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Awesome / Final Fantasy

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  • One of the RPG world's first Evil Plans (albeit a very simple one): when Garland reveals, at the end of the game, that he created a time loop by sending the Fiends 2000 years forward so they would send his body back 2000 years to allow him to transform into Chaos, and live forever.
    • Oh, he doesn't care that much about living forever, he wants to kill the Light Warriors forever. After they killed him as Garland, he hates them so much that killing them once just wouldn't be enough. He wants to spend eternity killing them over, and over, and over, and over, and over again. Then, of course, there is the severing of said time loop by the Light Warriors, which also redeems Garland by undoing his original Faceā€“Heel Turn.
  • The remakes make the initial venture into Cornelia more cinematic as you'll be forced to speak to a soldier who notices the crystals your party is carrying and insists you meet with the king. The king asks you to save Princess Sarah while the chancellor is skeptical of your party being the Warriors of Light. One quick dungeon venture and boss ass-whupping later, the bridge is rebuilt to continue your journey and everyone is excited by your presence. You started the game as a bunch of nobody kids, but you managed to kick the tail of the kingdom's greatest swordsman and prove you've got what it takes to save the world.
  • The iconic bridge-crossing scene, which signals the real beginning of the game. It's right then and there that it sinks in that the Warriors of Light, having saved a princess, are now out to save the world.
    • And, also the idea that in other franchises, "save the princess" is the Goal of the game. Here, it's simply Easing into the Adventure.
  • Bahamut's Class Change. It comes roughly halfway through the game and after a somewhat rough dungeon for a less than impressive item (Seriously? A RAT'S tail!?), presenting it to Bahamut convinces him that you're worthy of honor for your courage and he bestows upon you titles to reflect it, enabling your party to use the best gear, the best spells, and, in the Knight and Ninja's case, use up to mid-level spells unavailable to them previously.
  • In the NES and MSX versions, when you teleport from the Mirage Tower to the Floating Castle, you find that the Castle is, in fact, a space station.
  • Also in the original releases, Chaos has only 2,000 HP, which isn't too tough to deal with so long as he doesn't take your party out with his powerful spells first. Unless you had the foresight to take the Monk from the start of the game (or multiple) and go through their Early Game Hell to manage to reach their Magikarp Power as a Master. In these versions, an unarmed Master can hit as hard as a Knight using Temper on the best weapons of the game, if not harder — and can outright One-Hit Kill Chaos.
  • The awesome Masamune, which is the Infinity+1 Sword of the original game, is usable by anyone. White Wizard wielding a powerful katana, anyone?
  • In Dawn of Souls and Anniversary, you'll have four new dungeons to explore in addition to the main game. Each one pits you against their own set of challenges while having you face off against some of the most iconic bosses from FF3, FF4, FF5, and FF6. Beating these dungeons is pure badassery.
    • While each one has its own treasures for you to acquire, most of which are unique to these dungeons, the ultimate reward for defeating Deathgaze on the lowest level of Whisperwind Cove, the fourth unlockable bonus dungeon? The almighty Ultima Weapon, which can be used by anyone and whose attack power is equal to 10% of your current HP. If you didn't feel like a badass before, you will now.
