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Deity Profiles


    Philosopher's Stone 
Philosopher's Stone (Red Stone, Sanguine Star, Grand Elixir, The Fifth Element, Sorcerer's Stone)
  • Alignment: True Neutral
  • Portfolio: Powered by a Forsaken Child, The Philosopher's Stone, Alchemy is Magic, Immortality Inducer
  • Domains: Alchemy, Immortality, Energy, Souls
  • Sacred to: Father Homunculus, Envy, Lust, Ling Yao, Dante, King Bradley, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Pride, The Gold Toothed Doctor, Solf J. Kimblee
  • The Philosopher's Stone is an object of great power and it is created from alchemy. The stone is a red colour stone that can be wielded be alchemists or people that express interest in them.
  • Some of the most important abilities the stone has is being able to grant immortality to the bearer and also use alchemy without a transmutation circle as long as someone has the stone near them.
  • The secret ingredient in the creation of the stone is sacrificing human lives during a transmutation to form the Philosopher's Stone.
  • The Philosopher's Stone can be considered to be neutral because it has the capacity to be potentially used for good or bad depending on how the users choose to use the stone for.
  • Some interesting facts is that there are two different worlds that each have their own versions of the Philosopher's Stone but the differences is that they are created differently and some things in common with the other is that they both have the capability to turn lead into gold, give immortality and other alchemical skills.
  • The Elric Brother's initially sought out the Philosopher's Stone in order to use it to get their bodies back, but when they did some research they realized with horror that the main ingredient is human lives or souls. This made the brothers be reluctant in using the stone since it was made using immoral methods.
  • Harry Potter did not know what to expect from the stone and that he only knows about his version of the stone is red stone created by the famous alchemist Nicholas Flamel to use it to grant immortality to the bearer. Harry was also horrified about the stone in the Fullmetal Alchemist world is much different than the one in Harry's world since the stone is created using human lives through a process using a alchemy transmutation circle.
  • There was an alternate timeline where Alphonse Elric became a philosopher's Stone while in his armour form due to Scar activating a transmutation circle in Liore and any humans caught in the crossfire died. The reason why Alphonse became that way was to save Alphonse from being blown up by a much eviler version of Solf J. Kimblee. After Scar's sacrifice, Alphonse was told by Edward not to use alchemy because of what it could do to him with the stone inside Alphonse's armour and if he could disappear because of it.
  • In the Pantheon, there were other good aligned deities that protest in putting the stone in the Treasury and that they wanted the souls to be released. There may be a third option that could mean the stone does not have to be destroyed but at the same time allow it to keep its power and find some way to free the souls trapped within. Because having human souls trapped in the stone forever is something the good aligned deities do not want them to suffer. The Court of the Gods made a compromise by using magic to keep the power that the stone emits by having the energy that the human souls have to be left behind in the stone while having some of the afterlife entities help free the souls for them to go in peace. Currently, the Philosopher's Stone in the Pantheon still has its powerful alchemy abilities without the souls occupying it.
  • The Philosopher's stone's other powers is that it can enable an alchemist to jump from one body to another in order to live for a long time. One of the alchemists known to have used the stone to jump to other bodies is Dante and the second is another version of Hohenheim.
    • It turns out that the consequences of constantly switching to one body to another causes their new body to rot and in Dante's case the more her soul can't sustain her new body the more the body rots. It was because of the problem Dante resorted to using perfume to hide the stench.
    • Hohenheim of Light had long stopped changing new bodies due to meeting his worlds Trisha and they both fell in love and had two children.
  • The Philosopher's Stone is also capable of great healing. In the Homunculi's case, the stone acts as their heart and the source of their powers so their healing powers is more active. For example, when a Homunculus loses a limb they would immediately regenerate that missing limb as a result of the Stone's power.
    • It was also known that the Philosopher's Stone is capable of restoring someone's eyesight like in the situation where Roy Mustang lost his eyesight as a result of being forced by the Homunculi into performing a human transmutation despite Roy being against doing it. In comparison to other alchemist that willingly did human transmutation, Roy sort of got off easy and that the Truth knew about Roy's circumstances and that is why he only took his sight and not taken an actual body part like the eyes.
    • The Stone can heal someone's paralysis to make them walk again. An example of this, is that near the end of the series, Jean Havoc who was paralyzed from the waist down during the battle with Lust was given a chance by Roy Mustang in being able to walk again by using the Stone to heal the damaged nerves.
    • One of the deities who was paralyzed in their life was Barbara Gordon (Batgirl) the daughter of Commissioner Jim Gordon. Barbara became paralyzed from the waist down because Joker had in the past shot her and it hit part of her nervous system that lets her move her legs and in being shot she lost her mobility of them. Fortunately, Batgirl was able to find a way to walk again since she was involved in a special surgery that would enable her to move again but with some conditions to it like the chip that helped her walk should not be damaged. When Barbara was told that the Philosopher's Stone can heal paralysis, she was shocked that a magical object has the ability to do that and that she declined using it since she is still able to walk at the moment. She did not want to sacrifice any human lives to make the stone even if the humans being sacrificed were some criminals awaiting death row.
  • However other people do not have any qualms in using the stone if it already exists because the stone if its left by itself does not cause any harm to people unless an alchemist were to use the stone to utilize their alchemical abilities.
  • Two deities that show interest in the Philosopher's Stone are Saira and Kaira who were also talented in the art of alchemy. The two witches also practice a special magic ritual called Salt Alkymancy. This process involves using salt in creating artificial lifeforms similar to homunculi an artificial being. This craft is considered to be apart of the dark arts and immoral. The two siblings did not have any problems for the Philosopher's Stone and that they are willing to create it from lowly human's in order to get that powerful stone to enhance their own alchemy or powers.
  • One of the ways on how the Philosopher's Stone could be destroyed is by using a alchemy power such as flames or try to take up more of the souls in the stone. The Stone disappears in ashes once the stone has been destroyed or if the souls in the stone have been used up.
  • Despite being the most powerful alchemy product, the Philosopher's Stone has limitations that it can't go over. One of them being is that the Stone is unable to resurrect the dead. While it may have the power to heal someone that is near death it can't bring back someone that is totally gone.
  • In Amestris, there was a law in place that alchemists are not allowed to turn lead into gold the reason being it would cause problems to the economy if gold happens to be brought out of nowhere simultaneously and the consequences of doing such an action. So using the stone as a quick way to be rich by transmuting objects to gold can be seen by the public to be immoral and that it is wrong thing to do so it was forbidden to use alchemy or the stone for that method.
  • The Law of Equivalent Exchange is still in effect even with the Philosopher's Stone. There was rumours that if someone acquired the Philosopher's Stone, they do not need to pay a toll in equivalent exchange. In reality, this is only an illusion since the toll has already been paid because the philosopher's stone contain alchemical energy in it that is enough for the payment and the fact it has energy from human souls.
