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This page is for characters in Blue Archive who don't fit into any of the main factions, which also include crossover characters.

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W-W-Welcome! ...Sensei!
Affiliation: Angel 24
Age: N/A
Birthday: N/A
Height: N/A
Hobbies: N/A
Illustrator: Hwansang
Voiced by: Koko Hayashi
A part-time clerk working at the Angel 24 convenience store in the Schale Headquarters.
  • Eyes Always Averted: Sora always looks off to the side.
  • Forehead of Doom: Hwansang, the art director, said he put the most effort into her forehead.
  • Junior High: One of the few student characters stated to be a middle schooler, thus making her one of the youngest characters in the cast. In fact, she simply took the job at Angel 24 for some extra money.
  • Oh, Crap!: Tends to freak out when Sensei shows up, mainly due to being distracted with other things (like using her phone).

    Master Shiba 
Affiliation: Shiba Seki Ramen
Age: N/A
Birthday: N/A
Height: N/A
Hobbies: N/A
Illustrator: Hwansang
Voiced by: Mitsuhiro Ichiki (anime)
The lone ramen chef of Shiba Seki Ramen located in Abydos, where Serika often works as a part-time job.

    Sparrow's Restaurateur 
The lone cook of an old but known izakaya named "Sparrow". She faces difficulties running her restaurant ever since food chain Nyao Foods came along and outproduced its competitors in the food industry. It was on one New Year when the Gourmet Research Society (dragging along Sensei and the School Lunch Club) intervenes.
  • Bird People: As with most non-student Beast Man citizens of Kivotos (besides robots), the Restaurateur is a petite sparrow.
  • A Day in the Limelight: For New Year's Aperitif: One-and-Done Match, as the owner of the restaurant that the Gourmet Research Society and the School Lunch Club are trying to save from going under.
  • No Name Given: She is never given a name, and her text name only names her as "Restaurateur".

Seven Prisoners

A term collectively referring to seven notorious students imprisoned in the Correction Bureau, who all broke out after the disappearance of the GSC President.
    Associated Tropes 
  • Animal Motifs: Every Prisoner so far has one, either through their name, their physical traits, or the nickname they've gotten.
  • Love at First Sight: This seems to be a running theme, at least with the three known Prisoners so far towards Sensei; Wakamo fell in Love at First Sight, Akira was attracted to Sensei's care for all students which includes herself, and although Kai did not personally meet Sensei, she expressed interest in them.
  • Red Baron: Due to their notoriety, every member of the Seven Prisoners known so far possesses a nickname.
    • Wakamo the "Fox of Calamity".
    • Akira the "Phantom Thief of Affection".
    • Kai the "Monkey of the Five Impurities".
  • Rogues Gallery: The best way to describe the Seven Prisoners as a whole.

    Kosaka Wakamo
Mmmmmmmm... Well then, let's get started, shall we?
Click to see Swimsuit appearance.
Affiliation: Independent
Age: 18
Birthday: April 3rd
Height: 5'3" (161cm)
Hobbies: Destruction, Looting
Illustrator: NAMYO
Voiced by: Chiwa Saitō

The most violent of the "Seven Prisoners", and a student currently suspended from Hyakkiyako Alliance Academy. She is also known as the "Fox of Calamity" due to her destructive ways.

  • Actress Allusion: Her voice actress being Chiwa Saito also brings to mind another protagonist-obsessed kitsune, aka Tamamo-no-Mae from Fate/EXTRA.
  • Artistic License – Military: The bayonet on her Type 99 rifle is secured only to the gun's bayonet lug, and lacks a muzzle ring that would provide it extra stability.
  • Berserk Button: Badmouthing Sensei in any way is a quick way to piss Wakamo off. In the Abydos Resort Committee Event, hearing the Jabu Jabu Helmet Gang leader referring to Sensei as their enemy has her set to work 're-educating' them immediately...leaving them terrified of disobeying her the next time they show up.
  • Bomb Throwing Anarchist: A bona fide anarchist, her hobbies are exclusively causing destruction and wreaking havoc wherever she goes.
  • The Bus Came Back: After showing up the prologue and then disappearing from the story, Wakamo finally returned in Blue Archive's first Valentine-themed Event as the primary antagonist.
  • Cool Mask: She wears a stylized kitsune mask.
  • Cosmic Plaything: Both her normal and summer versions' Relationship Events have the universe conspire to ruin whatever date plans Wakamo tries to set up. Whether it be the amusement park or store she wants to go to being closed, them missing a train and arriving late, or Sensei repeatedly getting called away by their work obligations, few things seem to go exactly as Wakamo planned.
  • Determinator: Her debut event, The Silence and Feast of Kosaka Wakamo, has Wakamo breaking out of prison a grand total of FIVE times, each time taking her evasive measures against law enforcement further and further, all to try and get a moment alone with Sensei to give them her Valentine chocolate.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Guest stars as a major character and is given quite a bit of focus in the Valentine Event she debuted in as playable, quite fittingly titled The Silence And Feast of Kosaka Wakamo.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Despite her sadistic and manipulative nature, the only person Wakamo loves is Sensei. She wanted to make sure Sensei became her lover without any signs of cruelty towards him. She even went far as to tone down her sadistic nature so Sensei could love her.
  • Expy: Of Akagi from Azur Lane, having the Yandere personality and same tendencies of wiping out "pests" in the way. Even the VA of this expy is in this game too, but in a completely different character.
  • Faux Affably Evil: The only person Wakamo is nice toward is Sensei. The rest of her kindness is clear manipulation toward others.
  • Hostile Show Takeover: While the Valentine's Day event is initially titled "Schale's Happy Valentine Patrol", Wakamo's arrival into the story causes the event page to be periodically overwritten with her own pseudo-event, "Kosaka Wakamo's Silence and Feast". The push and pull between the two events make up the main gimmick, as players have to continually recapture Wakamo to temporarily clear away her interfering missions.
  • I Call It "Vera": She wields a black and red Arisaka Type 99 rifle named "Crimson Calamity".
  • Insane Troll Logic: Slips into this during the Abydos Resort Committee Event when her view of Sensei clashes severely with that she was told about the island (that it was a lawless place with factions fighting for territory). Wakamo cannot fathom why Sensei would voluntarily come to such a place and so concludes that they've been kidnapped by the Abydos students.
  • Leitmotif: "Burning Love".
  • Love at First Sight: She's deeply infatuated with Sensei, having fallen for them hard after their brief meeting in the Schale HQ basement during the game's prologue.
  • Morality Chain: Sensei is this for her, as Wakamo's dependence on them having a good opinion of her is strong enough that she can rein her destructive and violent urges in for their sake, especially when she's attempting to have a date with them.
  • Please, I Will Do Anything!: She's surprisingly dependent on Sensei's opinion of her. Whenever it seems like she's disappointed them by causing trouble, she'll immediately start crying and the apologies come out a mile a minute, with Wakamo promising to do whatever it takes to get into Sensei's good graces again.
  • Rage Breaking Point: Throughout her second Summer Relationship Event, Wakamo is surprisingly sweet and understanding about Sensei being called away endlessly to help with firework prep, despite it interrupting quite literally all of her plans, merely waving him off with a smile and wishing they come back safely. At the end of the day, as they're watching the sunset together, it happens one final time...and this time Wakamo can't take it any more, quickly flying into a rage as soon as Sensei is out of sight, cursing the fireworks festival, and deciding to blow up the warehouse storing them to prevent them from bothering Sensei again.
  • Red Baron: Is called "Fox Of Calamity" by Kivotos law enforcement, reflecting both her motif and her habit of causing devastation wherever she goes.
  • Stalker with a Crush: Acts like this towards Sensei during her first Relationship Event, secretly following behind them and violently interfering whenever someone threatens to disrupt Sensei's day, like bombing a trio of delinquents trying to extort Sensei for money or shooting a customer who cuts in front of Sensei when they try and buy something.
  • Starter Villain: The first boss fight of the game and first obstacle you face in restoring order to Kivotos, being the one causing direct trouble near the SCHALE headquarters and breaking into the Sanctum Tower, though she flees before you can defeat her properly.

    Kiyosumi Akira
Affiliation: Independent
Age: N/A
Birthday: N/A
Height: N/A
Hobbies: N/A
Illustrator: N/A
Voiced by: N/A

Second of the "Seven Prisoners" to be revealed, she is the "Benevolent Thief" who is known for never missing a target once she has set her sight on it.
She makes her first appearance in the event Alabaster Calling Card: Mansion Masquerade and the Essence of Beauty.

  • Affably Evil: Very affably in Alabaster Calling Card. "Evil" is a strong word in her case, only being an antagonist because she's after Meitaro's artwork which the GDD is guarding. When they do engage each other on the first day, she saves Midori from falling off a floor because she does not want innocents getting hurt. Then later on, she secretly helps the heroes discover Meitaro's illegal auction, bails them out from his security guards, has no problem forming an alliance with them, and actually allows Yuzu a moment to talk Meitaro down before they have to subdue him anyway when he refuses. Even after the two sides fight each other for the Crown, the thief bows out with no hard feelings over her loss, deciding it's better than Meitaro keeping it.
  • Badass in a Nice Suit: It says a lot that for all her showmanship, her well-known status as one of the Seven Prisoners is indication enough she's had plenty of successful thefts. Moreover, though direct fighting isn't her forte as a thief, she still proves to be a match for the entire Game Development Department under Sensei's leadership in their first encounter, even escaping at the end of Alabaster Calling Card once she was finally defeated.
  • Blue-and-Orange Morality: Her motivation for becoming a phantom thief boils down to this: "art should be free to be seen by all". The thought of art collecting dust in some storage or being hogged by the tasteless rich using it as a trophy is revolting to her, so she'll do whatever it takes to ensure everyone can bear witness to them. It's also why she becomes taken with Sensei, who accepted her despite being an unapologetic criminal.
  • Calling Card: In true Phantom Thief fashion, she always sends one of these to the target of an upcoming theft, with a riddle describing the subject of her next heist. It's said that the riddles are so convoluted that the item described is usually gone by the time the target figures out what she's after.
  • Classy Cat-Burglar: Fits the description like a glove, being a gentlemanly thief with plenty of class.
  • A Day in the Limelight: She makes her debut as an antagonist (besides Meitaro) in Alabaster Calling Card: Mansion Masquerade and the Essence of Beauty, setting her sights on a certain piece of art.
  • Earn Your Title: "The Benevolent Thief", because it is her form of benevolence to bestow upon the masses freedom to look at the art she steals from those who would needlessly keep them.
  • Enemy Mine: Forms an alliance with the GDD and Toki during the events of Alabaster Calling Card to take down Meitaro and retrieve the Crown. But as Toki predicted, they come to blows over the Crown, with our heroes winning in the end.
  • Expy: She's a near blatant copy of Kaito Kid, a fellow phantom thief dressed in a white suit that performs good-willed thefts of treasures like they were a magician's tricks. She also may have inherited the rose motif from another rose-tossing thief, Tuxedo Mask. Even her first name Akira comes from another gentlemanly thief, Joker from Persona 5.
  • Graceful Loser: Her sense of grace extends to her loss against the GDD and Toki for the Crown, deciding to leave it in their hands as a token of respect for her first meeting with Sensei.
  • I Work Alone: In a private conversation with Sensei after losing to them during Episode 10 of Alabaster Calling Card, she believes herself to be The Only One capable of understanding the value of art, so it's up to herself to guard such works until it's time for them to be unveiled to the world. This commitment however alienates everyone around her, so she was ready to hear Sensei react in the same way when they say that they don't see her like that; after all, she's a student, and teachers are supposed to be there for their students no matter what. This alone is enough for her to give them her name and save a recording of their words.
  • Insult Backfire: How she takes to being called a thief for the sake of art:
    ""On the day we are born, we are pure: without titles, without labels. And so we accept the ones others gift us." The world has been calling me a thief, so I accepted it with my own twist."
  • Phantom Thief: In case her moniker is too subtle, she even has the mask and a gun in the shape of an Arsène Lupin-style cane to go with it.
  • Something about a Rose: She has a red rose motif, made most apparent with the red petals she conjures in gameplay.
  • Villain in a White Suit: Played with. She wears a sharp, pure white suit that adds to her flamboyant style in stealing priceless artworks, even if calling her a villain is an exaggeration compared to far worse examples of the trope.

    Shintani Kai
Affiliation: Independent
Age: N/A
Birthday: N/A
Height: N/A
Hobbies: N/A
Illustrator: N/A
Voiced by: N/A

Third of the "Seven Prisoners" to be revealed, she is the former president of Shanhaijing's Eastern Alchemy Society. Known as the "Monkey of the Senses", she has a record of illegally smuggling medicine before she was banished from Shanhaijing.

Collaboration Characters

    Hatsune Miku
Affiliation: N/A
Age: 16
Birthday: August 31
Height: 5'2" (158cm)
Hobbies: Singing, Dancing
Illustrator: YutokaMizu
Voiced by: Saki Fujita

The always-cheerful virtual singer who really loves to sing. Originally a purely electronic existence, the technology of Kivotos has allowed Miku to obtain a real body and stand in the real world. As expected of a singer whose music can overcome time and space, Miku has many secret fans in Kivotos who are eagerly looking forward to the live concert that she's planning to hold in this world.

  • Ambiguously Human: Even by Kivotos standards she's not like other students, emphasized by her barely noticeable "halo", which is really more just a ring of light circling one of her pigtails.
  • Creative Sterility: Her Momo Talk side story deals with this and then Subverts it. Miku contacts Sensei, asking him for help trying to recover her voice. After first attempting several home remedies (including with a leek) and all of them failing, Miku eventually has a "Eureka!" Moment after she remembers the first song she ever sang and how she felt while singing it, realizing that her inability to sing comes from the fact that, for the first time in her entire existence, she is existing as a truly sapient and independent entity, instead of just 'reflecting the emotions of others as software.' It isn't until Sensei convinces her to create something truly original and sing from her own heart that she finally overcomes it.
  • Famed In-Story: Miku’s music is stated in-game to ‘transcend time and space,’ and several of the students are unironically fans of hers. They don’t even try to hide their enthusiasm for the idea of a concert where the Miku Hatsune will be performing in the flesh.
  • Guest Fighter: Hatsune Miku hails from the Vocaloid music synthesizer software series, where she serves as its most famous virtual diva.
  • Idol Singer: Just to drive the point home that Blue Archive has a Miku collab, her EX skill has her appear on the battlefield to sing and dance the entire time her buff is active.
  • Improbable Weapon User: Her listed weapon is a T-Shirt cannon. Thankfully, as a specialist unit, she isn't seen actually using it, but still...
  • In-Universe Soundtrack: Justified. The original song written for the game, 'Blue New World,' is treated as having been written In-Universe and is portrayed as the first truly original song written by Miku herself rather than a Vocaloid user in order to overcome her Creative Sterility.
  • The Power of Rock: Miku’s EX skill has her quite literally singing and dancing while there are bullets flying all around her in the middle of a battlefield.
  • The Red Mage: Her EX Skill lets her heal and then buff attack for a period of time, while her basic move lets her buff crit. The trade off is that it's costlier to use, at 5 charges, and is still statistically inferior to other specialists who focus on either healing or buffing. However, Miku still has good synergy with any attacking specialist that can occupy the slot she frees up.

    Characters from A Certain Scientific Railgun 
  • Power Creep, Power Seep: Played with. Both Misaka and Misaki find their powers exhausting and hard to use after arriving in Kivotos, forcing them to use guns like the rest of the students. When they work up the energy to use their powers it's averted however - Misaka blows away a whole horde of automatons with one shot, making the whole railgun-obsessed Engineering Club fangirl over her, while Misaki shuts down an army of Helmet Gangers and Kaiser PMC troops by herself.

Misaka Mikoto
Affiliation: Tokiwadai Middle School
Age: 14
Birthday: May 2
Height: 161cm
Hobbies: Browsing magazines at the convenience store, collecting Gekota goods
Illustrator: ミミトケ
Voiced by: Rina Sato

Shokuhou Misaki
Affiliation: Tokiwadai Middle School
Age: 14
Birthday: N/A
Height: N/A
Hobbies: Drinking tea, eating organic food
Illustrator: ミミトケ
Voiced by: Azumi Asakura

  • Athletically Challenged: Her lack of physical fitness is reflected in her running animations and she is visibly out of breath the moment she stops to fire her pistol, although it doesn't affect her gameplay-wise.
  • Jiggle Physics: Especially when compared to Misaka, her chest visibly shakes a lot in gameplay.

Saten Ruiko
Affiliation: Sakugawa Middle School
Age: 12
Birthday: N/A
Height: 160cm
Hobbies: Online mahjong, trying out sweets
Illustrator: ミミトケ
Voiced by: Kanae Itou
