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Video Game / Botworld Adventure

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Botworld Adventure is an open world Role-Playing Game created and published by Featherweight and available on mobile platforms such as iOS and Android. Players can explore the vast wilderness of Botworld, a land filled with mechanical creatures known as the bots. The people have managed to build them and befriend them, but some have decided to use their capabilities to attack other people, turning themselves into bandits. You will be completing quests and contracts while building a team of automatons known as "Bots". These bots are put in battle against other bots to earn items and raise AI levels, which can be used to upgrade and strengthen your team.

You are a young child who wakes up to their birthday and finally get the gift they have been waiting so long: a bot! Their father have got them a bot and the family goes to the city to take business somewhere else and give their child the chance to complete their dream: become the greatest robot master of all!

Botworld Adventure has examples of:

  • Acid Attack: The Froggy bot is able to spit acid as their main way of fighting, charging up to spit a pool of acid that damages enemies over time.
  • Action Bomb: The Bombee bot’s Ultimate attack is to explode and cause a massive amount of damage, but exploding will also make the Bombee out of the game.
  • Beast Man: Botworld is populated by anthropomorphic animals such as cats, dogs, rats and bovines.
  • Brain Uploading: Mia, a Barrie robot, seems to be the uploaded consciousness of a human women of the same name. Subverted when it turns out that the Barrie Bot just got uploaded with Mia’s memories in the destroyed ship of Fall Grove.
  • Character Customization: You can choose how your character will look like. It ranges to even choosing which species you will be, from cats to dogs, even reptiles.
  • Character Level: The AI level of the bots. When the AI level is high enough, you can choose a new passive ability or boost a statistic of your bot. This can range from more attack points, more defense or health or a faster cooldown of the bots abilities.
  • Cute Machines: Just look at all the bots!
  • Cyber Cyclops: The Pupil has only one eye and shoots laser beams from it.
  • Fetch Quest: A massive part of the quests in the game revolves around collecting critters or parts to give it to the quest giver.
  • Giant Scrap Robot: Inverted. The Scatter throws out the scrap of their enemies but is actually quite small. Played straight with Coggy.
  • Glass Cannon: Certain bots such as Slash and the Slicer do a lot of damage against your foes but are also very fragile.
  • Humanity's Wake: It turns out that Botworld was once colonized by humans who came to the world from Earth, this is revealed after investigating the strange monument which turns out to be both a solar panel and a satellite receiver.
  • An Ice Person: Bots like the Icycool and the Frosty are ice-based bots that attack with freezing projectiles.
  • Lizard Folk: There are anthropomorphic lizards in the game and you can eve play as one.
  • Mayor Pain: Some residents of the hub thinks of the Mayor as a pain in the ass that does horribly at his job.
  • Mechanical Animals: Several of the bots we can obtain are robotic animals such as the Froggy who is a robotic frog and the Thump which is a small elephant-like robot.
  • Mighty Glacier: Some bots such as the Thump or the Berserker are able to take a lot of damage but are normally very slow.
  • Playing with Fire: The Flamer is a pyromaniac Bot that uses fire as their weapon of choice.
  • Rewards Pass: It has one, you need to complete bounties to gain points and move on to level up.
  • Shock and Awe: Certain bots like the Yanky or the Ultimate of the Scrapper can do electric damage that stuns their opponent for a small amount of time.
  • Shout-Out: The entire game can be considered one to Pokémon, being a game about pitting your mons against wild mons and mons of adversaries.
  • Special Attack: The bots can charge up a Ultimate Attack if they deal enough damage to their enemy. Each bot has their unique Ultimate.
  • Suddenly Speaking: Mia, a Barrie bot can be found at Fall’s Grove and turns out that she talks normal unlike the rest of the bots. It turns out that this is because the ship crashed in the grove is from the humans and on of its passengers, the original Mia, made a recompilation of her memories to preserve them. The Barrie bot that became Mia is only a normal bot that got those memories uploaded into her.
  • Title Drop: At the beginning, our character will call the world they live as Botworld.
  • To Be a Master: Our playable character’s dream is to become one, to become the greatest robot master of Robotworld.
  • You Will Not Evade Me: The Yanker’s most characteristic ability is to yank its opponent with their hook and hit their opponent when near.
