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Characters / Mega64 Interactive Hell Festival

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Satan/Mark McGrath
Click here to see the Devil’s true form.
"Hey, hey, hey! What is up to the Mega64 dudes!"
Portrayed by: Mark McGrath
The tyrannical leader of Hell and lead singer of the band Sugar Ray who Mega64 need to entertain in order to reclaim ownership of their channel from Corpsey McDeadman.
  • Anti-Climactic Unmasking: You'd be shocked to learn that the freaking Devil is actually Mark McGrath of the band Sugar Ray. Rocco even lampshades this at one point.
    Rocco Botte: That’s Satan? That was the Dark Lord?
  • Ambiguously Human: It’s unknown wether or not that Mark McGrath is literally the Devil or just a form that Satan takes to relate to Mega64 better. Judging by the dialogue presented in his scene and afterwards, it’s more likely that the former theory is in play.
  • As Himself: Mark McGrath is in essence playing a fictionalised version of himself. That version of himself just so happens to be the king of Hell..
  • Big Bad Ensemble: With Corpsey McDeadman of the 2022 Hell Festival, as while he is the one forcing Mega64 to perform various comedy segments for a small chance to escape Hell and reclaim their channel from Deadman, Corpsey is the one who sets the plot into motion by taking over their channel in the first place. In addition, Satan only has 30 seconds of proper screen time, leaving Corpsey to be the more proactive Big Bad of the stream.
  • Berserk Button: Whatever you do, do not call his band Sugar Gay. He’ll tweeze your nips.
  • The Cameo: Whilst he is the more dangerous one of the Big Bad Ensemble, as well as the Greater-Scope Villain for the entire series, he is ultimately this. He only has around 30 seconds of screen time, all dedicated to making fun of the infamous “Sugar Gay” incident and carrying out the final sentence of the Mega64 crew, so it’s save to say he qualifies for this trope.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: He is this for the 2022 Hell Festival, as he is the one needed to be entertained in order for Mega64 to escape Hell and reclaim their channel from Corpsey McDeadman.
    • Is also this for the whole series, due to him being the leader of Hell and being mentioned by multiple characters before and after his debut, but only has 30 seconds of screen time. It’s also implied through dialogue in the 2021 Hell Festival that Corpsey is the famous celebrity he is today thanks to Satan’s help.
  • Laughably Evil: What do you get when you make the lead singer of Sugar Ray the Lord of Darkness? Complete and utter hilarity.
  • Minor Major Character: He is the ruler of Hell, the more dangerous of the Big Bad Ensemble with Corpsey McDeadman of the 2022 Hell Festival and the Greater-Scope Villain of the series as a whole, yet the only time he properly appears is to give the final verdict on Mega64’s fate and mock the “Sugar Gay” incident.
  • Satan: Well, duh!
  • Small Role, Big Impact: He only properly appears for around 30 seconds of screen time, but he is a major reason why the 2022 Hell Festival even happened in the first place.

    Judge of Hell 

Judge of Hell
"Nothing is anonymous in Hell."
"I am the Judge of Hell. I reside in the 9th circle atop the Supreme Court of Hell. That’s right, I’m Ruth Bater up in this bitch!"
Portrayed by: Garrett Hunter
The judge of Hell who is the main factor in deciding who goes to Heaven and who stays in Hell.
  • Ambiguously Evil: Comes with the territory of being the Hell’s supreme judge. Specifically, the things that he accuses the Gamez Alive gang of doing don’t sound like things that are worthy of damnation at first. Then he brings up how Dominic tries to discredit the entire #metoo movement, the fact that Fred had sex with something other than a human and how Daniel gets to go to Heaven for not committing any proper sins, making this a subverted trope.
  • Creepy Good: Don’t let his looks fool you. He’s actually a fairly benevolent person for someone who resides in Hell.
  • Hero Antagonist: He only antagonises Dominic and Fred for committing numerous sins, since it’s his job to judge a mortal’s actions. He even lets Dan go to Heaven because he didn’t commit any sins.
  • This Is for Emphasis, Bitch!: See the quote above.


    Jizz Ghost 

Jizz Ghost
"You have awakened the Jizz Ghost! Wah!"
"Wait, have you seen my keys?"
Portrayed by: videogamedunkey
A spirit from Hell who was awakened by Derrick’s satanic brew and now seeks to torture the Mega64 crew. That is, until he finds out that he left his keys back in Hell, so now, he sends the Mega64 gang there in order to find them.
  • Absurd Phobia: Crosses over with Hypocrite, since he is also a ghost, but he is extremely scared of… ghosts.
  • Affably Evil: He is surprisingly lenient on the specific timeframe on when to collect his keys. In fact, he outright helps them perform the Hell Festival by introducing the various segments.
  • Arch-Enemy: Implied to be this to the Mega64 crew, since he tries to condemn them to eternal torment or damnation within literal seconds of being awakened.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: At the end of the livestream, he gets his keys from Hell, allowing him to go to Pensacola, Florida, all the while leaving the members of Mega64 to rot in Hell.
  • Big Bad: The primary source of conflict in the 2020 Hell Festival, since he’s the one who sent Mega64 down to Hell in the first place, leading to the events of the livestream.
  • Enemy Mine: Despite his status as the Big Bad, he briefly teams up with Mega64 to get rid of the ghost that haunts their apartment by hiring a group of exorcists known as the Game Crypt.
  • Forced into Evil: Mostly averted, but is still on the giving end of this. He forces the Mega64 members to retrieve his keys from Hell but he never forces them to perform horrific acts for his leisure.
  • Hypocrite: He is utterly terrified of ghosts, but he himself is a ghost. He even refers to himself as the Jizz Ghost during his introduction.
  • Karma Houdini: By the end of the livestream, he manages to get away with all of his actions, including sending Mega64 to Hell.
  • Non-Action Big Bad: Powerful as he may be, he is not one to take direct action during conflict.

    Corpsey McDeadman
"Very happy to be here in the Monster’s Lounge, mainly because, I have literally nowhere else to go, we’re in Hell!"
"Corpsey McDeadman, hail Satan!"
Portrayed by: Dallas McLaughlin
A famous TV show presenter in Hell who is the host of the Monster’s Lounge and later the Mega666 channel after manipulating Derrick Acosta into signing away the Mega64 channel via a magical contract.
  • Ascended Extra: He appeared as the host of the Monster’s Lounge segment in the 2021 Hell Festival, but later became the Big Bad of the 2022 Hell Festival.
