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Characters / Academy of Merlin: Blood Pact

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A "terrorist" organization from Academy of Merlin, dead-set on bringing forbidden magical arts back into common practice.

All characters, unless otherwise mentioned, are played by Jennalaia.

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    Universal Tropes 
  • Achilles' Heel: Each member of the Pact is Branded with a Brand that enables them to shift the burden of casting taint-inducing magic onto another object. While their greatest strength, this can also be considered their greatest weakness, as damage to the Brand could mean some gruesome consequences.
  • Always Chaotic Evil: Most Blood Pact members are pretty nasty. There are a few exceptions, though, including Lara, Thor, and the whole of Unit 17.
  • Equal-Opportunity Evil: If you've got a grudge or want to help them reach their goals, it doesn't matter if you're a man, woman, or anyone in between. You'll get hired.
  • Evil Plan: Every Unit has one. What it is... well, that's another matter. Much of the plot can involve finding out what the Unit is really up to.
  • Offstage Villainy: Most of the Blood Pact's acts of terrorism don't happen in the RP itself and are only mentioned.
  • Power Tattoo: Brands are part of a system that grants Pact members the ability to cast taint-inducing magic without fear of being tainted. It has its drawbacks, though.
  • Red and Black and Evil All Over: Pact uniforms consist of a red jacket and mask and black pants and boots. Seeing five people with red jackets anywhere is enough to make most magicks nervous.
  • Resignations Not Accepted: Heavily implied. Lara is terrified to leave for fear of her own life. Peter, when he wanted to leave, disappeared mysteriously for a few days and returned with no indication that he wanted to go.
  • You Rebel Scum!: Much of the Pact rebelled against their respective families and joined to make a difference.

Combat Faction

The combat faction is the largest faction of the Blood Pact. Combat units frequently go out to complete missions, which may involve strategic assassinations, bombings, or public stunts. Every member of a unit is trained in combat and, while all are deadly on their own, generally work best together as a team.

    Unit One 

The team that heads the whole of the largest faction, the combat unit, and controls the entire Pact in general. Shrouded in mystery, they made their first appearance in The Pet Project.

Ezrael Blake

The Leader of Unit One. Previously disguised as the Leader of Unit 13. He hasn't yet made an appearance though.

  • The Bus Came Back: Vanished almost completely after the first arc, and now he's back with not much explanation.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Appeared all the way back in Arc I, and then again in Arc II. He's back in a much more prominent role for Arc III.
  • He Who Must Not Be Seen: Ezrael's appearance and entire identity were obscured for a while.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: Ezrael was weakened when he created Ahellia, and to regain his power he aims to tear out her heart and eat it while it's still beating. It's also implied Musoke took Teyo's body to him as a snack.
  • White Hair, Black Heart: Apparently directed the events of The Pet Project, and his appearance parallels L6's with white hair.

click here to see their demon form 

The Shield of Unit One. A rather uninterested person that would rather play video games than run meetings in the Leader's absence.

  • Ascended Extra: Originally appeared as a one-shot character in a Scarlett event, and has returned as a Blood Pact agent.
  • Beware the Quiet Ones: Don't be fooled by his quiet, nonthreatening appearance—Ipos can pack a very sharp punch.

click here to see their demon form 

The Scout of Unit One. A very upbeat person that changes pronouns in the span of the same sentence. Actually a shadow demon.

  • Ambiguous Gender: Zilli's pronouns change within the span of the same sentence, so it appears they really have no concept of gender at all.
  • Blank White Eyes: In their natural, demon form, Zilli's eyes are solid white ovals.
  • Casting a Shadow: As a shadow demon, she has control over the shadows and can manipulate them to his needs.
  • The Dreaded: Labron mentions him by name to Seren and how Seren really doesn't want to fight him.
  • Fully-Embraced Fiend: Perfectly comfortable in her role as a villain and will gleefully use it to their advantage without abandon.
  • Giggling Villain: They giggle quite a bit and are rarely seen without a grin on their face.
  • Horns of Villainy: Two long, spiky, solid black horns in her natural form.
  • Living Shadow: Zilli is a shadow demon, which means her normal body is somewhat incorporeal. She can hide in someone's shadow and travel along walls, but he can be made solid with a powerful enough light source.
  • Mr. Fanservice: His shirt exposes his belly, which is very well toned.
  • The Noseless: Lacks a nose in shadow form.
  • Perpetual Smiler: She almost always has a huge smile on her face, and is almost always in a good mood.
  • Scarily Competent Tracker: Was able to guide Serafina straight to the location of Unit Seventeen. Justified in that she was following the trail left by Ahellia using her power.
  • Sinister Scythe: Their preferred weapon of choice; Zilli creates a scythe out of their own shadows. It's quite sharp, too.
  • Shadow Walker: Zilli can flatten herself against a wall and travel that way, as well as speeding through natural shadows very quickly.
  • The Trickster: He has this sort of personality, enjoying tricking people as often as he can.
  • Weakened by the Light: Their one weakness seems to be light; only an exceptionally powerful source of it can solidify their body enough to deal any proper damage.

click here to view her demon form 

The Buff of Unit One. A calm, easily distracted woman that consumes romance novels as a snack.

  • Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!: Easily distracted by just about anyone or anything else that might catch her fancy if whatever is going on is too boring for her to bother keeping up with.
  • Eye Color Change: In her natural demon form, Anthea's eyes are yellow. Outside of it, they're grey.
  • Hellish Pupils: While all Unit One members share this trope, Anthea's example is the most vivid as her eyes are a very bright color.
  • Master of Illusion: As a succubus, Anthea can craft incredibly realistic illusions that can become physical.
  • Only Sane Man: Frequently, among meetings. She certainly stands out as calm among her more eccentric coworkers.
  • Perpetual Frowner: Doesn't smile easily, nor does much seem to amuse her. On the whole she seems quite apathetic.

click here to see his demon form 

The Tank of Unit One. Very difficult to get his interest in anything, and likes to draw. Appears to be an elf.

  • Ambiguous Gender: Responds to he/him pronouns with a femme appearance.
  • BFS: Wields a massive sword that is about as long as he is tall.
  • Brilliant, but Lazy: Pax is very, very smart, and would probably be able to use these smarts to terrifying lengths if only he was a little less lazy.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Originally made an appearance behind Door V when A Team went to get the final hell scroll.
  • Horns of Villainy: A pair of sparkling orange horns perched atop his head.
  • Master of Disguise: Pax is a shapeshifting demon, meaning he has no real "true" appearance. He just happens to like the one he's wearing currently, but he can take on the appearance of anyone he chooses so long as he gets a good look at them first.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: Pax can take on whatever appearance he wants, for as long as he wants. Shapeshifting constantly, however, can exhaust him.


The Infiltrator of Unit One. A confident half-dwarf that usually takes over proceedings when Leader is absent.

  • Asskicking Leads to Leadership: Universals are known to be exceptionally powerful, and Musoke is no exception. Just having the title of Universal immediately denotes one with absurd amounts of strength. They are also frequently challenged for their position as TB's assistant. They do not lose. Ever.
  • Blindfolded Vision: Invoked. Musoke's blindfold is translucent, but they rarely take it off in the presence of others despite it actually hindering their vision.
  • Deep Cover Agent: As Unit One's Infiltrator, they have been under very deep cover in the Secret Organization, being ranked not only a Universal, but as TB's right hand.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Originally appeared in a very short text exchange between themselves and TB.
  • Enemy Mine: Despises Krishna with a burning passion, but other than beating them to a bloody pulp on sight Musoke manages to maintain a civil relationship with them.
  • Eye Color Change: Every single piece of art features Musoke with a different eye color. All of them. Every single time. Will their true eye color ever be revealed? Who knows.
  • Fights Like a Normal: Though they are perfectly capable of creating white-hot flames, Musoke prefers to fight with their ridiculous strength.
  • The Mole: Currently infiltrating the Secret Organization at the top level.
  • Mysterious Past: They don't talk much about themselves, so their past and how they met TB is a muddy grey area. According to Krishna, they were originally a science experiment.
  • Number Two: As the name Right Hand may suggest, Musoke is the second highest rank in the entire Secret Organization, and one of the oldest members.
  • Painting the Medium: Unlike most other characters, who speak in their character color, Musoke speaks in various hues. The significance of this, if there is any, has not yet been revealed.
  • Rainbow Motif: Musoke's eyes are all the colors of the rainbow, and they are the only character that changes the color of their text handle with each message.
  • The Reliable One: Unlike most of the rest of Unit One, Musoke works on ensuring things get done, and it is unlikely that the Unit would progress in their plans if they did not regularly interfere with the Secret Organization's activities and push the rest of the Unit into action. It doesn't help that the Leader is frequently absent.
  • The Stoic: A part of their Secret Organization facade; around the table of Unit One Musoke is quite expressive, but as the Right Hand they are far less expressive.
  • The Team Normal: According to Krishna, they aren't actually a demon at all—they're mortal. What they are is a failed magick experiment that somehow granted them massive strength, so they're on par with the rest of the demonic Unit 1 anyway.
  • Technicolor Eyes: Their eyes, behind their blindfold, can be described as nothing short of "rainbow".

    Unit Thirteen 

The Unit of the Vivian Arc. Unit Thirteen was sent to take control of the school and Merlin's Oak. However, a leak from somewhere in the Pact (later confirmed to be Ezrael) caused them to be discovered and ambushed, resulting in the death of one of their own.

Ezrael Blake

The Leader of Unit Thirteen. A demon from the Nine Circles that's been messing with humanity for... some reason.

  • The Bus Came Back: Reappeared on campus and caused a stir. If Muna hadn't interfered, he may have driven another Summers girl violently insane.
  • Can't Kill You, Still Need You: The main reason he kept Vivian alive - he needed her brutality and unpredictable nature to finish achieving his own ends.
  • The Corrupter: Responsible for Vivian going off the deep end.
  • Manipulative Bastard:
    • Worded their situation in the exact way he needed to to gain sympathy from Vivian and convince her to join.
    • He took steps to ensure Peter would be killed, purposely fucking up Unit Thirteen's entire mission in the process.

Lara Florafel

The Shield of Unit Thirteen. An urban elf that ran away from her rather orthodox forest tribe. Easily the most powerful character of the first arc. No wonder Vivian killed her first.

  • Antagonist in Mourning: Her closest friend, Peter, was killed while escaping the authorities.
  • The Atoner: Ashamed of her actions in the Pact and is trying to find a way to make up for them.
  • Barrier Warrior: Naturally, as the Shield, Lara is exceptionally talented at created wards, shields, and charms.
  • Family-Unfriendly Death: Vivian put her hand through her ribcage.
  • Friendly Enemy: Never really wanted to hurt the kids and was more of an ally to them than an enemy.
  • Green Thumb: A plantwielder, and a very powerful one at that.

Melanie Dickinson

The Scount of Unit Thirteen. A human girl that joined the Pact after her parents were murdered.

  • The Cameo: Spotted in one of the circles of Hell.

Andrew Dickinson

The Buff of Unit Thirteen. Walking salt shaker. Now working for the Council.

  • Antagonist in Mourning: The Council works him to the bone so he has very little time to reflect on his sister's death.
  • Blow You Away: A windwielder.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Shockingly, the red oni to James's blue. Andrew is more likely to lose his temper and act irrationally, and James is always there to pull him back.
  • The Remnant: One of the only two members remaining from Unit Thirteen.
  • The Resenter: Bitterly resents the Council for getting them into this.

James Shireswift

The Tank of Unit Thirteen. A playboy on the run from the cops and pretending to be dead. Now working for the Council.

  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Shockingly enough, the blue oni to Andrew's red. He keeps his cool despite the worsening situation.
  • The Remnant: One of the only two remaining members of Unit Thirteen, much to Andrew's chagrin.

    Unit Seventeen 
The "winners" of Project Next Generation, an experiment in which five bunks were whittled down to a single member each to create a unit comprised of adolescents.

General Tropes

  • Child Soldiers: The only adolescent Unit in the Pact that have been trained into service.
  • Children Forced to Kill: As children, they could slip under the radar and thus went on more assassination missions than they'll probably ever admit.
  • Doesn't Trust Those Guys: The Unit as a whole is inherently deeply mistrustful of adults. They do, however, seem to be much more relaxed around students, though still intensely on guard. They also don't trust anyone they know is from the Pact.
  • Family of Choice: Shared traumatic experience has brought them close as a family... well, it was supposed to.
  • Free-Range Children: During their hiding in Town Over. Unit Seventeen hid in an abandoned factory and were left to their own devices, mainly because they had run away from their handler and essentially defected from the Pact.
  • Had to Be Sharp: In order to survive The Pet Project, each member had to be able to stand on their own. Some, like Sage, survived through pure luck.
  • Just Following Orders: Their rationale for every awful deed they were forced to commit under the Pact's control.
  • My Parents Are Dead: Jun, Labron, Paz, Saidi, and Sage's parents and direct families were all slaughtered prior to them being detained at the bunker. Ahellia's parental situation is... different.
  • Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: What their group amounts to, essentially. They don't appear to have anything in common aside from an desire to escape the Pact.
  • The Runaway: Labron confessed that his unit escaped from their handler, Serafina, because they want to run away from the Pact.
  • Trapped in Villainy: None of the kids of Unit Seventeen really want to belong to the Blood Pact, it's just that they don't have any other choice.
  • Trauma Conga Line: Aside from Ahellia, all the kids witnessed the slaughter of their families and then were forced into a horrible competition, competing against others their own age to survive and watching those around them die one by one. Paz attacked Zilli and was scarred for his efforts, and while Sage and Catherine tried to escape, they were caught and Sage took all the blame, resulting in them being locked away in a completely black room for a week. At the project's end, all five were forced to fight for their lives and watched the rest of the competition die by either their own hands or at the hands of Unit One. They were then Branded, trained, and completed several dozen missions before escaping from their handler. Just when things began to look up, Sage was attacked and lost their memory. And most of that happened prior to the plot.
  • True Companions: Over the years, the six members of Unit Seventeen have bonded very deeply. It's the reason that they refused to leave after Sage disappeared, and the reason that they won't leave without them either.

Sage Hawkins

The Leader of Unit Seventeen. Shouldn't be alive. Went as L6 in The Pet Project. They lost their memory and were reunited with their unit, but still have no recollection whatsoever of their life as a Leader.

For Sage's tropes, see the students page.

Labron Fletcher
click here for his first semester design 

A tall, broad-shouldered elf who specializes in talismans. Went as Sh4 in The Pet Project.

  • Green Thumb: A plantwielder.
  • Nervous Wreck: Around Ahellia especially. Ahellia's tendencies to do troubling things stresses him the hell out. He's also extremely anxious when his team members leave and don't check in, crying out of relief when they return to the abandoned factory.
  • Nobody Touches the Hair: Nobody except Jun, anyway. Labron is protective of the 'fro.
  • Palm Bloodletting: Labron frequently cuts his palm open to gather blood, which he uses as ink for his talismans.
  • Team Mom: Labron is very much the worrywart, and spends most of his time trying to mediate. Recently, he's found himself forced into a leader position, something he doesn't consider himself very cut out for but has no choice but to fulfill as Unit Seventeen's current leader is missing in action.

Jun Tsang
click here for her first semester design 

The youngest member of Unit Seventeen. A timid half-elf with very little confidence in herself. Went as Sc8 in The Pet Project.

  • The Cracker: Jun is incredibly talented with magitech, possessing a remarkable knack for hacking into websites with very little effort. She's also built several programs that are heavily magic-reliant.
  • Exhausted Eyebags: Sports these semi-permanently as her sleeping schedule is very out of whack.
  • Girlish Pigtails: Ties her hair back in pigtails, but she's not very good at it and often sleeps without taking them out, resulting in a tangled mess.
  • Good with Numbers: Extremely good with technology, coding, and hacking. Jun is a prodigy in her own right.
  • Magitek: Specializes in it; Jun uses magic, programming skills, and sparkwielding to effectively wield magitech as a weapon and a tool when it comes to scouting.
  • Messy Hair: She sleeps in her pigtails a lot and the result is a stringy mess, which doesn't really help her whole stressed image.
  • Nervous Wreck: Oh boy. Jun is pretty much the walking definition of this trope, having a panic attack when she and Labron are accidentally separated in Justus. She calms down if she can locate an older brother figure, fortunately.
  • Shock and Awe: A sparkwielder. Uses it to great effect with magitech.

Paz Volante
click here to see her first semester design 

A genderfluid dwelf with a short temper and a sharp tongue. Went as B2 in The Pet Project.

  • Dueling Scar: The right half of his face was marred by Zilli, so he covers it with hair.
  • Eye Scream: She attacked Zilli in The Pet Project and the resulting Curb-Stomp Battle cost her vision in her right eye, which she keeps covered with her bangs.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: It doesn't take much to set him off, but he also manages to invoke this in others with how grating he can be.
  • Hiding Behind Your Bangs: Her bangs cover her right eye, which was permanently blinded by Zilli.
  • Hot-Blooded: Easy to rile up and definitely does not think things through before jumping into chaos.
  • Ironic Name: Paz means "peace" in Spanish, which is hilarious considering her not-so-peaceful nature.

Saidi Farran
click here for his first semester design 

A friendly bigender elf who specializes in enhanced mehndi. Went as T7 in The Pet Project.

  • The Heart: Currently trying to function as this for Unit Seventeen, especially for Labron when he works himself up too much with worry.
  • Hollywood Acid: He's an acidwielder.
  • Made of Iron: Can achieve this effect by mixing his own personal mehndi. In The Pet Project, Saidi suffered a lot of abuse in his final battle and didn't feel any of it.
  • Muscles Are Meaningless: Despite having a very slim build and very little muscle, Saidi is very strong and can pick up people much taller than him with little effort. Justified through his strength-enhancing mehndi.
  • Smarter Than You Look: Saidi acts a tad airheaded, but he's quite observant and notes little details about those around him.
  • Super-Toughness: Her magical mehndi, when applied to skin and given time to sink in, can have this effect on the wearer. Saidi uses it to this effect, and this in turn is what makes her such an effective Tank.
  • Sweet Tooth: Saidi has a weakness for sweet things, and as such always carries candy around.
  • Youthful Freckles: He has freckles scattered across his face. This may be why Sage is so fond of them.

click here for her first semester design 

A mysterious, quiet individual who appears to be a hexed long-eared elf. Called Red in The Pet Project by the narrator, L6.

  • Aloof Dark-Haired Girl: Ahellia is one of few words and is most often found alone, speaking up only when the discourse among her team has reached a peak.
  • Brutal Honesty: Ahellia lacks a social filter, so she'll say pretty much whatever is on her mind at that moment.
  • Creepy Child: Ahellia is nice enough, if not a bit unnerving with some of the things she says.
    Ahellia: Do not be afraid, Han. I would not need an axe to murder you.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: It's hard to see since most of her face is covered, but Ahellia has three scars raked across her left eye.
  • Hellish Pupils: Ahellia has vertical slits for pupils, a feature no one in her team comments on.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: Even for a demon, Ahellia's growth was surprisingly fast. Her secret? She ate all forty-five dead children over the course of The Pet Project.
  • No Sense of Direction: Her ability to navigate Justus or anywhere is fantastically poor. Amusingly enough, Ahellia doesn't seem to notice this.
    Ahellia: Labron. I know the way to the Salon.
    Labron: Please tell me one of you knows the way to the Salon.
    Ahellia: Labron. I've been there before. I will take you right now.
    Ahellia: But—
    Labron: Ahellia, I don't want to end up in Hong Kong, okay?
  • Reality Warper: Ahellia has the power to move between space; however, using this ability alerts the other demons to her presence.
  • Red and Black and Evil All Over: Averted; Ahellia dresses almost exclusively in red and black, but she doesn't subscribe to the brutal policy the rest of the Blood Pact follows.
  • Stealth Pun: Ahellia's name hides her technical place of origin.
  • The Stoic: Not easily ruffled.
  • Vague Age: Ahellia's age is very ambiguous. In The Pet Project, Ahellia (then known as Red) first appeared as a child about eight or nine years old. As the story progressed, Red matured startlingly quickly. Ahellia now appears to be about the same age as Paz. According to Labron, she's sixteen.
  • Younger Than They Look: According to Ahellia, she is around four years old. However, physically and (somewhat) mentally, she is about sixteen.

    Unit Fifty Three 
The Unit of the Magickless Arc. A bomb squad that planned (and succeeded) to set off a bomb in Merlin's Oak that would gradually drain the local magicks of their power. Two were killed, three arrested, and one... well, who knows with him.

Gisa Meldola

The Leader of Unit Fifty Three. Currently disguised as a waitress working at the diner.

  • No Sympathy: Cold and ruthless, especially towards her enemies.
  • Soft-Spoken Sadist: Hardly raised her voice as she stabbed Merchant and dug her fingers into the wound.
  • Would Hurt a Child:
    • Especially children that go to the Academy - Gisa is learning from Ezrael's failure.
    • Casually ordered Leah to kill Bambi since she might prove to be troublesome later.

Tyme Rosales

The Shield of Unit Fifty Three. Currently disguised as a worker at the apothecary.

  • Affably Evil: Quite polite to everyone, even those they're going to oppose sooner or later.
  • Barrier Warrior: The best at manipulating any sort of magical barrier. This is their job of course, since they're the Shield.
  • The Infiltration: Secured a job at the apothecary.
  • Lack of Empathy: Just like the rest of the Unit, Tyme has a hard time empathizing with their targets.
  • Mysterious Mist: A mistwielder.
  • Only Sane Man: Refuses to indulge in a lot of their team's ridiculous antics.
  • The Stoic: Doesn't display too much emotion.
  • Unnecessary Roughness: Okay with a few extra people dying if it gets the job done faster.

Acwel Autumncrest

The Scout of Unit Fifty Three. A regular patron of the diner, though he acts more clumsy than he really is.

  • Blank White Eyes: Self-inflicted in an attempt to sharpen his eyesight. Instead, he faded his eyes and went blind.
  • Blow You Away: A windwielder.
  • Disability Superpower: He's hypersensitive to any changes in the air, so he can more or less "see" his surroundings and anyone's movements.
  • Handicapped Badass: He can't see. That doesn't mean he's any less lethal than his teammates.
  • Hyper-Awareness: Acwel has almost absolute power over air, and can sense any disturbances made in it. He uses this to get around quite easily, and it's also the reason he's such a good Scout - he can see anything and everything, even if it's hidden from the naked eye. He detected (and nearly disrupted the illusion of) Muna and gang while he was in the middle of killing an elf for Luna.
  • The Infiltration: Regularly visits the diner as a patron. (And to get updates from Gisa.)
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: In public, he regularly crashes into things to keep up his blind facade. In private, he can navigate a room perfectly fine.
  • Serial Killer: Yup, confirming it here. Acwel was the only one running around killing elves, with Thor's equipment and Tyme's theories, making him the Elfslayer.
  • The Stoic: A man of few words who rarely shows emotion.

Michael Donovan

The Buff of Unit Fifty Three. Disguised as a mundane police officer.

  • No Sympathy: In fact, he relishes in his enemies' pain.
  • Police Are Useless: Posing as a police officer, and a very bad one at that.
  • Sadist: Delights in hurting others, which is probably why he fits in with all his teammates so well.
  • Team Chef: Since he's the first home, he's the one that cooks most frequently. It's a good thing he's good at it.

Thor Underforge

The Tank of Unit Fifty Three. Working for the Council to map the Catacombs, though he's been done a long time.

  • Affably Evil: Quite a friendly fellow. Unless he told you, you'd never know if he was a member of a terrorist group or not.
  • The Fettered: In comparison to the rest of his team. Thor isn't interested in unnecessary violence if it's not constructively getting them anywhere.
  • The Infiltration: Probably the most successful, scoring a job from the Council to map the Catacombs. He got into Merlin before Leah did.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: Knows when to call it quits and give it up. It's the reason he knocked out Gisa himself and negotiated a surrender.

Leah Devereaux

The Infiltrator of Unit Fifty Three.

  • Badass Adorable: She wears a flowy pink dress, wears a flower in her hair, and could kick your ass into next week.
  • Bloodbath Villain Origin: The Pact found her in her own home, covered in blood that wasn't hers, laughing.
  • Grin of Audacity: Sports one of these whenever she knows the odds are extremely in her favor - like when she forcefully sigiled Merchant, for example.
  • Hyperspace Arsenal: Invoked with her summoning technique. Leah has a huge arsenal tucked away back at the Apartment, and she uses her summoning magic to summon any weapon she pleases to her hand.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Accepted Gisa's order to kill Bambi without blinking an eye, and this wasn't the first time she tried to kill her either.

Brander Faction

Technically a faction created by two other factions, the Brander faction is comprised of less than a dozen individuals responsible for Branding all members of the combat faction so those in combat units can use taint magic without fear of tainting themselves. Branders are the most guarded individuals in the Pact as they hold the secret of the Pact's power - a Brander that tries to escape the Pact knows only death.



A Blood Pact Brander caught lurking around Justus. Apparently a defected member, she appeared claiming she was looking for someone. Her motivations and real plans are currently unknown.

  • The Atoner: Deeply regrets Branding Unit Seventeen, and seeks a way to earn their forgiveness. So far she's coming up short.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Serafina means no ill will to anyone, and she has very long, golden hair.
  • Magical Eye: Serafina's Brand takes the shape of a B on her left eye.
  • Not Helping Your Case: When she was caught, Serafina insisted she was the victim, but mentioning she was looking for someone and then Mercury apparently recognizing her and claiming she was the one that put them in a chunk of ice was really not making her look any better.



A former Blood Pact Brander that was determined unfit for the position and instead used to harvest fade. She's actually Tara, Shanta's best friend who disappeared several years ago after betraying Shanta to elf traffickers.
