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Alternative Character Interpretation / League of Legends

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League of Legends

Alternative Character Interpretation in this series.
  • Morgana's story, before her 2019 rework, claimed that she was cast out and branded a fallen angel because she opposed the tyranny of the angelic order, although it grants that she is not by any means innocent because of her use of dark magic.
  • Some argue that Demacia is even more of an evil empire than Noxus. With the recent lore Retcons to Demacia, it has become an Anti-Magical Faction that could be considered Lawful Stupid. Demacia now persecutes magic-users, which forces Lux (who was originally recruited as a Child Soldier by the Demacian military due to her magic potential in her original lore) to act in secret, or else she would be killed by her own country.
  • The League itself. It's supposedly a United Nations-esque organization with the sole purpose of stopping war on Runeterra - a purpose for which they shelter known criminals, bind Eldritch Abominations, employ Omnicidal Maniacs, interfere with off-world civil wars, kidnap benevolent extra-planar guardian entities, lure newly sentient creatures with promises of knowledge, recruit the experienced soldiers in the world (and small children) and then make them compete in the most brutal Blood Sport in the world. On top of that, despite supposedly being the final arbiters of justice on Runeterra, they are willing to forgive their own members for atrocities that should be considered gross personal incompetence worthy of dishonorable discharge at best, and horrific war crimes at worst.
  • There are some who thinks that Sona isn't as innocent as she is, but in fact a sociopathic murderer without conscience that uses her music to Mind Rape people to think that she's an awesome musician, citing that the reason was because once she discovered the extra use of her Etwahl: Cutting up things with its melody, she used the League of Legends as her practicing ground, leading people to think that she enjoys seeing people being cut down with her music. It didn't help that she's also a member of Pentakill, and some think that only those out of their mind would even think of teaming up with death-dealing abominations of Shadow Isles like Mordekaiser (even more: She and Mordekaiser are the founding members!) and Karthus. Some skinlines lean into this; in Pentakill Sona is the most abrasive and foul-mouthed member of the band, while in Star Guardian she very readily abuses her animal familiar for daring to speak for her, to the point where Chizuru is terrified of Sona.
  • The Solari, when introduced, seemed to be be a benevolent group that dedicated themselves to protecting the weak, much like their chosen, Leona. But once Diana came into the picture, there's an alternative interpretation that the Solari are all genocidal fascists that wiped out and erased the existence of one tribe just for their dominance about 'sun worship'. Aphelios's lore runs with the view that the Solari initiated the Solari/Lunari conflict to begin with and that the Lunari desire peace with them.
  • The Lunari themselves in correlation of the above. What we got so far in canon was that "It used to exist, but now gone.". Their characterization was the subject here: Are they really down to earth and innocent just like Diana claimed, so the Solari are assholes for wiping them out for their uber reservation and worship dominance (making them a tribe of Woobies)? Or are they really that dangerous and holding a world-threatening terrible secret or power that the Solari had to wipe them out for the good of mankind (or said power bit them in the ass and the Solari had to clean up the mess)? Aphelios's lore runs with the view that the Solari initiated the Solari/Lunari conflict and the Lunari desire peace with them.
  • Syndra. Some of the lore community argues on whether or not she is just a generic two-dimensional evil sorceress or whether she is a complex Jerkass Woobie whom the Elders of her village overreacted to and were too quick to shun (Although it doesn't excuse her committing murder). Other arguments include whether or not the Elder training her shouldn't have dampened her magical potential without her consent or whether his method of restraining her magical potential was the right way to handle the situation.
  • Spirited arguments have been had on the forums over Jayce and Viktor's rivalry. Is it really the clear-cut Jayce as the good guy with Viktor as a supervillain that it's played up by Riot to be, or is Jayce a Jerkass Glory Seeker with Viktor as his Designated Villain? Not helping is the fact Viktor has an extremely sympathetic backstory, two True Companions in the form of Urgot (before his rework, that is) and Blitzcrank, a very noble goal to better humanity, and a Machine Cult willing to accept anyone regardless of race, gender, or status while Jayce can come across as an incredibly arrogant Attention Whore who ignores bigger threats (like Jinx) to focus on Viktor. While the more pro-Jayce camp believes that Jayce believed that Viktor trying to push his own beliefs of machine superiority to others is unacceptable and an insult to 'humanity' and trying to stave him off before Viktor spreads to Piltover and piles up the already big problem Jinx provided, or possibly being an even worse threat (as Viktor is very organized).
    • Take a Third Option on the above: Both Jayce and Viktor have no clear moral high ground, as Jayce is unaware that Viktor ended up like that because of being something of a 'fall guy/scapegoat' by Stanwick Pididly, who stole Viktor's works and took all the credits for himself. Basically, the view is that Jayce is still justified in trying to protect the future from Viktor's possible advances, and Viktor remains sympathetic, and the real villain is Stanwick, in which both Jayce and Viktor are both victims.
  • Seraphine's release and her voice lines are so saccharine that people have interpreted them as being sarcastic and secretly cruel, a far stretch from how her original Twitter account and comic portrayed her as. Her base skin's special interaction with Skarner especially has been interpreted as particularly mean-spirited, and many of her K/DA All Out lines, particularly the Superstar Seraphine lines which are based around her reaching in-universe stardom, are very disrespectful to the original members, lending to the interpretation that Seraphine is a sociopath hiding behind false kindness in order to use others for her own gain. The headcanon that she is aware of how wrong her actions are, but doesn't care enough to stop doing them (mainly tied to her using Skarners deceased ancestors for her music) has become accepted in the fan-base. For those that initially didn't care for her lore, they claim this insight, while likely unintentional from the writers side, makes her far more interesting than they originally thought. Word of God claims that this interpretation of her character was not intentional and adjusted her lore slightly so that she is unaware of what her actions do.
  • One of Kindred's voice lines to their opponents is to have Lamb say "Go peacefully", and Wolf to then say "No! Thrash, flee!". Is Wolf saying this merely because he wants a good hunt, or does he believe that his quarry should fight for their life even as their doom is upon them, living their life to their fullest?
