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Recap / Orphan Black S 03 E 02 Transitory Sacrifices Of Crisis

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Castor pursues the Leda clones for original tissue samples. Helena, who is pregnant and imprisoned, is examined by a mysterious new villain. The Castor boys are also out to play, toying with a frightened young woman, Patty, in a sexy switcheroo that ultimately sets Sarah - and Art - hot on the Castor trail. But it's not all fun and games for the Castor boys, as Sarah gleans they may have a mysterious defect that puts their lives in peril.

This episode contains examples of:

  • Animal Motifs: The Castor clones have a two-headed horse tattooed on their forearms. In Classical Mythology Castor and Pollux are associated with horses.
  • Blackmail: Paul breaks into Cal's new house to tell him to get Sarah off the search for Helena or he'll expose what Cal's been hiding.
  • Break the Cutie: Project Castor attempts this with Helena the entire episode, from Miller waterboarding her to Dr. Coady claiming that it was Sarah who sold her out.
  • Comically Missing the Point: While being tested by Project Castor, Helena is presented with the following syllogism: "All mangoes are golden. Nothing golden is cheap. All mangoes are cheap. True or false?" Big Eater that she is, she's more interested in the mangoes themselves.
  • Cold-Blooded Torture: Miller is extremely casual about water-boarding Helena. He and his fellow soldiers did it to disorient her enough to medically test her.
  • Dark Secret: Cal has one that he doesn't want Sarah to know about.
  • Deadpan Snarker:
    Helena (to Miller): I met your brother [Mark]. He's ugly.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Rudy and Seth get along like any other pair of brothers. Rudy gives Seth a clean death and comforts him in his last moments.
    Rudy: Don't hold on. Go easy.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Helena's water-boarding is stopped when her captors find out she's pregnant.
  • Eye Take: Miller's reaction to Helena's Deadpan Snarker zinger. Up to this point, he'd been presented strictly as The Stoic.
  • I Have Your Daughter: Rudy holds Kira hostage while interrogating Sarah about Ethan Duncan.
  • Incest Subtext: Seth and Rudy are almost disturbingly close. They have no issue engaging in a threesome together.
  • Irony: Lampshaded by Coady. She never wanted kids, but ended up raising all the Castor clones as her sons.
  • Kick the Dog: Coady tells Helena that her family, particularly Sarah, sold her out because they didn't want her anymore, which is a total lie. Well, Mrs. S did actually sell Helena out, but only because she felt she had no other choice.
  • Mercy Kill: Rudy shoots Seth in the chest when his "glitching" gets really bad.
  • Oh, Crap!: After Paul gives Cal a warning, he immediately tries to call Sarah but she doesn't pick up.
  • Rape as Drama: Seth and Rudy's non-consensual threesome with a terrified Patty.
  • Shout-Out: Word of God confirms that the logic test/eyeball scan performed on the Castor clones was directly inspired by the Voight-Kamff test in Blade Runner.
  • Stepford Suburbia: In addition to all the affairs, according to Ramon the other soccer moms are secretly frequent drug users.
  • Tattoo as Character Type: All the Castor clones are marked by a two-headed horse on in the inside of the forearm. Mark burns off his tattoo as part of his commitment to Gracie and their new life together.
  • That Came Out Wrong: When Donnie wants Alison to give him a fist bump, he say "Fist me". Repeatedly.
  • Twin Threesome Fantasy: Subverted. For Patty, it's more of a nightmare than a fantasy.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: Seth dies at the end of the episode.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Art gives this to Sarah when she comes down to the station and impersonates Beth to interview Patty.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Rudy points a gun to Kira's head but thankfully doesn't shoot because he gets distracted by the fight between Cal and Seth.
