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Recap / Harley Quinn 2019 S 3 E 10 The Horse And The Sparrow

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After her terraforming plan goes awry, Ivy is enticed by an offer to take over the Legion of Doom, while Harley questions her path forward.


  • Ambiguous Situation: The Joker learned that Batman is Bruce Wayne at the end of Season 1, only to lose his memory in the same episode. Despite regaining his memories in Season 2, Joker hasn't indicated that he remembers that particular detail and him specifically targeting Bruce Wayne as a tax dodger could equally be petty revenge as it is punishing the 1%.
  • Armor-Piercing Question: When Joker points out to Ivy that Harley is compromising herself to help her plans and has changed from being a villain, Ivy insists they're equals. Harley just had a lapse in judgment and it won't happen again. But Joker puts Ivy in her place by asking her this big question: "When did you ever see Harley forget her bat?". This makes Ivy realize Joker is right.
  • Armor-Piercing Response: In the confrontation that follows, Ivy insistently prods at Harley about why she's stressing herself out and denying that she's changed from being a supervillain. When Harley finally answers, her reason is that she doesn't want to lose her relationship with Ivy, leaving her dumbstruck. This causes Ivy to calm down and reassure Harley that this was never a danger, mending their relationship and encouraging Harley to find her own path.
  • Bittersweet Ending: This season ends with Bruce Wayne getting arrested, Harley and Ivy ending up on opposing sides in the battle between good and evil, and the original Harley crew getting permanently disbanded. However, Bruce entrusts Barbara Gordon to lead the Batfamily to fight crime in Gotham City while he’s behind bars, Harley gets accepted into the Batfamily, and Ivy reassures Harley that while they may be on opposing sides, they will always love each other and remain a happy couple.
  • Comically Missing the Point: Annoyed at the deceased Billy Bob Thornton getting all the credit for his work, Clayface reverts to his default form to demonstrate that he was masquerading as Thornton the entire time. What does the crowd draw from this stunning revelation? That Billy Bob Thornton was secretly a shapeshifter!
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Lex Luthor wants Ivy to kill Joker for his evil lair tax, despite Joker pointing out it's only half a percent and it all goes towards making Gotham College free.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: The way Harley admits to Ivy that she doesn't know what she really wants to be, either a villain or hero, but at least does not want to kill Joker and is content with no longer being called a villain but isn't ready to be labeled as a hero and is uncertain if she want to help people, is intriguingly reminiscent of people struggling with deciding their own sexuality or gender identity.
  • Do Not Adjust Your Set: Lex Luthor hijacks the televisions at his store to talk to Ivy.
  • Dynamic Character: Discussed Trope. While Joker is held captive by Ivy, he demonstrates that while he's still evil to the core, his motivations and methods have "evolved" over time. Joker's point to this is that Harley has similarly evolved and that she and Ivy need to confront this truth before she does something she'll regret.
  • Female Gaze: As Harley comments on Nightwing's rear, we see a shot focusing on it.
  • Funny Background Event: While Ivy is shopping and still dressed in her plant leotard, a man gawks at her, which gets him a slap from his wife.
  • Hazy-Feel Turn: Harley doesn't feel like being a villain anymore, and isn't even up for a chance to kill the Joker, but also isn't fully prepared to call herself a hero.
  • I Gave My Word: Harley sticks to her promise to be Bruce's therapist, planning to hold appointments with him while he's in prison.
  • Karma Houdini: Bruce may have started the zombie apocalypse but Poison Ivy was the one who undoubtedly made it worse. In the aftermath of it all, Bruce ends up getting arrested (albeit on totally different charges than starting an apocalypse). On the other hand, Poison Ivy can still go shopping freely in public, gets made the offer-of-a-lifetime by Lex Luthor, attends the same movie Bruce got arrested at without being arrested, and the only remotely negative thing she has to deal with is coming to terms with how her girlfriend's villain/hero alignment is going through some changes.
  • Karmic Nod: Bruce doesn't resist being sent to jail for tax evasion, since even though few people are aware he was the cause of the prior Zombie Apocalypse, he accepts being arrested as his punishment for that and acknowledges that he shouldn't hold himself above the law just because he's the richest man in Gotham.
  • Lured into a Trap: Joker sent Bruce tickets to the movie debut so he'd attend and Joker (with Cheryl as the arresting police officer) could arrest him publicly for tax evasion.
  • The Missus and the Ex: Downplayed. Joker and Ivy aren't friends by the end of their conversation, but they still bond over dating Harley. Joker even helps her to realize Harley's relationship with her is just as toxic as it was with the Joker.
  • Mistaken for Misogynist: When a tow truck driver goes to Batgirl and said he needs a Batman to sign for his plane to be moved, Batgirl accuses him of being sexist. He points out that "Batman" is literally on the registration, making her look silly.
  • Mundane Solution: How Joker finally gets rid of Batman after all these years, albeit possibly by accident — He just calls the police and has Bruce Wayne arrested for all of the tax evasion he must have committed to creating all of his Bat-gadgets without anyone knowing. Bruce in turn doesn't fight the charges, since he's accepted that he should face the consequences for his role in the prior Zombie Apocalypse. It's unclear if Joker truly remembers Bruce being Batman or if this is just a happy coincidence while he fights against the one percent.
  • Mythology Gag: In the credits for the Thomas Wayne movie, Garfield Logan is listed as the actor playing Young Bruce while Rita Farr is listed as playing Martha Wayne, and Daniel Cassidy as Joe Chill. Along with Clayface, they're all DC characters with backstories as actors or former actors in civilian life.
  • Not So Above It All: Nightwing is willing to tolerate Harley joining the team because she compliments his ass.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: While dealing with Ivy while he's tied up, Joker easily escapes the rope and points out Harley is never sloppy when tying people up and he believes Harley is having doubts about following Ivy's plan. His biggest point is when he points out Harley forgot to bring her iconic bat with her.
  • Pet the Dog:
    • It's partly to save his own skin from Harley and Ivy and is steeped in his usual condescension, but Joker gives legitimately good advice that stops Harley from making a mistake and keeps their relationship from falling apart.
    • While it seems like Selina Kyle is using Bruce Wayne to steal his mother's pearls on display at the movie theatre like always, she (almost) admits that she's there to support him. At the end of the episode, Bruce finds the pearl necklace in his pocket.
  • Previously on…: Parodied; after making that announcement, it just repeats Ivy starting her Atomic F-Bomb / Skyward Scream, and opens on her still at it for a couple of seconds longer.
  • Pyrrhic Victory: Clayface's performance as Thomas Wayne gets him the acclaim he's always craved, except the acclaim is all going to Billy Bob Thornton, and nobody believes him when he tells everyone that Thornton is dead. Even when Clayface reveals himself as a shapeshifter, they still think he's Thornton.
  • Right-Hand Cat: Parodied. Wealthy mastermind Lex Luthor hijacks some screens to give Ivy a villainous spiel while petting and cuddling a hairless, goofy-looking chihuahua.
  • Screw the Money, I Have Rules!: When Bruce is arrested for tax evasion (though his role in the Zombie Apocalypse and identity as Batman remain a secret), he holds himself to the same laws he holds criminals to, and chooses to serve his time rather than resort to bribery, or let the Bat Family smuggle him away which Barbara suggests.
  • Secret-Keeper: Harley keeps her promise to keep Batman's true identity a secret.
  • Stealth Pun: Joe Chill, the demon that haunts Bruce's psyche, is played on film by an actor who is (sort of) literally a demon.
  • Wham Episode: Joker has Bruce Wayne arrested on tax evasion, but before he's hauled away, Bruce has Batgirl lead the Bat Family in his place. Harley finally embraces that she no longer wants to be a villain and tries to be a hero by joining the Bat Family as they patrol the city.
  • Wham Line: When Ivy presses Harley on not being a villain anymore:
    Ivy: Why won't you just admit it?
    Harley: Because I don't wanna lose you...
    Ivy: Do you really think... that you would lose me?
    Harley: If we don't want the same thing, what does that mean for us?
  • You Are in Command Now: While being hauled away to jail, Bruce tells Barbara that she needs to step up and lead the Bat Family.
