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Video Game / Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Jedi Alliance

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Jedi Alliance is a Star Wars: The Clone Wars video game for the Nintendo DS. It was released on November 10th, 2008, alongside the Wii-exclusive Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Lightsaber Duels video game to promote the release of the show.

Taking place in Season 1, the Jedi's hand in the Clone Wars is threatened when the Separatists ally themselves with a mysterious new enemy, the Nightsisters.

Tropes in this game include:

  • As You Know: At the beginning of the game, Yoda explains that the Separatists have raided a Jedi transport carrying lightsaber crystals from Ilum to Coruscant, as the Order has decided that it would be safer to have the younglings construct their lightsabers at the Jedi Temple instead of to Ilum during wartime, things that the other Jedi in the Council Chamber should already know.
  • Ascended Extra: The Jedi get help from Ros Lai, a former Nightsister. She was a one-off antagonist in the Star Wars: Republic comics, where she was defeated by Quinlan Vos but was spared and brought to Coruscant as he believed there was good in her. Looks like it paid off.
  • Call-Back:
    • It's mentioned at the beginning that Jedi are supposed to go to Ilum to find a lightsaber crystals to use in the creation of their own lightsabers. This was first introduced in the Jedi Quest and The Last Of The Jedi books, and was best known for being shown in Star Wars: Clone Wars, when Luminara brought Barriss to Ilum so that the latter could make her lightsaber.
  • Call-Forward:
    • The Separatists are using the lightsaber crystals to power a superweapon. In Legends, the Death Star was powered by a Mygeetian power crystal, and in new canon, is powered by kyber crystals (new canon's name for lightsaber crystals).
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: The game was released at the start of the show, contradicting things that the show would later establish, combined with plot threads in The Clone Wars television show being continued in the reboot continuity.
    • The story is kicked off with the Nightsisters raiding a ship that the Jedi were using to transport lightsaber crystals from Ilum. Yoda then explains in the following scene that they're transporting these crystals to the temple on Coruscant because wartime has made it too dangerous to send younglings to Ilum, which they end up doing anyways in later seasons of the show. Could be justified as not being safe to do so at the time of the game but later becoming safer over the course of the war.
    • In the same scene, Plo Koon wonders how lightsaber crystals would be useful to anyone that isn't a Jedi. The game later reveals the Separatists are using the crystals to power a superweapon, which media released after The Clone Wars (such as Star Wars Rebels) establishes as having been done in the past, so it seems to be a strange question for Plo Koon to ask.
    • The lightsaber crystals from Ilum are called exactly that, as opposed to the show specifically calling them kyber crystals. In Legends, kyber crystals were a type of lightsaber crystals.
    • The Nightsisters are closer to their Legends depiction than their later depiction in the show. They also wield lightsabers, which doesn't fit either of their depictions, but this was probably for the sake of having lightsaber-wielding enemies in a children's Star Wars game.
    • Also, Ventress interacts with them but makes no comment about their shared Dathomirian heritage. At the time of the game's writing, Ventress was a Rattaki and was retconned as a Dathomirian in the show's Season 3.
