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Playing With / Torches and Pitchforks

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Basic Trope: An angry mob taking matters into their own hands.

  • Straight: After famed businessman and inventor Tommy Sharpe of Sharpe Industries had been outed as a pedophile, particularly after sexual assault allegations from the victim, Peter Perkins, New York City goes all out with Molotov Cocktails and basic equipment turned deadly weapons, being spearheaded by the local Boisterous Bruiser Flash Young (One of Pete's best friends). Da Editor John Joshua Johnson, a typically gruff and cynical man, is in full support of Flash's crusade against Sharpe, even appearing at some marches and interviewing Flash himself.
  • Exaggerated: The entire state of New York and even some neighboring states support Flash in his crusade against Sharpe. That's how hated Sharpe is. All throughout the streets of Times Square, there's nothing but torches, molotov cocktails, improvised weaponry, and fury all around.
  • Downplayed: It only takes at most the whole school of Midtown High to crusade against Sharpe. Only a few carry some torches and pitchforks.
  • Justified: Tommy straight up VIOLATED Pete behind closed doors, and once all the horrific things came to light, absolutely nobody was happy with what they saw. As a result, they grabbed the nearest weapons, and came to arms.
  • Inverted: After the celebrations of Tommy Sharpe's charities being successful (this was before the allegations came to light), people turned their weapons into everyday equipment.
  • Subverted: At first, it seems that the Angry Mob had calmed down...
  • Double Subverted: ...Before some jackass decides to light up the Powder Keg Crowd again, be it a Rabble Rouser nailing a very well known and well liked police officer in the head, or a glory seeking police officer shooting a pregnant woman dead.
  • Parodied: There are vendors for situations like this. And those situtations are plentiful.
  • Zig-Zagged: Some people try a more peaceful approach, others a more violent, and overall it may result into a bit of a civil war.
  • Averted: There's no violent congregation.
  • Enforced: Rule of Cool, Rule of Drama.
  • Invoked: Flash plans out the march throughout Times Square in order to bring Tommy to justice.
  • Exploited: Throughout all the chaos, the less savory people trash stores and steal from them. Others may "accidentally" kill those who they don't like amidst the chaos.
  • Defied: Police is extra tight on the congregations. Everywhere Tommy goes, there's no less than 500 cops surrounding him.
  • Discussed: Flash discusses with his classmates on how to bring Tommy to justice, and they all agree on this trope.
  • Conversed: "Classic mob scene, torches and pitchforks and all that."
  • Implied: 20 Minutes into the Future (Or Next Sunday A.D.), there's a chapter in some history book called "The Lynching", where it describes some nice, if not crass businessman, who has a Universally Beloved Leader kind of reputation, swiftly has said reputation come crashing down after being revealed to be a pedophile, and this also caused him to have an "Impromptu Execution" in the middle of Times Square. We do not get the full picture of what happened, though it can be inferred that it definitely did not involve only a few guys.

Grab your Torches and Pitchforks, fellas! We're going Edit Warring tonight!
