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Trivia / The 40

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  • Fandom Nod: Some of the fan theories regarding each of The 40's original series are mentioned in the story indirectly.
  • Follow the Leader: The story paves the way for other writers to create their own version.
  • Inspiration for the Work: According to The_Ravenclaw_Werewolf, one of the reaction fics that inspired them to write The 40 is TheSteinsGateFormula's, School watches Assassination Classroom.
  • Line to God: Initally downplayed. The_Ravenclaw_Werewolf is distrustful of most social media and prefers to be contacted through the comments section of their story...until adding in a Tumblr page.
  • Reclusive Artist: The_Ravenclaw_Werewolf is very secretive of their identity.
  • Word of God:
    • In General:
      • All members of The 40 are treated as Alternate Counterparts to their canon/prime selves.
      • Any fight that the strongest members (Korra, Kusuo, Mob, Saitama, and Gojo) of The 40 engage against The Cloaked Figure one-on-one will be Foregone Conclusion Curb-Stomp Battle for it. Even if they were to work together, they still wouldn't stand a chance.
      • In response to Omnitheist27's question of The_Ravenclaw_Werewolf being The Cloaked Figure, they say that it's not and leave it at that.
      • The 40 will have many moments of Dude, Not Funny! in the scenes of viewing their own stories that were supposed to be seen as comedic moments in Real Life.
      • While neither malevolent or morally gray, The Cloaked Figure's Blue-and-Orange Morality depends on the people/situation it's in, and in this case with The 40, it's a Benevolent Abomination who won't allow harm to come to them, even if it's benign like inducing the effects of being under the control of the Death Note.
    • Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra:
      • Spike Spiegel would be invested in observing the various Bending Arts displayed by Benders.
      • Everyone would commend Zuko of keeping true to his kindness despite the hardships he suffers for it.
    • Death Note:
      • While those who have a basic understanding of human nature (Senku, Heine, etc.) can understand that Light's Motive Decay/Slowly Slipping Into Evil is a coping mechanism from his two Accidental Murders early on, once he ends up Jumping Off the Slippery Slope is where he's finally become Beyond Redemption.
      • They'll point out the Early-Installment Weirdness of L's early appearance of him sitting in a meditative position, compared to his later signature crouching, and having longer hair.
      • Everyone will regard Light's signature scenenote  as being absurdly funny as the so-called "God of the New World" is that dramatic, and call him out on how absurd it was for him to waste ¥39,800 (which is roughly 360 USD) on a miniature TV just for it to never be used again.
      • While they'll call Light's intricate safe for Death Note clever, but also dumb, because what kind of person would set up a trap with the risk of getting burned just to protect a "diary"?
      • Everyone would do a Facepalm regarding how the entire Bus Jacking event was set up by Light to learn Raye Penber's name, especially Raye's Too Dumb to Live moment of showing his I.D. to the suspect he was tailing. Humorously, L, Midoriya, Ciel, and Nagisa would discuss how this could have been executed better, both in laying low and or planning how to kill the agents, with the rest scooting away from them slightly.
      • Everyone would not take kindly to Raye Penber's "words" to Naomi, especially L, who the latter helped him during the Los Angeles BB Murder Case.
      • While everyone would still consider Naomi incredibly smart, they would be disappointed at how Light's actions are completely flying over her head. L himself can't help but be disappointed as well by this scene and also saddened that he lost someone he once worked with.
      • Everyone is reacting with a Moment of Awesome and funny regarding Yagami Light's own sets of misfortune. Whether he would get beaten up by Naomi if he decided to use force to learn her true name and expose himself as Kira right there or get his ass kicked by L.
      • They'll treat Yagami Light as The Dreaded and be horrified for witnessing him being able to outmaneuver/outgambit and kill Rem, Watari, and L in a single swoop, and some of their reactions will be greater than others. While L did account for a contingency plan just in case he did die, he will also be kicking himself for himself and his on-screen for not getting more evidence against Light and will not be afraid of showing his more emotional side after seeing Watari die.
      • Everyone will eventually learn to truly hate Light after his murder of L, even the All-Loving Hero ones.
      • Everyone will also not take kindly to Light's Straw Misogynist comments and would be very amused if he did try to use force against Naomi.
      • None of them would approve of Light's actions for using the Death Note, to begin with, and as they see his mental state wavering, before and after the Death Note. So to see him kill anyone who will get in his way solidifies to them that he needs to be stopped.
    • Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood:
    • Hunter X Hunter:
      • The 40 would be incredibly disturbed by how causal Killua would be as he kills people but would want to help him heal and be a kid when hearing that he doesn't really want to be an assassin.
      • On that note, they'll also be disturbed by Killua's family's way of life and would ask themselves how Killua managed to, somewhat, keep his sanity. Also, they would want to get Alluka and anyone else good who was mistreated out of there.
      • The 40 would be horrified and would feel bad for Kurapika's Sole Survivor Last of His Kind status. In regards to his torture of Uvogin, some of them would be disturbed by his actions, with exceptions (i.e. Ciel, Levi, etc.), since they know how it feels to want to get revenge. But the rest would understand where he is coming from.
      • The 40 would find The Phantom Troupe morbidly interesting as a whole, though still think they're terrible.
      • The 40 would be horrified by Gon's more ruthless side, Killua is one thing as Gon had a more stable upbringing despite his absent father, especially when he's destroying his own body in order to brutally kill Pitou.
      • The 40 would be deeply disturbed by Hisoka Morow's "special interest" in the prepubescent Gon and Killua.
