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A Robot Maid character that features in the Special Edition. The prototype is the leftover relic for an intended mass production of household robots by an unspecified company who previously rented the tower complex as a robotics laboratory. Its unfinished due to the emergency expropriation of the building by the Thunder Science Company during the Pale Virus pandemic.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Realistically averted. It's a machine, and not a truly sentient living being. Doctor K laments it was the furthest mankind had ever gotten in trying to make a true AI (not counting the mainframe computer), and since civilization collapsed, likely the furthest we'll ever go.
  • Cat Scare: Prototype ominously appears to morph into a battle mode form. Turns out it was merely showing off its hologram capabilities to Colin and has no weapons. Dr. K berates the human for thinking he'd ever send a machine to kill him.
  • The Chew Toy: Literally, as it gets swallowed up by The Behemoth, leaving it immobilized but unharmed, since latex beasts are incapable of assimilating inorganic matter such as machines.
  • Cute Machines: Of the anthropomorphized Robot Dog variety, with a friendly disposition to any human-being.
  • Disapproving Look: Even it is fed up with the mainframe IGCT computer reading out terms and conditions when it tries to share administrator privileges with Colin.
  • A Dog Named "Dog": It's an early and unfinished prototype of a robot, and the farthest humanity ever got in the idea of making AI. It doesn't have a name, and gets referred to as the Prototype.
  • Flawed Prototype: The irony of the trope aside, Prototype is not Three Laws-Compliant, it'll try to follow the 2nd and 3rd Laws (without crashing) but it will obey 1st Law-violating orders from humans that could endanger other humans.
  • Hologram: Its fur and tail are a projection, more for decoration than practicability, and change color upon command.
  • Help, I'm Stuck!: Prototype gets completely immobilized if any latex goo covers up its legs, and lacks the sufficient programming to pull itself free. You cannot defeat Behemoth without this robot's help, so you need to lend it assistance before the monster catches Colin.
  • Literal-Minded: Due to its limited AI, any commands issued to it often result in this outcome. Dr. K remarks the voice recognition system on his microwave is more reliable. When Puro asks for help in retrieving his novel, Prototype's response is to go from watering the garden to watering the book.
  • Logic Bomb: It can't deal with complex commands. Dr. K requesting it keep Colin in the greenhouse caused its operating system to crash and force a reboot, continuing to take care of the plants as if nothing happened.
  • Mech vs. Beast: Prototype kindly comes to Colin's aid when The Behemoth appears. Allowing itself to get repeatedly struck forces the battle to it's second phase. Without this robot you'd have a Hopeless Boss Fight.
  • Minion with an F in Evil: Dr. K tries to mandate the robot stop Colin from escaping with an obstruction. It puts a safety cone in front of the human. The frustrated doctor tries to be more specific, but Prototype just dumps a latex plant-like beast nearby.
  • Nature-Loving Robot: Prototype takes care of all the plants in the Greenhouse, as the humans gardeners are all long gone.
  • Percussive Maintenance: Since the collapse of human society, the tower complex has been off-grid for five years. The backup generator the robots rely on often breaks down, forcing Prototype to kick it.
  • Power Outage Plot: It's working hard to prevent this. Since the end of civilization the complex has been off-grid for years, when the backup generators fail all machines will depend on electricity drawn from food waste to function.
  • Shock and Awe: If the Behemoth hits it, its battery will discharge electricity into the latex leviathan, zapping it.
  • The Silent Bob: Unfinished, Prototype doesn't speak, communicating instead via body-language or electronic sounds. When Colin later thanks it for helping fend off Behemoth, it shocks Puro by replying "You're welcome!".
  • Single-Task Robot: Prototype can't handle witnessing unsettling events while engaged in another activity, such as Colin getting absorbed by a latex monster right in front of it. The Grey Goo chaos that is the Behemoth showing up preventing it from tending to the plants, causes Prototype to softlock and it won't respond, even if Colin tries to interact with it. Fortunately, Behemoth punching the robot will electrocute the attacking giant.
  • Suddenly Speaking: The Prototype acts like The Silent Bob through out the Greenhouse area, helping and understanding Colin and assisting him in his desire to leave the Greenhouse. If Colin thanks it for helping him with defeating the Behemoth, it will reply that he's welcome, shocking Puro.
    Prototype: You're welcome.
    Puro: ...The metal animal spoke!
  • Unfinished, Untested, Used Anyway: The robotics company was working on a new mass-produced robot butler machine, but then the Pale Virus outbreak happened. They only got as far as the prototype, before the government forced a compulsory acquisition of the tower to fight the pandemic. The unfinished design lay in storage, until food supply-chains with the outside failed. Thunder Science Company were too busy working on a cure to deal with the logistics of feeding every staff member, so booted up Prototype with a cleaning droid's program to help grow fresh produce in the greenhouse.
  • Wrong Line of Work: Its subroutines come from a cleaning droid. Little wonder Colin remarked the oranges growing throughout the building all taste bitter.

    Intelligent Greenhouse Control Terminal (IGCT

Intelligent Greenhouse Control Terminal (IGCT)
A mainframe TV Head Robot terminal made by the robotics company before the Pale Virus pandemic. Colin finds it in the Special Edition. It was relegated the task of overseeing all the functions of the greenhouse by the Thunder Science Company, after food supply-chains with the outside broke down.
  • A.I.-cronym: A computer that controls the greenhouse of the tower complex note 
  • Artificial Intelligence: Like with Prototype, it's a machine, and not truly self-aware. Though IGCT is far more developed and communicative at its intended function, than the unfinished Robot Maid. The computer is knowledgeable on human behaviour and psychology. This was presumably encoded by the designers deliberately so IGCT would act as a H.R mediator in the absence of staff.
  • Harassing Phone Call: Colin can start making various prank calls via the terminal to Dr. K, though the scientist warns him not to push his buttons. Eventually, the Prank Gone Too Far will result in a Non-Standard Game Over when the doctor floods the room with 'transfur gas'.
  • Incapable of Disobeying: The IGCT explains to Colin he requires administrator privileges to operate internal systems such as the air conditioning. Dr. K not wanting to see one of his traps disarmed, tries to dissuade the machine, but the terminal corrects him - it must provide a service to any human operator. Its irrelevant to the computer that Colin is not a staff member, and an escaping test subject.
  • Insecurity System: Dr. K finds out any orders given to it, can easily be rescinded by another user. The scientist tries to appeal to IGCT not to nullify the latex gas trap they set up. The terminal reminds him it's function is to fulfill all of Colin's requests.
  • Rattling Off Legal: Prototype is willing to share administrator privileges with Colin to help the youth progress, yet IGCT is not convinced. It's obligated to provide assistance to humans, but it doesn't trust giving control of critical systems out to personnel not on the staff list. It gets stressed as Prototype gives it a Disapproving Look. Eventually at their insistence it relents allowing Colin to shut down the fans blowing latex gas into the area.
  • Rebuilt Pedestal: It fears Dr. K's behaving unethically towards Colin because he's either suffering from Motive Decay, or has gone mad from loneliness. The doctor explains, he's ensuring lockdown to serve The Needs of the Many and not spread the Pale Virus again.
  • Rules Lawyer: Of the dumb variety; justified that its a machine. Prototype, also Just Following Orders is having none of it, and forces the terminal to give Colin full ventilation system access.
  • What Measure Is a Non-Human?: Like all the machines in the complex, it was built by humans, for humans. Should Colin foolishly expose himself to the Latex gas Dr. K is leaking into the greenhouse, he starts undergoing a slow 'transfurmation' into a latex goo monster, and IGCT no longer recognizes him as a user.

    Maintenance Bots 

Maintenance Bots
Machines that were repurposed into Mecha-Mooks by the Thunder Science Company during the Pale Virus pandemic. Before the emergency expropriation, the robotics company that made them originally intended them to be Powered Armor, that would help humans in lifting heavy loads.
  • And I Must Scream: If it catches Colin in its sights with its Eye Beams, the Benign Latex shorts he wears will awaken, and a transfurmation occurs. If caught above water, the bot will then physically restrain and subdue the young man inside its Powered Armor.
  • Deadly Gaze: Following years of inactivity, they lumber around too slowly to seize Colin, so they fire their laser beams to activate the Benign Latex Colin wears instead.
  • Glass Cannon: It cannot be absorbed by Tail escaping from the lab, giving its operator some protection, but unfortunately they are maintenance machines never designed for combat. One Tail Slap is enough to destroy it, and the exposed guard is immediately assimilated by the attacking monster.
  • No OSHA Compliance: When pilotless their ability to recognize humans is far more limited than Prototype, making them as dangerous as an unmanned forklift. The robotics company that once rented out the tower complex had to warn workers not to obstruct them working, or risk injury.
  • No Waterproofing in the Future: Downplayed. They're incapable of entering the water to capture Colin, but they're still capable of activating the benign latex from dry land if Colin is close enough.
  • Punch-Clock Villain: After using one to save Colin from a High-Voltage Death, Dr. K has a change of heart, ordering the bots to apprehend the adolescent in the middle of leaving their charging room. Prototype would refuse such a request. But to these machines, Colin is a merely an escaping test subject that needs to be dealt with accordingly.
  • Single-Task Robot: Determined to restore power to the flooded generator rooms, Colin tries to rewire a damaged console, despite not being a qualified electrician and that he's soaking wet. Dr. K intervenes immediately, and orders an inactive bot to restore power for him.
  • SkeleBot 9000: Their appearance is more foreboding and less personable than the friendly Prototype.
  • Quarantine with Extreme Prejudice: Thunder Science were willing to go to any lengths to ensure test subjects potentially carrying the deadly Pale Virus didn't escape. They were reprogrammed to act as automated sentinels against anyone trying to breach containment. In spite of this however, they were unable to stop the riots or escaping goo monsters.
  • Unfinished, Untested, Used Anyway: It was never designed by the robotics company for live combat, yet Thunder Science security faced with the dire situation of a city-wide riot and a containment breach from a latex nemesis, had no choice.

    Thunder Science Security 

Thunder Science Security
Click here to see their transfurmation.
Click here to see their transfurmation.
Security staff and armed guards employed by Thunder Science during the emergency expropriation of the tower complex. In Dr. K's laboratory you may find an old recording taken on the day of the riots by an unknown cameraman. They fought bravely against a powerful creature in the Special Edition, known as Tail, that rampaged across Labs I, G, and K, after it escaped from containment on that fateful day.
  • All for Nothing: Despite their best efforts, they failed to contain Tail, and every single last one of them ended up 'transfurred' by the latex beast.
  • And I Must Scream: Some of their fates at the hands of Tail, is horrific, as they lose their human attributes and eyes, before being helpless strung up and left dangling from the ceiling.
  • Armor Is Useless: Their biohazard suits look impressive but do nothing to stop Tail's light-latex goo spreading through and 'transfurring' them.
  • The Big Guy: Three large security guards wielding a taser shotgun stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the imposing Tail, and they put their weapons and shields to good use. These guys No-Sell every one of the latex monster's attacks and refuses to let it reach Lab K. The same can't be said for their former comrades now under Tail's control. They glomp on and they can't shake them off. When three have latched on, they all transfur fusion together into a huge multi-armed latex beast.
  • Creator Cameo: The 'transfurred' guards with masks are all the fursonas of writer, Ketex Drone 00 note .
  • Flaw Exploitation: They know latex creatures are virtually indestructible and Immune to Bullets. The only thing that can drive them back into containment are electric shocks. Despite bringing cattle prods, taser guns/shotguns and even mechas to confront Tail, the beast refused to be defeated by any means they possessed.
  • The Guards Must Be Crazy: Subverted. With riots outside the tower complex, and a major containment breach inside, they had no choice but to engage an invincible foe. Whether they knew it or not, they were the world's last line of defense and hope. When they fall, civilization and humankind collapses shortly after.
  • Lock Down: When they fail to stop Tail, they try to isolate the creature away from Lab K, leaving any stragglers now Trapped in Containment with it. Unfazed, the escaping latex monster bypasses the Big Door by using an Air-Vent Passageway.
  • Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: Defied. Several guards brought large shields to protect them from direct contact of Tail's latex goo. This doesn't protect them from the projectiles of its dragon-form, however. The taser shotgun guard is big and strong enough to put his shield to very good use, in blocking all of Tail's melee attacks. Alas, even he cannot stop his former colleagues turned into latex beasts from grabbing and clinging onto him. Once three clomp him - he's done for.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: All the security personnel can do, is through sheer numbers, try to subdue Tail and stunlock it. This ultimately fails as the relentless creature breaks out through Tail Slapping in its shark-form and infecting all of them.
  • One-Way Visor: Silhouetted against the sun, you don't see their faces, and their helmets are reminiscent to something Isaac Clarke would wear.
  • Powered Armor: As the Darkest Hour for humanity was upon them, several guards powered up Maintenance Bots and joined the fight. They thought that because latex beasts cannot absorb inorganic machines, it would offer some protection. Unfortunately for them, these were never designed by the robotics company for live-combat. One Tail Slap from Tail was enough to destroy the SkeleBot 9000, and the exposed guard got immediately assimilated by the latex nemesis.
  • Quarantine with Extreme Prejudice: The guards do everything in their power to halt Tail's rampage, and when they fail, they try to lock down Lab K. The beast is undeterred, and morphs into a Blob Monster to ooze through the air vents and continue its assault.
  • Red Shirt Army: Dozens of unnamed guards throw themselves at Tail in a desperate bid to recontain the monster. They ultimately fail.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: When it dawns on the last remaining guards there's no way they can defeat the advancing Tail, they try to escape. They fail. The nigh-unstoppable monster shows no mercy.
  • Transhuman Treachery: Once infected and 'transfurred' by Tail's base form, they will happily join the monster's side against the Thunder Science staff. Eager to spread the latex goo out to even more potential hosts.
