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Characters / Level 1 Strongest Sage

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Character sheet for Level 1 Strongest Sage. Please read with caution if not caught up with the web-novel.

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     Haruto Sil' Vous Plait, or Halt Vie Silveray
But I'm only level 1, you know...
Originally an ordinary 17-year-old boy on Earth, he was murdered by the evil god disguised as an automobile accident, and his soul was brought before the Evil God. Expecting the usual isekai cliché, he became excited at the prospect of being reincarnated in another world until he was told he'd be getting not a "cheat" ability, but a curse. Without any further explanation, he is dumped into the body of an unborn child. His next conscious memory is waking up in the middle of the night, smothered by Tina's breasts, as a 5-year-old child. Even though he was born in an aristocratic house, with his inability to raise his level, he dreaded the lack of prospects, until he realized his "curse" was actually a powerful blessing in disguise.
  • Accidental Discovery: As he's undergoing advanced training magic use in his back-yard, because his curse gives him so much mana it causes the condition "mana intoxication" in the rest of his class, the sheer output he provides wakes up the fenrir that just happens to be sleeping near his estate, with the poor wolf thinking it's a demon-king invasion.
  • Achievement In Ignorance: His signature spell, the flame knight, is actually a forbidden spell that's kept under lock and key. He created his own version without even being aware of this spell even existing.
  • Adaptation Name Change: His name both in the new world and on Earth changes between mediums.
  • All-Loving Hero: He doesn't discriminate. He rarely holds a grudge and gives people the benefit of the doubt. Still, he's not stupid and after hearing the elf-supremacist dogma during the one-sided tournament to decide Tina's husband, he plotted with Sylph that the spirit would name and shame the crowd if they tried to call foul on his victory. They did, so she did.
  • Bathtub Bonding: In the manga, he's shown being bathed by Tina since he was 5. In the original web-novel, the first onscreen occurrence involved several of his Unwanted Harem barging in on him bathing and then getting in the tub as well, regardless of his wishes. He later takes Tina on a date to an onsen one on one and they bathe together, with a lot of kissy-face going on.
  • The Cavalry: By accident. The class's first monster hunting exercise went horribly wrong. Ryuushi and his sister bumped into a warlock that just broke free of his seal and attacked them, taking out his grudge against their father who supposedly died some time in the past. Luke bumps into a herd of extremely aggressive magic-resistant rhinos, that he can maybe take out one of before the rest get to him. Leafa herself was being ambushed by a monster from behind, but mistakes one of Haruto's magical constructs for an enemy and unwittingly triggers a forest fire by attacking it. For the first two, Haruto's constructs, in auto-pilot "seek and destroy monster" mode completely eliminate the threat, and for the last, Haruto arrives on the scene to see Leafa trying to carry an unconscious Luna away from the flames and responds by summoning Undine, commanding the water spirit to douse the fire to nothing. Tina, who was trying to respond to multiple SOS at the same time, only managed to arrive on the scene after it was all over.
  • Celibate Hero: He's a downplayed example, basically interested but showing restraint until various conditions are cleared. While he's very eager to consummate his marriage with Tina, and has given sex with the others a thought or two, he's content to wait until they're good and ready for him, with Tina going first, and wants to get the green-light from Tina before he so much as looks at the others.
  • Challenge Seeker: He's always looking for new and interesting ways to test his limits.
  • Comically Invincible Hero: He ends every problem he faces, with rare exception, by magically or physically sucker-punching it into submission.
  • Cursed with Awesome: Literally. The evil god's curse locks all his stats, including MP and HP, exactly where they were when he was born. Thus he never runs out of magic, and barring some effect that kills him instantly, all but makes him immortal, and since his status is also fixed in place, he's completely immune to status ailments, including the price for magical contracts, as he learns when Youko forces him into a magical contract to protect herself.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Since he's getting married to the crown princess of another nation, he should have expected the king of his own country would attend the ceremony, because that's precisely what happens.
  • Does Not Know His Own Strength: Since he started practicing magic at 5, Tina's been quietly increasing the defensive powers of his practice targets without telling him, and his first hunt was a weak monster, a horned rabbit. Thus he didn't have any reference when it was his turn to test his strength at the academy. Thinking his strength had been constant and that all his classmates had already used their most powerful spells, he unleashes his mightiest attack, and nearly nukes the school. Tina managed to block the spell, but did not come out unscathed, and would have died if she didn't have a powerful artifact protecting her, which was destroyed in her place. Fortunately, this kind of thing only happens once.
  • Fake Defector: His "capture the prince" strategy ending Volume 3 wasn't as foolish or naïve as it appears at first glance. He plays along and pretends to be enslaved, even "fighting off" his allies so he can get all the enemy forces in one place, and in full view of the Alheim capital to sober up those elf-supremacist nobles out of their superiority complex, he beats the stuffing out of Ammon, mass-teleports the entire enemy army back to the doorstep of their own imperial capital, thus costing them 20 days worth of forced marches, and lets them have it that that if he wanted, he could easily kill them, and that they'd better not mess with Alheim again.
  • Gone Horribly Right: In the prelude to the beast-man kingdom tournament, Haruto is informed of the challenge to summon the Beast-King God. He undertakes the challenge, just to see if he could do it. He succeeds, which means he just summoned the god for no reason. Fortunately, Melody was with him and just happened to have questions only the god could answer, so it all works out.
  • Innocently Insensitive: If he does or says something improper, offensive, or just plain wrong, it's because he's a very sheltered 10-year-old boy, and when he's corrected, he takes steps to see that he doesn't do it again.
  • Kidanova: Even though he's only 10, he's a smooth-talking ladies' man who keeps his Unwanted Harem happy with praise, compliments, and the occasional head-pat, though he's got precocious puberty and has to use magic to keep the "normal response" from happening if the girls barge in on him in the bath.
  • Logical Weakness: The "fly" spell cost 15 MP to cast, his max MP is 10, so he's probably the only one of the main characters who can't use it. The best he's been able to come up with is using wind magic to levitate, as he finds that even with his extensive magical mastery, the requisite vectors of thrust for a stable flight are just way too complicated to pull off with the wind-lance spell alone.
  • Meaningful Rename: Since he's the third son, he can't, by law, hold on to his family name when he marries, so he has to choose his own family name. He goes with the name Elon when his marriage to Tina and Leafa becomes official in the kingdom of Glendale.
  • No-Sell: In the Beast-man kingdom arc, we finally see what happens when someone lands a physical attack. In a tournament with the current Beast King, the titular king is too fast to dodge and too strong to parry so manages to land a punch in Haruto's stomach. Everyone looks on stunned as Haruto isn't budged in the slightest, nor even flinch. Haruto capitalizes on the confusion to end the bout with a well-placed haymaker.
  • Seven Heavenly Virtues: He's got them.
    • Diligence: He grew to be a magical powerhouse by spending every day practicing magic, for at least a half-hour, starting at age 5 and still does so in the present.
    • Temperance: He may come from the house of a count, but given a choice would live frugally. He's frequently shocked that his father's idea of a dorm room, is an exclusive mansion.
    • Chastity: Granted, he may only be 10, but he's got precocious puberty going on and knows what is and is not appropriate to show ladies affection and never tries to sexually exploit the ladies in his sphere of influence, especially Youko who can't disobey his orders, as long as it doesn't put her life in danger.
    • Charity: He helps the helpless whenever he can.
    • Patience: He takes his time and is willing to wait for his goals.
    • Kindness: He treasures all life and treats all people he meets with genuine good will until they give him reason not to.
    • Humility: He doesn't boast or brag of his accomplishments and never uses the fact that he comes from a count house like a club to get his way. He treats all people, regardless of station, as equals until they give him reason not to.
  • Skilled, but Naive: He's a magical powerhouse, but if he's in a situation that doesn't involve combat and tactics, he's a total pushover. In volume 4, as he and his brides are arriving at the wedding venue, the unnamed second son of an unnamed Marquis in the Sil'vous Plait territory walks up, points at Leafa and says "father, I'm going to marry that elf." The Marquis then walks up, grabs Leafa and starts to drag her away and when Halt tries to object, gets shouted down. It's only because the king was officiating the ceremony and pointed out that Leafa is the crown princess of an allied nation, allied by Halt's meritorious deeds no less, that the Marquis and his oaf of a son are held to account.
  • Spirited Competitor: He loves to fight for the thrill of the challenge.
  • Summon Magic: He has formed several spirit contracts on screen and uses spells from the appropriate element to substitute for the proper spell circles.
  • Squishy Wizard: Since his stats and level are fixed, his body is actually quite weak by in-universe standards, but because he has an unlimited mana, thanks to his MP being fixed, he can simulate the the really big spells and pump in unprecedented levels of power by stacking a bunch of small spells together. Of note, he can summon the Celestial Spirit King by using 1 million level 1 "lightning lance" spells, in less than a second.
  • These Hands Have Killed: Immediately after his first hunt, where he used a fire-lance spell to kill a horned rabbit that was charging him, he was shaking in fear for having taken a life and had to be comforted. This is justified that he was 5 at the time, and his former life was a teen that never had to go hunting before, so this is a perfectly normal reaction.
  • Unluckily Lucky: Of the billions of people on Earth, he's the one who gets chosen completely at random to be The Evil God's summoned hero, but as he's being sent to the new world, birthplace chosen by dart-board, the dart hits "nobility", when 90% of the board is "slave" and the remaining 9% is commoner. His arrival place was also close enough that Tina could sense it and approach the Sil' Vous Plait house to be his maid, mentor, and nanny.
  • Weak, but Skilled: While he may appear Unskilled, but Strong to the untrained eye, the truth is that he can't use any spell that would normally cost more than 10 MP to cast, so he duplicates the really big spells by rapid-casting a bunch of small spells together to get the desired effect.

Mage academy first year class:

     Tina Harribel
You'll do anything, right? Then sleep with (beside) me from now on, for the rest of our lives!
Haruto's maid and the teacher of his class. When she senses the unique magical signature indicating a reincarnator, she follows it to the Sil'Vous Plait house, and asks the count to be Haruto's maid, nanny, and tutor. The count happily agrees to the honor, considering her fame, talent, and the fact that the entire country he lives in has tried and failed to recruit her countless times. As Haruto grows up, she's been watching over and tending to him, first believing he is a reincarnation of the hero she loved, but then coming to love him instead and groomed him to be her next husband.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: She is very, very possessive of Haruto and doesn't like the fact he's got a harem around him, but she's willing to overlook it as long as she remains the Top Wife and the rest follow her rules.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: In her home country of Alheim, her parents were murdered and she was enslaved by a bunch of elf-supremacists, because she's part human. Since she had "divine protection," the supremacists couldn't kill her so instead enslaved her and sold her to a human despite the fact that if a demon king arose, her protection would be required to fight off the demons. In transit, the cage she was in was attacked by demons, nearly getting her killed. The hero from another world who came to her rescue was grievously wounded because he prioritized rescuing her over getting special blessings. Then after the two fell in love, but before they could become lovers, he was whisked away back to his homeworld, regardless of his wishes, the moment the demon king breathed his last.
  • Famed In-Story: There are few who don't know and idolize the name "Tina Harribel" as she was in the party that heroically defended mankind from the last demon king.
  • Famous Ancestor: She has the blood of a hero who defeated a previous demon king in her veins.
  • Living MacGuffin: For the kingdom of Alheim. All the top aristocrats except the king himself will gladly do anything, no matter how vile, to chain her to the kingdom to keep her from becoming an enemy out of Do Unto Others Before They Do Unto Us. If not for Sylph giving them an ultimatum that she would strip away Ygdrassil's blessing, dooming the country to a slow death, they would have tried to enslave and brainwash Haruto to a Death of Personality, expecting her to simply follow him meekly. They are so, so lucky she doesn't know about that.
  • The Lost Lenore: Even after 100 years, she is still pining for the hero she loved who was whisked away back to his home world, regardless of his wishes, when the demon king was defeated.
  • Made a Slave: As a child, she was enslaved by elf-supremacists, with her parents murdered for the "crime" of one of her parents being human.
  • Marriage of Convenience: Though she very much loves Haruto and wants to be married to him, the primary reason she becomes his wife in volume 3 is to legally keep those rascally elven nobles from trying to lay hands on her. She doesn't know it, but even that wasn't enough. It took Sylph giving them an ultimatum before they snapped out of their paranoia and left Tina and Haruto alone, although Leafa had to bear the burden of their folly.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Because she kept quietly strengthening the targets Haruto used to practice with, he never realized how powerful he actually was, so when his turn to prove his magical prowess came to pass, he unwittingly went too far, nearly nuking the campus and costing her her Tragic Keepsake.
  • Ninja Maid: She's an excellent house-keeper and a level 250 combatant.
  • Rescue Romance: She fell in love with the other-world hero who came to her rescue, getting grievously wounded in the process.
  • Serious Business: She sleeps on Haruto's left side. The right goes on a nightly rotation! This is not open for negotiation. Everything else about being in his harem is.
  • Top Wife: She's Haruto's main squeeze and the only one he ever dates one on one. She's the one who lays down the ground rules in the harem, and with 250 combat levels, and the seniority that comes with a 120 year long life, she's earned that right.
  • Tragic Keepsake: Her necklace that stops one life-threatening attack. This was destroyed when Haruto unwittingly used a spell way, way too strong.
  • Wife Husbandry: Gender inverted. She raised Haruto to be her husband.
  • You Remind Me of X: She finds Haruto very, very similar to the hero she loves.

Thanks for helping me Haruto-sama!
A girl Haruto encounters at the entrance ceremony, being bullied by a pack of 7th year seniors whose leader also happened to come from a baron house. The pack was about to bully Haruto too until they realized he comes from a higher house, so they slunk away, scheming to get back at the "uppity junior" later.
  • Badass Bookworm: Her reincarnation granted skill allows for perfect recall of anything she's read. In the orphanage, she memorized every support magic grimoire she got her hands on. She became a support magician adventurer and rose to the ranks so she could afford to enter magic school.
  • Conveniently an Orphan: She was reincarnated into an orphanage.
  • Distaff Counterpart: She's also a reincarnator, but wasn't given much of a "cheat" ability because she's not actually a chosen hero.
  • Hates Being Alone: Raised in an orphanage with a gaggle of orphans, she has a phobia of sleeping alone. Melody was her roommate until she shoehorned herself into Haruto's harem and household. It's so bad, Luna's strongly considering using a magical love-potion to compel Haruto to put her in the harem as well, regardless of his intent. Haruto picks up on it via telepathic snooping.
  • Only Friend: She's one of Haruto's first friends at the academy. Tina pulled strings behind the scenes to make sure she was in Haruto's class as a result.
  • Shrinking Violet: She's somewhat on the shy side.
  • Support Party Member: Her magical abilities are mostly limited to status buffs.

Rook, Luke, what's the difference?
A boy Haruto meets at the entrance ceremony. He tries to stop Haruto from coming to Luna's aid because the bully involved was a noble, too late realizing that Haruto's a higher-tiered noble than the bully.
  • Adaptation Name Change: Some media call him "Luke" others call him "Rook."
  • Blackmail: Played for laughs. Haruto blackmails him into being his friend, for calling him "an idiot" in a heated moment, trying to prevent him from confronting a gang of bullies.
  • Bystander Syndrome: Justified. Until he realized Haruto was a higher-tiered noble, he tried to stop the latter from interfering with Nord, the ringleader, because the guy is a Baron, and pissing off nobles is a bad thing, regardless of who is right or wrong.
  • Difficult, but Awesome: His finishing move is a powerful lightning attack that has a long chant time.
  • Famous Ancestor: He's the relative of a powerful sage and is a sage in his own right.
  • Only Friend: At the start of his academic career, Luke was one of Haruto's two only friends.
  • Shock and Awe: His most powerful spell is the ultimate lightning magic.

I guess it can't be helped. I'm forming a contract with you Haruto, now protect me.
A nine-tailed fox who poses as a human to infiltrate Haruko's class with the intent to use brainwashing magic to take over the school, and then use the school to further her influence, eventually taking over the world. When Haruto tells her that he can see her magically hidden tails, she briefly considers trying to kill him but then realizes that would be an exercise in futility so forces Haruto into a master-slave contract, with her as the slave, for her own protection. She winds up becoming his pet, and beloved family member.
  • Affectionate Gesture to the Head: She loves it when Haruto pets her on the head.
  • Animorphism: Though she prefers her humanoid form, she can turn into her actual nine-tailed fox form at any time.
  • The Apprentice: Once Haruto convinces Tina that she's not a threat, and Youko herself volunteers, Tina begins training her how to be a cook and home-maker, and she likes it.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: She likes being Haruto's pet and wants to make him happy, not just because he gives her lots of head-pats, but because he is willing to shield and protect her, even without being under the effect of a magical contract to compel him. Well, that and he likes to call her cute.
  • Common Law Marriage: By the very nature of the contract she forced Haruto into, she is bound to him, for life, with him doting on and protecting her, while she serves and obeys him. She's ecstatic that he complies with his end without being magically compelled to do so.
  • Cordon Bleugh Chef: Justified. Since she's apparently never been in the kitchen before, the first time she tries to cook, her performance was less than stellar, but it was edible and tasty, so she passed.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: As a kit, she innocently came a bit too close to an adventuring party, and was spotted. The adventurers immediately captured her, sold her into slavery, and murdered her mother while she was Forced to Watch. She somehow managed to escape her bonds and assumed a human form to infiltrate human society, seeking revenge. Because of becoming Haruto's pet, and his orders to stay out of mischief, she happily devotes her all, save her life, to him.
  • Do Unto Others Before They Do Unto Us: On both ends. She was captured and her mother killed because full-grown nine-tail foxes are considered calamity class capable monsters. She wanted to take over the world and dominate humans to preemptively stop them from harming any more nine-tails. When Haruto mentions her tails, that she was actively hiding, she presumes the worst, but since she believed she had no chance in a straight-up fight, forced him into a magically cumpolsory contract to protect herself. She winds up ecstatic when Haruto dotes on her even without the contract being in force on his end.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: At first, she couldn't understand why someone as powerful as Haruto didn't want to simply take over the world. Once he starts giving her head-pats and lets her sleep beside him, she begins to understand real quick.
  • Fantastic Arousal: She gets very hot and bothered when Haruto grooms her tails and runs his fingers through them.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Blonde hair and although a bit mischievous, she's a good, kind woman who wants to make Haruto happy.
  • Happiness in Slavery: She's Haruto's pet and knows she's loved.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: Seeing that she had no chance against Haruto in open combat, she forced him into a master-slave contract, with herself as the slave.
  • Love Redeems: Because Haruto dotes on her as a pet, she's a woman who wants to make him happy, as opposed to the raging vengeance machine she wanted to be.
  • My Master, Right or Wrong: Haruto's word is law, as long as his orders don't put her life in danger.
  • Sleep Cute: See for yourself.
  • Stealth Expert: Her primary magic involves making herself hard to notice, allowing her to sneak around.
  • When She Smiles: Oh everyone finds her smile adorable, on both sides of the fourth wall.

     Mia and Mei
Please form a contract with me, Haruto!
A pair of twin sisters and spirits of fire and water who start out as classmates of Haruto but ask to form a summoning contract with him once they see how "pure" and powerful his magic in their native elements is.
  • The First Cut Is the Deepest: While Mia has never had a contractor before, Mei had. That contractor was a sex-fiend who repeatedly summoned her so he could sexually assault her. It became so bad the Celestial Spirit King, her own father, had to descend and nullify the contract, blacklisting him. This made her jaded and a bit overprotective of Mia.
  • Half-Identical Twins: Aside from one of them being a being of fire and the other water, they are completely identical, and can't be identified by sight alone.
  • In Love with Your Carnage: The both of them ask Haruto to form a spirit contract with them once they see how powerful and "pure" his magic is. They don't regret it, even happily stripping naked to join him in the bath, unprompted.
  • Secret Test of Character: They are one. Under normal circumstances, spirits can't walk the human world until they're in a contract, but because of Mei's horrific experience, their father gave them a special blessing to walk the human world posing as humans so they could see the character of their intended contractor before they sign the dotted line. Haruto passed not only their tests, but their father's with flying colors.
  • Tag Team Twins: They are twin sisters and work best when they're together.
  • Yin-Yang Bomb: Their strongest attack is a fusion of their fire and water magics.

The brother of a Brother–Sister Team of dragon-folk who attend the academy in Haruto's class.
  • Adaptational Wimp: In the web-novel, he defeats Edgar in the inter-class competition, even with Edgar getting buffing magic from outside the arena, being buffed by the rest of his class, including his teacher, the last of which is illegal. In the manga, Edgar defeats him honestly, and it's Melody, being buffed by Luna, that has to fight against such an unfair handicap.
  • Brother–Sister Team: With his younger sister.
  • Sins of Our Fathers: A warlock who has a grudge with his father for sealing him away, after the warlock engaged in a lot of villainy, tries to go Revenge by Proxy. Unfortunately for said warlock, Haruto's "mana knights" stumbled upon the attack and althought the warlock was able to take down one of them, at incredible effort, its death summoned five more, who proceeded to burn him to death with what the novel describes as mob violence.
  • Sword and Sorcerer: He delivers magically enhanced melee attacks while his sister buffs him with support and healing magic.

The younger sister dragonoid.
  • Beyond the Impossible: Most users of "resurrection" magic can't use the spell on inanimate objects, but she can, as long as the object in question has magic applied to it. Prior to her, this was considered impossible.
  • Brother–Sister Team: With her brother, Ryuushin.
  • Non-Indicative Name: "Resurrection" magic doesn't actually revive the dead. It just returns inanimate objects infused with mana or living beings back to the state they were before the spell was cast.
  • Sword and Sorcerer: She's the sorcerer to Ryuushin's sword.

Why is Tina Harridel teaching our class?
The elf princess of Alheim.
  • Altar Diplomacy: After the rest of the kingdom's nobility pissed off Sylph, twice, her father, at Sylph's command, gives her the task of trying to Honey Trap Haruto into a marriage, to make sure neither Tina nor Haruto declare war on the kingdom, and to make this worse, says she has to do it in less than a month, before the class returns to mage academy. If Sylph hadn't decided to play the role of Romantic Wingman, there's no way she would have succeeded.
  • Blow You Away: Like most elves of Alheim, she specializes in wind-based magic.
  • Bureaucratically Arranged Marriage: What she was always destined to have, and she was resigned to it. Fortunately, Sylph, the Guardian Entity of her country, pushed her unto Haruto, who will at least treat her kindly.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Blonde and a princess who makes her father proud in her service to the country, and is a good, kind woman outside her princess duties.
  • Impossible Task: Here's how her father, the king, informed her in the middle of the night that she's being used in Altar Diplomacy with Haruto.
    • She has to win him and Tina over since she'd already been offered as a boon to Haruto and was turned down.
    • She couldn't push too hard because offending Tina would have the opposite of the intended effect.
    • She has to get Haruto to marry her before the class leaves the country at the end of their month-long field-trip. At this caveat, she's What the hell, DAD?!
  • Marriage of Convenience: In the end, she does manage to get herself married to Haruto, but it wasn't because of her own appeal. It was because her friend Sylph went and yanked on Haruto and Tina's heart-strings by stating that either she'd be married to Haruto or pawned off to a nearby human empire that has a less than stellar reputation...

The representative from the beast nation.
  • Ascended Fangirl: Her Beast Man race worships Fenrir as a god, so when Halt brings one into the class with him, after taming him, she badgers her way into his "dorm room" mansion. Halt decides that since he can't get her to give up, he'll just have Tina give her maid training too, and letting her tend to Fenrir's dietary needs.
  • Boxing Battler: Fights with boxing moves.
  • Cat Girl: Cat ears on her head, a cat's tail on her back, and cat paws for hands.
  • My Species Doth Protest Too Much: Beast-men like herself are usually unable to use magic, at all, save the occasional physical enhancement. She's a Kung-Fu Wizard.
  • Ninja Maid: In training. Since Halt couldn't get her to give up on trying to force herself into his mansion to get at Shiro (Fenrir), he has Tina train her on being a maid, in addition to her academy training in martial arts and magic.
  • Really Royalty Reveal: She is revealed as the beast-king's daughter during the Beast-man country arc.
  • Standard Hero Reward: She is added to the list of Haruto's wives after he won the tournament; Haruto asked for it, because he wanted to play with the pads on her hands. The beast-king and Melody herself agreed to it. Haruto owns three countries as a result.

Seventh Years:

You won't get away with "disrespecting" us, first years!
The son of a baron. He and his lackeys were introduced in chapter 4 of the manga cornering Luna, accusing her of "being rude" by bumping into them when it's Baron Naado himself who bumped into her. Naado was raring to punch Haruto for intervening until one of his lackeys noticed that Haruto comes from a higher rank of nobility. In chapter 12, they try to get revenge for "being disrespected" by leading a class-battle against Haruto's class to steal away the classroom.
  • The Bully: Naado and crew love to make themselves feel superior by going around tormenting people who can't fight back.
  • Psychological Projection: Since Naado uses his Baron title like a club, he presumes Haruto uses his Count title the same way, and dares to be offended.
  • Screw the Rules, I Have Connections!: He uses the fact that he's a baron to push people around. He tries this on Haruto, who is a count, until one of his lackeys points out Haruto's higher rank, and then he slinks away, swearing vengeance.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: Their magical power is pathetic, but because they've somehow managed to make it to the seventh year and Naado is a baron, they prance around as if they're the mightiest mages around.
  • Suicidal Overconfidence: When Naado faces off against Leafa, he gives her free reign to deliver the first blow, and does nothing as she's charging up her magic power. By the time he realizes he's in trouble and takes action, she's already launched the spell, knocking him, his lackeys, and most of his class unconscious.

Introduced in chapter 13 of the manga, he's a seventh-year classmate who was brought into the class-battle as the trump card because the rest of the class was One-Hit KO by Leafa.
  • Adaptational Badass: In the manga he manages to take out Ryuuchi, honestly. In the original web-novel, when he was up against Ryuuchi, he was buffed from outside the arena by his classmates and teacher, even though the latter is forbidden and still lost.
  • Brilliant, but Lazy: Justified. He was trying to nap before he was called to the stage and didn't want to fight at all, but was compelled to. The justification comes from the fact that his student council duties had him pull several all-nighters until just before the match so he was exhausted.
  • Token Good Teammate: Among the seventh-years that fought Tina's class, he's the only one with any scruples.

Other Academy teachers and staff:

     Dean Sage Luarno Vell Ifrus 
  • The Archmage: He's mastered just about every magic spell known, and written or invented quite a few of them over his adventuring career.
  • Cool Old Guy: He can still pall around with the young folks, even though he's old and grey, eeven for a long-lived elf.
  • Famed In-Story: There are few people, regardless of country, who haven't heard of him or his exploits, on or off screen.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: He runs the academy honestly and fairly, and students or teachers who have concerns will always find his door open to them.
  • Retired Badass: Semi-retired, to be precise. He mostly runs the magic academy, but if there's a very dire situation, he's still on-call.
  • Training from Hell: Downplayed. As a "special treat," he not only provides his very, very highly sought after lectures to Halt's class, after their exemplary accomplishments from volume 3, but drags them along on subjugation quests, and it's noted that he's not tagging along on their normal quests, but dragging them into quests so dangerous, the kingdom has to send him out.


     The Evil God
Let's do it! We'll create our own "useless" hero!
After his last Demon King was defeated way too quickly, leaving him at a serious energy deficit, his aide advises him that by summoning and then crippling his own hero, he can hamstring the creation god's ability to do so. Thus, he summons, by killing and reincarnating, Haruto to the new world and curses him with the [Stats fixed] curse to keep him from growing stronger. It takes a few years before he realizes how this backfired.
  • Affably Evil: He's a being that revels in murder, pain, suffering, and grudges, but he is unfailingly pleasant and polite in person.
  • Benevolent Boss: He treats his subordinates with respect and listens to their opinions.
  • Berserk Button: Don't be rude. He was perfectly cordial with Haruto until the latter, understandably, yelled "Don't Fuck With Me!" after being informed that he was going to be given a curse rather than the stereotypical "cheat" power and ability common to isekai protagonists. At that point, he just dumps Haruto to the new world without any further comment or explanation.
  • The Devil Is a Loser: As a God of Evil, he's supposed to use his demon lords to defeat the hero summoned by the god of creation and he uses a loophole to summon a hero onto his rival's side. Fortunately for Haruto, the Evil God is incompetent, as shown by how he overlooks a major loophole in his curse and how he reincarnated the protagonist into nobility, which is one of the safest positions in this genre.
  • Emotion Eater: He feeds on negative emotions, such as despair, and he needs them to live.
  • Four Eyes, Zero Soul: Wears glasses and is an evil god.
  • God of Evil: Self proclaimed. It is his title after all. He does evil thing slike spawn demons to attack people.
  • Horned Humanoid: He has horns atop his head. He's the evil god, you know?
  • How the Mighty Have Fallen: His dialogue with his attendant at the start of the story strongly suggests that his failures at the Cosmic Chess Game are a recent phenomenon, and he used to be far more threatening. In fact, Tina's backstory a mere 100 years ago indicates that the demon king armies used to be vastly more competent. He himself states that the summoned "heroes" are getting far more dangerous than they used to be for unknown reasons.
  • Inconvenient Summons: Considering he has to kill you to summon you, yeah, that's pretty inconvenient.
  • Jerkass God: Considering that the way he chose where Haruto was going to be born involved throwing a dart at a dartboard, which his aide was holding over her head, yeah, he can be considered quite a bit of a jerk.
  • Laughably Evil: He fulfills the archetype of a malevolent summoner in Isekai media by screwing over the person he summoned. Despite this being one of the most intentionally detestable roles in the genre, he still manages to be comical about it. He's depressed about how the system is stacked against him due to the heroes gaining cheat abilities, which comes off as self-deprecating humor towards the genre. His half-assed attempt to curse Haruto ends up turning the boy into an immortal who can spam low-level spells. Finally, when he tries reincarnating Haruto into one of the worst positions in society, a slave, he does so using a dartboard and accidentally reincarnates the latter into nobility.
  • Loophole Abuse: He may have to play by the rules of the chess-game he's got going with the creator god, but none of those rules say he can't summon a "hero" and cripple him, then put him on the opposing team.
  • Made of Evil: He can't help being the way he is. He feeds on and is made of negative emotions, evil thoughts, and malice.
  • Never My Fault: He claims that the Cosmic Chess Game is stacked against him due to the god of creation's overpowered heroes, but given that he shot himself in the foot by cursing Haruto, it's implied that he's just not very good at this game but is unwilling to admit it.
  • One-Shot Character: He only appears at the prologue and is never seen again.
  • Prime Directive: He can't interfere with the world directly, he can only play by the rules of the Cosmic Chessgame, otherwise the god of creation can reach into his realm and punish him. The consequences are never spelled out in detail.
  • Shrouded in Myth: His actions are so indirect that the populace of the new world isn't even sure he exists. When Haruto reveals his status board to the dean of mage academy, the dean proclaims "so the god of evil actually exists!"

Kingdom of Alheim:

The elf country and Leafa's mother land.

     As a whole 
  • Aristocrats Are Evil: To the point of Too Dumb to Live. The aristocracy and the ministers, as a whole, completely ignore the king's decrees, make major diplomatic decisions and agreements behind his back, and try to seize control of their legendary hero Tina by forcing her into a marriage against her will with one of their own, and when that fails, trying to enslave her even stronger husband, repeatedly offending Sylph, the spirit of the tree Yggdrasil, upon whose blessing their country depends, and to soothe her, break one of the major agreements they signed without the king's knowledge, not letting anybody know until the country is caught between a rock and a hard place, oh, and firing their top general for petty reasons without any notice, giving him a righteous grudge? OY! And to make things worse, the country with whom the agreement was broken now has a nice Pretext for War and acted on it.
  • Digging Yourself Deeper: Okay, so Tina, a legendary and well-renowned figure, is rightfully miffed that her parents were killed by elf supremacists, she was sold into slavery because she couldn't be killed, and for 100 some years, even though her heroic adventures to defeat a demon king were recognized, absolutely nothing was done to redress how she was wronged. Do they honor her with a formal apology, a celebration for coming back alive, and do their best to express remorse? NOPE!
    • They one-sidedly hold a tournament, against king's orders, to decide who will be her husband, all participants welcome, spouting elf-supremacist dogma.
    • When the human wins, they call foul and try to dispute his victory, until they're shouted down by Sylph, their patron spirit, upon whom the country depends, and who they asked to bless the tournament in the first place.
    • Realizing that this offended both Haruto and Tina, they ignore the king's formal apology and go behind his back to prepare a Bangle of Enslavement to enslave and brainwash Haruto, fully expecting Tina to just go and follow him quietly. Sylph once again shouts them down, offended, and to soothe her, offer up Leafa's hand in Altar Diplomacy so the country continues to receive Yggdrasil's blessings.
    • Because he lost the first round of the tournament, the nobles and ministers fire the army's top general without notice and pressure the king to comply, earning the general's grudge as he then winds up in the slums drowning his sorrows as his life literally revolved around his military service, and without it, he doesn't even have a house to live in, being evicted that very day.
    • When the envoy of Apristos shows up at the throne room to make wedding arrangements for the Arranged Marriage with Leafa, that was agreed to without the king's knowledge or consent, that is when the nobles and ministers decide to admit it, after Leafa's hand was already given to Haruto in matrimony, giving him a Morton's Fork, risk war with Tina and Haruto or deal with a human army that outnumbers the country's troops more than ten to one.
  • Do Unto Others Before They Do Unto Us: The aristocracy, save the king, all fear Tina waging war in retaliation the crap she endured as a child and for which they have clearly not given her any redress, so they try to preemptively force her to marry one of their own through a one-sided Engagement Challenge in the form of a martial and magical arts tournament. When they lose, to Haruto, a human, who proves to be even stronger than her, they get the "brilliant" idea to slap a Bangle of Enslavement on him to enslave and slowly brainwash him to their side, expecting Tina to meekly go along. They pointedly ignore the king's orders and input in both cases.
  • Fantastic Racism: Though there was a crackdown thanks to a supremacist group taking things too far and endangering the country by enslaving and selling off their best defense against a demon king to human hands, nearly getting Tina killed in the process, even in the present, the nobility and prevailing opinion is openly elf-supremacist.
  • Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: All their actions are motivated by the desire to preempt a war that would ruin their country, lead by a human invasion. Their actions actively trigger this war, especially the part where the ministers promise Leafa's hand in marriage to the fifth prince of the Apristos Empire but left the king in the dark until the prince's envoy showed up to plan the wedding, but by this point, Leafa's hand had already been claimed by Haruto, to soothe their actions against Tina and prevent him from being offended. Oh, Crap!
  • Stupid Evil: Aside from the king, all the aristocrats are so selfish and short-sighted that their incompetence is indistinguishable from active treason.

     The Elf King 
  • Dumbass Has a Point: He may be completely inept as a king, but when an overwhelming army is marching on the country, and said army has a solid Pretext for War at the foundation, evacuating foreign guests, dignitaries, and the crown princess, is the right thing to do, diplomatically, morally, practically, pragmatically, and tactically. So when he told Tina's class "get out of the country, NOW!" He was right on all fronts.
  • Good Is Dumb: If he wasn't the king, and the nation didn't depend on his decisions, he'd be a great guy to hang out with and a nice father-in-law to have, but when it comes to ruling Alheim, he lets his ministers and the nobles walk all over him, to the point people wonder why the nation even has a king.
  • No Name Given: His name has yet to be mentioned.
  • Puppet King: He apparently has no authority whatsoever. His ministers make major diplomatic decisions and take action without his knowledge or consent. The aristocracy can simply out-vote him at any time, apparently. On those times when he does give out orders, like telling said ministers to leave Tina and Haruto the hell alone, at best, they give lip-service to "trying to reason with the king" as to why they don't agree with the order, but once out of sight, do whatever they want anyway.
  • Rage Breaking Point: Throughout the entirety of Volume 3, he's been buffeted by the lethal stupidity of his ministers, attendants, and the high-nobles of his country who have done everything humanly possible to alienate Tina and her entourage, while trying to manipulate and dominate them out of sheer arrogance, and even sold his daughter, princess Leafa, into Altar Diplomacy without telling him, making him stuck between a hostile army marching on the capital and the wrath of the country's guardian spirit, but when Haruto's plan goes horribly wrong, thanks to an elf traitor using the very Bangle of Enslavement that the ministers themselves provided, and then the ministers tried to blame Haruto for it out of elf-supremacy dogma, he completely blows his stack and yells at them that it's their own unfounded pride that's responsible, and lectures them, like one would a developmentally challenged child, the sheer depth of the shit-storm they're in, with the knowledge that a brain-washed Haruto could turn their guardian spirit on them, in addition to the invading army that is eagerly looking to Rape, Pillage, and Burn.`
    "Do not besmirch our dignity any further! Haruto-dono can forcefully un-summon Sylph-sama! Do you not realize what that means?! He can forcefully summon Sylph-sama and command Sylph-sama to lay waste to the country!"
  • Surrounded by Idiots: He rightly comes to this conclusion when the Apridos Empire is marching on his door-step, an enslaved Haruto in their ranks, thanks to the actions of a traitor, spurred by his own ministers, and then the ministers try to shift the blame to Haruto out of completely unfounded elven pride.
  • Too Desperate to Be Picky: With an army of 3000 elites belonging to the prince's bodyguard marching on the country, followed by an army of 100,000, vs the local 10,000, and having little to no diplomatic options, since his ministers screwed him over, he had no choice but to accept an overly naive and optimistic plan to capture and ransom the invading prince to sue for peace. Surprising no one, the plan goes off the rails almost immediately, and wasn't likely to succeed even if there wasn't a traitor in the ranks.

     Elven General 
An unnamed elven general that was Haruto's first opponent in the hastily organized tournament the elf nobles instigated to try and get Tina forcefully allied to the country via marriage. He was summarily ejected from his post after his loss and then turns traitor after he's left with no prospect and is approached by the demon general Ammon who was using the body of a subordinate as a vessel.
  • Deader than Dead: Once Ammon takes over his body, his soul is consumed. He's not coming back.
  • Deal with the Devil: He gives his body and soul to Ammon in return for getting vengeance on the Alheim kingdom that treated him badly, and in return for his subordinate that sold her soul to Ammon in exchange for the power to be his right hand.
  • Elemental Punch: He can wrap his wrists in wind magic to boost his power. This turns on him when he tries to punch out one of Haruto's flame knights.
  • Fission Mailed: He never intended to win the tournament. He was ordered to defeat Haruto in the first round and then throw the match to any of the unnamed elf nobles so one of them would wind up married to Tina. When he lost the bout to Haruto, and with disturbing ease, this plan literally went up in flames.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: His own wind-magic elemental punch takes him out when he tries to punch out one of Haruto's flame knights. Haruto even tries to warn him, but the warning came a split second too late.
  • Hookers and Blow: Deconstructed. While he was general, he spent most of his disposable income, in times of peace, at the bar and brothel. This left him with little, if anything, in the way of savings when he was summarily dismissed from his post and then evicted from the barracks provided him as part of the army. In addition, when his severance pay was also cut, he was left with no other option than to go to the slums and try to drown himself to death in booze.
  • Like a Son to Me: The reason he realized his subordinate was possessed by a demon is that she kissed him on the lips while he treated her like his own daughter.
  • Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal: Ordered to fight Haruto in a tournament, expelled from the army as a result of his loss, severance package greatly reduced by the nobility with the "justification" that he lost to a human, and left with no prospects but to drown himself to death with booze in the slums, he very, very quickly turned on the kingdom the instant Ammon came to him and asked "do you want revenge?"
  • No Name Given: We are never told his name, and now we're not likely to ever know what it is.

Sil'vous Plait family.

     Common to all 
  • Badass Family: Halt's elder sister is the Chief of Intelligence. Halt's elder brother is the Knight Captain of the Royal Guard. Halt's parents frequently rub shoulders with the crown. Halt's eldest brother Leo is the top general of the army!
  • Remember the New Guy?: They suddenly show up in the lead-up to Halt's wedding ceremony in the kingdom of Glendale as if they've been in the story all along, when the narrative barely even hints that Halt has older siblings.
  • Secret Secret-Keeper: They've known all along that Halt's a reincarnator, but Halt himself was unaware. They planned to share this with him when he came of age, got married, or revealed it to them, whichever came first. In volume 4, all three conditions come to pass, and Halt's shocked to learn they saw through him since he was 5.

Halt's older sister.
  • Cuteness Proximity: She loves to treat Halt like a plushie, grabbing and hugging him like crazy, and upon meeting Leafa does the same.
  • Gender-Blender Name: "Charles" is a name normally associated with men. She's a woman.
  • Mind Reading: Her official skill allows her to hear the thoughts of others. Which is how she knew Halt is a reincarnator.
  • Necessary Drawback: Her mind-reading skill only allows her to read the mind of one person at a time.
  • No Sense of Personal Space: Where it concerns Halt, she grabs and hugs him without warning every chance she gets, to the point Tina is actively jealous, and then goes on to to the same to Leafa.
  • The Smurfette Principle: She's Halt's only sister.

Halt's elder brother.
  • Gut Feeling: His skill [Intuition] allows him to size up people and beasts without having been fully informed beforehand.

The oldest of Halt's siblings.

     Halt's parents 
  • Elephant in the Living Room: Even though there's no taboo regarding a 10-year-old Halt marrying a 120-year-old Tina, the fact that they didn't see anything wrong with Tina sharing a bed with Halt, starting at age 5, and knowing full well that she was grooming him to be her future husband is never addressed.
  • Open-Minded Parent: Justified. Coming from a Count family, polygamy is all but expected, so they don't mind the fact that Halt brings both Tina and Leafa home as brides.
  • Right for the Wrong Reasons: When Halt is provided "a dorm room" for his tenure at the academy, his "room" turns out to be a mansion. Just so happens he winds up needing it when he ends up with a menagerie of sentient pets and haremettes of various races.
  • Unnamed Parent: Their names are never revealed.


Shiro is sitting on Halt's head.
A fenrir Halt accidentaly awakens while undergoing advanced magical training. After a brief fight, Halt subdues the sentient wolf Divine Beast and tames it, making it his second pet.
  • Accidental Discovery: After a hard day of hunting, he falls asleep on Youko's lap. (It Makes Sense in Context). Youko winds up absorbing the excess mana he was leaking until she reached full capacity. It is at this point that the narrative informs us that the population is Properly Paranoid regarding nine-tailed foxes, as when their tails are full-up of mana, they tend to go on mindless rampages and have to be put down. Youko, raised in an environment full of love and head-pats, and her tails filled with the pure and divine mana from a holy beast continues to remain the utterly adorable little beast-girl that Haruto made into his pet, albeit She's All Grown Up.
    • In short, he accidentally discovered that it's the type of mana they absorb that determines whether a nine-tailed fox will remain as a sentient being or turn into a mindless monster, something no one else ever bothered to investigate, due to the sheer risk involved.
  • Big Friendly Dog: In its normal size, it's as big as a cottage, and usually friendly and polite. Usually.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: It attacks Halt, mistaking him for a Demon General. After being subdued and finally willing to admit Halt is human, he willingly becomes Halt's pet to make amends.
  • Make Me Wanna Shout: In the most recent "classroom battle," magic was banned, but pets and golems were allowed, so Halt brought him into the ring. He One-Hit KO all the opponents by howling at them.
  • Shapeshifter Baggage: Goes from the size and weight of a house to a dog small enough to be confused for a scarf, and as light as one.
  • Sleep-Mode Size: As can be seen in the page image, it can be small enough to sit on Halt's head, but its normal size is as big as a house.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Curry, especially prepared by Halt or Tina.

     The Marquis and his second son of the Sil'vous Plait County. 
  • Bullying a Dragon: The second son loved to insult and browbeat Halt because he's a higher-ranked noble, and even showed up at Halt's wedding to sarcastically deliver a Stealth Insult against Halt's bride(s). Halt could do nothing because the guy's a higher-ranked noble.
  • Entitled Bastard: The second son disrupted the wedding ceremony by pointing at Leafa and telling his father "I want that elf to be my bride" and said father not only fails to rebuke him, but leers at Leafa and tries to drag her away.
  • Jerkass: And that's putting it mildly.
  • Oh, Crap!: The Marquis's face turns continuously bluer when the king of Glendale informs him that the "elf girl" he's dragging away is the crown princess of Alheim and then when Leafa informs the king how the marquis was physically dragging her away from the altar to force her to marry his son against her will, thus cementing the fact that the marquis not only comited Lese Majeste, but was endangering the alliace with the kingdom of Alheim by risking an international incident, and then deflates completely when he and his oaf son were arrested and dragged out of the wedding venue in chains.
  • Refuge in Audacity: Halt's left speechless at Leafa being dragged away from the altar because this Marquis grabbed her immediately after his son said "Father, I want that elf to be my bride" and kept Halt off balance by shouting him down, using his Marquis title as a club.
  • Summon Bigger Fish: On the wrong end when the king shows up to officiate the marriage ceremony and sees Leafa, one of the brides, being physically dragged away.
  • Wrong Assumption: The marquis and his second son apparently crash Halt's wedding, not bothering to even learn who he's marrying beforehand, so when Halt introduces Leafa as his bride, the marquis and his son proceed to presume she's some no name commoner or desperate strumpet, because they're both too busy staring down at Halt's lower noble rank, and they think she'd be grateful to be dragged off to marry a higher-ranked noble. SURPRISE! She's the crown princess of the elf nation Alheim, and dragging her away from the altar could easily trigger an international incident, possibly even a war.

Alternative Title(s): Level One Strongest Sage
