AC
First born child, and eldest twin, of Maela Bau and Stannis Bolton.

    Domeric Bau 

Domeric Bau
Domeric and Bloodfang: 348 AC
Second born child, and youngest twin, of Maela Bau and Stannis Bolton.
The Blackfort: 340 AC
  • Would Hurt a Child: Along with his twin, is responsible for the murder of Ramsay Snow in his crib.

House Rykker of Duskendale

    Robert Rykker 

Robert Rykker

House Beifong of the Steel Mountains

    Rhaella Beifong 

Rhaella Beifong
The Steel Queen: 339 AC
First born child of Toph Beifong and Viserys Targaryen.

Miscellaneous Characters

    Syrah Dragonseed 

Syrah Dragonseed

The Pale Maiden
The Terror of Dragonstone: 297 AC
Eldest child, of three, between a Fire Nation Sergeant named Jiong-Yu and a Dragonseed peasant woman named Jaslin.

  • Abusive Offspring: Syrah's parents are terrified of her.
  • Better to Kill Than Frighten: Finds it perfectly acceptable to kill every last man, woman, child, and monster who defies the crown.
  • Blood-Splattered Warrior: Returns as one, after seemingly being forgotten during the initial ambush at Silverhill by fishmen.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: Revels in her own ruthlessness. Also despises children, and wishes them death if they annoy her in the slightest. This inclination eventually extends to her own children when she comes to have them with Robert Baratheon. The only thing preventing outright prolicide is her fear of Ursa.
  • Double Agent: Works as Azula's spy, within the Academy, prior to the war. During the war, she is dispatched to act as Ursa's personal hatchetwoman and internal security attaché.
    • Subverted in that Ursa already knows this fact and tells noone. Which also answers the question on why Ursa threatens, but never actually kills, Syrah for her repeated and near blatant acts of insubordination.
  • Dragon Rider: Rider of Royalty a.k.a. the Gilded Wyrm. A rare case of a dragon being as sadistic as its rider.
The Gilded Wyrm: 329 AC
  • The Dragon: To Ursa Baratheon, with a splash of The Friend Nobody Likes, a pinch of The Starscream, and a light dusting of Indispensable Scoundrel.
  • Dying Declaration of Hate: To Nymeria Martell II. "I wound your misshapen beast, with the promise that Ursa will send you both to me in the seven hells!!"
  • Enfant Terrible: The source of her parents fear of her has yet to be expanded upon, but this trope seems to be the most likely case.
  • Evil vs. Evil: Finds herself pitted against Lovecraftian fish monsters, morally bankrupt overly ambitious schemers, and the undead legions of the Great Other. Which is part of the reason her villainous tendencies are not as pronounced early on, as she has a veritable host of "worthy" targets to focus her ire upon.
  • For Science!: Discovered performing an autopsy, on a fishman, by the Dragonstone contingent upon their arrival to Silverhill.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: Born of a union between a Fire Nation NCO and a smallfolk woman from a backwater island, she becomes a dreaded fighter and the terror of the Westerlands.
  • Haughty Help: To House Baratheon of Dragonstone in general.
  • It Amused Me: Whilst overlooking the execution square of Casterly Rock, harp in hand, she begins strumming "the Rains of Castamere" upon it. Her Beautiful Singing Voice follows the melody, just as Tywin and several others sharing his blood are paraded out, and marched to the executioner's block.
  • Master Swordsman: Slays Aegon Targaryen VI, with astonishing ease, in a sword fight. She laughs and mocks him during the entire exchange, before killing him and reclaiming Blackfyre from his cold dead hands.
  • One-Man Army: To a lesser extent than Ursa.
King's Landing: 314 AC
  • Really Royalty Reveal: Reveals, to Cersei, that she is really Visenya Targaryen. Right before ripping out Cersei's tongue and cutting off her hands. How she came to be so eludes her, but she takes it in stride.
Visenya Targaryen: 11 BC
Ser Syrah Dragonseed pictured with Palefyre (Valyrian Steel): 305 AC

    Jun Bau 

Jun Bau

The Fire Seer
The Burning Grove: 299 AC


Silverhill: 300 AC


The Grand Academy: 296 AC


The Black Grove: 300 AC
Father of Takkar and former High Councillor of Fire Lord Ozai.
  • Hidden Agenda Villain: Served under Admiral Zhao and Fire Lord Ozai, prior to Fire Lord Azula. Under all three of which his motives are/were unclear and/or unstated.
  • Tactical Withdrawal and/or Screw This, I'm Outta Here as he somehow managed to escape the aftermath of the battle against the Northern Water Tribe which led to his stationing aboard "the Ozai."
