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Playing With / Torn Apart by the Mob

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Basic Trope: When a lynch mob brutally murders anyone they consider to be their enemy.

  • Straight: After famed inventor and businessman Tommy Sharpe had been outed as a pedophile from the sexual assault allegations coming from Pete Perkins, the mob of New York is so incensed that anyone who even tries standing in their way would either be forced to join in or get maimed and battered beyond recognition.
  • Exaggerated: Flash Young, the absolutely gargantuan leader of the mob (and one of Pete's best friends), eventually gets his hands on Tommy, and with the help with Eddie Roque and Harry Oswalt, the trio beat Tommy down before handing him over to the mob. Whatever's left of Tommy is definitely Not Enough to Bury.
  • Downplayed: Flash, Eddie, and Harry gang up on Tommy, beating him savagely within an inch of his life, before Flash picks up a fire extinguisher and pulverizes Tommy's head to finish the job.
  • Justified: The mob doesn't even care about niceties at this point; They'd usually hang someone on a tree or a lamppost, but what Tommy did was so inconceivably heinous that they'd rather just tear him apart.
  • Inverted: ???
  • Subverted: At first, Tommy looks like he's going to be torn by the mob... But they instead get him onto a platform for a much more dignified Public Execution...
  • Double Subverted: ...Which consists of having the executioners beat and maim Tommy on full display, before tossing him into the crowd to get further torn apart.
  • Parodied: ???
  • Zig-Zagged: Some people insist on maiming Tommy, others insist on giving him at least a dignified death, and others just want him dead regardless of method.
  • Averted:
    • Tommy isn't killed.
    • Tommy is killed in a much cleaner way.
  • Enforced: Tommy is an absolute Hate Sink. This was a great way to kill him off.
  • Lampshaded:
    • Tommy begs and pleads, "Oh god, please, no! I'd rather be hanged than torn apart! No, NOOO!!!"
    • Flash snarls, "Look at'cha, ya sick FUCK. Beggin', an' pleadin' for yer life t'be spared; How fuckin' depressin'! I oughta' hand over ya t'these here mobs... ALRIGHT FELLAS, TEAR 'IM APART!!!"
  • Invoked: Flash hands Tommy over to the mob, and states "Do with Him as You Will".
  • Exploited: Tommy's death is used to inspire fear into those who anger the mob.
  • Defied: Several SWAT Teams ensure that the mob wouldn't even get close to Tommy.
  • Discussed: Flash, Harry, and Eddie are discussing on how to get rid of Tommy. They all settle on this trope.
  • Conversed: Audience members have varying reactions to Tommy's brutal death; Some are utterly disgusted at how vicious the crowd is, considering the scene Nausea Fuel, while others revel in the Catharsis Factor from seeing such a piece of shit getting his just deserts.

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