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Trivia / Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

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  • Made its debut in the Super Robot Wars series in The Second Super Robot Wars Z: Hakai-hen, and remained a mainstay for the rest of the Z series, each installment incorporating elements from both the TV series and the movies. Of note, it was arguably the most important series in The Third Super Robot Wars Z: Jigoku-hen where its final arc takes center stage. It also appears in Super Robot Wars OE (although it's only Simon, Kamina, Yoko and Viral from a very early point in the story), Super Robot Wars X-Ω, and most recently its post-timeskip arc/second movie was covered in Super Robot Wars X. The series is also notable for being included because when it's involved, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is usually the most powerful unit in the game.
