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Sandbox / Gorn Wick Check

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Wick check for Gorn

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    Gushing/Overly Detailed Gore (9/68), 13%: 

    Potholes Connected to Excessive/Gushing About Gore (7/68, 10%): 

    Nothing Untoward Here (7/68, 10%): 
  • Manga.Kuro No Maou: Gorn: The series doesn't shy away from people being torn apart and blown up. But so far in the manga, the point where it starts to genuinely get nasty is when Irz is wiped out as you see the crucified corpses of the townsfolk from Kurono's perspective.
  • Tropes G to L Gorn: Human-Titan battles get messy fast. Notably and unlike most examples of this trope, when this happens to the humans it tends to be poignant or tragic rather than entertainment factor. When it happens to the Titans, the trope is played more straight.
  • Creator.James Gunn: * Gorn: Slither and Super have this in spades, with the former going into Body Horror and the latter veering into Bloody Hilarious.
  • Possessor: * Gorn: There isn’t a single death in the movie that doesn’t result in horrific blood loss.
  • Film.My Super Psycho Sweet 16: * Gorn: Despite being rated PG-13, the series gets away with a surprising amount of grue. (side note: is it that dark? —midna)
  • Film.The Man With The Iron Fists: * Gorn: Oh so much cheesy fake blood, in homage to the special effects of the chop sockiest of kung fu movies.
  • Film.I Saw The Devil: * Gorn: The film opens with a brutal bludgeoning and dismemberment and doesn't really ease up on the gore from there.

    Zero-Context Examples (12/68, 18%): 

    Fairly Benign Potholes (26/68, 38%): 

    Multiple/Unclear/Other (4/68, 6%): 

    Indices/Description Links/Sandboxes (3/68, 4%): 
