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Funny / NicoB: The Legend Of Zelda

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    Breath of the Wild 
  • Nico being surprised about the lack of a title screen on a first playthrough
  • In the very first shrine of the game, Nico struggles immensely to get the treasure chest sitting on an out of reach ledge, completely unaware that he could just use his Magnesis power to simply move it over to him. And it's all for a slightly stronger bow than the one he already has.
    • What is one of the ways Nico tries to get to the chest? A see-saw. (This reference was most-likely unintentional because Nico probably would've busted out the Kiyo voice if he knew what he was doing but that doesn't stop it from making it funny.) It even almost kills him. Basically, Nico almost went out the same way Tenko did.
    • Lampshaded early in the next episode, with Nico performing the see-saw trick again with Korekiyo's voice.
      Korekiyo(Nico): Now launching KOREKIYO POWERS!
  • Nico taking a big metal slab with his Magnesis rune and dropping it on his head for seemingly no reason which ends up hurting him.
  • Nico activating the first tower, and then realizing that he doesn't know how to get down.
    Nico: How the hell am I gonna get down from here? HEEEEEEEEELP!!!!!
  • Nico imagining Link jumping down the Plateau cliffs.
    Old Man: If you were to try to jump off, well... no death could be more certain. Or more foolish.
    Link (Nico): WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE- *splat* augh...
  • Nico gets a bow from one of the Bokoblins, and tries to use it to shoot a Bokoblins on top of a watchtower. It takes a few shots before Nico realizes he has ''no arrows''.
  • Another time when the Old Man told Link that he'll give him a paraglider after getting the treasure inside an ancient temple, Nico argues that he'll die too if the Old Man doesn't give it to him.
    Old Man (Nico): I don't care. I had a good run.
  • Wanting to test if the fireplace will hurt Link or not, Nico lights himself on fire.
    Link (Nico): Hey Old Man, can I step in your fire and will it hurt me? *steps in fire* Aw, that feels good. Yea- *catches fire* OH-NO I'M ON FIRE!!! AAAAAAAH!!! *accidentally picks up baked apple* OH IT'S A BAKED APPLE!
  • When the Death Counter returns, Nico claims it won't be coming back since he won't die. Nico proceeds to jump off the tower, resulting in his first death. Even the Old Man makes fun of him.
  • Two Bokoblins (named Jim and Billy) resting and cooking at the fire, when...
    Jim: Me think we see something Billy.
    Billy: Listen, Jim, there's nothing out there alright. You just need to calm down, ok.
    Jim: But Billy there's this rock precariously sitting over here, right next to our barrel of TNT that we just happen to leave right there.
    Billy: It's alright! No one is possibly smart enough to think to push that boulder into the TNT, nobody! Nobody! *Exploded*
  • Trying to send a Bokoblin off the edge, only to get thrown off instead.
    Link (Nico): Ahhh! No! Fuck! Ahhhh! Was going to knock him off! Ugh! *gets knocked off* Ah!Nooo! He knocked me off! AHHHHHH!!!
  • The intro perfectly sums up the game.
    Nico: And now back to saving Hyr-OOH! What’s that over there?!
    • It's finally averted on the final episode.
      Nico: And now back to saving Hyrule!
  • When Nico gets the Bomb Rune, he misreads "cube bomb" as "cute bomb"
    Nico: Kawaii desu bomb!
  • Similar to the Council of Voices running gag in Ni no Kuni, the ghost of the King takes up residence in Link's head starting in Episode 3 and sometimes comments on what's going on. At the suggestion of the Picky Penguins, he also starts collecting the spirits of the Champions in this manner.
  • Calling Kakariko Village "Korekiyo Village" has lead to numerous jokes among the community about the village being the village of seesaws, bondage and incest.
  • People in comment section convince Nico to attack the chicken (Cucco) at the beginning of episode 4. Any Zelda vet knows why this is a bad idea.
  • When Link goes to Paya with only his underwear, Paya blushing profoundly ask him to wear something out of decency. Link then thinks she's talking about that he's in underwear, so he was about to take it off. Paya freaks out some more.
  • Nico finds it hilarious that you are able to take selfies with the camera.
  • Nico decides to read Purah's diary, and she already knew that he did by the time Nico talks to her again. She then pretends to erase every rune on Link's Sheikah Slate. Nico is mortified.
  • Nico learning that Paya's birthmark is at her left butt-check as Nico predicted.
  • Nico's first encounter with wielding a metal weapon in a thunder storm.
  • The King of Hyrule always trolling Link wanting him to fail unless it's saving Zelda.
    • His reaction when Zelda cursed for calling her out for being a scholar.
      King of Hyrule (Nico): Fuck you! I've paid a lot of money to get you in that school!
  • The King of Hyrule trying to hit on Mipha. When Mipha accuses him having an STD, the King of Hyrule accuses Link of telling her only to backtrack.
  • Nico's version of Mipha slowly morphing from her in-game Nice Girl persona to a Clingy Jealous Girl who insists Link never see Zelda again (even if it means the end of the world) to a straight-up Yandere. It gets to the point where Nico jokes that Mipha personally released Calamity Ganon just to keep Zelda occupied and away from Link.
  • His Rage Breaking Point moments with the guardians, both pitiful and hilarious.
  • Link doesn't want to get together with Mipha, because of how Zoras reproduce.
    Mipha (Nico): Yes there is! You just have to push a little harder!
    Link (Nico): Girl, those eggs are the size of mothefucking bowling balls! You you trying to kill me!
  • Nico collects all pieces of the Tingle outfit and decides to wear it. Then he goes into Kakariko Village and realizes that everyone now freaks out at the sight of him.
    Link (Nico): Am I ugly?
    Pikango (Nico): Aaah!
    Link (Nico): Sir, please don't let my ugliness stop you from enjoying this weather.
    Cado (Nico): Why nonsense, young man- EEEEUURGH!
  • 300° is apparently chilly for a Goron in Death Mountain.
  • Whilst explaining why he doesn't use bombs to obtain ore, Nico blows himself up and gets thrown into the lava.
  • When trying to get the Rock Roast for Gonguron, Nico drops it on a hill, chases after it screaming, only for it to fall into the lava.
  • When Nico dishearteningly finds out he can't hold onto the Lord of the Mountain, he tries to at least take a picture with it. It then proceeds to disappear right before he can snap a shot.
    Nico: Motherfu-
  • Whilst climbing the long ladder in the Voo Lota Shrine, the King and other spirits in Link's head start to sing the theme song to Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater.
  • Hilarity ensues when Nico unwittingly arrives at Eventide Island. Highlights include him panicking when he discovers a Shrine Ball hanging from the neck of a sleeping Hinox, to Link briefly descending into a primal frenzy which frightens (or in Mipha's case, arouses) the spirits.
  • Upon finding Memory #7 at Kara Kara Bazaar, which is at an oasis, Nico wonders out loud if the memory will involve a bathing scene with Zelda. Mipha does not let it slide, forcing him to make a Verbal Backspace.
  • Nico goes into a laughing frenzy when he sees how Link gets the Gerudo Clothes.
    Nico: OH MY GOD! I'm a pretty princess!
  • With Gerudo Town being entirely populated by physically-imposing women and off-limits to men, Nico jokes that it is a "village of Tenkos".
  • Zelda's diary documents the strain in her relationship with her father, caused by the latter imposing sky-high standards for her training. The spirits of the Champions proceed to ruthlessly call him out for this. (Can also be Catharsis Factor for the Picky Penguins that are unable to forgive King Rhoam for how he'd hurt Zelda even if he had a Freudian Excuse for his actions.)
    Spirit Daruk (Nico): 'S a shame. All that money in the world, and yet you didn't even give her twnty rupees of your time, old man! You're a fucking disgrace!
  • After reading Paya's finished diary, Nico imagines an option to reciprocate the girl's crush on Link, complete with grossly exaggerated making out. Unfortunately, Mipha has finally had enough.
    Spirit Mipha (Nico): Oh for god's sake, Link! GAH! I'M. RIGHT. HERE!!! How many times are you going to be swooning over other girls with me in the room?!
    Link (Nico): I dunno; depends on how much longer you're gonna fucking possess me!
    Spirit Mipha (Nico): Forever! FOR-E-VER, LINK!!!
  • How about during the Champion Ballad where Link gets to read each champion's diary. How each champion reacts are pretty fun to listen to.
  • When Link looks back at the picture of him and other champions, everyone begins crying. It boths shares this and Heartwarming.
  • The ending, while crossing the line of Tearjerking, also has some hilarity especially with the final comments of the cast. Especially Sidon joining Link's harem along with his sister and some other female admirers.

    Ocarina of Time 3D 

    Majora's Mask 

    Wind Waker 
  • This version of Link, this time dubbed by Nico as Apollo Link, is extremely dejected towards everything and everyone and is a closeted weeb who's really into Kill la Kill and other aime.
  • Link encounters the talking mailbox who asks about the mail; when Link says that he doesn't have any, he pulls out a gun on him.
    King of Red Lions (Nico): Well, what did you find?
    Apollo Link: Nothing, outside of few stray bullets.
    • Mailboxes now demand to be tipped for delivering Link mail, which to the first one he gives some green rupees and then to the second one 20 rupees he just got and then pretty much his entire cash... before he gets shot at again.
    • When visiting grandma's house, she tells him that one of those malboxes has sold him a gun, which she says that she will use to protect him and his sister. Link then gets it out of her hands and throws it in the ocean... only for the next episode for the fishman to find it and uses it to demand the picture that Link took of him, while also demanding 20 rupies.
    • Episode 14 has the mailbox pull a gun on Link again when he gives it backtalk regarding the many letters he gets with Rupees enclosed, only for Link to counter with a Rocket Launcher, intimidating the mailbox into submission as a result.
    • After the LP's end, Nico compiled all the mailbox moments into one video. See for yourself.
  • During the first temple, Nico's computer suddenly gets an ad for CCleaner of all things, with him lampshading on it.
  • In general, this game seems to have cranked up Nico's add-libing skills up to eleven.
    • When Link completes the first dungeon and Medli thanks her for saving their island, Link starts to regret giving too much attention to her beak and rejecting her at first. When he calls out that if Beedle has his back, this is what he has to say:
    Apollo Link: Aw shit.
    • The Fishman. Especially his interactions with The King of Red Lions, who really wants cocaine from the fish.
  • Nico buys the Swift Sail, an item that gives him the power of manipulating the wind whenever he steers his boat... not too long after getting the tune to manipulate the wind with the Wind Waker. As a result he throws the eponymous item into the garbage thinking that he doesn't need it anymore, in which the King of Red Lions has to remind him that he still has other tunes he can get with the wand, so he has to dig it out from the trash.
  • For the entirety of episode 6, Nico is under the assumption that the dungeon in which he finds the boomerang is Bomb Island, despite the game clearly stating he entered Forbidden Woods. He then proceeds to be disappointed whenever every chest he opens doesn't contain any bombs and is oblivious to the fact until he talks to the nearby Fishman, who tells him about Bomb Island in the distance. Best part is Nico never really breaks out of his Apollo voice until that moment, which might make you think this entire thing was just yet another ad-libbing bit.
  • This series' intro gag is Komaeda asking Link if he likes boats, and Link growing to do so over the course of the series. It starts off with Link nervously saying he doesn't like boats, and culminates into the finale where his obsession with boats makes Komaeda himself nervous.

    Tears of The Kingdom 
  • When Link and Zelda come across the mummified Ganondorf during the cold open, The former senses the "end of the tutorial" (and what comes with it), tries to convince the latter not to approach it, then tries to bolt.
  • The intro gag for this playthrough is Nico interrupting his own "And now back to..." quote to finish building a device...and as soon as he finishes it, it blows up in his face.
  • Nico's first Comment of the Day segment for the game gets interrupted by a nearby Zonai Construct wandering into the view of the camera.
  • When Nico first finds a Korok, the Korok was wearing a backpack much larger than itself while trying to meet up with his friend on a nearby island. So what's the first action Link does? Uses the power of gravity to let the Korok slide on a thin rail, like how Link uses his shield. The Korok falls off the floating island. Which is miles above the ground.
    Link (Nico): (Looking at the viewers) You all didn't see nothing, alright. Put that phone down, alright? I said PUT THAT PHONE DOWN! You're calling nobody (start 'running after the viewers') You're ain't calling nobody.
    • Luckily the Korok respawns but is unhappy about climbing back after a week (since Link drops him a second time). To the surprise of nobody, the moment Nico discovers the Video Game Cruelty Potential with Koroks, he happily starts indulging with the first he finds. After the above, he decides to try sticking the Korak to various objects, setting him on fire with a cookpot, and dumping the Korok into a pond. Eventually, that Korok got so scared that he told his friends that Link is crazy.
      • In fact his thumbnail in his second episode shows a Korok being taped into a rocket, obviously looking very upset.
    • The second Korok didn't fare much better thanks to Link's... ingenuity...
  • Like the King and the Champions before him, Rauru's spirit takes up residence in Link's head. He quickly regrets it.
    • Tulin's Sage avatar joins in after the completion of the Wind Temple, only to walk in on Link explaining to Rauru that Rauru being a goat-person makes his Hylian wife a furry and sharing his own past experiences with the Zora Champion Mipha. He quickly regrets it.
  • Rauru makes a dig at Link being a Chick Magnet.
  • While in Kakariko Village, Nico starts talking about something that was explained to him in the comments, before freaking out over suddenly seeing Naydra the ice dragon descending into the chasm right next to Link. He attempts to ride it, but is forced to let go and drop down into the underground layer because Naydra - being the ice dragon - is slowly freezing Link to death.
  • Nico randomly fusing a Rocket Shield while trying to figure out how to get over to the nearby Lightroot, then activating the thing through blind button-mashing and freaking out when it actually works perfectly as intended.
  • Nico being haunted by Horace challenging him to Fruitball every time he sleeps in the Malanya bed in the stables.
  • After helping Tulin awaken as the Sage of Wind, Link is rewarded by... having Tulin be able to speak to him telepathically through his head, very much to the hero's chagrin.
  • The Glide Set, upon being upgraded twice, grants complete immunity to fall damage. Nico proceeds to demonstrate this... by blasting from a Skyview Tower back to the ground without attempting to paraglide to break his fall, which gives both Rauru and Tulin a decent scare.
  • At one point, Nico comes across the Upland Zorana Skyview Tower, which was barred up with the strange gunk falling near Zora's Domain. He learns to clean it up with water-element items (normal Chuchu Jellies, Splash Fruits) and is able to activate the tower... but completely fails to notice the poor Zora soldier that was trapped in the same gunk on the floor only a few feet from the tower entrance. He's finally rescued in Episode 24, a whole 10 episodes after Nico had first passed him by.
  • While infiltrating the Yiga Clan Hideout by Dressing as the Enemy, Link decides to hop on top of the unfinished HOVERDOOM MK. III and pretend to drive it. The Yiga Footsoldier tending to the machine is not impressed.
    Yiga Footsoldier (Nico): WILL YOU GET THE FUCK OUT OF THAT THING?!
  • Episode 16 has a boatload of shenanigans, partly due to Nico deciding to explore both Hyrule Castle and its chasm long before the endgame, among them the Vah Medoh Helm rendering Tulin a victim of Demonic Possession when Link puts it on (which Link actually weaponizes during said exploration), Tulin suddenly ending the call at the point of the final area where the avatars are disabled, much to the shock of Rauru and indignation of Link, who calls him out on it afterwards and attempts to replace him with the demon lord possessing the helm, only to change his mind when said demon lord says he's going to eat the entrails of Link and his descendants, Rauru claiming to be testing Link on his history by Obfuscating Stupidity (presumably as a Hand Wave to the fact that Nico doesn't know things canon Rauru would know until he's seen it himself in-game), and finally Link suddenly dropping everything during his rescue of Eustus because a Blood Moon is taking effect and he wants to see if it's true that cooking during a Blood Moon really does enhance the effects of the cooked food.
  • Thought Nico nearly bumbling into the final boss arena last episode was bad? The following episode bumps the bar up even higher: in what has to be the ultimate display of Nico's Ultimate Bullshit and Determinator tendencies, he manages to obtain the Master Sword from the Light Dragon before he's witnessed all of the Dragon's Tears or gone to Korok Forest, all while only being partially unaware that the Light Dragon is Zelda. Dramatic Irony doesn't even begin to summarize the situation.
  • The very next episode has Nico returning to Link's house in Hateno, which was one massive armada of Ship Tease for Link and Zelda. Naturally, Nico immediately whips out his raunchy ad-libbing, with the bonus of Tulin not understanding a single thing.
  • It's basically become a Running Gag with Rauru trying (usually in vain) to protect Tulin's innocence.
  • Rauru getting into a spat with Link over his, er, phallic solution for Musanokir Shrine.
  • At the start of Episode 20, Link openly wondered where Tulan and Yunobu were. He soon found out that the two are with Rauru eating Doritos... Link's mind Doritos. Link starts to panic as he tries to stop them from eating it because his mind Doritos are literally connected to his head, so eating them will mess with his brain. Rauru and the others proceed to dismiss his pleas as they proceed to eat another bag of Link's mind Doritos, causing Link to suddenly find himself listening to the Great Deku Tree on his story of how the tree became the world's best hotdog eating champion for a hundred years.
  • After Episode 21's Comment of the Day, Rauru reveals that he made a meme about how overprotective he is of Zelda after learning about Link being her boyfriend. Link proceeds to make fun of Rauru until he found out that Rauru brought a shotgun with him inside Link's head.
    • Tulin and Yunobu also showed off their "memes", but because they don't understand what a meme is, Tulin just showed off a picture of a younger version of himself and Yunobu just showed off a picture of a rock.
  • Rauru's Tranquil Fury threat towards Ganondorf in Episode 22 isn't funny. Link's reaction, however (immediately regretting asking Rauru why he hadn't reacted to the series of memories depicting Sonia's demise the episode before) is worth a bit of a chuckle at just how intimidated he is.
  • In episode 28, Nico as like with the previous two Sages starts Sidon's quest to find his Divine Helm. The hint for the quest talks about finding it below the bridge and two waterfalls that lead to a fish statue. The sidequest, however, quickly devolves into Nico's frustration with trying to find the helm, first thinking the quest was referring to Floating Scales Island (which is very much fish shaped) and then actually searching around the big fish statue in Zora's Domain. What makes this entire situation very funny was the fact that rather than the treasure, every time Nico thought he was going to find it... he found a Korok instead. Five times.
    Link (Nico): upon seeing yet another Korok hiding under a rock OH MY GOD, YOU HAVE GOT TO BE SHITTING ME, GET OUTTA HERE, LEAVE ME ALONE
    Korok (Nico): You found me dude, and it's totally what you wanted!
    Link (Nico): FUCK YOU, GODDAMMIT
    Nico: I can't believe it every time I thought I solved it, I run over there and it's another fuckin Korok! Aaahhhhh...
  • Nico finds another Korok who needs to reach their friend, and convenient materials nearby to make a car! So naturally, he…drives a crucified Korok across the field, shouting shame at them, a booing crowd throwing produce and rocks at them, with the Cleric Beast theme playing over the whole thing.
  • Once Riju's avatar joins the Sage Discord call, everyone quickly realizes that she is the sole girl in the group, as the other current participants all happened to be malenote . The guys start chatting enthusiastically about the new addition, leading to Riju getting pissed off and forcibly assuming the position of the group's leader.
    • The next episode reveals that the sage Discord server under Riju's moderation became almost authoritarian, with her word being the rule and even Rauru himself being too scared of her, especially once she demands access to his Netflix account to watch cooking shows and latin telenovelas.
  • In the middle of recording the episode surrounding Thunderhead Island and assembling Mineru's mech, the power went out at Nico's house, leaving him unable to record or do anything else for a day. He highlights this through Link, who after very obvious jumpcut asks if anyone else felt if like their existence was just cut short due to the device they are stuck in having lost its power.note  Sidon and Yunobo think he's gone mad from being hit with lightning too many times in the head and he agrees.
  • Mineru joins the party! Or to be more specific, she's actually been there and listened to the group the whole time and just did not say anything. We quickly see Rauru and Mineru as Red Oni, Blue Oni respectively, with the latter being more withdrawn from the group and only speaking with people she knows, ie Rauru.
  • Before the final fight with Ganonforf, Link makes an impassionate speech to Rauru and the sages in the Discord call, gearing themselves for the fight. Link then teleports to the tunnels leading to Ganondorf’s lair… and the Sage Discord gets disconnected, realizing too late that there’s no wifi in the area.
