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Tear Jerker / The Joy of Creation: Reborn

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • The ending. Scott Cawthon? The God of the Five Nights at Freddy's series, the one who gave it its life? He's dead.
    • There's also the reason for the aforementioned character's death, which also doubles on why the animatronics are present in the house. Michael wants to take over Scott's body because he wants to have a normal life. The Big Bad of the entire game, a literal demon, just wants to be a normal man with a family. There is something so sad about this.
    • How the aforementioned meets his end. We don't know for sure, but we do hear his agonized, very painful, scream. Whatever it is, it's not pretty.
    • Playing through the game once more becomes even more tearjerking after knowing the ending. Scott sounds so desperate in his narration, devising and figuring out the rules of the game quickly despite the ten animatronics following him with a healthy amount of Survival Mantra, all the while carrying a sliver of hope that he will meet his family again if he manages to win the animatronics' game fair and square. A hope that gets squashed as, regardless if he wins or not, Michael and Creation won't give up.
    • A newspaper scrap you can find in one of the levels implies that Scott, or whatever creature now inhabiting his body, disappears after the house fire. His family never gets any closure of what exactly happens to him, considering that the last time he speaks to them, he's...uh, to put it midly, rather weird.
    • When Nick is giving his Opening Narration, he hesitates mentioning his family. Specifically, his dad. Of course, when you see your beloved father disappear into the horizon, or possibly drop dead, after a brief Hope Spot of safely reuniting with him in the aftermath of a horrific house fire when you're a mere 5 years old, there's no question that it would haunt someone's psyche for years.
    • Scott's death can even be seen metaphorically as the actual end of the FNaF series, considering that Scott (the real-life one) had just confirmed the cancellation of the sixth game just two weeks before the Story Mode was released, at least until Scott, being his usual trolling self, dropped a surprise for all.
  • As if Scott's death wasn't enough, it's implied that either Michael or Creation choose to take it up a notch and murder Nick as well, after he grows up and moves back into the house where his father died, many years later. What a jackass.
  • Val and everything that happens to her. One night, she allows a stranger to sleep inside her house and cheerfully teases her husband to get laid. The next day, her house burns down, her husband either dies or disappears, and one of her children experiences trauma about some terrifying giant machines invading their home, which she experiences herself. Then, possibly a decade after she tries to move on from the tragedy, said child dies under much the same circumstances as those happening to her husband.
