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Recap / The Patrick Star Show: S1 E9: "To Dad and Back" / "Survivoring"

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To Dad and Back

Original air date: 3/18/2022

Patrick receives fan mail from a viewer who wants to know how the inside of the body works. He demonstrates by shrinking down and going inside Cecil, accidentally interfering with his dad's new training to become an astronaut.

To Dad and Back contains examples of:

  • Accidental Astronaut: Cecil ends up at an astronaut testing site, but after spinning in the centrifuge, needs to vomit. Trying to find the bathroom, he ends up running onto a space shuttle, which launches while he's using the toilet in it. After vomiting, Cecil accidentally flushes himself down, ejecting both his waste and himself. He crash lands next to his house on Earth.
  • Borrowed Catchphrase: When Patrick sees the brain-to-muscle impulse board, he says "Amazing!" in the same way as Rube, even changing his face to look like him.
  • Centrifugal Farce: The centrifuge Cecil rides as part of his astronaut testing spins him around super fast. By the end of it, he needs to throw up.
  • Faceship: Every vehicle Rube uses to take Patrick around Cecil's body is decorated to look like Cecil himself, such as a scooter, a helicopter, and a cable car.
  • "Fantastic Voyage" Plot: Patrick goes inside his dad's body.
  • Jump Cut: Lampshaded and played for laughs. Rube offers a jump cut as one of the things he can show to Patrick. We then see a vertically flipped image of text saying "SPLICE HERE", and then the scene returns to normal, except horizontally flipped. Patrick is amazed.
  • Perspective Magic: Parodied. Patrick gets a request to show how the body works, so he decides to go inside his dad. However, he's too big for it. Squidina tells him to run down the hallway, and as he does, he gets smaller... then Squidina picks him up, and he stays small.
  • Strange Minds Think Alike: Both Patrick and Cecil say that they feel like "mashed potato underpants" the first time Squidina checks in on them.
    Squidina: (sighs) Like father, like son...
  • Vomit Discretion Shot: Cecil vomiting is framed outside the bathroom stall, so that we see his legs, butt, and an arm leaning over the toilet, but we don't actually see him vomiting.

Original air date: 3/25/2022

Patrick, Cecil, and Squidina are going camping with their new RV. Squidina uses this as the basis of a new segment on the Patrick Show, called "Toughing It Out". But when Patrick and Cecil lose track of Squidina, they have to fend for themselves.

Survivoring contains examples of:

  • Alliterative List: Cecil assures Patrick that they can survive their camping trip because he has the "three 'G's": gadgets, gizmos, and gear.
  • Camping Episode: The episode sees Patrick, Squidina, and Cecil all taking a trip into the forest to "tough it out". Squidina pits Patrick and Cecil in various survival competitions.
  • Death by Cameo: Downplayed. GrandPat's only appearance in the episode involves him getting crushed by a tent.
  • Dramatically Missing the Point: Patrick hopes that a movie called Campfire Massacre 7 is a comedy. It isn't, and he ends up being terrified by the movie.
  • False Reassurance: To get his kids in the mood for camping, Cecil has them watch a movie about it. Said movie turns out to be a horror film where a group of kids camping in the woods are Eaten Alive by a sea monster. Patrick and Squidina run out of the theater, screaming.
  • Fancy Camping: Cecil's new RV is decked out with a home theater, a massage table, and comfortable fold-out beds. Squidina complains that this defeats the purpose of "toughing it out".
  • GIS Syndrome: Most of the backgrounds that Cecil drives past in the Travel Montage are taken from stock image websites.
  • Long Song, Short Scene: "Yé Yé", the song used exclusively in the Travel Montage, is plays for about 15 seconds. The full length of the song is 2:15.
  • Pop-Culture Pun Episode Title: To NBC's Survivor.
  • Travel Montage: After the RV takes off, there's a montage of Cecil driving past various locations, such as a cornfield, a forest, a city, and space. Most of them are portrayed by stock images.
  • Trick Dialogue: Squidina runs off into the forest in frustration, and Patrick wants to go after her, but Cecil stops him.
    Cecil: Oh, let it go, son. She'll be back. Remember: "There's no forest so dark it could stifle the light of a woman's soul."
    Patrick: Wow! That's beautiful, Dad!
    Cecil: Thanks! I read it off the wall of the bathroom I built!
