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Characters / Wilde Life

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Main and Recurring Cast

    Oscar Wilde 

Oscar Wilde
Not the Oscar Wilde, just an Oscar Wilde. A writer from Chicagoland, Oscar rented Sylvia’s house from Barbara Yaga without knowing it was haunted. Oscar is good natured, even-tempered, and a little pedantic. He doesn’t like to talk about himself and finds ways to avoid conversations that get too personal. He has a weakness for beer and pretty girls.
— Official Website

  • Dark and Troubled Past: Oscar's entire backstory is a hinted-at mystery. Initially he seems like the most level-headed character in the comic. However, as the story goes on, we get more hints about his past and it's implied early on that he has a rather strained relationship with his father and sister. A flashback in Chapter Eight implies that Oscar might be a runaway groom and Chapter 12 reveals that he left behind his family, job, and fiance after the death of his mother.
  • From New York to Nowhere: Oscar moved from Chicago to a small town in Oklahoma.
  • Hand Behind Head: He occasionally does this when nervous or embarrassed.
  • Jewish and Nerdy: Oscar is well-read and confirmed to be Jewish by Word of God. He's also very nerdy. He's a big fan of Terminator 2, using a picture of it as a lockscreen on his phone and "T-800" for his custom license plate. He also seems to be a fan of Ghostbusters.
  • Nice Jewish Boy: Oscar is the most sensitive, caring and loyal character in the comic.
  • Meaningful Name: Oscar Wilde is a writer, just like his namesake.
  • Most Writers Are Writers: Oscar is a journalist.
  • Named After Somebody Famous: Oscar Wilde, obviously.
  • Nice Guy: By far the nicest, most down-to-earth person in the comic.
  • Papa Wolf: He is not Cliff's father, but he cares a lot for him. When he finds out Clifford's stepfather Carl has been abusing him and Carl comes to reclaim the runaway Cliff, Oscar refuses him entry to the house and slams the door in his face.
  • Parental Substitute: Oscar becomes the positive older male figure Clifford needed, encouraging him to tell the truth and sticking to his curfew. Nora notes that ever since the two started hanging out, Cliff's behavior has markedly improved.
  • Perma-Stubble: Oscar usually wears five-day stubble throughout the comic.
  • Ship Tease: With Sylvia.
  • Token Human: He's literally just some guy.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Despite encountering all sorts of supernatural things that could kill him in the woods, Oscar just keeps going back in. This is averted in later chapters, where he tries to be careful but ends up in danger all the same.
  • Unreliable Narrator: In Chapter Eight he reveals to Cliff he used to be engaged before moving to Podunk. He claims he and his ex parted on good terms. A quick flashback implies he might have left a few details out.
  • Weirdness Magnet: He rents a house inhabited by a ghost, helps an injured werewolf, and discovers a talking bear and its swarm of spider-minions. In three days.

    Sylvia Snyder 

Sylvia Snyder
The ghost of a World War 2 mathematician, Sylvia died in 1948 and has haunted her mother’s house ever since. She was very lonely until Oscar moved in. Sylvia loves card games and learning about what has happened in the world since she died. Her emotions sometimes get the better of her and she is prone to sudden mood swings.
— Official Website

  • Alliterative Name: Sylvia Snyder.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: When Cliff angrily puts Oscar in a Neck Lift, Sylvia's response is... less than pleasant, despite their friendship.
  • Cute Ghost Girl: Enhanced by her extremely feminine and period-accurate (for the 1940s) body language.
  • Eating the Eye Candy: Subtle but noticable. She can occasionally be seen staring at Oscar for a little too long. On one page it even looks like she's staring at his butt.
  • Friendly Ghost: Although only to people she likes. She scared off the last renters in her house.
  • Good Is Not Soft: As kind as Sylvia is, she will not tolerate violence in her house, and especially towards Oscar. She even reacts violently at Cliff when he pushes Oscar against the wall for intervening his feud with his step-father.
  • Ghostly Chill: She is a ghost, after all.
  • Good with Numbers: As befits a woman whose profession was "human computer." She helps Clifford with his math homework.
  • Monochrome Apparition: Drawn in greys, blacks and whites.
  • Nice Girl: She is nothing but sweet and kind to Oscar and Cliff, and doesn't appear to have a mean bone in her body. However, her attachment to Oscar also means that anyone harming him is enough to make her angry.
  • Outliving One's Offspring: She is the child. After the war, she came home to Podunk to care for her mother, but died before her. As she has no one to look after, what keeps her here is unknown.
  • Out of Focus: She gets the least amount of page-time out of all the main characters. Justified, as she's a Ghost and therefore can't leave the place where she died.
  • Our Ghosts Are Different: She's never seen in colour, and always appear monochromatic. She can also phase through walls and floats off the ground. Her ability to manipulate physical objects and opaqueness also correlate with her mood.
  • Ship Tease: With Oscar.
  • Who Wants to Live Forever?: Although she isn't technically alive, she watches people move into and out of her house, usually without getting to know them by talking directly. She gets upset at the thought that Oscar might go out to do something dangerous and she might not see him again.

    Clifford Norman 

Clifford Norman
A sixteen-year-old werewolf from Oklahoma. Clifford was originally born in Georgia, but his mother moved to Podunk shortly after he was born. Clifford doesn’t trust many people and keeps his wolf side a secret. He doesn't like Eliza and currently seems to be under the protection of the White Faced Bear. He and Oscar are not-friends.
— Official Website

  • Abusive Parents: Chapter Twelve confirms that Cliff is being abused by his step-father, which had gone under the radar ever since he was a child.
  • Aloof Ally: He and Oscar are not friends. He just wants you to know that.
    • ...At least, at first. Once he realizes that he can trust you he can actually be bizarrely chipper.
  • Badass in Distress: Even though he's a werewolf and a dangerous one at that, Cliff sometimes finds himself in trouble and needs a little saving once in a while.
  • The Baby of the Bunch / Tag Along Kid: Cliff is the youngest member of the main cast. Cliff is also the one that is constantly overprotected and given the most attention in the story. As a result, he can come off as a Tagalong Kid and a Distressed Dude at times.
  • Big Brother Instinct: To his adopted brother Kevin.
  • The Call Knows Where You Live: Cliff is constantly harassed by supernatural creatures even though he would rather lay low and ignore his own supernatural nature.
  • Cluster F-Bomb: Is the most foul-mouthed of the cast, who occasionally drops one every so often.
  • Death Glare: Whenever somebody wants to be his friend.
  • Distracted by the Sexy: While at breakfast, he spots a girl he has a crush on. He is not subtle about his interest.
  • Drop-In Character: Occasionally just appears in Oscar's house.
  • Enter Stage Window: His preferred method of exit and entry to Oscar's house is the second floor bathroom window.
  • Fantastically Indifferent: Is not at all fazed by a ghost, despite not having learned that other werewolves existed until the previous night.
  • Fiery Redhead: He certainly has a temper as fiery as his hair colour.
  • Hates Being Touched: He really doesn't like anyone touching him. It takes him some time for him to overcome this, but only to those he likes and trusts. His hatred of being touched likey came from being physically abused by his step-father, Carl.
  • Invisible to Normals: Inverted. He has a "shroud" placed on him that makes him imperceptible to other magical creatures if he doesn't make himself known to them.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: As foul-mouthed and hostile he is around people, Cliff is a caring and loyal friend, and is also very loving and protective of his adoptive brother Kevin.
  • Lightning Bruiser: In his human form he seems to have a degree of superhuman physical ability—he once outran a car, leapt over an eleven-foot fence and is capable of lifting a grown man several inches off the ground. In his wolf form he seems superlupine, having torn apart two rougarou with ease.
  • Magic Pants: His clothes transform with him. Word of God describes it as him having two bodies that he switches between, so his clothes just stay on his human form when he's a wolf.
  • Meaningful Name: Clifford can transform into a big red wolf. Eliza and Oscar expresses their glee upon finding out:
    Eliza: No!
    Oscar: I know, right?
  • Took a Level in Kindness: With the help of his new friends Oscar, Sylvia, and Eliza, Cliff grows out of his initially rude and defensive nature and becomes more relaxed and affable over time.
  • Sugar-and-Ice Personality: Goes from surly and screaming to cheerful and friendly with little in-between.
  • Super-Senses: So far we've seen him track Oscar by scent in human form and hear cops sneaking up on himself and his gang well before the others did.

    Nora Hudson 

Nora Hudson

Clifford’s mother. She moved to Podunk from Georgia when Clifford was still a baby. Once in Podunk she married Carl Hudson and adopted a second son, Kevin. Nora works long hours to try and make a good life for her children. She and Clifford have grown apart in recent years.
—Official website

  • Adults Are Useless: She genuinely has no idea what Clifford gets up to or where he gets his bruises from. When she does find out, however, she jumps straight into action. She also seems to be unaware of Clifford's true nature and if she does, she doesn't comment on it.
  • Get Out!: Nora made it pretty clear that if she thinks Carl went too far with disciplining Cliff, he is out on his ass. When she finds out he's been hitting Cliff, Carl isn't seen again after checking on Cliff at Oscar's.
  • Good Parents: Nora genuinely loves both her children and makes sure they know that they can be entirely honest with her.
  • Mama Bear: She mentions that she "fought the devil" for her children. When Nora finds out Carl has been abusing Cliff, she doesn't hesitate to kick him out.
  • Parents as People: While she often only shows up to express her worry about Cliff's latest disappearance, she does gain depth as a woman who made a lot of sacrifices to get a stable situation for her family.

    Eliza Proctor 

Eliza Proctor

A local witch and the source of the mysterious blue roses. She has a connection with the White Faced Bear and seems to know a great deal about the strange things that happen around Podunk. She lives in the woods with her girlfriend Darcy and has on occasion revealed herself to wield great power, though she is hesitant to discuss the particulars of her abilities with Oscar. Her personality clashes with Clifford, but she does her best to protect him because of her allegiance to the White Faced Bear.
— Official website

  • Big Damn Hero: If she's not there from the start, she often swoops in to save Oscar and/or Cliff in the nick of time.
  • Detect Evil: She is able to sense when supernatural beings are killing people and things are amiss. The fact Sheol is able to shroud himself from her view even after killing the pastor and trying to kill Oscar unnerves her.
  • Good Is Not Soft: She works closely with the White Faced Bear and adopts many of his directives. She kills a lot of monsters that threaten the safety of Podunk and wouldn't hesitate to kill Cliff if he turned out to have caught the Madness.
    "Sometimes mercy takes the shape of a knife."
  • Hot Witch: Quite easy on the eyes and a far better looker than Barbara.
  • Magic Knight: In combat, she often uses her magic to turn ordinary objects into swords, and is very effective in swinging them.
  • Meaningful Name: Her name's the same as a woman accused of being a witch in The Crucible.
  • Ms. Exposition: Is the one most experienced with the supernatural and explains the Monster of the Week to Cliff and Oscar, though it's often after the monster is dead.
  • Muggle–Mage Romance: Met her girlfriend Darcy in college. Darcy herself seems to have no magical abilities of her own and it's unclear if witches are born, made, or taught or even how old Eliza actually is.
  • No-Sell: As a powerful Witch of Summer, she is immune to Zulime's attempts to use her true name. If Eliza even is her true name.
  • Obstructive Code of Conduct: While she protects the town, she isn't a Hunter of Monsters and she has to leave those that don't threaten the town at large be, even if they endanger her friends.

    Darcy Flores 

Darcy Flores

Eliza's girlfriend and an ardent lover of werewolves. She has a quick wit and isn't afraid to say what is on her mind. She, like Oscar, is not magical.
— Official website

  • Genki Girl: She's an extremely excitable woman, even when faced with the supernatural.
  • Muggle–Mage Romance: The mundane half of her and Eliza's relationship.
  • Out of Focus: Given that she has no magical abilities, she often does not accompany Eliza or Oscar on their adventures. In those where she does tag along, she doesn't do much either. Probably a wise choice given how dangerous they turn out to be.
  • Shipper on Deck: When Clifford accidentally reveals that he has a crush on a girl, Darcy doesn't hide her excitement. According to the author, "now her teen werewolf has a romance subplot and she is here. for. it."
  • You Sexy Beast: Has a thing for werewolves and is overjoyed upon finding out Clifford is one. Apparently, she also writes fanfiction.

    The White Faced Bear 

The White Faced Bear

A giant talking bear. He lives in the woods and appears surrounded by pools of light, heralded by a vast network of wolf spiders. Presumed to be a being of great power, other monsters shrink away from him. He often communicates with Eliza, though he did not tell her that he was shrouding Clifford from detection. His reasons for protecting Clifford are unknown.
— Official website

  • Bears Are Bad News: A rather obvious case. The White Faced Bear is not a figure to be messed with. This is made very clear when he attacks and kills the Uktena, a monster of the week that has the form of a snake with a body probably around 80 feet long and at least 2 feet wide, to defend Cliff.
  • Big Good: Eliza serves him in some capacity, seeming to take her orders directly from him to protect the town from supernatural threats when they arise. Beyond that, though, the nature of their relationship is not very well explained.
  • Bugs Herald Evil: Subverted. The White Faced Bear is ostensibly a good guy, if indifferent, and is accompanied by a swarm of wolf spiders that serve as signs of his presence and go where he can't.
  • Good Is Not Nice: The White Faced Bear's moral compass has not been explored thoroughly enough to make clear whether or not he actually qualifies as good. However so far there have been two cases we have seen where The White Faced Bear directly intervened, on both occasions Cliff was in danger, and in both cases the Thunder Children were more than happy to "clean" up the results. After the incident with the spider monster, he decides that Oscar is distracting Eliza from her true duties and declares him Persona Non Grata in the woods. He later relents, after having learned that Oscar protected Clifford from his abusive stepdad.
  • Misplaced Wildlife: Quoting Cliff, "there are no bears in Oklahoma." Even more so, the White Faced Bear is an Aleut legend from Alaska.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Despite declaring Oscar unwelcome in the woods the previous chapter, the White Faced Bear shows up in the conclusion of chapter 12 to give Oscar the closest thing possible to an expression of gratitude for solving a problem the bear could not.
  • Super-Speed: In chapter 11, he gives Cliff and an unconscious Oscar a ride on his back to Eliza's. The woods blur around them and they arrive at her house extremely quickly.

    Thunder Children 

Thunder Children

Small sprites made out of ash and electricity. The Thunder Children lie in wait for lost travellers, tricking the travellers into following them to their lairs and consuming them.
— Official website

  • Cleanup Crew: They conveniently consume the bodies of supernatural creatures after the gang is done with them. While very useful for maintaining the Masquerade, they only eat bodies in the woods or close by. They do not enter the town.
  • Our Fairies Are Different: They are a Cherokee legend: hand-sized sprites born from where lightning strikes the ground. They have a playful personality, live in the woods, give electric shocks, and readily consume dead bodies and lost travelers.
  • Rainbow Speak: Their speech bubbles are black with neon blue text.
  • Screw This, I'm Out of Here!: They will not punch above their weight class. When Oscar tries to sic them on the spider monster they took one look at the creature and vanished.



A mysterious woman who had inexplicably transformed from a giant bird and fell to Podunk unconscious in Chapter 15. The crew decides to take her in to find out what has happened to her.

  • Clothes Make the Superman: To the point where the coat she was looking for was absorbed into her body permanently, allowing her to turn into a giant bird.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Is very sardonic, especially during her first meeting with Oscar.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Though she kidnaps Oscar in a panic at gunpoint, it's not with the intent to harm him but to have him help her find what she had lost in the woods. She's eventually shown to be a decent person, just reckless with her actions and somewhat lacking in social skills.
  • Lives in a Van: Lives a life on the road in a camper minibus.
  • Love Interest: Becomes this to Oscar between Chapter 15 and 16.
  • No Social Skills: Instead of simply asking her rescuers for help with her missing coat, she decides in a panic to steal their gun and take one of them hostage. Once things cool down, Emily pretty much admits to not having made the most rational decision at the moment.

Monsters of the Week


Danielle Callahan

The first daughter of Becky and Richard Callahan, Oscar's next-door neighbors. She died a while ago but she stayed with her parents as a ghost. Over time, her tantrums have grown increasingly severe and now threatens Becky's pregnancy in chapter 3.
  • Establishing Character Moment: Her first shown tantrum is lifting Becky off of her porch, turning her sideways, and throwing her to the ground. Her first in-person appearance has her arms fall off. She is definitely angry, but about what?
  • Ghostly Chill: She doesn't need to be in direct contact to do so, nearly killing Oscar through hypothermia.
  • Ghostly Goals: She stayed on Earth at the pleas of her parents. At first, it was like she never died, but the situation has since deteriorated to where she is a danger to her family. When Becky finally tells Danielle that she no longer has to stay for her, she gratefully tears up and leaves in peace.
  • Poltergeist: All ghosts are capable of manipulating objects if emotional enough, but she becomes a ghostly ball of rage that creates a tornado in Becky's hospital room.
  • Undead Child: A hostile ghost child, probably no older than six.



Dog-like monsters in chapter 5 that turn any human that looks at them into rougarou as well.
  • Bloodier and Gorier: They are the first instance of extremely graphic transformations and violence in the comic, with Oscar being sprayed with blood. Rather than the instant transformation of Animal People, victims' skin splits apart and falls off to reveal the monster underneath.
  • Brown Note: Looking at them turns you into one.
  • Creepy Blue Eyes: Regardless of what eye color the original victim had, they have glowing blue eyes that stand out in the darkness.
  • Off with His Head!: Eliza slices the head off of one and Clifford tears the head off of another.
  • Our Werewolves Are Different: Based on a legend from Louisiana, rougarou irreversibly turn any humans that lay eyes on them into rougarous as well, though animal people are unaffected. Unlike proper wolves, they are hairless with whip-like tails.
  • Was Once a Man: Two hunters are turned into them. After killing them, Eliza muses that they had families who will never know what happened to them.



A witch in chapter 6 who created the rougarou in chapter 5 and kidnaps Cliff for her circus.
  • Bullying a Dragon: She thinks Eliza is a common "hay witch" that she can enthrall, and appropriately nopes out when Eliza reveals her true power and immunity to her magic.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: To the rougarou in chapter 5. The White Faced Bear and Eliza are on the lookout for the person who created them.
  • I Know Your True Name: Her modus operandi. She enthralls Clifford, but someone else saying his name is enough to snap him out of it. She is less successful with Eliza.
  • Light Is Not Good: Turns innocent people into beasts, runs a Circus of Fear, and attempts to engage in human trafficking, all while wearing a white dress.
  • Screw This, I'm Out of Here!: When she realizes Eliza is way out of her league, she books it into the woods right into the waiting claws of the White Faced Bear.



A barista in chapter 7 whose song seems to cause Oscar to lose track of time and give him water-related visions, yet he can't seem to tear himself away from her.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: She is fully aware of the effect her song has, and shows considerable angst about not being able to have a healthy romantic relationship. When she has a Heel Realization of the effect she has on Oscar after he stays for a full week, she moves away.
  • Meaningful Name: Lorelei is the name of a rock on the Rhine river and the maiden who supposedly lives on it, luring people to their deaths with her song.
  • New Job as the Plot Demands: After seeing the effect she has on Oscar after their date, she quits her job at the coffee shop the next day. He, however, is able to follow her to a restaurant she works at and lives above.
  • Our Sirens Are Different: Men are lured in by her song and they also lose track of time, have water-related hallucinations, and become sick unless they are in proximity to her, though the effects eventually wear off if they are far enough away. No tail though she does have fish tattoos and is always seen in skirts or dresses.
  • The Nicknamer: Calls Oscar Wilde "Oscar Mild" after he insists he isn't as wild as his namesake.
  • Not Big Enough for the Two of Us: Uses this phrase in the note she leaves for Oscar after she leaves Podunk.



A giant horned serpent terrorizing a local lake in chapter 8.
  • Brown Note: The crystal on its head hypnotizes anyone looking at it by bringing up painful memories, paralyzing them for the Uktena to eat. Its breath is also a sedative.
  • Snakes Are Sinister: A giant, hypnotic, man-eating snake. What's not to love?
  • Super-Persistent Predator: When Clifford and Oscar climb into a cave for shelter, it doesn't lose interest and starts trying to smash its way through solid rock.
  • Was Once a Man: Eliza states that they grow from people who allow their darker emotions to overcome them.



An Animal Person that quickly gets close to Cliff in chapter 9. He seems friendly and his transformation capabilities are far beyond Cliff's, but something seems ... off about him.

  • Ambiguously Gay: Is very intimate with Cliff, frequently throwing his arms around him and even hugging him at one point, and he later shapeshifts into a girl in a desperate attempt to convince Cliff to stay with him. It's left ambiguous, though, how much of this is genuine attraction and how much is the Madness driving him to get closer to Cliff in order to spread the infection.
  • Body Horror: The Madness causes his body to start doing some really disturbing transformations, including growing Combat Tentacles, causing him to melt and then erupting into a fountain of feathers.
  • The Corruptor: Tempts Cliff with alcohol and cigarettes and tells him he doesn't have to be forced to be what humans think of him, all the while getting uncomfortably physical with him.
  • Creepy Blue Eyes: Unlike Animal People's golden eyes, Raven's are a piercing blue.
  • Creepy Crows: Obviously.
  • Humanshifting: His human forms include a young boy, a teenager, an older man able to buy cigarettes and alcohol, as well as a girl.
  • Off with His Head!: Eliza lops off his head in one blow with a sword.
  • One-Winged Angel: His final transformation is a wingless dragon about the size of a bus.
  • Stalker with a Crush: He's been watching Cliff, knows where he lives and really wants to get close to him. However it is unknown if is genuine attraction or the Madness compelling him to spread it to Cliff.
  • Tragic Monster: Regardless of who he might’ve been before, The Madness turned him into a dangerous and pitifully desperate abomination. Clifford almost found a friend who had abilities like him.


Taki Watanabe

A strange boy in chapter 10 who can resurrect dogs. Turns out he is a ghost who died in 1986 and has been looking for his dog ever since.

  • The '80s: His clothes and glasses are around 70's-80's vintage, something Oscar uses to roughly date the time of his death when looking for his gravestone.
  • A Boy and His X: A ghost boy looking for his ghost dog.
  • Cute Mute: He doesn't say a word and is a pretty cute 9-year-old. The one word he does say at the end is the name of his dog, Bonnie.
  • Friend to All Living Things: In addition to loving dogs, Taki also catches and releases a grasshopper and helps a turtle across the road.
  • Ghostly Goals: He just wants to reunite with his dog Bonnie, whose body was left at the site of the accident that killed him and his family.
  • Our Ghosts Are Different: Unlike Sylvia, he's in color, fully corporeal, stands on the ground and can even eat. However, he cannot speak and is still capable of phasing through solid objects like other ghosts. When he expends his energy into Bonnie's bones, he turns monochrome.
  • Vampiric Draining: While he resurrects dead and nearly-dead dogs, Eliza speculates he draws life energy from them to sustain himself, enough to turn corporeal and full-color. After he reunites with Bonnie and moves on, the dogs he resurrected all die without their source of life force.

    Spider Monster 

The Spider Monster

A giant spider that disguises herself as an old woman and captures Oscar in chapter 11.
  • Predation Is Natural: While clearly sapient and likes toying with Oscar and Cliff, both Eliza and Lester admit that she is only hunting for food and Oscar being at the wrong place at the wrong time is not enough to justify killing her.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: She only wakes up once every hundred years and eats a deer or similar before going back into hibernation. Oscar just happens to show up before that deer. Eliza attempts to invoke this permanently by sealing her cave shut, but is stopped by the White Faced Bear, who sees Eliza as corrupted by Oscar and declares him Persona Non Grata in the forest.
  • Spider People: She is a giant spider with a humanoid torso and a spider-like face with fangs that can inject venom. She can additionally disguise herself as a normal old woman.
  • Tongue Trauma: Clifford turns into a wolf at her and rips off her tongue.


Carl Hudson

Clifford's stepfather and the main antagonist of chapter 12.

  • Boisterous Weakling: Carl is ultimately an ordinary middle-aged man whose most potent threat to Oscar is a threat to get the cops involved. He's not frightening compared to all the other monsters Oscar already encountered; Oscar tells him to fuck off and Nora kicks him out of the house with no further incident. This doesn't make his physical and psychological abuse of Cliff any less horrific, however.
  • Bullying a Dragon: He is completely unaware that Cliff is a werewolf with all the physical strength that entails. When Cliff finally has enough, he swings Carl off his feet and throws him into a refrigerator.
  • Mundanger: Chapter 12 is completely bereft of supernatural elements save for Sylvia — the main tension is Carl's abuse of Cliff being revealed.
  • Parental Favoritism: Clifford's adopted brother Kevin has a much higher opinion of Carl and wasn't a subject of his abuse.
  • Wicked Stepfather: He's been beating Cliff since he was a little child. Carl even pulls a Why Did You Make Me Hit You? defense and makes Cliff feel guilty for provoking him, keeping Cliff quiet with the fear of splitting up the family.



All devils and no devils. Several people in town seem to be connected to him in Chapter 13.

  • Black Eyes of Evil: His eyes are empty black voids. And well, he's the Devil.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Black eyes, long black hair. Often wears black as well to indicate his evil, yet charismatic, nature.
  • Deal with the Devil: Hazel sold her soul to him to get out of criminal charges and she then tries to swap her soul with Oscar's but he's not interested. He implicitly made a similar deal with Clifford's father.
  • Evil Is Bigger: He stands a full head taller than Oscar.
  • I Have Many Names: He apparently answers to many names, a given since he's the Devil. However, concept art of him has him tagged as Sheol, the name of the Jewish afterlife. Cliff refers to him as "Scary Larry". Oscar later describes him as Sheol after hearing what the place he takes people is like.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: In his opening scene, he rips a pastor's face off and later intends to eat Oscar when Hazel brings Oscar to him to swap his soul.
  • Man of Wealth and Taste: Black suit, bolo tie, he's basically got the look down to a T.
  • Nothing Is Scarier: When he ensnares someone, he effectively traps them in nothingness until they'll do what he wants. That blind separation of soul and body is why Oscar refers to him as Sheol.
  • The Nose Knows: He is able to smell magic and the remnants of gods of old. Oscar having the scent of such a god mixed into him is enough to make Sheol stop trying to kill Oscar to demand an answer.
  • Our Demons Are Different: He has black eyes, dresses in black suits, has telekinesis and intangibility by transforming into a puff of smoke and has extremely high strength. He can also immobilize people by sending them to a place of lonely emptiness.
  • Villain Respect: When he talks with Pastor Goodness about the nature of the "devil" and why the devil is not talked about as much, Pastor Goodness replies his views that people got wise to the old tricks, so the "devil" got smarter and wilier, hiding among people and trapping them before they realize they are in bed with him. Sheol smiles at this and compliments Goodness by saying he is smart too, right before he rips out the pastor's throat.



A giant one-eyed frog that appears in Chapter 14. And she's looking for something taken from her long ago.

  • Affably Evil: Despite regularly threatening to eat the world, she's civil and willing to entertain Oscar.
  • Amphibian at Large: A frog about the size of an elephant.
  • Eye Scream: She lost her one eye to some hunters who saw her and opened fire, got lucky, and then ran. She tells Oscar she will kill them if they ever return.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: After her anger at Oscar for being involved in her missing heart, which she smells on him, leads to her attacking and nearly killing him, Oscar doesn't come back to speak with her anymore. Pages 1072 and 1073 show her waiting patiently, hoping Oscar will come back but he doesn't that day. The caption lampshades this.
    Reap what you sow.
  • Logical Weakness: Oscar realizes that her missing eye means her vision is impaired on that side and uses the blind spot to escape from the cave she takes him to for a forceful interrogation.
  • Odd Friendship: She became fond of a young animal person who befriended her some time ago. She enjoyed his company and would let him climb on her back as they played.
  • Oh, Crap!: Certainly inspires this response when she shows up demanding her heart.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: Hanyi The Worldeater. One really needs to wonder why Oscar is sticking around to talk.
  • Really 700 Years Old: Her exact age is not stated but she is incredibly long lived to the point of not knowing if Oscar is considered old or young because "humans go by so quickly [she] can never remember."



A young animal person that appears in flashbacks in Chapter 14. He used to be friends with Pastor Goodness's grandfather and Hanyi.
