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Recap / Bobs Burgers S 13 E 11 Cheaty Cheaty Bang Bang

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After a student accuses her of cheating on a test, Tina needs to get back to school to clear her name, but a snowstorm traps her and her family at home.

Tropey Tropey Bang Bang:

  • All for Nothing: Chelsea didn't submit a note on Tina's "cheating," making all the stress Tina goes through entirely useless. On the other hand, it could have ironically led to Tina snitching on herself had she gotten to Mr. Frond's house to tell him about it.
  • Auto-Incorrect: Bob tries to text Larry his address to make sure he gets it, but ends up typing "again" in all-caps, and is worried that Larry will find it insulting. He texts "Sorry, my bad", but the phone changes "bad" to "butt".
  • Big Damn Heroes: Teddy rescues Tina from the snowstorm when she gets caught in it trying to get to Mr. Frond's house.
  • Blanket Fort: The kids make one to keep warm while the heat is being fixed. Gene and Louise are upset when Tina destroys it during her Freak Out.
  • Blatant Lies: After a note from Accountability Billy gets a student named Neil Roberts in trouble; Frond thanks Regular-Sized Rudy but then claims that it's completely unrelated; Naturally, Neil figures it out just who got him in trouble.
  • Bottle Episode: Most of the episode takes place within the Belcher residence.
  • Braving the Blizzard: A desperate Tina walks out in the snowstorm to Mr. Frond's house to explain her situation. Had it not been for Teddy, she might have gotten lost and possibly died.
  • Brick Joke: It's mentioned early on that Chelsea once dropped 23 f-bombs during a game of kickball. At the end of the episode, she sends Tina a note that contains quite a few more.
  • Creepy Doll: Chelsea thinks this about Accountability Billy. Tina regularly imagines Billy in a way that ramps up the creepy factor tenfold, namely by making Billy larger, sentient, and threatening towards her.
    Bob: (after learning about Billy) What is wrong with your school?
  • Didn't Think This Through: Frond creating a system to allow students to snitch anonymously isn't a bad idea—except he proceeds to ruin the anonymity by thanking each person who sends a note via loudspeaker (and poorly covering it up by claiming it's unrelated), defeating the entire point.
  • Disturbing Statistic: Linda tries to bring them up by mentioning how many people die in events the Belchers are going through (such as leaving the oven on as a makeshift heater or getting lost in snowstorms). However, Linda's statistics are way too exaggerated to be taken seriously (i.e. 20 million dead in a week), with Bob pointing out that if she were somehow right humanity would be extinct.
  • Ear Worm: Gene has a fish shop jingle stuck in his head, and annoys the others, particularly Louise, by singing it at every occasion. In the end, Louise starts singing it too, to her dismay.
  • Exact Words: When it turns out Chelsea never sold out Tina, Chelsea just points out that she said she might have, never that she did.
  • Hopeless with Tech: Bob struggles to text Larry the repairman, accidentally coming off as insensitive and rude. Justified since he recently upgraded his phone and hasn't fully adjusted to using it.
  • Hypocrite: Chelsea accuses Tina of cheating off of Susmita's test (even though Tina was already done with her test and she immediately looked away when she realized what she was doing). She accuses Tina of this while blatantly looking over Susmita's shoulder to cheat off her test.
  • Hypocritical Humor: Teddy tells Bob that he always has a habit of coming off rude to other people, and is later seen complaining about this habit while adjusting a client's TV. When the client asks if everything is okay, Teddy yells at him.
  • Lack of Empathy: Frond completely misses the point of his own initiative with Accountability Billy, and ensures the kids who use the doll are gonna get beat up by announcing that they've tattled on their classmates.
  • Nobody Likes a Tattletale: Frond believes the inverse—that everyone loves a tattletale. Unsurprisingly, he's proven wrong.
  • Pop-Culture Pun Episode Title: The episode title is a reference to Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
  • Shout-Out:
  • Snowed-In: Most of the episode takes place during a snowstorm. School is cancelled, which is bad news for Tina because she can't talk to Chelsea and convince her to not leave a note about her supposedly cheating. Meanwhile, Bob is dealing with a broken furnace that's making the apartment almost as cold as the outside.
  • The Stool Pigeon: Frond creates a therapy doll (named Accountability Billy) for the sole purpose of allowing students to snitch on their peers. Tina's plotline has her worry that Chelsea sold her out to Billy to hide her own cheating (she didn't).
  • Suspiciously Specific Denial:
    • While talking about her history test with her family, Tina says she definitely didn't cheat. Even Linda, who normally takes such denials at face value, has to double-take.
    • When Rudy sends a second note to Accountability Billy about Neil Roberts threatening him; (which was because Frond basically sold Rudy out for writing the first note that got Neil in trouble), Frond claims that the person who wrote the note definitely wasn't Rudy. Poor Rudy freaks out over being sold out once again.
  • That Came Out Wrong: Not wanting Linda to overhear her talking with her siblings about solving the cheating fiasco, Tina tells her to Stay in the Kitchen, then hastily clarifies she didn't mean it in a sexist way.
  • You Are Better Than You Think You Are: Linda assures Tina that she's not a bad person for looking at Susmita's test. Whether or not she would've changed her answer depending on what Susmita wrote doesn't matter, because Tina didn't change her answer and she knew while she was taking the test that doing so would be wrong. And even if Tina had changed her answer, one small lapse of judgment doesn't automatically make Tina a bad person and it's definitely not something she should risk her life over.
