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Recap / Martha Speaks S 4 E 1 Cora Cora Cora

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Helen is waiting at the window for her parents' actress friend Kit to come over. This makes Martha and Skits happy, since Kit has a dog named Cora who they're friends with. Kit arrives and is tackled by the dogs, who are shocked to learn that Cora isn't with her (she's at Kit's sister's house). It turns out that it's because the director for the show Kit is starring in doesn't like dogs. Martha is sure he'd change his mind if he met Cora, but Kit reveals that he has, and he yelled at Kit to take her away. Kit is sad, since she has no time to visit Cora, but Daniel and Helen think of a way to cheer her up.

On the day of the show, Martha sneaks backstage and allows Kit to hug her through the window. The show starts, which is about Ancient Egypt, but Kit (who's playing Cleopatra) doesn't enter when she's meant to because she's distracted showing photos on her tablet to Martha. Another actor goes to fetch her, but Eric messes up his lines.

The man brings Cleopatra onstage, but Eric nudges the other man, who runs and knocks over Kit, then sends an amphora of wine flying, which knocks a pillar over, then the man who dropped the amphora crashes into another pillar, knocking it over, then both pillars land on Eric.

After the failed show, both Martha and the guy feel they're to blame — the guy for messing up and Martha for distracting Kit. The guy, who reveals that he wants Kit to notice him, introduces himself as Ham, and then Martha gets an idea for how to set things right — drive to Kit's sister's house and retrieve Cora. Ham doesn't have a car, but Martha says she can get them one.

That evening, when another show is scheduled, Martha phones Danny and says she's "planning a surprise for Kit". Meanwhile, Martha and Ham (whose real name is Hamilton) are driving in a woman's borrowed, shoe-shaped car. Ham reveals that he wants to start a business making vocabulary calendars.

Then, Helen comes up with an idea of her own — bring Cora to the Lorraine house and have Kit stay with the Lorraines. However, Mariella has the car, and Danny promised a pizza man to make a delivery (in a pizza-themed car). Helen then decides to have Kit order a pizza to her sister's house, that way, he'd have to deliver it there, and he can bring Kit and the pizza to Cora.

Martha and Ham retrieve Cora, and shortly after, Helen, Danny, and Kit arrive at Kit's sister's house. Kit asks her neighbour Pete if he's seen Cora, and he tells her what happened, but he's mistaken Ham for a woman in a white dress, and he describes the car as a "big boot". He points them in the direction the "boot" went, and Helen, Danny, and Kit drive off. However, Ham pulls over when Cora needs a "rest stop" (presumably to pee). Then, Martha and Ham lose Cora, and she gets taken away by a circus performer (since he has many dogs that look like her and thinks she's one of them).

Helen, Danny, and Kit see the "boot" car on the side of the road and Danny pulls up next to it. Kit picks up one of the circus dogs, thinks it's Cora, and takes it with her. Then, Ham finds another circus dog and thinks this is Cora, and he and Martha drive off with it. While the circus guy has the dogs walk on a tightrope but Cora is afraid to, the two cars drive off with the two dogs.

This episode provides examples of

  • Baby Talk: Kit calls herself "Mommy" to Cora.
  • Comically Missing the Point: Kit asks for specifications for the pizza even though she has no intention of eating it.
  • Cool Teacher: Discussed when Eric says that an example of admiration is students admiring a teacher.
  • Crush Blush: Ham blushes when Martha points out that he has an ambition to get Kit to notice him.
  • The Dandy: Eric critiques various bathrobes, saying one looks itchy and another doesn't show enough leg.
  • Delayed Reaction: It takes Ham a few moments to realise that Martha is a talking dog.
  • The Dinnermobile: Danny borrows a pizza-shaped pizza delivery car.
  • Dramatic Irony: Martha says, "For a minute there, I thought we lost Cora, but everything's okay now," then Kit tells the dog she thinks is Cora that she'll never let her out of her sight again, even though the audience knows Cora is at the circus.
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: Due to Ham wearing a toga and having a bowl cut, Pete mistakes him for a woman.
  • Facepalm: Eric facepalms when Ham tries to incorporate fetching Kit/Cleopatra into the play.
  • Flashback: We see how Eric met Cora and didn't like her.
  • French Jerk: Implied when Eric, who's stuck-up, demanding, and hates dogs, uses the word "moi".
  • Fuzz Therapy: Martha has Kit pat her to cheer her up, since Kit misses her own dog Cora.
  • Gratuitous French: Eric says, "The way they all feel about moi" when defining "admire".
  • Happy Dance: Martha dances excitedly upon learning that Cora is coming.
  • In-Series Nickname: Hamilton is better known as Ham.
  • Loophole Abuse: Dogs aren't allowed in the theatre, so Martha sits at the window to be hugged by Kit.
  • Mistaken Identity: The circus guy mistakes Cora for one of his dogs, then Kit mistakes one of the circus dogs for Cora, then Ham mistakes another circus dog for Cora.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: When the play fails, Cam and Martha feel very guilty for messing up and distracting Kit respectively.
  • No Animals Allowed: Eric disallows dogs in theatres.
  • Ow, My Body Part!:
    • When Eric falls out of his chair, he says, "Ow, my sweet patella!" note 
    • He says it again when the pillars fall on him.
  • Potty Dance: Implied when Cora squirms in place and Martha says she "needs a rest stop".
  • The Pratfall: Kit accidentally gets knocked onto her rear end onstage.
  • Remember the New Guy?: Kit and Cora are apparently old friends of the Lorraines, but this is their first appearance.
  • Slapstick:
    • Martha and Skits knock Kit over.
    • When Eric is surprised upon meeting Kit, he falls out of his chair.
    • Ham knocks over Kit, drops an amphora, and bumps into a pillar.
  • Throw It In!: In-Universe — when Ham has to fetch Kit from her dressing room, he adds it into the play as the servant fetching the Queen.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Cora is afraid to walk the tightrope.
  • You Can Talk?: Played with — Ham is shocked at Martha's ability to talk, but has a Delayed Reaction at first.
    Ham: "You're talking to me?! You talk?!".
