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Engineered Public Confession / Video Games

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Engineered Public Confessions in Video Games.

  • In Telltale's Back to the Future: The Game, Marty does this to Edna Strickland to expose her as the speakeasy arsonist.
  • Dishonored has this as an option to deal with the Big Bad non-lethally. Corvo can find and steal a recording of what ends up being his final target, wherein Lord Regent Hiram Burrows confesses that he intentionally brought the rat plague to Dunwall in an attempt to Kill the Poor. The reason he recorded such a confession is that Burrows had an obsession with order and control, resulting in a need to confess what he had done. The guards promptly find the confessor and arrest him.
  • Fallout: should you want to help Killian Darkwater in Junktown to gather evidences on Gizmo, you could offer your services to Gizmo as an assassin to kill Killian. While wearing a hidden tape recorder on you of course! And coming back with the evidence.
  • Appears in Full Throttle, in a variation: you're not getting the Big Bad to admit to killing Malcolm Corley, but rather showing pictures of him doing just that. For additional hilarity, these pictures are shown while the Big Bad is trying to tell people just how much he loved Malcolm.
  • Hardspace: Shipbreaker: The Industrial Action mission at the end of the game's story sees an unintended example, in that the confession in question was never actively sought; the purpose of completely wrecking the vessel of the day and utterly ruining any salvage value of it was to protest the company's policies and cow Hal into negotiating once he understood no matter how much the shipbreakers were abused all profit LYNX could make was still up to them. But when Hal's reaction is a complete meltdown where he charges everyone with extra debt and threatens them with increasingly horrific punishments, culminating in nearly having a salvager Killed Off for Real when he deletes his backup at the worst moment... well, all communications in the salvage station are recorded, and leaking the whole convo to the press and public is easy enough.
  • This is one way to kill Marco Abiatti in Hitman (2016). If 47 sabotages the stage, Abiatti will lose his temper and rant about what he really wants to do with the town of Sapienza. Turning on a microphone will ensure that Sapienza's people hear this. When he gets on stage to try to defuse the situation, 47 can fatally electrocute him.
  • Pecker managed to do this to Mizo at the end of Jak X: Combat Racing, using one of the floating cameras that came with his job as race commentator.
  • Subverted in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty's in-game novel: "In the Darkness of Shadow Moses: The Unofficial Truth". Nastasha Romanenko and Richard Ames kept Snake's Codec on at all times for them to observe the mission, as well as recording various Codec conversations, including Master Miller/Liquid Snake's conversations with Snake. However, Liquid later reveals to them that he actually knew all along that they were recording everything he and the others stated, yet allowed it to happen anyway.
  • The Infocom Interactive Fiction Adventure Game A Mind Forever Voyaging ends this way.
  • Policenauts has Gates Becker's recorded "confession" at the end of the game.
  • In Jet Li's Rise To Honor, Li's character Kit Yun had a suspicion that his Hong Kong Police Force supervising officer, Victor, was responsible for the death of his childhood friend's father, and was in league with the game's villain, Kwan. Kit's suspicions have been risen when Victor shoots Kwan after Kit has defeated the latter in hand-to-hand combat. While paying respects to the childhood friend's father's grave, his suspicions were proven correct, but Kit was smart enough to have Victor's confession recorded on an audiotape before arresting him.
  • StarCraft II: This Engineered Public Confession was brought to you by Raynor's Raiders:
    "...these shocking revelations..." "...veritable firestorm of anti-Mengsk sentiment..."
    Donny Vermillion: The Emperor held a press conference earlier today.
    "Emperor, how do you respond to these allegations of genocide?! Of using aliens to-"
    Arcturus: I assure you these slanderous attacks against the throne are baseless and irresponsible!
    Kate Lockwell: Emperor, do you still stand by the sentiment that selfless devotion to the people is the basis of your rule?
    Arcturus: But of course. I was called upon to serve the greater interests of humanity! Personal power was never my goal.
    Kate Lockwell: Then how would you characterize this statement? (click)
    Recording: "I will not be stopped. Not by you or the Confederates or the Protoss or anyone! I will rule this sector or see it burnt to ashes around me!"
    (multiple camera flashes almost blind Arcturus Mengsk)
    Arcturus: I-I won't stand for this... do you jackals think you can come in here and question me?! THIS INTERVIEW IS OVER! (pushes interview booth, walks away)
  • The end of Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom is an interactive fiction segment where you must trick the Big Bad into forgetting about the crowd in front of him and doing this.
  • The climax of XCOM 2 sees you hijack the ADVENT Speaker's New Era Speech by replacing the uplifting propaganda footage displaying on the screens behind him with footage of the atrocities ADVENT has been visiting on humans living outside their control and the horrific genocidal experiments they've been conducting on mankind as part of the Avatar Project, creating a darkly ironic contrast with his words. It takes him a while to turn around and see what's being displayed, and unsurprisingly the crowd he's addressing riots as the global uprising begins.
    Speaker: ADVENT peacekeeping forces are traveling across the world carrying the greatest gift from the elders. (Scenes of refugee camps being attacked and people slaughtered in brutal crackdown attacks.) A revolutionary gene therapy, yes. But so much more. (Footage of humans being processed into green slurry, packaged into cryopods and experimented on, pools filled with corpses and hordes of hybrid ADVENT clone soldiers being mass-produced.) This is an end to disease. To decay. To pain. The beginnings of a new tomorrow. Available to all of us. Today. Truly humanity finally takes its rightful place among the stars. (The Speaker finally notices the crowd's growing distress and turns around to look at the screens, shortly before they rush the stage.)
