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Characters / Dorei Shouni Shika Sentakushi Ga Nai Desu Yo

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Character sheet for Dorei Shounin Shika Sentakushi Ga Nai desu Yo? ~Harem? Nani sore oishii no?~

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Main Characters

Zeolith is on the right.
The protagonist.
  • The Ace: Mastered magic and swordplay before going to vocational school and getting titles.
  • Bad Powers, Good People: His titles give him access to Dark Magic, controlling spirits, including yanking out people's souls from their bodies, as well as shoving other souls in, and he can magically enslave anyone he wishes. He's a good and morally upright person who uses these powers to help others.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Combined with Good Is Not Soft. Meek, humble, patient, and exceptionally kind, but manage to piss him off, especially by hurting, or killing, people he cares about? Kiss your soul goodbye! Provided he doesn't compel you to kill yourself first.
  • Blessed with Suck: Upon applying for entrance to the mandatory vocational school, he receives titles and skill related to "The Hero", "The Demon Emperor", "The Grand Sage", and Slave Merchant. Revealing the first three would have his movements monitored and severely restricted, at best. The last is a title held in contempt, and with good reason. Fortunately, Palastis appears and chooses the "Slave Merchant" title before him, and seeing that she's not openly shunned, he proclaims it as well.
  • Brilliant, but Lazy: Discussed. He is a one in 400 year talent that could take the world by storm, easily, for good or evil. He doesn't care about any of that and just wants to live quietly, sitting on the hillside, admiring the scenery and daydreaming.
  • Chaste Hero: As much as he likes the idea of sleeping with Meliane, not simply sleeping beside her, he chooses to keep things innocent because 1.) he doesn't feel ready, and 2.) he gets death-threats from all the other women in his life if he does anything with Meliane they consider inappropriate.
  • Child Prodigy: He mastered magic the moment he was old enough to pick up books and read them.
  • Chivalrous Pervert: He is a healthy, heterosexual, teenage boy, so he does have "those thoughts" from time to time, especially towards the very attractive women in his sphere of influence. Still, informed consent and mutual loving commitment are critically important to him.
  • Comically Invincible Hero: He has yet to struggle in any battle he faces.
  • Curtains Match the Windows: Brown hair and eyes.
  • Did Not Think This Through: Granted he was seriously pressed for time, but going to confront Meliane's killer, alone, with no plan, preparation, or backup? He's lucky things turned out as well as they did.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Near constantly on the receiving end. The ladies who like him think he's slighted them? Death penalty!
  • Explaining Your Powers to the Enemy: During the "fight" with Nasha's gang, he told them, in precise detail, what he was doing to them, and how. By the time he did so, they were so screwed, there was nothing they could do to stop him.
  • Heinz Hybrid: Implied. Among his titles are the human exclusive "The Hero," the demon exclusive, "The Demon Emperor," and the elf exclusive "The Great Sage." So he clearly must have human, demon, and elf blood in his family tree, and in high concentrations.
  • Heroic Neutral: He is a good and upright boy, but all he really wants is a quiet life where the people he cares about are safe and happy. Mess with that and woe be unto you.
  • Humble Hero: He pointedly does not want fame and glory. He wants as quiet a life as possible, enjoying the scenery of his home town.
  • Ideal Hero: He's humble, gentle, kind, quick to help the innocent, and punish the guilty, purely for its own sake, not for fame or fortune.
  • Indy Ploy: He can wing it like a pro.
  • It's All My Fault: When the demon race starts sending armies of monsters his direction because their oracles and spies realized their new "Demon Lord" was in human lands, he cries out "It's all because of me?!" and starts preparing to take the fight to them himself.
  • One-Man Army: He single-handedly beats down an illegal slaving cartel that had kidnapped Fam and Rize, then foolishly went and attacked him and Meliane as he came to the two girls' rescue. Fortunately for said slavers, they didn't kill anyone, so Zeolith let them go, after extracting a magically bound contract that they'll never come at him again.
  • Paralyzing Fear of Sexuality: Justified. When all the other girls in your life see nothing wrong with coming at you with lethal force at any offense, real or imagined, taking up the offer to engage in sexual hi-jinks with the one girl who openly says she would happily do so is a terrifying prospect, for fear that the others will find out and decide to retaliate, as Palastis demonstrates at the start of chapter 7.
  • People Puppets: The Dark Magic he mastered before being awarded his titles allow him to control other people's bodies for a brief time.
  • Post-Victory Collapse: After taking down Nasha and her gang, he grabs his chest, and collapses, losing consciousness. Fortunately, Meliane knew where he lived, because he showed her, and took him home to his dorm room.
  • Running Gag: Something he does either gets misunderstood, or is offensive to the girls in his sphere of influence, they come at him with magic or weapons with killing intent, and though he could easily beat them down, he gets scared and kowtows to them, profusely.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: In the later chapters, he starts getting annoyed with the girls of his harem and their Disproportionate Retribution antics, threatening to resort to violence himself, and he starts being rather exploitive towards Meliane, once even using her as a meat-shield to hide his powers, but he's still got his heart of gold, as he tames a freaking dragon to be Meliane's bodyguard while he's away dealing with the demon race's aggression.
  • Skilled, but Naive: He may be a magical and martial powerhouse, but he's also from a backwater town and basically has to have a scammer have a neon sign over his head going "this is a scam" to catch on. In his defense, the scammer in question did have a corrupt politician backing him, so he couldn't easily just muscle his way through.
  • With Friends Like These...: Since childhood, he's been surrounded by women who think the correct way to show him that they're annoyed is to come at him with deadly force, and these are his friends.
  • Your Soul Is Mine!: Give him just cause and he will rip your soul out of your body, leaving it to disperse and fade away, abandoned.

     Palastis Murdy
Zeolith, you're so dreamy!
Zeolith's fellow "Slave Merchant" classmate and dorm next-door neighbor.
  • All-Loving Heroine: She judges behaviors, not people.
  • Bad Powers, Good People: She chose "Slave Merchant" as her primary title so she can rescue elves who were kidnapped and sold into slavery, by legally buying them. She has no intention of rescuing elves who are actual criminals though.
  • Bi Fauxnen: She's clearly a girl, but dresses up in guy's clothing. The biggest reason she crushes on Zeolith is that he still treats her like a girl, in spite of it all.
  • Blue Blood: She's an elven noble.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: She's jealous, but not clingy. Though the first time she heard another woman proudly state that she'd like to have sex with Zeolith, her response was threatening him with a sword...
  • Disproportionate Retribution: The boy I've got a one-sided crush on is coming out of his dorm, clearly having spent the night with a girl I've never met, because they're coming out of the room together in the morning? Time to whip out my sword, and try to behead him! He complains, and I'll just draw my sword again!
  • Entitled to Have You: Towards Zeolith. While it is her prerogative to investigate if Zeolith is a guy who would use and exploit a Sex Slave, and then make an informed decision if she wants to pursue a relationship with him, she clearly does not have the right to judge him or pass down what she considers punishment, going purely by Zeolith's protests in chapter 7.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Golden-haired blonde, All-Loving Heroine.
  • In-Universe Nickname: She goes by the name "Pati" with people she's close to.
  • Jerkass Realization: In chapter 9, she openly admits that it was wrong of her to draw her sword on Zeolith when she saw Meliane coming out of his apartment in chapter 7, especially since she hadn't heard his side of the story yet. Zeolith responds Think Nothing of It.
  • Our Elves Are Different: While she is a Nature Lover, like most elves in fiction, she is not haughty or arrogant, and cares not a whit about social status, especially with fellow classmates.
  • Pointed Ears: The first clue Zeolith has that she's an elf.
  • Real Politik: The reason why she needed to hire Zeolith to take down an illegal slaver ring, rather than go to the local government, is that the relations between her home kingdom and Zeolith's are strained and the local nobles don't see any merit in coming to her aid.
  • Reluctant Fanservice Girl: Because Zeolith went above and beyond rescuing her people from illegal slavers, she didn't think the contractual reward was enough, so on Fam's advice, she greets him at his dorm door in elegant lingerie, clearly embarassed as all get out. She responds to Zeolitgh going "thanks for the treat" by turning a nice shade of tomato and having steam come flying out the top of her head.
  • She Cleans Up Nicely: Wearing a modest sundress has Zeolith and Meliane go "Wooow!"
  • Slave Liberation: Her task appointed her by the king of her nation is buying elven slaves who were kidnapped and sold into slavery, so she can legally free them.
  • Was It All a Lie?: Combined with Abomination Accusation Attack. When she sees "Nasha" come out of Zeolith's room alongside him for the first time, sensing she's his slave, she immediately lampshades the trope by name, regarding his stated intention of buying slaves to send home for his village's improvement and freeing them after 5 years of labor, and accuses him of buying a Sex Slave so he could fool around, and then abandon said slave when he's done. She then responds to his denials by coming at him with a sword.

The E-rank adventurer who is assigned to train Zeolith in how the Adventurer's Guild operates.
  • Affectionate Gesture to the Head: Even with her cringe-worthy bandaged body, Zeolith loved to show her affection by petting her on the head when he was happy. Yet another reason why she's a Smitten Teenage Girl.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: She completely falls in love with Zeolith because he gifted her 3 million gil out of the 18 million he earned from the "coincidental" completion of the emergency goblin subjugation, despite having no obligation to do so. For context, this would have been enough to live comfortably at her E-rank for a full year!
  • Bedmate Reveal: She likes sneaking into Zeolith's bed without his knowledge. Did we mention she sees nothing wrong with sleeping in only a long-sleeve shirt, and completely unbuttoned at that?
  • Big Eater: When on a group date with Zeolith and Palastis, eating at a restaurant, a Smash Cut shows her next to plates proving she's eaten over a dozen servings and is still hungry.
  • Cat Girl: What she becomes after taking over Nasha's Little Bit Beastly body and she loves it!
  • Catchphrase: "Zeocchi! I'm going to follow you forever!"
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: She's clingy, but not jealous.
  • Common Law Marriage: She's married to Zeolith in all but name. She sleeps beside him, is bound to him, for life, and the two of them genuinely dote on each other. Furthermore, if Zeolith ever said "yes", she'd be boinking him non-stop, looking to bear as many of his kids as possible.
  • Complaining About Rescues They Don't Like: Justified. Zeolith not only shoves her into Nasha's body without warning, or consent, but for the rest of her life, Meliane would have had her killer's face stare back at her every time she looks in a mirror, if that face wasn't an illusion that Nasha sported for her own ends.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Her new body now has red hair and red eyes.
  • Devoted to You: When she says "Zeocchi! I'm going to follow your for life", she means it. This girl knows what she wants, and is willing to pay the price to get it. Even if that means becoming Zeolith's slave, for life.
  • Endearingly Dorky: She's clingy, goofy, and pushy, but she quickly grows on the rest of the cast because of how doting and kind she is.
  • Facial Markings: She has two markings on her cheeks that look like whiskers or tiger stripes.
  • Freaky Is Cool: She adores Zeolith because he flaunts strange and unusual abilities in front of her like they're nothing special.
  • Funbag Airbag: The first time she snuck into Zeolith's bed, he became aware of it by hearing her breasts go "boing" right next to his head.
  • Hates Being Alone: And who can blame her. Nine days after meeting Zeolith, she's mugged and killed in an alley. Dying horribly, and body mutilated. Even before meeting Zeolith, her bandaged appearance and Scary Teeth made her looks suspicious to others and had them cringe. One reason she grows fond of Zeolith is that he still treats her with respect no matter how cringy he found her.
  • Hero-Worshipper: She loves to gush about Zeolith's virtues and strengths. He fails to see why she's so impressed with him, as he doesn't see himself as anything special.
  • Idiot Hair: She has a cowlick, which remains even after her soul is transferred to Nasha's body.
  • Innocent Fanservice Girl: She doesn't see anything wrong sleeping next to a guy wearing nothing but a long-sleeve shirt.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: She drops the bombshell when Fam and Rize show up before Zeolith has a chance to explain himself, and then when Zeolith is negotiating with Gald and "the mediator," she shows up, wondering what's taking so long, only to destroy his position because those two scoundrels had a grudge with Nasha.
  • The Nicknamer: She's fond of calling Zeolith "Zeocchi."
  • No Sense of Personal Space: She's fond of grabbing, hugging, and clinging unto Zeolith any and every chance she gets. It's all part of her charm.
  • Paper Tiger: The world at large sees her as "Nasha, B-rank adventurer" when she is actually Meliane, E-rank adventurer, due to the fact that she did not inherit Nasha's might along with her body for some reason. As such, the world at large thinks that Zeolith is exploiting this former B-rank as his slave to do the heavy lifting while he, a nominal F-rank, rakes in the rewards. Zeolith is perfectly happy with this arrangement as it keeps him out of the church's and government's crosshairs, and keeps him free of the jealousy from other adventurers he would face if they knew he was the actual powerhouse in the arrangement.
  • The Pollyanna: A very pragmatic interpretation. She prefers to see the best in people, but she's very, very rational about it, and is neither stupid nor hopelessly naive.
  • Power is Sexy: She sees that Zeolith has enough power to solo a goblin camp of over 270, with a Goblin Queen, and she immediately goes into Wacky Marriage Proposal territory.
  • Property of Love: She gives herself to Zeolith, as a slave, willingly, and of her own volition, so she can stay with him, forever. That, and she's aware that in Nasha's body, she'd have to bear the weight of Nasha's sins, and slavery is the safer option.
  • Questionable Consent: Defied. Despite what other characters, like Palastis, think, she throws her self at Zeolith. He doesn't have to do anything but say "yes", and she would happily pounce him like it's going out of style.
  • Scary Teeth: As can be seen in the top page image, her teeth were all pointy. Fortunately, her new body doesn't have that problem.
  • Sex Slave: What she very much wants to be for Zeolith, and she openly says so.
  • Shipper with an Agenda: Combined with I Want My Beloved to Be Happy. She openly supports Palastis and Zeolith's date in chapter 9. Pragmatically, she realizes that if Palastis isn't jealous, she's not going to come at Zeolith with a sword, and Meliane's already Zeolith's slave for life, at this point, so why not?
  • Showing Off the New Body: Unintentionally. Since the first night she slept beside Zeolith, she did so wearing nothing but a spare long-sleeve shirt of his, when she stretches as she's waking up...
  • The Tease: To sweeten the deal in asking Zeolith to make her his slave, she offers to "give him plenty of service," while wearing nothing but a long-sleeve shirt. This prompts him to agree before she ramps up the fanservice any further, and yell out "Please Put Some Clothes On already."
  • Token Good Teammate: She's the only lady in Zeolith's sphere of influence who doesn't respond with threats of lethal force when she's annoyed at something he does. She just complains like a rational person should. The rest of the girls have the gall to be shocked she gets to share his dorm and sleep in his bed...
  • Top Wife: Any lady interested in Zeolith has to go through her first.
  • Verbal Tic: Invoked. As a direct result of Zeolith putting her into a slave contract, at her request, her method of speech goes entirely "cat girl" including the trademark "nya" at the end of her sentences. Not only does she like it, but Zeolith thinks it makes her cuter.


     Nasha and gang
Here's our next victim, boys!
An official B-rank adventurer who murders Melina, and has her goons dismember her body.
  • Blade Enthusiast: An ornate dagger is her weapon.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: When she's angrily accused by Zeolith of killing Meliane, she brags about it and sends her goons to kill him. This is an extremely grave mistake!
  • Evil Is Petty: The reason she gives for targeting Meliane? Meliane deposited her share of the "Goblin Subjugation" mission at the Adventurer's Guild and "stress relief." Zeolith decides This Is Unforgivable!, and gives her a Karmic Death.
  • Evil Redhead: Red hair and is well known for mugging adventurers in alleys, desecrating their corpses, for her sick thrills.
  • For the Evulz: She's a B-rank adventurer. She could easily get many times the cash legitimately. Instead, she robs and kills simply for the thrill of it.
  • The Gambling Addict: She spends the money she steals on betting at the gladitorial arena, and never gets enough.
  • Karmic Death: Her gang is put through the same kind of dismemberment they put Meliane through and then she's left as a wandering spirit, set to dissipate in 48 hours, unattended.
  • Little Bit Beastly: It turns out that Nasha was a Cat Girl, using a magic ring to disguise herself as a human.
  • Mass "Oh, Crap!": When they realize Zeolith knows Dark Magic and can totally own them.
  • Moral Myopia: After murdering Meliane, and bragging about it, she has the gall to ask "why did you do that?" when Zeolith tells her he ripped her soul out to give Meliane's soul a new home.
  • Mugging the Monster: She brags about killing Meliane and sends her gang after Zeolith, not realizing, that he's a Slave Merchant and can use slave magic without resistance on anyone who confesses a crime, and the magic is absolute.
  • Murder by Suicide: In the Psychic-Assisted Suicide manner. When Zeolith confronts Nasha's gang, and she foolishly lets them attack him, he retaliates by using his dark magic to force their strongest, wielding a great-sword, to kill the rest, and then compels him to stab himself to death with his own back-up dagger, ignoring the guy's pleas for mercy.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: By killing Meliane, she gives the poor girl a much better body, her own.
  • Oh, Crap!: When Zeolith has ripped her soul out of her body and shoved Melaine's soul in, she's horrified the moment he says "I can't do that" to her request to be given her body back.
  • Smug Snake: She thinks she and her gang are vastly superior to Zeolith, even smirking when she sees legs fly off and blood spatter on the walls... until she realizes the leg that landed in front of her belongs to one of her own men.
  • Villains Want Mercy: After Zeolith has gone through her men like water, and she's helpless in front of him, she realizes, too late, that messing with Meliane was a bad idea, and begs forgiveness. Zeolith doesn't oblige.

     Glad and Baron, the Mediator
Hand over "Nasha" and 800K Geld, and we'll forget all this!
A corrupt official and conman that go after Fam and Rize and try to take down Zeolith as well.
  • The Bet: Baron promises to "forget" his self-inflicted grudge against Zeolith and co. if Zeolith can single-handed defeat his two former S-rank adventurer bodyguards, but will claim "Nasha", Rize and Fam, as slaves if Zeolith loses the fight.
  • Con Man: Glad goes into bars, taverns, restaurants, starts a ruckus, and then runs to the mediator, complaining of being grievously injured. The mediator then rules in his favor, demanding a sum of money the "guilty" party can't possibly pay, so he can sell them into slavery.
  • Corrupt Politician: The mediator, Baron, always rules in Glad's favor, even though his claims are glaringly obvious as a scam.
  • Curbstomp Battle: On the wrong end when he decides to try and extort Zeolith for nearly one million Geld and trying to seize Meliane in Nasha's body.
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": The mediator's name, Baron, isn't mentioned, at all, until chapter 12 of the manga, and then only in passing by his Elite Mook and bodyguard, Mash.
  • Eyes Always Shut: Baron keeps his eyes closed most of the time, making him look even more shady.
  • Fatal Flaw: Greed. Had the mediator stayed with the "compensation" of 500K he told Fam and Rize, he and Glad would have got away with it. Because he went for Nasha and arbitrarily raised the fee to 1 mill, only reducing it by 100k when Zeolith healed Glad, he not only winds up getting nothing, but his private army, including a powerful sorcerer, wound up on the wrong end of a Curbstomp Battle and Intimidation Demonstration.
  • Hypocrite: Glad is a shameless conman, going around starting trouble and then proclaiming he's grievously injured, so that his mediator accomplice can rule in his favor and get tons of cash, but when he sees "Nasha," immediately yells out that she's a thief because she beat him at the gambling table.
  • Wounded Gazelle Gambit: Glad's scam involves pretending to have a broken arm as a result of being assaulted, but won't let anyone inspect or treat said arm. (He does, in fact, have back pain from an unrelated injury, which does get healed by Zeolith's magic, and immediately tips off Zeolith that something's up.)

This brat's tougher than I thought. Hey kid, just what are you?!
A former S-Rank adventurer, now bodyguard for a corrupt politician.
  • Blood Knight: He fights for the thrill of beating and killing tough opponents. He was kicked out of the adventurer's guild for killing a fellow S-Rank, and looks upon that with pride.
  • Boxed Crook: Despite being a known killer, he works for Baron and Glad.
  • Combat Pragmatist: He likes to distract dangerous opponents with strange stances so he can spit needles into their eyes.
  • Evil Redhead: He's got red hair and sees murdering fellow S-rank adventurers as something to be proud of.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: He's an evil, blood-thirsty sot and has a scar across his face.
  • Underestimating Badassery: Despite seeing that Zeolith wiped out all the other mooks working under Baron in the blink of an eye, he thought he could easily wipe the floor with Zeolith. The reverse was proven true.

This brat can't possibly have more magic than me!
Like Mash, a former S-rank adventurer kicked out of the guild for killing a fellow S-rank.
  • Affably Evil: Soft-spoken and polite, but he's a known killer and works for a corrupt government official.
  • Beat Them at Their Own Game: On the wrong end. When he tries to blast Zeolith with magic after Zeolith laid Mash out flat, Zeolith retaliates with the same spell, easily cancelling it out.
  • Boxed Crook: Same as Mash. He works for Baron despite being a known killer.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Hangs back and attacks with magic any opponent that Mash has problems with.
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy: Just look at the page image.
  • Squishy Wizard: He's a powerful mage, but can't defend himself if an opponent manages to reach him with a weapon, or a fist.
  • Sword and Sorcerer: His dynamic with Mash. He provides the magic while Mash provides the physical attacks.
  • This Cannot Be!: He's shocked and taken aback when Zeolith blocks his magical attack by using the same spell and cancelling it out.
  • Underestimating Badassery: What he warns Mash not to do. It doesn't help.


Come on! Don't sleep all day!
One of Zeolith's two childhood friends that he helped train before heading off to the vocational school.
  • The Bus Came Back: Zeolith left her in his home town, to head to the mandatory Vocational School in chapter 1. She returns to the story in chapter 9, with Fam at her side.
  • Boyish Short Hair: She keeps her hair short and is quite tom-boyish, even taking poses boys usually do when collapsed on the ground, resting...
  • Curtains Match the Window: She has blue hair and blue eyes.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: Her pleas to take a break sound like something out of a hentai, and Zeolith even gets an Imagine Spot because of it, which Fam sees and doesn't approve of.
  • Playing with Fire: She attacks with fire magic. She's even introduced hurling a massive fireball at Zeolith.
  • Spirited Competitor: She seeks out Zeolith to get him to train her until she's on the ground, exhausted.

You're not thinking of skipping our daily training? Are you?
The second of Zeolith's two childhood friends showcased.
  • Abomination Accusation Attack: When Zeolith shows up to bail her and Fam out, she immediately mentions that he's only doing so to use their bodies as collateral. Zeolith is not amused.
  • The Bus Came Back: Only appears for a few panels at the beginning, disappearing from the story as Zeolith heads to Vocational School. She returns to the story, alongside Rize in chapter 9.
  • Buxom Beauty Standard: Has a massive chest despite being 13 and just hitting puberty, and Zeolith approves.
  • Slasher Smile: Gives these out when threatening Zeolith.
  • Spirited Competitor: She, along with Rize, loves to train with Zeolith until she's on the ground, exhausted.

     Nirus Glory
This is no joke!
Zeolith's "Homeroom" Teacher, and the one teaching him the ethics of being a Slave Merchant, through on-the-job training.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: Good teacher, but rather odd in her behavior.
  • The Gambling Addict: She once calls in Zeolith and Palastis to perform a mandatory quest for the Adventurer's guild as part of her curriculum. Zeolith and Palastis arrive to find her office littered with invoices for gambling debts, which her commission for sending them on the quest would go to cover.
  • Hidden Depths: She's more than just a simple teacher. When Palastis asks Zeolith to help her hunt down an illegal slaver ring that's going around kidnapping elves, entire villages at a time, and then turning around to sell them into slavery, she's more knowledgeable about what's going on than the local information broker.
  • Large Ham: Very flamboyant and loud.
  • Sink or Swim Mentor: Her idea of "teaching" neophite slave merchants the ethics is to drag them to the hidden auction site and then just sitting back and watching as they try to figure things out themselves.
  • Unkempt Beauty: As seen in the page image, she seems to like looking like a bale of hay shot out of a cannon. If not for that, she'd be quite aesthetically pleasing.

I may hate slave merchants, but you seem like an okay guy, Zeoris-san.
The receptionist Zeolith meets at the Adventurer's Guild.
  • Abomination Accusation Attack: Tears into Zeolith for bringing in "Nasha" as a new partner less than a week after Meliane was murdered.
  • Harmful to Minors: The time her poverty and debt ridden family sold yer 5-year-old sister into slavery? She was 10 and helpless to do anything about it.
  • It's Personal: She has a personal issue with slave merchants. Her younger sister was sold into slavery by her debt-ridden family, at five years old, and her fate was clearly not kind.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Aside from applying a bit too much pressure drawing Zeolith's blood during his Adventurer's official application, she's been very professional in carrying out her duties when interacting with him.
  • Something Only They Would Say: Interviews "Nasha" for two solid hours to confirm that she is indeed Meliane's soul in Nasha's body, by asking things only Meliane and Elena would know.

You managed to get all these goblins, Zeolith?
The Guild-master of the Adventurer's Guild.
  • Gut Feeling: Despite the circumstantial evidence, he firmly insisted that Zeolith had to be innocent in the murder of Meliane, despite Zeolith being a complete stranger.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: When Zeolith and Meliane turned in proof of clearing the emergency quest they "accidentally" stumbled upon while performing a mundane, low-rank quest that happened to be nearby, he has Elena give Zeolith and Meliane their proper shares of the reward, no questions asked, and lets both Zeolith and Meliane go on their way.
  • The Reveal: While speaking with Seah, Zeolith and Altina, he reveals that the adventurer's guild is secretly a sub-branch of the church of Crestanism, and he's a very devout member, as is required in the guild charter for becoming a guild leader.

Zeolith! Why won't you "punish" me?
A former B-ranked adventurer who turned bandit leader.
  • Boyish Short Hair: She keeps her hair short and she's not particularly feminine.
  • Casual Kink: She awakens to masochism when Zeolith uses dark magic to give her some Kinky Spanking while defending himself from her gang.
  • Crime of Self-Defense: She was attacked by a group of thugs jealous of her skyrocketing adventurer career. When she beat them down, suddenly her title changed to "Bandit Leader" against her will.
  • Fallen Hero: Went from B-ranked adventurer to bandit leader through no fault of her own.
  • Friend in the Black Market: She and her bandit gang are Zeolith's go-to source of information regarding bandit movements and played a huge role in Patti's mission to deal with an illegal slave-ring that was going around kidnapping elves and selling them into slavery.
  • Tall Poppy Syndrome: A victim of it. Many adventurers were deeply resentful of her meteoric rise in the ranks, leading to a group of thugs attacking her. When she won the fight, she found herself holding the title "Bandit Leader."
  • Tastes Like Friendship: She becomes one of Zeolith's strongest supporters after he shares a meal with her of wild cockatrice meat.

     Seah Lipis
Zeolis, please allow me to stay by your side!
A former saintess kidnapped by an illegal slaver ring and forced into slavery by holding some elven children hostage.
  • Aura Vision: With her eyes shut, she can see the flow of mana in people.
  • Bait-and-Switch Sentiment: She proclaims she loves Zeolith, which causes Meliane to Freak Out, as she doesn't believe she can keep her position as Top Wife, competing with a genuine saint. Seah then proceeds to pat Meliane on the head and say "I love you too," meaning the love is entirely platonic. Meliane is left utterly confused at this series of events.
  • Eyes Always Shut: Justified. She needs to keep her eyes closed to get the most benefit from her Aura Vision.
  • Made a Slave: When she was kidnapped by a slaving ring, she was forced into slavery.
  • Protectorate: Blazer agrees with her request to pardon the bandits under Altina from their criminal history but then angrily decries Zeolith that if anything happens to her, he'd be on the end of the wrath of the entire adventurer's guild and the church.
  • That Man Is Dead: By church decree, a saintess who is missing for years is legally declared dead and canonized. If she's later found alive and tries to return to her duties, she's then condemned as a "Fallen Saint" and shunned.
