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Funny / Unus Annus

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Unus Annus was basically Mark and Ethan living up to the phrase "In for a good time, not a long time.", and then making some of the most ridiculous videos YouTube's ever seen. With that in mind, why don't you take a trip down memory lane?

  • "Cooking With Sex Toys":
    • At first, Unus Annus seemed to be a serious channel about death, with monochromatic colors and serious Latin phrases pertaining to death...All this got thrown out the window with the reveal of the first episode's name: "Cooking With Sex Toys".
    • Right at the climax of the video. Ethan was feeding Mark the breakfast, wearing dog ears, while Mark was struggling to eat around a ball gag. Then Mark made eye contact with someone outside walking up to his door. This left Mark scrambling to get the gag off and answer the door and Ethan crying with laughter.
  • In "The Worst Kind of Cupping", Ethan and Mark watch the infamous shock video "2 Girls 1 Cup". While Ethan has watched the video, Mark hasn't. Mark ends up screaming while the video was playing and slowly backs away from the screen, while Ethan continues watching in horror. As one commenter on the original video put it:
    "I just witnessed a grown man lose his last piece of innocence."
  • The entirety of "Helium Therapy". Their helium voices just made everything they said even funnier.
    • Mark and Ethan started off telling the other how they'd kill them. Ethan described a scenario where he kills Mark by crushing him with pigs ("One man can only take so many pigs atop his soft body...") — Mark described a sadistic, elaborate peanut butter induced murder. Then Ethan asked Mark what Mark would do if Ethan killed Chica (Mark's dog), leading to this priceless monologue.
      Mark: Have you ever seen The Godfather? You know how he opened his bedsheets and saw a horse's head? Well, first Spencer [Ethan's dog] would be under those sheets. And then, as you leapt out of bed in shock, I'd put spikes all over the ground. Each of the spikes would be tipped with a bullet ant, so that every step was more painful than the last. And then waiting for you at the foot of the doorway as you slowly make your way out of the room, me, standing over you, with an axe made of the bones of Spencer's spine. IT'S A SMALL AXE! But it can take pieces out of you bit! by bit! by bit! Starting with your legs and ending with your arms! (they both crack up)
    • Afterwards, they decided to do some actual therapy, and recounted first crushes and their first sexual experiences, substituting each girl's name with "Abigail". Mark told a sad story about the shame, pain and inadequacy he felt during his first time (which is nonetheless very funny due to his high-pitched voice and dramatic description) — Ethan followed up with a bawdy story about how a tryst in a tent was interrupted by his partner's 13-year-old brother.
      Ethan: He didn't see us, but we were there. He said, "Dinner's ready", and under the protection of the sleeping bag we replied (squeaky) "okay!" He exited... and I exited. (Mark bursts into laughter)
      • What made Ethan's story even funnier was that instead of introducing the girl as "Abigail" like they've been doing, he pauses and instead calls her "Sarah". Mark incredulously asks if her real name was actually Abigail, to which he says yes, and they both burst out laughing.
  • "2 Truths and 1 Lie — Waxing Edition":
    • Ethan badly mangled his introduction, resulting in the following exchange:
      Ethan: How confident are you in your ability to tell me whether I'm telling you two truths and one lie?
      Mark: I... what?
    • The legendary moment when Ethan spun the wheel for Mark and discovered that he (Mark) had to get his pubes waxed.
      Ethan: (laughing, to Amy, who's filming) Give that a zoom.
      Mark: What is it?
      Ethan: (still laughing)
      Mark: What is it!?
      Ethan: Hey, Mark...
      Mark: WHAT IS IT!?
      Ethan: You went to Korea recently...?
      Mark: Wha— OH NO! OH NO! NO!
      Ethan: Would you like to explain to the audience the current state of your body?
      Mark: NO!Explanation
    • Later, Mark spun for Ethan... and also landed on pubes. After a very long silence, he quietly said, "What's your thoughts on Korea?" Cue hysterical laughter.
  • In the Escape Room video, Ethan was trying to explain to Quinn that Mark was taking care of reading the computer information while offhandedly calling him an idiot. The following exchange was just gold:
    Quinn: My life is in the hands of an idiot!
    Ethan: No-no-no-no-no, two idiots!
  • "Edible Slime was a Mistake." Mark and Ethan got some good zingers in while desperately putting off having to eat the slime.
    • The bungled intro, which Mark just rolled with.
      Mark: The world of slime was forever changed when some boy named (gibberish) and some mom named (more gibberish) decided to mix glue, borax, water, and then... a bowl. (big smile)
      Ethan: (starts laughing) What is this intro?
      Mark: It's the best intro you ever seen!
      A caption appears: "This video only goes downhill from here."
    • Mark recalled Amy's taste-test of the slime:
      "The words that I heard when she was eating it was 'Oh my god, that's chemicals! That tastes just like chemicals! Why would anyone eat this? That's literally just chemicals!'"
    • When Mark tried to apologize for "correcting" Ethan on something:
      Mark: I don't always know the right way, man. Sometimes you're correct and me trying to correct you is wrong, and I am trying to be better about that.
      Ethan: Well, thank you. I appreciate it.
      Mark: Also, you're a cunt.
    • Mark, while testing the consistency of his (pink) slime, started violently jabbing it with his fingers in a suggestive manner, much to the horror of Amy and Ethan.
      Mark: Yeah, you've been a bad girl! Yeah, fuck, you close? You close?
      Amy: STOP!
      Mark: (innocently) Hmm?
      Amy: Cut it out!
      Ethan: (laughing) Don't do that! It's too much!
      (Mark resumes jabbing, Ethan slaps his hand away from the bowl)
      Ethan: It's TOO MUCH, Mark, it's too much!
      • Ethan started jabbing his own slime in a similar manner later on, albeit silently.
  • In "The Great Meat Mistake", Ethan forgot the word "skillet", and called it anything that vaguely sounded like it ("skittle," "skillup," "griddle," etc.). This went on for over a minute.
  • In "2 Grown Men Attempt the Presidential Fitness Test", Mark gets increasingly frustrated as he goes due to a combination of the heated workout routine and Ethan's antics. This culminates in Ethan briefly forgetting to stop the timer when Mark finishes a set on the exercise bike, leading Mark to Punch a Wall out of anger. The video immediately cuts to Mark calmly apologizing to Ethan for getting so tense, giving the moment a peaceful resolution... up until he gives Ethan a handshake, revealing his broken finger he'd been keeping out of frame.
    • Earlier during the apology, the camera briefly pans over to showcase the hole his fist left, which had previously been hidden behind Mark.
  • This gem from the Bigfoot video.
    Mark: I want you to forget everything you know.
    [A couple seconds of silence while Ethan blinks a couple times]
    Mark: Did you do it?
    Ethan: W-who are you again?
    Mark: Good.
  • In the video "What Was The Most Painful Thing We've Ever Endured?", when Ethan mentioned going into shock from his peanut allergy, Mark suddenly remembered the time he had a heart attack... nearly eighteen minutes into the video.
  • "You Blink You Lose" was Exactly What It Says on the Tin... except it was so much more. A simple staring contest turns into one part therapy session, one part transcendental experience as both Ethan and Mark needled each other psychologically, complete with Mark's struggles to keep his eyes open resulting in actual hallucinations, if he's to be believed.
  • "DIY Bungee Jumping" gave us this bit, in response to Mark questioning Ethan's contempt towards the video's main focus:
    Ethan: I don't know, I feel like we've had a couple bad ideas.
    Mark: When have we ever had a bad idea?
    (rapid Smash Cut to various agonizing moments from the rest of the channel up to the video's upload date)
    Ethan: You're right, we've never had a bad idea.
    Mark: No, of course not.
    • Pretty much the entire video counts, especially the Disclaimer Song and the ending, where Mark's jump was apparently so fast and so hard that his entire intestinal tract burst out of his asshole, including the nails he ate for breakfast (with no milk, of course) which had collided with the gas pipe he had dug up, resulting in a nuclear explosion, killing everyone in a 5-mile radius.
  • Any time Momiplier shows up, expect her to steal the show with a combination of her bluntness and strange, unexpected interjections. Her appearances in "Mark Gives Ethan a HOT (stone) Massage" and "We Tried a Labor Pain Simulator" are especially noteworthy for how hard she cracked Mark and Ethan up.
  • In "Ethan Redefines Male Beauty", Mark and Ethan started randomly singing a Song Parody of "Gaston", turning him into a total badass.
  • In "An A.I. Predicts How We're Going to Die", Mark and Ethan typed in a few sentences about their "deaths" so that a writing A.I. can fill the rest in. Mark's death generated a typical (albeit somewhat-nonsensical) murder mystery. Ethan's death somehow generated poorly written gay porn. The latter ended up happening to everything else they type in.
  • In "Goat Yoga" the instructor warned that the goats may "deposit blessings" during the session. And sure enough, while the instructor was responding to Mark's question about the inevitability of death no less, Mark got showered in a blessing.
    Mark: I learned that the universe works in mysterious ways and comedic timing is the only constant in life.
  • In "Granting Access Into Heaven's Sweet Gates" Mark and Ethan's attempt at taking the quiz was briefly derailed when they become fascinated by a Dyson V11 ad.
  • "2 Complete Amateurs Enter a Body Building Competition" seemed designed solely to allow Mark to show off his new buffness. As a consequence, he was the only one of them taking it seriously. Mark strikes standard prescribed bodybuilding poses, while Ethan seemed to have gotten "Amateur Bodybuilding Competition" and "Amateur Porno" mixed up.
    Ethan: (draping himself seductively over a chair) So, I hear you're failing English...
  • "We Made Every YouTuber Battle in The Hunger Games" was surprisingly funny, given that it was largely just Mark and Ethan improvising a narrative to match the very laconic events described on screen.
    • Unus, Ethan's Ax-Crazy alter-ego, set the tone by blowing up four people (iJustine, Julien, James Charles, and iDubzzz) mere seconds after the horn sounded. It's Mark's reaction that really sold the moment.
      Mark: "Unus sets—" OH MY FUCKING GOD!
      Ethan: YEAH!
    • When Zoella (5'4") killed DrDisrespect (6'8") via Neck Snap, Mark and Ethan cracked up imagining how high she would have had to jump in order to do so.
    • Based on Unus' impressive kill-count thus far, you'd have expected Ethan himself (who found a sword earlier) to perform similarly well. Nope.
      Mark: "Ethan dies of dysentery"!?
      Ethan: Nooooooooo!
      Mark: Day one? How'd you get dysentery that fa... how much did you shit?!
    • When Anthony and Mark told stories about themselves to each other, Ethan joked that it's because they can't think of anything else to talk about.
    • Jenny Nicholson was every bit as psychotic as Unus. In addition to starting a forest fire on the first night to intimidate the competition (sleeping soundly through the next day as a result), she went on to force Lily Singh to kill either Jenna or Dr. Lupo. Ethan pointed out that there's no real reason for her to do so, as killing all three of them herself would have been better for her own survival odds.
      Mark: Dude, Jenny is an arsonist psychopath in this one!
      • When Jenny received a hatchet from a sponsor, Mark speculated that the sponsor thought she might be related to Jack Nicholson and wanted to re-enact The Shining. She ended up killing Annus, Mark's own alter-ego, with it.
    • When the cornucopia was replenished with food, supplies, and weapons ("The Feast"), nobody was willing to risk actually going back there... except for Jeffree Star, who decided to steal Anthony's memoirs for some reason.
      Ethan: Okay, so there's no one there except for Jeffree Star, and instead of getting the food or the supplies or the weapons, he steals things with sentimental value for Anthony! Oh, I love it!
    • When Unus went spear-fishing, Ethan remarked that it's "like shooting fish in a barrel" for him. Mark took notice of this.
      Mark: Wait wait wait... stop. It's like shooting fish in a barrel when he's trying to fish with a trident?
      (both of them crack up)
      Ethan: It's easy for him!
      Mark: "Fishing with a trident? It's like fishing in a barrel!"
      Ethan: It's like shooting fish in a barrel, man! For Unus, it is!
    • Jake Paul, undergoing Sanity Slippage, begged Anthony to put him out of his misery. Anthony declined.
      Ethan: What's a fate worse than death? Continuing to live!
    • When Annus got killed, Mark noted that the brains of the Unus-Annus duo were gone. Ethan reasoned that this meant he, Unus, was the brawn.
      Mark: ... Did you just flex into the camera?
      Ethan: No, I couldn't. I'm restrained.note 
    • Ethan and Mark decided that Jenny caught Annus because she heard him chanting in the woods:
      Mark: Annus tried to run away, chanting into the woods, but his chanting gave him away.
      Ethan: Just 'Annus! Annus! Annus!'"
      Mark: (laughs) Searching for Unus, but Unus never responds. It's like Marco Polo. 'Annus! Annus!' and then dead.
    • Unus' death. Rather than go down in a blaze of glory, or surviving all the way to the end of the game, he ended up dying in a "failed double suicide" with Lily Singh. Mark and Ethan are... disappointed.
      Ethan: That's such a bad way for Unus to go!
      Mark: Were they in love? Like, what's the deal?
      Ethan: I don't know!
    • Jake Paul, having completely lost his marbles by this point, sat down in a field and started picking flowers "like a third-grader at a baseball game." When Mark approached him and attempted a Suicide by Cop, Jake is so far gone that he didn't notice. Later, Jake ended up Bored with Insanity and used the flowers to camouflage himself as a bush.
    • By day seven, only Jake, Mark, and Jeffree Star were still alive, and somehow "sleeping in shifts" despite being enemies. Mark imagined that they're all circling the same big rock at equidistant points and thus have no idea how close the others were. He then amended this so that Jake was the rock and the other two had him trapped without knowing it.
      Ethan: "Jeffree Star and Mark hunt for other tributes." (both start laughing) They're really looking around, but they cannot find anything! Just this rock that smells really bad! And then cut to the rock's POV: it's, uh, darkness, eternal darkness.
      • After Jake starved to death in the middle of the night (Mark: "How do you die in eight days from hunger?"), the rock decayed enough that Mark saw Jeffree on the other side and brutally strangled him to death, winning the game.
        Ethan: This wasn't even rigged! How do you win at everything!?
  • The entirety of the "We Played Strip Poker" arguably counts:
    • The beginning has Mark (and Amy) squeeing over his card deck with Fiona the hippo on them, while Ethan gets exasperated with him.
    • Ethan immediately starts the game by blatantly cheating in the first round with a Royal Flush. When Mark calls him out on it, Ethan says he'd never cheat before pulling another Royal Flush out of his sleeve.
    • Despite barely knowing how to play poker, Ethan completely crushes Mark, with Mark getting more and more unhinged as he strips off his clothes.
    • The game ends with Mark having to jump into his pool completely naked (and accidentally creating the "Caveman Mark" meme) while Ethan addresses the audience alone, hoping that Mark doesn't accidentally drown in his pool.
  • As noted in the Nightmare Fuel entry in the YMMV page, the Melon Man personality Ethan took up after failing to crush the melon in "Crushing Watermelons Betwixt our Mighty Thighs" can be pretty scary, but, like many things on the channel, if you didn't take it seriously it could become hilarious, especially with the weird Gollum voice the audio distortion gave Ethan.
  • In "We Found Websites That the World Forgot About", Mark and Ethan find the website, a bizarre Christian website that blares hymns automatically and consists entirely of long-winded rants about how everyone has demons that must be cast out in the name of the Lord. After reading through a QNA that's equally unsubtle (and notably condemns sins such as masturbation), Ethan says he has to leave to go jack off.
  • At the very start of "Don't Go in the Ocean... Ever.", Mark asks Ethan what pops in his head when he thinks of the word 'mystery'. The resulting response is damn near incomprehensible.
    Ethan: I think of the mystery of when I was born because you know when you're born and you don't see anything and then you're born and then, like, what's the first memory, why can't I 'member anything from inside the womb, but you're brain's devel- like, you have a whole body at that point, so why can't you 'member what happened inside the womb, was it just too dark, you can't 'member 'cause it's so dark?
    Mark: W- Well okay, uhhh, well I mean, I have... he, uh... Alright, let, hang on, I gotta un-stupid my brain for a little bit, because what- like, you sidetracked me so hard that I, I honestly have no idea how to get, how to bring that back around to what I was goonna say.
  • In "Ethan Roasts Mark for 15 Minutes Straight," Ethan struggled to insult Mark, while Mark struggled equally hard to complement Ethan. The only insult that really seemed to affect Mark is, "Sometimes I don't think you smell very good!" Mark was speechless for a few moments after this, looking genuinely hurt.
  • In "2 Men 200 Accents," Mark and Ethan called Jack to show off their Irish accents. Ethan dissolved into laughter and couldn't hold the accent while Mark got stuck on Scottish. The segment ended with Ethan "insulting" Jack; the latter promptly responded in a stronger accent than usual.
  • One of the anxiety-inducing videos they watched in "Mark and Ethan Desperately Attempt to Feel Something" was what appeared to be a corgi getting thrown out of a plane, prompting horrified screams from Mark and Ethan. They both collapsed in laughter when it turned out the dog was actually getting thrown into a snowbank.
    Mark: That was the realest "NO!" I've ever heard!
    Ethan: You think YouTubers fake their reactions! That was the most genuine reaction I've ever had!
  • In "The Ultimate Paper Airplane Showdown", before Mark and Ethan get started on their planes, Amy notices Chica "harrumphing", getting Mark to compliment her usage of the word. He then asks Ethan to spell "harrumph", which he does...poorly.
    Mark: How do you spell "harrumph"?
    Ethan: T...A...K.
    Mark: Nope, alright, timer goes- (cracks up) Tak!?
  • "Creating Mark FISHbach" was packed to the gills with hilarity, as Mark and Ethan donned mermaid tails and attempted to swim. Ethan demonstrated surprising grace, while Mark almost drowned several times. It culminated when they each stood at the deep end of the pool, recited a narrative, and dove in. After Ethan's graceful dive, Mark attempted the same, lost his balance, and belly-flopped into the pool with a resigned, "Aw, fuck."
    • There's also the "Mermer", AKA Mark wearing two mermaid tails on his head and legs, which is described aptly:
      Ethan: It's just nipples!
  • "DIY Bed of Nails" brought a repeat of Ethan's ineptitude at using a hammer that we first saw in "Ethan Finally Becomes a MAN"
  • "Puberty Simulator": Mark attached a balloon to the end of a rubber hose and tried to stick it down Ethan's pants before the latter willingly submitted. They then reenacted a scene where Ethan had a Raging Stiffie while at the front of the classroom.
  • Nutball. While many games like it have been invented, Mark has one version in particular that he's played. He and Ethan sat across from each other, spread their legs, and took turns spinning a half-full Gatorade bottle toward each other’s crotch. Ethan kept panic-blocking the bottle (either with his hands or by moving his leg) so much that a counter appeared on-screen. They both hit each other a couple of times, but the culminating moment was when Ethan got a perfect spin and hit Mark straight on.
    • At one point, they attempted it with a watermelon. This version of Nutball was quickly discontinued when even the ricochet hurt Mark.
    • After several months, they returned to Nutball with Beyblade spinners. Most of the video was spent actually putting the things together and attempting to spin them. The toys kept falling apart, to the point that Mark asked, "Do we need to look up a tutorial?" At the very end of the video, one of the metal parts hit Ethan in the crotch.
  • Ethan's take on the Bloonies' theme song in "This Is The Most Dangerous Children's Toy Ever Made":
    Bloonies, Bloonies
    They go in the sky!
    Bloonies, Bloonies
    They stain you guys!
    Oh! It's Bloonies...
    The very best of
    Bloonies Bloonies Bloonies!
    They'll cum on your chest!
    • Also note the backing music to this 'theme song', which devolves into discordant piano slamming on the last line.
  • "Mark Teaches Ethan to Wrestle" played out a lot like a hyperactive toddler trying to knock down his long-suffering big brother. Partway through the video, Mark made use of a dog toy to demonstrate some holds, only to have puppy Bodhi dart in to snatch it away.
  • At some point during the filming for October's videos, Mark shattered his nose after a chair somehow plummeted down from the ceiling on him, and later did it again when he hit it against an aerial hoop. That's not funny. What is funny is that he later posted a video to his main channel, treating the incident as a complete joke, even going so far as to edit his face onto a picture of the last time he recorded himself in the hospital.
  • "Mark Conquers His Fear of Night Swimming" featured the return of Surprisingly Creepy Moment Ethan, as Mark tried to overcome his anxiety of swimming in total darkness. Ethan declared himself "The Gongoozler!" and swam around Mark, whispering in his ear and grabbing his feet underwater, genuinely freaking Mark out multiple times.
  • Near the end of the "Annual Unus Annus Costume Contest," Mark and Ethan's prompt for their costume was "Cute." While Mark chose Emperor Kuzco, Ethan chose a skeleton... with an inflatable dick bone. Mark turned around like a true showman, then paused for a few seconds before looking down at the dick bone in silent horror.
    • Another good moment from the costume contest is when Ethan tries to justify why his rabid, blood-covered bear costume is "funny" compared to Mark's black-and-white clown costume. What really sells it is the delivery of the lines.
    Ethan: At first glance, you might think "oh he's Freddy Fazbear of Freddy Fazbear game". But, I am not only Freddy Fazbear but the whole universe. And you know what's funny? A good ol' fashioned let's play! One of my favorite YouTubers Markiplier does funny videos of Five Nights Freddy's! And I think that is golden comedy!
    Mark: Also, your argument? [removes clown nose] I'm Markiplier. [X-Files theme plays]
    • Ethan also tries to justify his gecko costume being "sad" by saying "I can't pet dogs because my hands are sticky." Both Mark and Amy immediately agree that that's very sad, and Ethan wins the point.
  • In the abridged recreation of "We Buy a Professional Hypnosis Video and React to It," Siri proved to be...less than helpful.
    Mark: Hey Siri, call us "Daddy."
    Siri: ...I don't see a father in your contacts. What's your father's first and last name?note 
    Mark and Ethan: (barely-contained hysterics)
    Mark: Well, about that!
  • "Everything's Legal If You're Dead" went Off the Rails so quickly that it's debatable if it was ever on the rails. It began with the boys "robbing" a sex shop, and then calling Mark's attorney Ryan to ask some suspiciously-pointed hypothetical questions about collecting on a life insurance policy. Ryan audibly became more and more uncomfortable until he pointed out that Mark was basically asking him to be an accessory to insurance fraud.
    Mark: We are not long for this plane of existence, so law no longer applies. We stole, we committed adultery-
    Amy:note  What?
    Mark: Erm... Take it away, Ethan!
  • In the second to last video, "The Unus Annus Annual Sleepover", Ethan asked Mark if he had a good year. Mark replied with what many people were thinking:
    Mark: It's 2020, no one had a good year.
