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Recap / Yu Gi Oh The Abridged Series S 5 E 2 The Curious Case Of Ekaf Eman

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The KaibaCorp Grand Championship Arc begins with Joey facing a guy who's totally not Grandpa.


  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: Grandpa notes that he was incorrectly referred to as "Ekaf Enam" instead of "Ekaf Eman" from the previous episode due to LittleKuriboh not double-checking the script.
  • Cerebus Retcon: Professor Hawkins has PTSD after bikers burned down his house last season.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Joey orders his Goblin monsters to attack Grandpa as payback for always making him mop the game shop's floors after each training session.
  • Everybody Knew Already: Everyone knows that it's Yugi's Grandpa dueling against Joey no matter how many times he tries to deny it. Tristan, while also knowing that it is Grandpa at first, slowly falls for the ruse and is the only one who is shocked when Grandpa reveals his identity.
  • Intergenerational Friendship: Discussed. Tea mentions how it's weird that they constantly hang around old people as friends. Yugi also agrees later on in the Episode.
    Yugi: I swear we hang out with way too many grandpas and not nearly enough parents.
  • Mood Whiplash: The conclusion of Joey vs. Grandpa Muto has the latter complimenting Joey's skill, happy to see the young duelist surpassing the older man. Grandpa then asks to allow him to surrender the duel with dignity, only for Joey to immediately send his Goblin Attack Force to attack Grandpa directly, which is portrayed by them giving them beating him up with cartoonish Stock Sound Effects.
  • Pet the Dog: Kaiba shows genuine appreciation for Mokuba’s song dedicated to him at the beginning.
  • Shout-Out:
    • Joey is excited to duel what he believes is the cast of Street Fighter II. He also nyehs John Cena's theme music.
      • Later, Joey uses a card known as Landstar Forces, which summons Bloodborne Landstar, Dark Souls Landstar, and Krauser from Resident Evil 4 Landstar. He even lampshades the trope by calling them video game references.
    • The episode also starts with Mokuba singing a parody of The Greatest Show he calls "Seto the Greatest Bro."
  • Speaking Like Totally Teen: Grandpa tries very hard to come off as hip by using slang from the modern and past eras. It doesn't work.
  • Surrender Backfire: Grandpa hoped to surrender on his own so he can end his dueling career with dignity. But Joey refuses his request by ordering his Goblin Attack Force to clobber him directly.
  • Take That!:
    • Seto announcing that KaibaCorp will now sell NFTs is met with boos from the audience and their reactions turn the opposite when he declares that they won't be selling them anymore. Tristan mentions that he already bought several of them.
    • The doctor duelist who faces Leon openly states that he will charge him thousands of dollars regardless of the duel's outcome.
  • Tempting Fate: After beating Grandpa, Joey eagerly hopes that this won't be the last time he wins a duel for the rest of the series. Oh, you precious, poor boy...
  • Time-Passes Montage: Joey invokes this so he can reach his first duel before he's disqualified. To his shock, Mokuba already beat him to the spot since he used his own montage with the Kidz Bop version of Joey's song.
