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Characters / The Eltingville Club

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The Eltingville Comic Book, Science-Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Role-Playing Club

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     In General
Clockwise from the top right: Josh, Bill, Pete, and Jerry.
For teenage "friends" ostensibly united by their shared love of pop culture. When they aren't grounded, they spend their days consuming and/or arguing about media, getting into fights with each other, and committing petty crime.

Tropes Applying to the Eltingville Club in General

  • Adaptational Attractiveness: Downplayed. The cartoon pilot's simpler art style causes their skin to look considerably clearer than it does in the comics and makes them less prone to pulling unsettling facial expressions.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: Downplayed. While they're still a bunch of entitled, violent assholes in the cartoon pilot, their friendship isn't quite as tenuous and they're shown getting along with each other more consistently. Their language is also considerably cleaner.
  • Anti-Role Model: With the arguable exception of Jerry, the four of them are walking examples of how not to act as a member of a pop culture fandom.
  • Fanboy: All four of them are incredibly negative caricatures of the archetype, being obsessive and argumentative losers who actively ruin others enjoyment of various media properties while claiming to know better than them.
  • Four-Man Band:
  • Geek Physiques: Bill and Jerry are both lanky, Josh is overweight, and Pete is short. Bill and Josh also wear thick Nerd Glasses and all four have terrible skin.
  • Hot-Blooded: With the exception of Jerry, every member of the group is prone to indignant anger and shouting.
  • Nerds Are Pervs: All four are shown to have very involved pre-sleep masturbation rituals and to lust after virtually every Ms. Fanservice type character in pop culture. Josh and Pete also possess downright deranged sexual fetishes, with the latter being unable to maintain an erection of there isn't an equal amount of Gorn to porn onscreen.
  • Nerdy Bully: Four nerds willing to steal toys from small children so that they can have doubles in their collection.
  • Teens Are Monsters: They're all around 17 years old and are, at best, highly unpleasant people and, at worst, monstrous thugs who actively ruin the lives of the people around them.
  • With Friends Like These...: They're quick to turn on each other for their own gain and can never make it through a single outing without it ending in a fight.


William Alan "Bill" Dickey
Voiced By: Jason Harris (pilot)
The Eltingville Club's Secretary of Comic Books. A burgeoning megalomaniac and the group's de-facto leader.


Joshua Aaron "Josh" Levy
Voiced By: Troy Metcalf (pilot)
The Eltingville Club's Secretary of Science Fiction. An overweight know-it-all prone to getting into arguments with Bill.


Peter Michael "Pete" Dinunzio
Voiced By: Larc Spies (pilot)
The Eltingville Club's Secretary of Horror. A short-tempered VFX fanatic whose reverence for the masters of horror borders on fetishistic.


Jerome Titus "Jerry" Stokes Jr.
Voiced By: Corey Brill (pilot)
The Eltingville Club's Secretary of Fantasy and Role-Playing Games. The most mild-mannered of the group, he occasionally acts as its ineffectual voice of reason.
