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Quotes / Eaten Alive

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    Comic Books 

And I feel no pain as the vice-like jaws of the raw-necked vultures close upon my flesh and peel it from my bones. I cannot move... I cannot stop them...
I can only watch in silent horror as they feed upon me. I can watch only until one of them plucks my eyeballs from my skull...
EC Comics "Carrion Death!" (Shock SuspenStories #9)

    Fan Works 

Sienna: And what of you? You who followed Adam, who took part in his foolishness, who willingly defied me and followed a fanatic. Why are you here? Why do you not still owe your loyalty to his people?
Ilia: Adam got eaten by a dragon. I don't want to be eaten by a dragon.
Sienna: [snorts] I've heard worse reasons.
White Sheep (RWBY), chapter 77


"This shark, swallow you whole. Little shakin', little tenderizin', an' down you go."
Quint, Jaws

Samwise: Lovely, big, golden chips with a nice piece of fried fish... Even you couldn't say 'no' to that.
Gollum: Oh yes we could. Spoiling nice fish.... Give it to us... raw... and wr-r-r-riggling.

"They're eating her. And then they're going to eat me! OH MY GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!"

C-3PO: You will therefore be taken to the Dune Sea and cast into the Pit of Carkoon, the nesting place of the all-powerful Sarlacc.
Han Solo: Doesn't sound so bad.
C-3PO: In his belly, you will find a new definition of pain and suffering, as you are slowly digested over a thousand years.


Shallan: It was beautiful.
Kaladin: It would be more beautiful if it hadn't tried to eat me.
Shallan: From my perspective, it didn't try, it succeeded.
Kaladin: Nonsense. It didn't manage to swallow me. Doesn't count.

"The quality of the photography is pretty good," she remarked. "Especially when you consider the subject matter. How that man retained the presence of mind to take these pictures I'll never know, but that telephoto shot is the best one we have of a Chtorran feeding."
Feeding! It was rending the child limb from limb! Its gaping mouth was frozen in the act of slashing and tearing at his struggling body. The Chtorrans arms were long and double-jointed. Bristly black and insect-like, they held the boy in a metal grip and pushed him towards that hideous gnashing hole. The camera caught the spurt of blood from his chest frozen in midair like a crimson splash.
I barely managed to gasp, "They eat their—their prey alive?"
A Matter for Men, by David Gerrold

    Live Action TV 

"Nothing broken, there's no sign of concussion... and yes, you are covered in sick."
The Doctor (to Amy), Doctor Who

    Video Games 
Consume a Talkative Rattus Faber
"Why are you looking at me like that? I knew a man used to look at me like that. Funny sort. Kept a candle in his - "
Down in one
"Wait no mmf mggl mmmmmfff!"
The aftertaste is distinctly sewery, and you're still damnably hungry.

    Visual Novels 
I can't... move...
I tried to scream as he dug claws into my chest through my shirt.
I only managed terrified choked wheezes as he tore through the material and flesh.
I had nothing left to fight with.
I could only stare in dull horror as he pulled the deepest part of me out.

Ren ate your heart.
Boyfriend To Death 2: Fresh Blood
